
1 year, 26 days ago

how lakeview and xo's proposal went down <3

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its a bit late at night, but here's how xo and lakeview's proposal went down <3 felt like it was the right time for them and my friend suggested this so i have written it down!! love these dorks sm, hope you enjoy<3

Xo remembered the last time his wings ached like this. But it was for a reason much worse. But if he didn’t do what he was going to do right now, it would become the worst mistake he’s ever made and the biggest regret of his life.

I can't lose him, Xo’s desperation sprang through, wincing in agony at the painful and powerful spurts his wings had to propel him forward. His heart was racing violently with the exertion, breathing heavily but refusing to stop as the sunset glowed above him and shone the familiar forests of his home town in front of him. Snow was lining every inch and groove, the winter wonderland sparkling below and making the air much colder and brisk to fly through. Seeing the pines and jagged mountains with a glimpse of the lakes not yet frozen below sent another spurt through him, beating his wings even harder despite the calloused pain and sharp whistles coursing through him again from the cold. I can’t lose him, I can’t. It can’t be too late, can it? I didn’t anger him by leaving, did I? Please tell me it’s not too late.

Xo had left for a few days after Lakeview’s parents had chastised him and berated him for being Lakeview’s partner, the hatred thick in their eyes and the scorn in their curled lips clear when evaluating Xo’s trembling form. Lakeview had yelled at them and banished them out of their cabin, swearing to never come in contact with them again, but the damage had already been done. Xo left with a promise to come back, knowing he meant it and just needed to breathe and recover from their verbal lashings.

But on the hunt for his sister to tell her what happened and to seek out her comfort, he found Elsewhere and Panacea instead in Vale territory for their book’s release. They were still the comfort he needed, saying it was understandable that he needed space to just breathe and get away from the pain he just encountered. Xo bathed in the comfort of his old friend and his writing partner, enjoying the time with them as they wandered the city he used to live in.

But then he saw them dancing in one of the clubs they slipped into and watched from the sidelines, listening to them laugh and talk about their partners. He listened to Elsewhere’s helpless pining for Hau, listened to Panacea’s yearning for Sedona to return but the pride and love clear for her girlfriend’s messenger business starting up. All of their love and affection showed in the curled smiles and glisten of their eyes, and Xo was watching with a smile that suddenly dropped as the sudden emotions gripped him by the shoulders with realizations in that moment.

At that moment, he wanted Lakeview. He wanted to dance with him under those lights, profess all of his love to him, and give him the big dramatic kiss that the romantic novels Xo indulged in promoted. Even though it had been years since he had read that kind of literature, the determination in that moment to live his own fairy tale gripped him in something ironclad and inescapable. He wanted the larger PeakWing to give him that sweet and warm smile like fresh cider, hear his promised whispers of never leaving his side and of how much he loved him in return. He wanted nothing more than to read him books and stay by his side for the rest of his days, growing old with a droning voice the larger PeakWing would still continue to smile at fondly.

And three moons, Xo wanted to marry him. He wanted to marry Lakeview so badly. And he broke down explaining that to the worried faces of Panacea and Elsewhere after they left the club, rushing up in concern but surprise and joy lining their faces when Xo explained his feelings. They woke up with him the next morning, not even hesitating in helping him find a perfect ring for Lakeview. And when he settled on a ring crafted by the finest wood with sapphires and an emerald sculpted in, he bolted back towards home with only a brief goodbye but hearing their shouts of support as he shot into the clouds above.

But considering Xo was almost completely south in the kingdom in Vale, flying all the way back to the eastern corner towards Ridgepool where their cabin was, he was aching and in a lot of pain of varying degrees from physical and emotional tolls. The only thing keeping him going was the death grip on the tiny box in his claws and the ground approaching as he angled downwards towards the thickening trees.

Please still be here, Xo begged as he flapped his wings frantically, a stuttering landing barely acknowledged before his talons tucked the box away and quickly bolted for the cabin on foot the rest of the way due to his wings finally giving out. Everything was muffled and slowed down by the few feet of snow below him, but he struggled through it with heaving breaths billowed out in clouds and desperate sizzling tears in the corners of his eyes. Please be here. Please don’t leave me. Please.

Xo darted around the trees looming in front of him, yelping from a clump of snow thudding beside him from a tree above due to his frantic movements, but kept going as their cabin rose in the distance on the hillside overlooking the lake and main town below. His steps quickened, everything blurring past him in waves of panic and desperation as his brain cried, Lakeview! Lakeview, please! Please be here! Please!

But as he closed in, finally slowing his gait as he reached the front lawn of their lot, he stalled his talons and took heaving breaths while he peered up at the cabin from the first few steps below. It didn’t look touched, the lights inside shut off and darkened beyond the fading light glowing around them. Frost and flakes twinkled around him, the glare from the sun onto the white sheet around him the only light around the cabin.

Xo choked on his own breath, letting out a sickening sob as he hunched over, trying his best to breathe despite the despair bounding through and zapping his bloodstream. He left. He’s gone. Maybe he thought I broke up with him. Maybe he realized his parents were right. I did this all wrong, this is all so- I’m such an idiot. I’m such an idiot, I’m so-

“Xo!” A voice shouted, crystal clear even when his sobs were starting to grow louder.

Xo whipped his head up from where it was bowed to let the tears trickle onto the floor, the hefty shout stirring him up and cutting off his cries. He turned around quickly, blinking rapidly to see an ascending figure coming from the trees beyond slowing down to peer up at him. It took a moment to adjust to the glare and the small bits of snow still falling to the ground from the trees, but a whiplash of shock and relief buzzed through him when familiar red and blue markings shone back at him.

“Lakeview!” Xo cried back, but his voice was hitched and breaking as he scrambled towards him again. The fatigue was wearing him down, dragging him through the snow, but Lakeview’s muscular legs plowed through easily as he banked towards him. There were only a few agonizing heartbeats of the cold air bristling around him, toying with his doubts and fears, before it all fell away with a single whoosh of Lakeview’s wings around him bundling like a furred blanket and trapping him in nothing but warmth and love.

For a moment, none of them spoke as Xo leaned up into him with his talons fastened into Lakeview’s mane, burrowing into the warm fur while Lakeview’s head settled over his head, faint gasps still heard on his head mingled in with an occasional sob. Xo didn’t try to hide his tears, slamming his eyes shut as he pressed himself up as much as he could against his partner. He’s here. He didn’t leave me. He’s here. I can- I can do it. I can ask him.

When they had eventually calmed down enough and caught their breaths, they both tugged back to study the other with surprise and worry at the tears in their eyes. Lakeview leaned close, laughing breathlessly and still hitching on a sob as his snout brushed Xo’s, gasping faintly, “This is- Why are we both crying? What’s going on?”

Xo let out a helpless laugh along with him, burrowing into Lakeview’s chest again as he let out strangled words still mingling with his own loss of breath, “I don’t even know. I’m just- I’m so tired. I flew- I flew so far. From- From Vale.”

“From Vale?” Lakeview withdrew and raised his talons to cup Xo’s cheeks, turquoise eyes widened in concern now as he studied Xo from tail tip to snout now. “What were you doing down there? Are you okay?”

Xo let out a breathless laugh with his scrutiny, one talon coming up to gently rest over one of Lakeview’s wrist as he was finally able to breathe a bit more clearly, nodding and brushing his snout against Lakeview’s again. “I’m okay, don’t worry. I’m okay now.”

Lakeview still had worry in his eyes, but Xo leaned up to kiss his cheek briefly before pulling away, his free talon starting to rove around in his bag that he had. “Now that we’re both okay, however-“

“Wait.” Lakeview flapped his wings briefly, clearing away specks of snow that appeared before shaking himself out, digging into his small travel pack tucked under his wing as well. “Hold on, before we say anything else. I don’t want to say anything else until I do this.”

“But-“ Xo paused, seeing the talons across from his fumbling as his own claws hesitated. He blinked at him in worry, uncertain spikes passing through him even when he fished out the small box and cupped it in his talons. “Wait, Lakeview, I’ve got-“

“No, no,” Lakeview quickly scrambled, something appearing in his claws as well, shaking his head as his eyes flashed in mild panic. “Xo, let me say this. Don’t say anything, just- I-“

Lakeview drew himself back up after a moment in flustered panic, a small box in his claws. And Xo sharply inhaled at the realization even before it flicked open, a studded black ring with ruby jewels awaiting inside just as Xo unlatched the one in his own claws. For a moment, both of them froze as their eyes instantly latched onto the other’s box, Xo unsure whether he was going to burst into more tears or dissolve into the most laughter he’d ever have. The world seemed to still around them, the only movement being the sun’s slow inching towards the horizon as it basked down on them in interest of the events occurring.

Lakeview was the first to finally break the spell, his jaw slacked open as he mumbled out, “I… Wh… Xo, I was going to…”

Xo was still trying to gain his bearings, but his face was slowly curling out into a large grin to try and muffle the laughter still bubbling in his chest. He gave Lakeview an affectionate grin, the stinging tears starting to build up again at the corners of his eyes. “Well, this… This is a conundrum I was not expecting.”

Lakeview exhaled, a small laugh slowly coming out with him until it developed into a louder one, both of them finally letting loose as the previous tears evolved into breathless laughs heaving their chests, the happy tears still springing free into the bitter air around them. The sun from above was melting into Xo’s darker fur and scales, lighting up every inch of darkness or doubt with the shine that the ring in Lakeview’s box gave off.

This isn’t actually happening. Xo watched the bigger dragon heave with his laughs, the familiar smile and noise soaking him with a warmth that would never fade. He’s replacing the cliche I was thinking of with another one, one much cheesier than the other. Oh, three moons. Please let me marry this dragon.

When most of their laughter had died off, Lakeview gave Xo a bashful grin and slowly reached for his free talon, both of them sitting down in the snow as Lakeview pleaded with a grin, “Can I please go first, Xo? Please?”

“Oh, three moons…” Xo was still laughing, shaking his head, but he used his wing to cover most of the bombastic grin spreading over him and wiping the tears away as he nodded with squinted eyes from his grin. “Go for it.”

Lakeview’s face lit up more briefly, another laugh leaving before he bowed, his wings stretched out and his talon still holding Xo’s while the other presented the ring to him. He looked up at Xo breathlessly, the shine in his eyes different from before but still carrying the same love and adoration as before. All of the light around them from the snow’s mirage bounced around, encasing them both in a heavenly glow.

“Xo,” the larger dragon began, the tips of his wings now starting to shake as his eyes never left Xo’s even as they teared up. “I know the last time we saw each other was when we were both scared and furious with my parents for how they treated you. How they treated us. We both know that neither of us deserved that, especially you.”

His wings trembled a bit more, and Xo felt more tears build up when Lakeview’s words wavered for a moment with emotion. “Especially you, Xo, three moons. You’ve been through hell at the beginning of this year, and I watched you pick yourself back up and keep living despite it all. I know there were hard spots; I know you doubted so much. But three moons, you are the strongest dragon I have ever known. Your intelligence and compassion staying after everything is so… Is so beyond me. And I’m impressed with you every single day.”

Lakeview’s talon tightened around Xo’s, his voice more earnest and thickened with tears when the box wavered. “I fall in love with you, every single day. I fall in love with your laugh, your smile, your words. Every night by our fireplace, listening to you read, even if it’s just your cases you have to deal with. All of it. I fall in love with all of it. And I knew after my parents left that nothing would ever change that. I don’t want anyone else but you. And I will love you endlessly, no matter what happens between us or whoever tries to come between us. Nothing will ever make me stop loving you.”

Xo let out a soft hiccup, wing tucking closer to his mouth as more soft sobs eroded from his throat in shock. All of him was shaking, the endless joy and affection surging through him as it blazed through. Lakeview gave him another grin, scooting one inch closer before holding up the box again, squeezing Xo’s talon one last time before finally asking him in a choked voice, “I love you with everything, Xo. Will- Will you marry me?”

Xo couldn’t find any words in the back of his throat, nothing surging forward as all he could do was stare down at the trembling dragon before him. The ring box in his talons was almost dropped from how much it was shaking, but he gripped onto it tightly as a few words skimmed his tongue, the only thing he was able to say coming up in a small smirk with the idea in mind.

When Lakeview tilted his head at Xo’s silence, Xo finally asked with a tiny chuckle again, “Can I, um… Can I say mine now? Before I answer?”

Lakeview arched his eyes slightly in surprise, but his eyes flicked back to the box in Xo’s claws and let out another fit of laughter, sitting up and slowly releasing Xo’s talon as he nodded, cupping his own box closer and giving him an enlarged grin. “Ah, yes. I’m so sorry I interrupted you; go ahead.”

Before Xo could dissolve into more giggles, he gave Lakeview another brightened grin before kneeling down in front of him, wings slowly spreading out as his heart started thumping loudly in his ears again. He flicked the box open with the ring, presenting it out to Lakeview’s grinning face as his wings tucked around himself while he watched Xo with the same adoring expression as before. 

Xo swallowed, his brain stuttering and stammering as his internal panic with no preparation gripped him for a second before he exhaled shakily, letting his pounding heart speak instead as the words flowed out, “I usually have a lot more words to say, as a writer myself. Words are my whole thing. But looking at you and what’s happened here right now between us- Gods, I just- I can’t find the right thing to say except that I couldn’t be more in love with you.”

He saw Lakeview’s smile widen, crinkling with a grin as the koi whiskers around his mouth twitched with his joy. Xo matched his grin, blinking away the tears to be able to see the large dragon’s own tears as he continued softly, “You’ve been my anchor for everything, especially recovering from what happened with Hymn. You haven’t left my side once and have always been there for anything ever since we first met, and I couldn’t be more grateful for you not just as a partner, but as a friend. I’m in love with you, forever and always.”

Another weak laugh left his mouth, Xo finally letting the shining snow and glowing smile of Lakeview’s guide him to the finish line as he breathed, “You are the fairy tale ending I read about and more when I was a kid. You’re everything I’ve wanted and more. You’re everything to me. And I- I love you so much. Will you marry me, Lakeview?”

Lakeview eyes were glowing brighter than the gems Xo had picked out, waiting until Xo was sitting up before he reached out and took his talon in his, leaning close enough until their foreheads rested against each other. As their wings swept forward, brushing each other’s, Xo heard the grin in his voice as Lakeview whispered, “Can we count to three and say our answers?”

Xo let out another laugh, his chest starting to ache from it, but he bundled in closer to him and nodded eagerly as he whispered, “Of course, of course. One…”

“Two…” Lakeview echoed after him, the countdown continuing as their grins only grew. “Three…”

There was a small lapse, one that barely passed before both of their eyes opened again, gazing directly at each other as both of them uttered out in a single breath, “Yes.”

The trees seemed to shimmer from the news, everything suddenly shining brighter as Xo finally felt all of the tension released. Everything glowed around him and behind Lakeview’s widened smile, glowing like all of the three moons as his wings suddenly swept around him. Xo let out a startled shriek as Lakeview swept him into his arms and wings, hugging him close and swinging him around to fling snow everywhere around them.

“Lakeview!” Xo shouted in laughter, but wrapped his wings and arms around him in return as Lakeview’s face pressed against his, kissing his cheek fervently while he giggled brightly. “Three moons, you big dork! You still need to put the ring on me!”

“Oh! Right!” Lakeview huffed next to him, still laughing and leaning his full weight into him as he turned his head to look down at their talons. It stayed pressed against Xo’s as they each took turns slipping the rings on each other’s claws, admiring them together under the pale blue sky still caught in the last bits of sunlight.

Xo wrinkled his snout, nestling further into Lakeview’s mane with a grin accompanied by small spits of happy tears still leaking through. “We’re gonna need to settle on an actual ring design for us both, I hope you know. I don’t know if these clash well together.”

Lakeview let out a laugh as he burrowed his face under Xo’s chin briefly to muffle it, his voice coming through in a mumble, “Anything for you, idiot. You’re the more fashionable one here.”

Xo smacked him with a wing, snorting softly, but both of them drew back and gave each other a softer smile while the snow glistened behind them, Xo seeing the ribboned ears of Lakeview’s flowing in the wind behind a softened expression before they both leaned in, sharing a kiss with their newly jeweled talons clutching the other tightly as they leaned into each other.

They peeled back briefly, only enough for Lakeview to whisper softly to him, “I love you so much, Xo.”

“I love you too,” Xo murmured, burrowing back into his chest and letting the larger dragon wrap a wing around him to tuck him in as they sat out in the snow, content in staying in the moment. 

And they did so until the sun fully set, the two dragons looking into the last of the day previously filled with doubts and fears instantly trailing away under the glow of the two rings on their claws.