Lers Lore

1 year, 1 month ago

Backstory/Basic Lore for Lers. Loosely uses WoW and Diablo elements

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Lers, the Lion Warbeast.

A homunculus created with the intention to enhance the strength and magic of the Satyr body, by sacrificing other beasts and creatures and combining them together into one being for greater power. This magic and experimentation is not well known, and errors are bound to happen. Lers is the direct result of a critical error between her creators.

The souls of the animals used in this experiment must be removed first to prevent them from fighting over the same body, or else chaos may ensue. An oversight from Itaberes and Aerena resulted in two souls joining into one body. When Lers was created, no previous memories of either past lives retained. As she grew and became conscious and sentient, she had no awareness that another being was a part of her. Little did she know then that as she aged and grew, so did the beast, which eventually became aware as well of their magic binding, and one day overtook the body in a frenzy. Her body morphed and transformed into that of a demonic quadruped resembling that of a monstrous lion; an abomination. In this moment a third eye fleshed out on the top of its head, giving the soul of Lers the ability consciously view the physical world while in this form.

This beast, the darkhound, still retained its animalistic nature and did what it only instinctually knew to do. The flight or fight and primal instincts forced it to react to wildly, and in fear attempted attacking her creators and siblings. Beres, in a panic, grappled the beast and snared an enchanted restraint over her maw, capable of suppressing even the strongest monsters. Eventually the beast gave in, exhausting itself and Lers' body returned to its other form. However, that third eye did not disappear, and became a permanent fixture on her forehead.

After this incident, her creators discussed what to do to prevent any other damage. After some discussion, they told Lers that if she ever felt the beast try to take over, that she had to wear the restraint to prevent any further harm. Lers agreed in fear of herself hurting the ones who made her and care for her, miserably accepting the idea in her mind that she was a monster and nothing more -- she hated the beast for even existing and wished that day that she was never created.

As she has aged more, she has come to reluctantly accept that the beast is not going anywhere and they are bound together in this body for good. In an attempt to better herself, she has used her innate power and the strength of the darkhound to become a dark magic sorceress. She uses her source, a magical orb, to harness and amass her magic. Perhaps in time her and the beast will even co-exist as one, and together use both forms to be a powerful weapon to protect the only family she has known.

But wait, is that.. I swear, I had a dream.. and it felt like my own memories. But they weren't mine? I don't remember these ever happening at all, yet they feel so familiar. Ah, well. It must be deja vu.