Monthly Trivia

1 year, 10 days ago
1 month, 14 days ago
11 1936

Entry 7
Published 6 months, 13 days ago

"Have you been thinking about building your characters? Here you can do just that and earn a little bonus in this monthly activity!

Every month, a set of questions will be posted that you can answer for your Sealomimi (3rd person) or in-character (like roleplay!) as your Sealomimi."

Making this literature for record keeping lore. Answers will be answered IN CHARACTER first person as Harper.

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  • Question [1]: Does your Sealomimi have any combat experience? Any favored weapons or tools of choice? Optionally, (or just if they don't have any combat skill,) do they have any other way to safely squirm out of a fight (eg, friend protects them, can magically teleport, etc)?
  • Question [2]: A friend of your Sealomimi visits their room... What's the state of their living space like? Neat and organized? Messy with piles of laundry and fishing nets everywhere? Obviously tidied up just 5 minutes before their friend arrived?
  • Question [3]: What's your Sealomimi's favored method of transportation? The world of Seals put in a lot of investment in their public transportation. Walking, bicycles, trains, buses, boats, etc?


  • Answer [1]: It is best to avoid conflict if one can. In the wild there are many creatures that can harm someone, and the best thing to do is leave it alone. I have my claws and my teeth but I would hesitate to use them except in extreme self-defense.
  • Answer [2]: I do not have a room, really. I have my belongings that I keep with me, and I keep them relatively well organized in each assigned pocket. It would be troublesome if I could not find the things I own, especially with how little I carry with me to begin with.
  • Answer [3]: Walking, swimming. Traveling with one's two legs is always better in order to take in the environment. I do hitchhike and take public transportation to get across larger and vaster distances, but there is something charming about being able to get somewhere by oneself.