
1 year, 1 month ago

Country Cowboys AU

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The morning started like any usual dusty morning in the town of Thincreek. Wagons and single horses riding into the small place. Women in their groups, men filing into the saloon or to talk about money making and drinking until their in a stupot, it was all the same in the small town....until the snyd family arrived via train. Supposedly they had moved down from up north, a large family of a father and 4 though it was rumored he had more kids than he brought scattered across the country. Victor snyd was a silver tounge indeed. Having already managed to weasel his way up to the sheriff and mayor and become "best friends" though luckily the sheriff was harder to get through and didn't trust the fine suited man at all. Victor and the mayor on the other hand....hit it off very quickly. And soon enough they where meeting for lunch almost every afternoon at the saloon. Though victor was always friendly, talking up a storm with the other residents. And this is how Lilly got caught up in the...almost mess that was the snyd family. Lilly Vega was the daughter of a well respected horse ranch owner, and with her mom, trained the best riding horses in town and was one of the best young riders as well. Though, even with her family's reputation she was never the type of girl to dress up nice to impress a man, she had nice dresses. Just never wore them out of personal comfort and the ability to not be able to work well, her mother bickered about it constantly with her due to it being too "manly" but she couldnt help it, she'd much rather love on a horse with dirty clothes anyways. As such, Her hair was usually tied up in a ponytail with a piece of ribbon and she was Wearing an Older blouse and pants that seemed a bit big but still fit well enough, and maybe a nice pink silk scarf around her neck on her good days. Unfortunately today wasn't her good day. Slightly storming into the saloon to find her father as a boy followed after her. Making shrude comments about her hips and upper half like it was second nature. He was Dangling her hair ribbon in his hand as she whipped around grabbing for it with a bad blush from the comments he had said "damnit Timothy give it back!" Lilly was usually soft spoken but when she wanted to be tough. She was tough as nails, as Timothy grinned pulling it just out of her hand as Lilly glowered at him "aw c'mon you look so pretty with your hair down. It would be a shame if you didn't leave it down for all of us to see." Lilly only glared more. Across the way at a table playing poker was victor, smoking a cigar and playing poker with john Vega. Lillys father, who watched with a sigh as he was delt his cards mumbling a quiet "damn boys" victor hummed quietly glancing over his shoulder at his own son, four, who was watching the interaction between Lilly and Timothy with just as much distaste. Before victor glanced back with an innocent smile "seems tim has a bit of a crush" john sighed picking up his cards "more like a lover's boy. He's picked up every girl in town so far...besides your daughters and...Lilly. I just hoped she wouldnt get the bullshit on her shoulders" victor hummed again glancing to four once more who seemed more on edge.hand that was resting on his cheek and popping it up balling into a slight fist. This was gonna be fun to watch. Timothy hummed sweetly at Lilly innocently "alright. How about this, you give me a kiss and I give you your ribbon back, sound like a fine deal" Lilly huffed quietly "never in a million years will i kiss you Timothy Jones." Tim leaned in close as she glared harshly "your so rude to me Lilly, it's almost like you hate me....c'mon. One little kiss on those pretty lips wont hurt a bit~" she sneered taking a step back. Tim followed getting close again slightly moving to pin her to an empty table. Before the ribbon suddenly got yanked from Tim's hands, and he got a harsh punch to the face. Lilly blinked dumbfoundedly letting her anger go away to look towards the boy infront of her, clean blue clothes with an almost too wealthy feel to them. His hands where gloved fully in black leather and his boots where the same and she couldnt help but blush at his handsomeness and blue eyes. He Looked to Lilly before smiling gently holding out the ribbon to her "your ribbon. Ma'am" she took it gently blushing more "t-thank you..." she spoke quietly and he smiled more as she tied her hair up. tim to the side groaning from the punch he had received and had been mildly thrown out of it. Looked up at the boy with a slightly spooked Expression as the fine coated boy spoke again, voice gentle but serious "why dont you run along. She clearly isnt in the mood for your flirting." Tim scrambled up and whent to speak before John Vega cut him off "DONT YOU START FAWNING OVER MY DAUGHTER TIMOTHY JONES" tim flinched and glared at the two before exiting the saloon quickly. Lilly let out a relived breath glancing over to the two men still at the table. Victor and the rest of the barmen howling with laughter at the fruitless attempt before going back to their own coversation. She looked over to the boy again who was grinning confidently "i..I want to thank you again. Timothy just doesn't know when to quit" he hummed crossing his arms "I saw...he clearly doesn't know how to read someone who is saying no" jazzy nodded casually "...what's your name per chance? I haven't seen you around before." The boy blinked before humming "can I get yours in return?" Lilly blinked and shrugged "I dont see why not.." the boy then smiled brightly. Holding out a hand, resting the other on his hip "four, four snyd. And yours?" She blushes a bit more, internally cursing though wondering how the hell he was related to victor considering they looked nothing alike. "L-Lilly...Lilly Vega" four smiled a bit more at that responding casually "heh... well. I guess I'll see you later miss Vega" four hummed before pulling his hand away. Pushing his longish hair back before turning on his heel. Making his way to the table he was originally sat at. Lilly watching mildly stunned before blushing and kinda talking to her dad through her flustered state, who in turn was mildly trying not to laugh even if he felt a twinge of protectiveness, it wasn't like he trusted the snyd family yet.