Four on Ice

1 year, 1 month ago

Definitely not a Yuri on Ice reference

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Author's Notes

Featuring Lucas who doesn't have a toyhouse yet 

It was, cute. Four hadn't been to a public skating rink since he was young. But he already was enjoying the place a lot. Sure he was a professional skater but it didn't mean he was sona goody two shoes who didn't like the old 80's faded charm it had. Lucas on the other hand looked bored out of his mind. He usually liked their personal quiet rink and he also seemed to miss six's existence around which wasn't suprising. But four couldn't help but find it amusing "you need to lighten up. And actually have fun with your sport. This is good for you lightning rod" lucas just scowled at him particularly at the name "I have a perfect amount of fun when its quiet and not filled with all these kids....screaming" it was then lucas got practically shoved to the side as a group of seemingly five nine year olds rushed past between the two of them as lucas tried not to loose his mind eye twitching. Four just wheezed clapping a hand on his shoulder  kinda grabbing the matching black turtleneck to his own he had on, the only difference really being four's accented blue stripes, starting to drag him along "c'mon you grump. Let's get on the ice so you can cool off" lucas just groaned loudly at the comment. It wasn't hard to get in as four whent to lace up his skates first, lucas commenting how there wasn't enough room for his jumps so he was going to wait, typical. Four didn't really care much though walking up to the entrance of the rink skates on along with his gloves. Though when he looked up he proceeded to fully pause. Usually he wasn't distracted but, he noticed two girls to the side of the rink. One a brunette who looked very spooked and still in her baby deer phase on skates. And another with more dirty blond hair in a ponytail and a soft almost faded pink hoodie who was trying to teach her the best she could though definitely had her balance at least situated. He slid onto the ice casually continuing to watch as the nervous girl soon got her bearings. Though he was paying attention to the girl in the pink hoodie as she congratulated the other one. It was then lucas brought him out of his staring stupor a bit "bud your going to melt the ice before you even start if you go on like this" four glanced over his shoulder at the bastard through the glass who was just grinning with a knowing look. Earning himself a rightful middle finger from four. Before four looked back to the two girls, the one in pink spinning lightly just for fun. Four smirked a bit to himself before just starting to skate casually. Doing his usual warmups. Backwards, forwards, backwards, swaying left to right, The usual. Though it really wasn't until he started practicing his free skate routine did he really start to catch the attention of everyone, including the girl he wanted. Picking up speed and doing a few jumps. A triple lux. A quad and a few more "mediocre" jumps and good footwork. Even going so far as to Make direct eyecontact with the pink hoodied girl and wink before one of his maneuvers. It was a bit much but, he had always been way more overconfident on the ice than on solid ground. At least it made him good for competitions. He took a glance back at the girl who her most likely friend was now aggressively tugging on her arm as the poor girl was there flushed. He couldnt help the thoughts that flooded his mind at her in specific "....heh. adorable" he then skated his way over to lucas who was giving him a look as he grumbled having gotten his skates on already and now at the entrance to the rink "your such a fucking showoff" four just grinned "what can I say? I cant help that I'm good." Lucas rolled his eyes "whatever lover boy. Just dont stare for too long. You might spook her off" it was then fours turn to immidiately become a flustered mess managing out a few curse words but they where lost amongst Lucas's laughter and cocky smile as he skated off. He knew one thing for certain though as he glanced back to the girl, making eyecontact with her again even as she looked away quickly and looked back getting nervous. He was definitely coming back to this rink, weather with lucas being a brat or not.