Evening midnight

1 year, 1 month ago

Inspired off a quote which I found quite fitting for Sol and Eclipse. I decided to write up an old scene that would lead to Sol saying a similar sentence to her.

“If I were to kiss you then go to hell, I would. So then I can brag with the devils that I saw heaven without ever entering it.” - William Shakespeare

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The ball of winter solstice, what a waste of my time. Formal event this, formal event that; it's always the same drift isn't it. Having to keep up appearances with the other guilds, the orders and the rich folks - can't step out of line so you have to dress up and play the part just like everyone else.

Oh how I loathe these forced games of play pretend, reminders of a past I do not wish to be apart of anymore -- I normally try to skip out on these events but after my last failed stunt I owed Nahema one for sure, so here I was: All dressed up and pretty for a bunch of people I could not give a damn about, following my guild leader and her whims; a lost duckling nodding and smiling along like everything is fine. She had a habit of getting a bit too inebriated during these events and of course - as rookie of the group - the dirty jobs all fell on me.

One drink, two, three.. then four and so on, you stop counting after awhile. She was my superior so it's not like I had any authority to stop her, my job was mainly to make sure Nahema didn't.. embarass herself too much -- or set anything on fire accidentally, drunken dragonborns could sometimes be quite unpredictable. Never had I considered this would backfire so fast. 

I stood back and watched, keeping an eye on things as she spoke with a group of fancy looking elves, the hosts of this event in this particular instance. Everything seemed to be going well... up until the point Nahema turned and pointed directly at me with an amused grin. In her tipsy state of mind, she had decided it would be quite entertaining to push me to the spotlight. Signalling me to walk over I obliged, giving the hosts a polite greeting - the tallest of the two introduced himself in return and explained to me what had just been told to my superior. As it turned out, the bard guild hadn't been able to make it to the event and the troupes who were invited to perform weren't able to make it because of it.

I froze and nervously coiled my tail around my leg, worried of what Nahema had potentially just suggested whilst the tall elf kept talking, confirming the worse. They wanted me to perform in the missing group's place - not a full show they assured me, but perhaps a song or two to set some music in place while the person sent out to hire some backup came back. He also assured we would be heavily compensated for our help and time. Since my guild leader had already offered for me, I was under technical obligation to follow orders -- Otherwise it was the entire thieve's guild taking the blame for not helping when given the chance to.

Giving a meek half convincing smile I accepted, reluctantly following along to a small stage at the back of the ballroom and walking to the backstage area. Reminiscent of older days where I would have to do the same for banquets during family celebrations around the same time.. Might as well put on a similar show, just get it over with, it's not that hard. Yet even telling myself that I could sense my hands growing unsteady. 

Nahema had left to fetch a violin from... somewhere, and came back shoving it in my hands - not a clue what that woman was up to most times but figure it was best to not ask. It wasn't my usual viol but it would have to work considering the former was left far behind at the guild's headquarters. Thankfully the two instruments worked practically the same, one just gave the pitch a higher melody so I would have to play at lower notes than my usual to get the right tunes... Not that it mattered much when put on the spot like this - this was mostly improvised, didn't exactly have any sheets with me to follow. She then gave me some encouragements before running back to the front to join the rest of the festivities. I could play it safe and just play what I was taught to play for our old celebrations... but I wouldn't even give mother that unknown satisfaction of using her perfectly scripted songs - might as well twist it to something of my own. With a deep sigh to calm my nerves I readied on stage.

The lights dimmed as the curtains were pulled, face to face with the large crowd for a brief moment before the spotlight ahead was set on my figure - blinding part of my view on the people ahead as my eyes were forced to adjust. I froze, awkward silence and whispers filled the room for a few minutes until the shouts of encouragement from my guildmates rose from the crowd - familiar voices helping me reground myself. I gave the crowd a small bow of apology giving me the few seconds I needed to set a spell on the violin to boost it's volume throughout the whole room and then I started playing. 

Focusing wholly on the song, forgetting the people, forgetting the stares, just playing to my hearts content -- and that I did, getting lost in the now twisted melody that plagued my past I turned it to something else, something of my own. I was no longer mother's pretty little puppet being strung along, I was free to do as I please. Following up with another song, switching seamlessly - not allowing myself to think for even a moment, otherwise knowing I would by stopped by my own mind faltering. Just one continuous melody until everything was over, keep it steady practicing like I was alone.

Thankfully noticing the now approaching group off to the side of the stage - standing out compared to the rest of the guests - heading behind as I let this waltz fall to an end. As the final note rang and the curtain fell I overheard the applause briefly before being overwhelmed with discomfort and walking back behind the scene in a rush. Using the new troupe busying to set up as a distraction I dodged Nahema and slipped back into the crowd drawing as little attention to myself as I could. The last thing I wanted to become was the center of attention for the crowd's praises and my mentor's showpiece.

Reaching one of the balconies overlooking the snowy gardens I climbed the edge and sat down with my tail around myself, taking deep breaths to calm myself. Quickly catching cold but refusing to go back inside I sat there shivering for awhile until I suddenly felt a blanket of sorts being set on my shoulders as someone spoke from behind me. "Would be a shame for a fine lady as yourself to catch a cold in this weather wouldn't it?" - with a slight jump I turned around to meet the tall figure behind me half startled and half confused. 

Being met with nothing but silence he rose his hands slightly, showing he meant no harm before speaking up once more. "Apologies for the scare, I did not mean to intrude your moment of peace - if you wish to remain in your silence that is fine, but do you perhaps have room for two?" His voice was soft-spoken for someone of his stature, if I hadn't been sitting up on an elevated surface he would've most likely been looming over me -- not wanting to be rude I answered trying to keep my tone light-hearted, pulling what I realized was just an oversized cape closer over me to try and keep warm. "I-It's no trouble, I was just in my own head and didn't hear you walk up. Thank you for this.. I.. don't do well with cold but it was a better option than being overwhelmed by the crowd."

He gave a nod, walking up to the side of the balcony next to me and leaning forward on it looking ahead. "These types of parties are not for everyone, no blame there - However couldn't help but notice your distress running off over here, offering some company for the mind if you allow it." Turning to me with a smile I suddenly recognized the figure as my expression quickly switched to fear -- it had taken me a moment but now that he was closer I could tell a lot more easily. Tensing up but having nowhere to run I could only stare in disbelief as the words left my mouth almost on their own. "You're the paladin from the vault..."

He met my expression with an awkward turn away as he fixed his gaze back ahead to the gardens. "Mayhaps I am, but I wish you no harm - I can assure you no one knows of the incident and I do not plan to tell. My motives for being here are not related, so please, you have no reason to fear anything. You have my word."

Despite my inability to tell whether or not those words were lies, I calmed down for the time being. Staying alert to anything sudden as I shifted my sights ahead, silently fidgeting with the bracelets on my wrist. "Alright... I apologize for my reaction, but for all I know I'm about to be arrested - how can I be sure this isn't a trick.. I don't mean to seem paranoid but this is quite the predicament for me." 

After a bit of consideration on his part he spoke, staying strangely calm about it. "I can at least assure you that my order has not heard a word of this, otherwise there would be more than just me looking for you. As for my own reasonings.. well I could say that you caught my interest and I got intrigued about knowing more about you. Not wanting to raise a fuss amongst my ranks however I've been biding my time trying to look around on my own but I am far from being a private investigator," he chuckled lightly before continuing, "so that didn't get me very far.. but then I saw you on that stage and... couldn't take my eyes off of you. Simple as that." 

I didn't even know what to make of that, as far as I could tell his words were genuine - and he had a point with others knowing it would have been quick for wanted posters to be spread around considering how clearly he had seen me that day, how careless of me. Laughing softly and shaking my head before looking up at the starlit sky, letting go of some of the tension on myself. "Guess it's also true that if your goal was to arrest me it would have been easier to do so when I was unaware of your presence so I guess I'll trust you for now.. but may I at least know who I'm speaking to?"

His smile picked back up slightly as he answered, "The name's Sol, nothing fancy - dare I ask for yours at the risk of getting no answers?"

I gave a playful smile back lowering my gaze back down and unwrapping my tail from around myself as I stood up on the edge, keeping it loose to balance myself. We could hear the music from the band picking back up finally and with an exaggerated bow and a joking note to my tone I answered his query. "I am Eclipse, but my colleagues often refer to me as Lunar Eclipse, wandering shadow of the Thieve's guild - at your service." 

Responding to my charades with a hearty laugh he straightened back up from the edge before extending his hand to me, "Well Eclipse, may I bother your late evening with a dance? If you are feeling up to getting back in there that is," keeping his hand out waiting to see if I would take the offer or not.

After a quick pause to think, I jumped down from the side back onto the balcony with ease seemingly refusing the offered hand with a slight grin as I walked back towards the door leading inside, briefly seeing a glint of disappointment in his eye as I walked past him -- but reaching the door I'd turn back to him with an amused smirk. "Well are you coming or not big guy? Thought you wanted to dance, no? I'm not too keen on going back to babysitting my boss - so I don't mind spending the rest of the night with you if you wish to 'know more' as you said." 

Perking back up almost immediately, with a wide smile on his face, he quickly caught back up to pace as we headed back inside - forgetting about the cape that was now dragging on the floor due to my smaller frame all it took was one wrong step getting tangled in my feet and I felt myself lose balance about to hit the ground -- but instead I found myself face to face with Sol who had quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me back up, holding me steady. "Are you alright?" He questioned slowly letting me go. 

With a slight stutter and somewhat red in embarrassement I could only nod lightly for a moment, looking away. "Yeah, forgot that was there, thanks for the quick thinking though," I paused, before taking the cape off my shoulders and handing it back to him. "Suppose I should give it back before it happens again though, thank you again for lending it while we were out though."

He took it gently off my hands before tying it back on himself, no longer dragging on the ground in anyone's way. "You're welcome, happy to be able to offer help when needed, now," he extended his hand to me once more, "are you going to snob me on it twice or are you coming along?" This time he held the smirk proud in his tone, suppose that deserved karma for earlier.

With a grin of my own however I couldn't help but rebuke before taking his hand. "Don't tempt me or I just might. Would be a shame to give me ideas now." Which was simply replied to with a slight chuckle before he pulled me to the dance floor, joining in the waltz that was already ongoing. Following along he was surprisingly keeping pace even with me being light-footed as I was, almost unexpected for someone of his build, didn't often get to dance like this.. it was nice for a change.

We danced as such for hours into the night - laughing and talking all the while. I certainly enjoyed having something outside of the usual formalities to do, actually loosening up for once. Eventually taking a break to grab some food and drinks, we left the loud buzzing rooms to rest in another part of the venue that would be quieter - while also avoiding having to go to the balconies as the night had only gotten colder outside. 

After resting up I considered heading back out but overhearing a loud familiar draconic roar I figured I was best off staying out of that. If Nahema was reaching the point she would need to be dragged back out to the inn we were located at, I had little interest in being part of that after what she forced me into earlier - we were plenty even at this point. Lost in my thoughts I eventually got snapped back to it by Sol trying to catch my attention, "There you are, back to the living realm finally?" He threw it jokingly, but seeing it didn't catch a laugh would follow up with concern. "Something the matter? You seemed pretty out of it for a moment."

I sighed looking back over to the direction the noise was coming from and picked back up a smile scratching the back of my head, "Nothing major, ain't a worry. Just heard something that reminded me of what happened earlier is all.. not fond of being the center of attention in such a context." 

He leaned back on the chair after setting his plate down on a small table. "I see... I take it you did not exactly volunteer to play then." I shook my head as answer, remaining quiet. "You do have talent and that is nothing to be ashamed of, you play as beautifully as you are - but there is equally nothing shameful about not wanting the spotlight. Either way, you should be proud of yourself for it, braving your fears as such - that required strength." He offered a reassuring smile as I felt my cheeks flush up ever so slightly at his words.

I remained quiet for a awhile before laughing softly, as the chaos from before dulled out and the music picked back up at a more restful rhythm. "Consider my interest piqued after all then, perhaps I would like to learn more as well.." I stood up, stepping away from the table and chairs before turning to him and offering my hand, "would you care for one last dance before the night ends?" 

Standing up and walking up to me as he gently took hold of my hand - pulling me closer into a slow dance hold as he answered with a soft smile, "It would be a pleasure." Holding the pace of the faint music coming from the ballroom we stayed were we stood, dancing alone in an empty room -- and as the music fell to an eventual hush we stayed in eachother's arms falling to a standstill. 

I don't know why but I couldn't get myself to move away, gently coiling my tail around his leg - not tightly enough that he couldn't pull away if he so wished, just a nervous habit of mine. Staying as I did he didn't try moving away either, mutual shy stares without a word spoken. He eventually broke the silence, speaking up in a hushed tone raising one of his hands to my cheek. "I know I shouldn't be thinking this for my order's sake but I couldn't care any less - even if I was told that a kiss from you would send me to hell, I would still do it. Because then I'd be able to brag with the devils that I saw heaven without ever entering it."

I could only stare at him wide eyed as my cheeks burned red up to the top of my ears, not a single coherent word being made as I stuttered embarrassingly. He chuckled softly at my display before leaning closer and asking two simple words; "May I?" 

Feeling my heart skip a beat I could only give a shy nod as I leaned in as well, the gentle press of his lips against mine as he held me close still holding my cheek softly. Losing track of time I could not even tell whether or not this lasted a second or an hour before we let go slowly, both of our faces flustered in a slight blush as we stood there. 

Composing myself after a moment that felt like forever, I embarassingly spoke up. "Well, I've got a hunch that my guild leader got dragged out earlier, crew is probably heading back as well so.. I'd best be going before they look for me," I turned back, hesitantly pulling away to leave and turning back to him as I reached the door. "...Hey Sol? Do you, uh - Well, ya know, keep in touch and all? I'd.. like to get to know you as well." I gave a shy smile as he answered with a nod and a chuckle. "You already know where to find me don't you? Can't imagine that's going to be a problem for you."

Couldn't help but laugh back at that, "Guess that's true. In that case, have a goodnight Sol." A slight pause before adding, "I'll see you later."

As I walked off to catch up with my group I couldn't quite catch his last sentence as I was already lost in thoughts, flustered by what had just happened.