
1 year, 4 months ago

Four is just a bastard I think

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Lilly had never exactly experienced a protective or, to be more specific, jealous four, nothing close to it really within their....friendship, four usually keeping his distance from the actaul show barn unless he felt like he had to go. but apparently now was one of those times. nationals soon came around though, out of state and well out of his typical rage of usual travel. and somehow four managed to convince her mother to bring him along...truth be told Lilly didnt mind four's existance being there but it was certainly odd for him to be adimant for following along for a two week horse show trip when he was slightly spooked of the horses she'd call babies. but s far the show had been going relitively fine, besides a couple awkward moments between old friends that whernt anymore. everything was going swimmingly. until he showed up. Aiden. he was the son of a different trainer and was stalled next door. having tried to flirt and make his move his own unique way, weather it be mentioning somthing about horses or complementing Lilly's riding. and four was fuming. both Lilly and aiden talking casually near the end of the aisle way mentioning how the show was going so far. meanwhile four just wanted to snap the platnum blonde's neck clean off or stab his chocolate brown eyes to show some level of dominance. but that was just the green eyed monster in him talking, he continued to watch the two unconventionally like a hawk where he was sitting phone in hand only occasionally glancing down to it to look like he wasnt obviously staring at the two of them. though after a moment longer aidens dad called him away as he said goodbye to her grinning. boy wouldnt four give to just make him trip over himself or somthing over his own paddock boots. though Lilly turned away casually humming as she walked away as well, looking as bright and innocent as ever. before she looked to him tilting her head walking over, speaking quietly "four...? are you alright? you seem a bit..off" four just sighed finally looking to his phone fully "im...fine. nevr better" he just grumbled out as Lilly knitted her brows together pursing her lips slightly. after about 5 long seconds of silence he looked up to see her mild pout and just tried not to completely shatter under the look as he sighed heavily "dont worry...ill be...ill be fine i promise" she just huffed. "but..i want you to be fine now...how can i help you feel better because i dont want you feeling bad while we're here" four had an awful idea pop into his head. it wasnt completely awful but it certainly was out of his norm as he shifted his seat slightly looking up at her fully "well. if you want to help there is one thing you can do" she tilted her head "um alright." four just gestured for her to come closer. and once she did, it was very easy to tilt her off ballence and for her to land in his lap sideways as he just smirked very slightly opening his phone again wrapping an arm around her waist to keep her still. she just flushed red trying to not flubber over her words too much but it was quite hard when her crush just pulled her into his lap. "f-four!?" she squeaked out quietly as he hummed "yes?" he then looked fully at her as she bliked seemingly getting her answer to her unsaid question as she hesitantly leaned against him. four never felt more proud and cocky as he did then, secretly hoping aiden would walk back around the corner only for him to see Lilly in his own lap and himself flipping him off. it was a sweet image but really he liked keeping her close as she awkwardly just stayed there without any complaint.