
1 year, 1 month ago

Four is a dick and Lilly is sad (horse man au)

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'god fucking damnit' was the first thing that came to Lilly's mind as she exited the ring. it wasnt...the worst ride she had ever had, her horse blowing up in the corner and almost throwing her off cost her the cut sure, but, it definatly wasnt the worst, that was what she thought at least until four walked past her on his blue roan half arab mare that was, she'll admit, gorgeous, with a ribbon that showed he had made the cut. she internally seethed, she was never competitive, not even when her old now not friends where in her class with her. but it wasnt until the snyd's came onto the scene through wendy potts as their trainer it was...immidiately different. four was the prodigy child that supposedly picked up riding as a casual sport, and he now owned a couple national champion hunter horses and she couldnt help but feel both bitter and a little jealous. as he glanced over to her smirking slightly, oh great he was amused. she'd never hear the end of it, hearing wendy congratulate him on the side lines. he thanked her before speaking "i thought the mild tantrum in the corner looked familiar, i didnt think it was you though allred until i got close" Lilly just let out a breath trying not to grumble somthing pointed under her breath smiling as gently as she could muster "yeah..heh...just a bad day for stickers i suppose.." four hummed "it happens, best get your A game under your belt for nationals. otherwise you might beed a replacement" he smirked a bit more before riding off to the side  over to wendy as Lilly internally debated death and bloodshed riding off the oppisite way to get off. only being brought out of her thoughts via her mom who patted her thigh "easy, he's just trying to get under your skin" she lets out a heavy breath "i know...i dont think he can help being a dick sometimes."

she hopped off casually taking off her helmet to let her head come back from its mild numbness. letting their groom lead stickers off as another did up his tail and put a cooler on him as he walked. "really besides the blow up it was actually really good. you had a shot until then" her mother spoke gently to try and ease up her stress on doing well as she sighed quietly "well, fuck at least i did somthing right-" she was then cut off and a hand clapped on her shoulder nearly spooking the everloving shit out of her. looking over to the man as it was victor snyd himself. she just tried not to immidiately grimance "mr snyd can we help you?" her mother responded in a bit of a more dry tone as victor looked to her "heh, no no my dear, i was just going to complement your daughters skill, she truely has a gift." he smiled but it felt off in a way Lilly couldnt put a finger on it four was behind him as he huffed with a hesitant "victor, we need to go." victor looked over to him smiling a bit more, Lillly squinting up at him to try and figure out what the fuck he was on about "give me a moment m' boy. you need to complement the competition for proper sportsmanship you know" victors smile just turned to one that seemed sadistic as Lilly made eyecontact with four just having a mild staring contest of reading

looks between the both of them, she only got one of warning in return. she then pulled victors hand off of her shoulder stepping away looking to victor again "mr snyd that...that really isnt nessisary, encoraged, sure but not-" victor then looked to her again "then he should do so, as his dad im inclinded to push him in the right direction, especially for his newfound sport infatuation. id rather him be kind to his competitors, especially as he is a bit of a rookie compared to you." victor then looked to four sweetly as four looked like he wanted to shoot himself on the spot "go on m' boy, be polite" four let out a heavy sigh making eyecontact with Lilly again as she just waited, wondering what he could possibly say to even try and lower the tension that had now built up heavily over the last 5 minutes of conversation. as he sighed before speaking carefully "" he struggled a bit before pointing at her sharply "YOU RIDE...FINE."

Lilly just had to pause, and stare at him for a full silent minute before sighing heavily loosing any hope in this bastard to lower himself to her level for one minute "my god was that really your best try?" victor just facepalmed pinching the bridge of his nose as that seemed to not be the answer he was after either. four just threw his hands up in the air "WELL I DONT FUCKING KNOW, YOU TELL ME. WAS IT GOOD OR NOT?" Lilly just rubbed her face with both hands "not...definatly not" her mother tried not to outright laugh at her blunt response as four groaned in agony, well at least Lilly knew how he really felt about her existance, victor then grabbed the back of his show coat starting to walk away mumbling to four who just started to bicker back at him. "well that was...certainly a conversation" her mother just sighed "...your right, i dont think that boy has ever socialized in his life" "MOM." "what?? honey im serious, he had no idea what to do" Lilly just sighed in response looking back to the two retreating men, catching four's gaze in a slight glance before he quickly looked away. she turned on her heel "...lets just...head back. please?" her mom blinked slowly before nodding in both understanding and cooperation as she started to walk, Lilly following as she sighed. she couldnt wait to get to the hotel room that night.

she wanted to snap a neck, maybe multiple if the oppertunity arised. she couldnt take four's behavior any longer and it was starting to wear thin, maybe by a single thread at that point. two months ago victor snyd had managed to crack a deal with her mother to be four's trainer, why he decided to leave wendy she'd never know. but she wanted to strangle him already that morning. it was too early for this shit, four next to her in the second cross tie with his second horse, the grey almost perfectly white gelding. he had been mildly musing her with how his training was going, much to her displeasure as she didnt feel the mental strength against him that she had with him last year at scottsdale. granted that was a year ago and her hate and rivalry had only grown with that time, it didnt help when her ex childhood friend had mused casually that 'he did have a steadier head for riding' that it only got worse, but now she had to suffer with his existance almost every day and, today, she was ready to burst. "granted i think you'd benifit from a harsh training session. all things considered, i would know. it helped me a lot" she just tried not to rip the knot that had formed in one of mer moms clients horses mane as she brushed it carefully with a shaking hand, somehow keeping the focus of not accidentally ripping the horses mane out in the fray of her anger. before just muttering under her breath "yeah you would know you technical freak" it was then she paused fully as, four whipped around now very pissed off looking "what was that?" she was a lot less confident in her murder spree now but apparently her blood river wasnt helping her anger. as she looked to him, now calm and serene....ish. "you heard me, all you think about are the numbers and weather you'll win or not. so, technical freak. youve probably memorized the entire rulebook by now as well" four just stared at her

"im going to give you five seconds to take those words back. i was trying to be nice" Lilly just huffed exasperated as she finally got the knot out of the horses mane who just huffed as well at not being given the full attention. "you really need to read a book on how to communicate with people instead of saying things and plastering them as 'im being nice' when its rude and it feels as if you know its rude!!" four just sneered rasing an eyebrow in contempt "how is saying you need a good harsh training session rude??" she then just teared up immidiately not being able to contain her emotions anymore  "BECAUSE IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE IM A PIECE OF SHIT AND I WAS NEVER GOOD IN THE FIRST PLACE" four blinked his anger diminishing by a lot. Lilly's mom rounding the corner as she just started to shake in place starting to cry. "honey what-" she just cut her mother off, setting the brush in her hand as she mildly hurried off to go cool herself off, Boba already tagging along at her heels quickly for moral support as she hurried into the lone office off to the side.

four watched just, mildly stunned still. he made her feel like that?? was his bluntness too much for her? he wondered if she was just fragile before her mom sighed heavily. headitating before looking to him noticing the worry and confusion across his face before he just put a hand over his face. "i never meant to make her cry...i didnt..." her mom just gave him a look of mild sympathy. after what victor told her about what he'd been through, she couldnt help but understand why he was the way he was. just walking up to him and setting a hand on his shoulder "i heard....most of it i think you need to try a different approch" four just paused looking up at her suddenly very scrambled at what she meant before he realized the look he was giving him. she knew, he felt horribly vunreble but, it was almost nice to be seen for once. "how do i do that, i try to exist around her and it seems to just...tick her off even more." she nodded a bit "what you need to understand about her is hurts her when its blunt. constructive critisism is more effective...i..i made a bad descision that caused her to be hurt in the process. especially when she started to handle herself better and work more." four just listened quietly thinking hard. he needed a new angle somehow "what i can suggest is....maybe..just keeping your distance for awhile will help. and not speaking your opinion about her riding ability. thats...thats one of the only things that truely hurts her soul, because in her mind she's always been second place." four just felt worse in that very moment. she had more on her shoulders than he thought. like him, he remembered when his life wasnt just his sport and it was all work.

"theres more to tell but...thats for her to explain when she feels comfortable. but...please..gentleness is the key" the older women then just proceeded to unhook the horse Lilly was initally grooming from the crossties, clipping the leadrope to the bottom ring and walking off with the horse casually back to their stall. four thought on it for a bit longer before he started making his way over the office Lilly had gone into, for once he knew what he hand to do.