
1 year, 4 months ago

Four will snatch up that old Automaton immediately thanks

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All Lilly remembered was her waking up in the workshop. Connected to many wires And the wails of her creators victory. He liked her then, showing her all types of kindness she never understood. She was just fully gears and moving parts after all, teaching her how to sew clean cook and all the like. Until he started making more, each improved and better than the others. Stricking it ritch with a man she had never met. Her creator gained a Mansion and wealth of all his dreams. Making more and more interesting inventions each improved for the better, or worse. Lilly never understood anything of this though.having never been able to capture the one perfect thing needed for a true perfect first try, Feeling. And so she was left to be another house servant of the lavish mansion. Only ever seeing the outside world through the windows she cleaned obediently with her now shaking hands, she was in poor condition yes, but she didn't feel pain or sadness for it. She may have looked like a human but wasn't one fully. One day though, two strangers walked in. Two she had never seen before as her creator showed them around the open lounge area sitting on the leather couches. One a tall man with a very dignified look and fine clothes, and probably the brightest green eyes she had ever seen. The boy next to him looked bored and around her age physically anyways, a bit tired too though drastically different. Rounded glasses with an odd light blue tinted to the lenses, and an almost tattered leather jacket that ran down to his thighs that had the sleeves ripped off. Some blue accents on the accentuated collar as well as he had a faded white loose shirt Sleeves rolled up to his elbows as well. Below that where some pants with buckles running along them and boots that have seen better days. His hair was a mess as well though enough to where it actually looked rather flattering, and he seemed to have a fair amount of inventions and gadgets on his hip, along with a gun. The three men where talking casually as Lilly idly sewed up a part of the curtain that had been ripped with her shaking hands that managed to do the work well. She couldnt help be drawn to the boy in blue that seemed to be covered in some sort of dirt or soot, or maybe oil? She didn't know what certain things where used for as that wasn't what she was taught of for her purpose. She could remember her creator having the same style and look from his early days. She kept wondering, not entirely listening to their conversation but internally feeling somthing odd when the boy smiled brightly at somthing brought up. Getting...confused, before it whent away as the boy groaned. The man beside him snickered speaking casually "I apologize for four, he's just itching to get somthing to work on again, it's been about...uh" the now newly named four grumbled out for him "six months" Lilly blinked, not minding the sound of his voice hoping he would talk more, elliot her creator chuckled as one of the other automotauns brought him a new drink "it's fine I dont mind at all. I know the feeling all too well" four just huffed in response, glancing around the room and blinking at Lilly's prescience, Lilly in response making timid eyecontact for a moment before resuming her task, four Having not seen her before and being the curious young man he was. raised an eyebrow looking back to eliot inquisitively "I know this is off topic, but who's that?". Elliot tsk'd as the waitress in the room giggled walking out "my greatest success and failure combined into a broken mess" Lilly just looked away to her stiching again. Not wanting the binding to come loose somehow. As four just looked more confused "what do you mean failure?" Elliot scoffed quietly "she was my first creation, and she lives, sure...but with no feelings to back up the life its practically pointless for her alive. I'm planning on shutting her down and replacing her soon though. It's for the best. With all the repairs she needs soon she'll probably be non functional anyways" Four just, looked mildly flabbergasted at him biting his tongue back on what he was going to snap back with. "...why haven't you tried to fix her" his voice cane out a bit more serious than he would have liked but managed anyways as Elliott sighed "too busy, not enough care to. She was a first invention, afterwards it sparked my empire. And all shes really good for is cleaning and sewing. The basics. It's nothing I need anymore, you catch my drift?" Lilly paused thinking about it, was that really all she was good for? Somthing to be thrown aside? Another strange...feeling. she didn't know what It was. She wanted to but she didn't know. Four spoke up again "you seriously dont feel any ounce of remorse. Or any gratefulness that shes obeyed your every wimb? It's clear you havent made time to serve your most loyal....." he looked to Lilly again who seemed to hesitantly look over as well. Conflicted with somthing and his eyes sparkled in mild wonder that maybe she could feel but just didn't know how, elliot was rendered a bit speechless at his words grumbling under his breath "shes just a machine." Four looked back "and your just her creator" four then stood up looking to the man next to him and smiling innocently "dad?" The man immidiately looked up smiling brightly "yes son?" "Could we possibly bring her home with us? It's clear she isn't exactly wanted" he gave elliot a mild death look before looking back "plus, I think I can fix her up" the man grinned. "done." He then looked at elliot smiling like a kid on Christmas that had gotten exactly what he wanted, "how much for the girl?" Elliot paused, internal moral conflict kinda glancing to Lilly but for once, she wasn't looking to him for some sort of approval and it hurt him, but he tried to brush it off. looking at the man. Squinting before mumbling "....six million." The man with green eyes just smiled casually "really? Well then" he wrote up some sort of paper and handed it to elliot casually who, in response, paled like a sheet of a ghost. Four rolling his eyes before casually walking over to the girl who was blinking up at him rather innocently as he waves with a smile, kneeling to her and speaking casually "hey". from afar she wasn't able to note the visable muscle on him as she blinked, speaking quietly as he sounded different from afar as well "..hi" he smiled at her ,"my names four, what's yours?" Lilly tilted her head to the side "...the...number?" He chuckled in response. "yeah somthin like that" she nods a bit "...Lilly is my name...or what I am called" "that's sweet" the blinks confused on how to respond as he just smiled at her. "whatcha doin there?" Lilly looked back down at the unfinished torn velvet cloth "sewing." Four hummed sitting infront of her "do you like to do it?" She blinks tilting her head again. four trying not to laugh from how cute it was " is like?" "Somthing that brings nice thoughts" four responded as she nodded "i... think I do..." four nodded before suddenly picking her up and standing as she nervously clinged onto him, four noticing her distress speaking softly "its alright love I gotcha" her decent workers dress was a bit poofy but it wasn't too much trouble. Lilly clinging onto him more but nodding a little as four headed down the stairs he came up beforehand. Wanting to trust him as elliot finally broke out of his phase looking more like a scared father as four walked over to the door, the green eyed man standing, thanking the distressed elliot for his time and following four walking out. Lilly was still mildy cuddled up to four, liking the warmth he gave off and the strong hold he had as she smiled a little...feeling...good.