Retro Gaming

1 year, 4 months ago

Vintage vibes I guess

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Normally Lilly wouldnt be watching over her fence on a late Saturday afternoon during the summer. Normally she'd be staying inside reading or drawing and generally staying away from everyone. Even when her father physically once pushed her out onto their front porch to go make some friends or somthing. Y'know. Besides her dnd party who where all hovels anyways. But here she was, watching a boy she had never met once but only vaguely knew from her ap science class last year from school down the road. Supposedly he was a genius though, men as pretty as he was could never be that smart....but that was proven wrong when as he was filling up the decently big pool in the backyard he was holding somthing and supposedly playing a game. Though it wasn't until she heard the noise of the computer game her dad always played on the large computer in his office and mentally paused. There was no way somthing that tiny could play a game like that. But she only got more interested blinking slightly as he seemed to mumble somthing in annoyance as the game made a noise that sounded like he died in it. Before suddenly pausing fully and squinting intently sitting up. As she gulped, maybe she was staring for too long and her fears where soon proven correct. As he turned to look right at her squinting and blinking in mild suprise. Lilly unfortunately let out a spooked tiny squeak and, in her panicked state. Sat down in, a thankfully non flowered part, of her mother's flowerbed that she had been using to carefully prop herself up to the correct height to even look over in the first place hoping to god he wouldn't check the fence. After a moment of complete and almost oddly deafening silence of the tension. A smooth voice cut through it with amused tone "...well I certainly wasn't expecting this today" She blinks and hesitantly looked up to the boy who was giving her a gentle amused smirk as she flushed in embarrassment quickly sitting up and brushing herself off before looking to him managing out a quick "IM SORRY IM NOt A sTaLker I sWeAR" putting her hands up in full surrender. There was another long moment of a pause the two just staring at eachother before the boy let out a wheeze Lilly just flushing even more like a red berry. The boy took a minute to get his laughter under control as Lilly tried to calm herself down from her own anxiety and embarrassment about the probably wasn't the best word blurt in the moment. Scratch that, it was the worst word blurt in the moment. Though as soon as the boy caught his breath he smiled at her "well that was...definitely also unexpected...heh.." she gulped laughing awkwardly "i-im...sorry. I um...word blurt when spooked I uh.." he just hummed "it's fine, I can tell your anxious...though....who are you? I haven't seen you around before" she rubbed the back of her neck "y-you...probably wouldn't know me...I uh...I dont do well with...people? Um...i also dont get out much." He looked her over before nodding "yeah that's fair." She then hesitantly stood and stepped closer to where she was before looking up at him timidly as he just smiled  holding his hand out over the railing "let's start with...not scaring the shit out of eachother...heh... im.." he seems to pause before just speaking again "Devyn." She tilted her head at the name before gently taking his hand "i-im Lilly....Lilly Vega" he then blinks "wait. Ap science last year?" She didn't notice his gentle grip of her hand at all nodding a little "i-im suprised you even remember my existence from anywhere" Deyven seemed to pause his words before just smiling casually "I have a good memory. Funny that even when spacing out I remember the role." She giggled putting a hand to her mouth slightly as he just stared at her intently his smile turning into a bit of a quirky grin before the sudden calling of Deyvens name caught the both of them off guard as Deyven groaned in annoyance "damnit...I'm sorry. I've got to go or else my-.......parental figure" will get pissed." She blinks smiling gently "h-hehe....its...its ok..." he then let go of her hand albeit hesitantly. "I'll see you around. Alright?" She nodded awkwardly not knowing what to say or how to feel to that as he smiled and quickly headed to his own porch heading in the back door. Lilly sighed softly before heading inside her own home, not being able to help the little fluttery feeling in her chest