1 year, 1 month ago
1 year, 1 month ago
1 491

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

A recording I sent Ty and Sela while I was off on tour and recording music

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Recorded Letter

Recorded on a computer camera. She looks happy, healthy, maybe a little tired but it looks like she's found where she belongs. The desk she's sitting at is a mess with scattered papers, sticky notes and receipts with lyrics written on them.

"Hey Ty! Hello my beautiful baby girl! I know I've been gone and out of touch for a really long time, but I'm finally coming for a visit! I've got presents for you Sela. I know that doesn't make up for mommy being gone, but we can talk all about it when I come to see you. Don't think mommy has stopped caring about you, I think about you every single day I'm making music. You're my inspiration sweetie and I love you so much!

Ty, I thought I'd give you a little heads up before visiting since I'm sure an unexpected appearance by me might throw your life outta whack. We can talk more about this when I get there, if you want, but I wanted to let you know you were completely right. After accepting my father's power and becoming full demon, I have no clue what the true feeling of love is. It's near impossible for me to feel it, or even understand it. It's not completely as I do love our daughter, but damn close. Before, I thought I knew what it was because I was still part human. I did love you at one point, but with no real conscious I no longer know what it's like. Seeing you again after so long, I got swept up in the emotions but it wasn't until I was finally gone and doing my own thing that I realized - I didn't feel a damn thing. The day I cheated on you, I realized, I wasn't even thinking about you at the time. My thought process was about getting me what I wanted; just like a demon would do. Am I excusing myself? No. Given the situation, it was wrong, but what I'm trying to say is that...I just didn't care. My primal, demonic need for selfish destruction took over and I just went with it.


You were right, I didn't know what I wanted or how I truly felt. Coming back home and pursuing my calling as a musician, I know all of that now. Maybe...-I dunno, someday, I can find someone that I feel those feelings for again but now certainly isn't that time. However, drawing on the pain and euphoria of the feelings I do remember between us, has made my music a hit! For the love and acceptance you showed me, I can't thank you enough for helping me grow. I do still love you, just not to the extent I thought I did. You will always be my family and I will always be here if you need me. But! That's about it - I'll see you guys soon!"