Lady's Water Magic Class: Conjure Water

1 year, 1 month ago

Lady learns the Conjure Water magic spell.

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Lady watched as the water they were pulling from the air swirled above her group. It was almost hypnotizing to watch. If only performing this spell weren’t so exhausting to do. “Okay, let’s get it in.”

Lady gripped her Foci tightly and, along with her teammates Bell and Tenko, gently guided the stream of water into the makeshift lake below them. Even the large amount of water they had conjured barely filled it up.

Lady sighed as the magic miasma around her paws started to dissipate. How much longer would they have to do this for?

“Getting tired?” Bell asked.

As soon as it was made clear that working in a group would be your best bet for this task, Lady had quickly sought out two of the members from last week’s group. It definitely wasn’t because she actually kind of liked working with them, as she would argue. They were simply familiar to her, that was all.

But working with them did make the job a little bit easier.

She turned towards the large Folk. “I’m getting bored,” Lady answered dryly. She was quite tired but she wasn’t about to admit it to her teammates. She gestured towards the lake. “It’s like, no matter how much water we put in this thing it just doesn’t fill up.”

“Angus did say this was going to take all day,” Tenko said. There was a hint of exhaustion to his voice. His Blight was starting to take its toll on him.

“If no one needs a break then we should continue,” Bell interrupted. “I don’t know about you two, but I would rather not get an earful from Angus if this thing doesn’t get filled before the end of the day.”

Lady and Tenko murmured out their agreements. “That old man can really yell when he’s angry,” Lady said.

The black miasma once again gathered around Lady’s paws. She held the Foci up as she willed her magic to pull water from the humid air. Her teammates did the same and soon enough, another stream of water swirled above them. With a wave of their paws, they forced the water into the lake.

“Everyone doing okay?” Bell asked, turning her head slightly towards Tenko as she spoke. It made sense she was a little more concerned about him as she also had a Blight.

“I’m good,” he answered, face scrunched up as he focused on the stream.


“I’m fine,” she answered. She could feel a slight headache beginning to form, just like what happened last week, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle.

They kept their magic usage steady, pulling the water from the air with help from their Foci and guiding it immediately into the lake using their free paws. After a few minutes, however, Tenko finally said “I need to stop.”

“Got it,” Bell said, dispelling her magic.

Lady did the same, magic miasma disappearing into thin air. The water that was still hanging in the air above them hit the ground with a loud slap.

Tenko staggered over to a large rock and plopped down. “Sorry you two,” he said. “Felt like I was going to pass out if I kept going.” “Don’t push yourself so hard,” Bell scolded lightly. She settled down on the ground next to Tenko. “Angus wouldn’t be too happy about that.”

“What did he say?” Lady started, crossing her arms. “Unconscious Folk are wasting the Jarls’ time?”

“It was a lot louder and angrier sounding but yeah,” Bell said.

Tenko shuddered. “Yeah let’s… not make him too angry.” He patted the empty spot next to him. “Are you going to take a break too, Lady?”

She shook her head. “I feel perfectly fine,” she lied. “I can keep going.”

Bell narrowed her eyes. “You better not push yourself too hard either. Angus said this would tire you out quickly without help.”

Lady waved her paw. “I’ll be fine,” she insisted. “I’ll take it slow.”

She took a deep breath and focused her magic yet again. Her head started to pound worse but she ignored it. She could do this, it would be fine.

Without the help of her teammates, however, Lady strained to get a steady stream of water formed. At most, she managed a few scattered globs she was able to drop into the lake. They barely made a splash as they hit the water.

Lady groaned and placed her paws on her temples. Her headache was pounding now.

“What did I say about not pushing yourself!” Bell scolded.

“I’m fine!” Lady replied curtly, paws dropping to her sides. “Just needed to gather my thoughts.”

“Please, you’re starting to overwork yourself. Again.”

“She’s right,” Tenko said. “Just sit down for a few minutes and rest. Unconscious Folk wasting the Jarl’s time, remember?”

Lady snorted. “Alright, fine. If only because I don’t want that old bag yelling at him.” She plopped down next to Tenko. “It would be too tempting to yell back at him,” she continued through gritted teeth.

“It would be entertaining to watch at least,” Bell said.

The three Folk chatted for the next few minutes while they rested their bodies. Finally, Tenko stood up and stretched.

“I’m feeling much better,” he said. “How about you two?”

“Feeling much better,” Bell said as she stood back up.

“Same,” Lady replied. “Let’s get this over with.”