Species Creature codex

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Species collected for Fabula
With the own Species made and collected together for information for personal use as well as for Stories, Dnd and others.

Creature Kodex

As for Locations, lore and co


Origin: Created by the Godling ORA, the oldest Sibling, the Bookkeepers are ethereal beings with an innate connection to history and knowledge.

Basically these are set on a Family Bloodline and follow as long as this family member is alive. They record the wisdom and information gathered  while observing. At start these beings are hidden (may it be invisible or small) so as not to interfere with the flow of it all. Any wisdom or info gathered, recorded in their special books.
While they tend to stay hidden, there is a recorded Bookkeeper who made himself visible to protect the Offspring Family Member as he wanted to know what else he could learn. Thus a trusted bond and almost protective nature came to play.

Each bookkeeper is able to choose which family bloodline to follow and record. Once the bloodline ends, they will take the information and retrieve it in the Ancient Gatherings, afterwards are sent to watch the next family member and bloodline of their choosing.

There are 4 other Bookkeepers who collect knowledge on the World and people itself.
1 - Set to collect the Info on the Fauna in each area
2 - Set to collect the traditions of each species in each area
3 - Set to collect the map and routes of the Land
4 - Set to collect a bit of genetic from around

These 4 are meant to preserve and collect what has become of this world.

Physical Appearance: Bookkeepers, when visible, assume a mortal-like appearance. The first four Bookkeepers symbolize "Wisdom" with forms resembling an Owl/Raven creature, High Elf, Jellyfish/Aquatic being, and a Pig/Monkey (Orangutan). The rest of the Bookkeepers vary, inspired by Zodiac animals, blending humanoid features with animalistic traits.

Distinctive Markings: The first four Bookkeepers bear golden neck tattoos, while the others display tattoos in dark purple to dark green. These markings, combined with a photographic memory, serve as signs of their identity.

Reproduction: Bookkeepers can mate with other species, and their offspring bear visible tattoo markings. These markings evolve into powerful symbols as the offspring reach maturity, granting unique abilities.

Lifespan: They live exceptionally long lives, free from aging, and only meet their demise if killed by their creator, ORA, or the other Godling siblings.


  1. Tattoo Magic: The tattoos can summon, manipulate magic, and open portals, allowing Bookkeepers to traverse different worlds.
  2. Shrinking Ability: Some possess the power to shrink, making transportation and concealment easier.
  3. Photographic Memory: Bookkeepers can recall and project any witnessed moment, from historical events to personal memories.
  4. Touch-Based Abilities: By touching objects, areas, or individuals, they can read the past, track scents, and even delve into memories and minds.

Behavior: While some Bookkeepers openly engage with others, documenting openly, others prefer hidden observation to capture genuine reactions and true facts.

Family Generations: Some Bookkeepers form family generations, passing down their duties and abilities. An example is the Rowan-Bookkeeper of the Smith Family.

Karbunks Family/Bookkeepers: A specific human family chosen by Godling Marifa to become Bookkeepers. The Karbunks family lives long, remains ageless, and serves as the custodians of Fabula's true history. They own a vast library in Pangea, hidden by Marifa.

Role and Laws: Bookkeepers adhere to certain laws and regulations, and any action requires the consent or signature of the involved parties in their mystical book.

Special Case - Owen's Family: The Karbunks Family, chosen by Marifa, maintains the true history of Fabula, living beyond normal lifespans. If a member wishes for a mortal life, Marifa allows them to relinquish their Bookkeeper status, erasing their past memories for safety.

The Bookkeepers

The Bookkeepers, custodians of knowledge and guardians of ancient secrets, play a crucial role in preserving the wisdom and history of the Diluvian Clan. With their meticulous record-keeping and profound understanding of martial arts, they ensure that the traditions are passed down through generations.

Appearance: Bookkeepers are often distinguished by their traditional attire, adorned with symbols representing their commitment to preserving knowledge. They carry ancient tomes, scrolls, and artifacts, emphasizing their role as keepers of the martial arts legacy. Some may wear intricate masks symbolizing their impartial dedication to wisdom.


  1. Archiving Techniques: Bookkeepers meticulously document and archive recording their origins, applications, and variations.
  2. Teaching Successors: They pass on their knowledge to aspiring members, ensuring that each generation inherits the collective wisdom of their ancestors.
  3. Guardians of Ancient Artifacts: Bookkeepers safeguard artifacts of historical significance, such as weapons, scrolls, and other relics, ensuring their preservation for future generations.


  1. Enhanced Knowledge: Bookkeepers possess a deep understanding of various wisdom and teachings, granting them advantage in related knowledge checks.
  2. Historical Wisdom: They have access to historical insights that can provide context and strategies when faced with challenges related to martial history.
  3. Martial Guidance: Bookkeepers can provide guidance to allies, granting temporary bonuses to combat-related skills or checks.

Bookkeeper D&D Stats: 

  • Race: Human or race of choice
  • Class: Knowledge Domain Cleric or Lore Bard
  • Background: Sage or Guild Artisan
  • Alignment: Any non-chaotic alignment, usually aligning with the principles of the Diluvian Clan.
  • Abilities: High Intelligence and Wisdom, reflecting their focus on knowledge and understanding.


  1. History
  2. Insight


  1. Common
  2. Any language related to ancient texts or of their chosen family member (e.g., Celestial or Primordial)


  1. Ancient tome or scroll
  2. Traditional Bookkeeper attire
  3. Symbolic mask or amulet

Abilities and Features:

  1. Knowledge Domain (Cleric): Gain additional skills related to martial history and ancient traditions.
  2. Bardic Inspiration (Bard): Inspire allies with tales of martial prowess, providing bonuses to their abilities.
  3. Linguist: Gain proficiency in additional languages, reflecting their dedication to learning and preserving diverse knowledge.

Special Feature: Knowledge Keeper: Once per day, the Bookkeeper can provide advantage on a related skill check or an attack roll for a member.

Roleplaying Notes: Bookkeepers are often depicted as stoic and focused individuals, dedicated to their duty. Their interactions may be laced with wisdom, and they are respected for their contributions to the Family heritage. While not typically frontline combatants, they excel in guiding others and ensuring the continuation of the Family legacy.


Subspecies: Angel Warriors

Origin: Created by Godling ORA, the oldest Sibling, Angel Warriors are part of the Air Elemental beings, chosen as guardians for their specific Clan, Family, or Tribe. Avarian warriors, specifically, serve as Winged Guardians in the clouded world.

Appearance: Angel Warriors exhibit a more humanoid appearance with distinctive features. They possess wings, feathery ears, humanoid legs adorned with soft feathers, and clawed feet. Their unique clothing complements their noble and ethereal demeanor. Angel Warriors can utilize invisibility at will, although special glasses are required to perceive them. They are known for their honorable nature and are formidable fighters with exceptional healing and protection abilities.

Markings: Each Angel Warrior carries a distinct marking on their shoulder blades, positioned between or near the wings. The marking takes the form of an elegant "A," with the ends shaped like wings, signifying their celestial origin and purpose.


  1. Healing Magic: Angel Warriors are renowned for possessing some of the most potent healing magic among celestial beings. Their abilities extend to both physical and spiritual restoration.
  2. Protection Forces: They excel in defensive magic, acting as formidable shields for their designated clans or tribes.
  3. Invisibility: Angel Warriors can render themselves invisible to ordinary beings, providing them with an advantage in stealth and protection.
  4. Noble Fighters: Known for their honor and dedication, Angel Warriors are skilled in combat, wielding both physical and magical prowess.

Role: Angel Warriors fulfill the role of protectors and guardians, watching over their assigned communities with unwavering devotion. Their noble nature drives them to shield those under their care from harm.

Special Marking: The elegant "A" marking not only serves as a symbol of their identity but also represents the wings of protection they extend to their chosen tribes or families.

Unique Clothings: Their clothing is specifically designed to complement their celestial features, reflecting both their noble status and practicality in combat situations.

Visibility Challenge: The ability to turn invisible poses a challenge for others to perceive them. Special glasses have been crafted to allow those without celestial vision to see and interact with Angel Warriors.

Overall Impact: Angel Warriors play a crucial role in maintaining harmony and safeguarding their designated realms. Their combination of healing, protective, and combat abilities makes them a formidable force against threats to their communities.

The Angel Warriors, celestial beings bound by duty, serve as both protectors and emissaries of divine justice. With wings of radiant energy and weapons infused with holy power, they bring hope to allies and strike fear into the hearts of malevolent forces.

Appearance: Angel Warriors emanate an ethereal aura, with luminous wings spanning from their backs. Clad in armor adorned with celestial symbols, they wield weapons forged in the heavens. Their eyes glow with divine light, revealing the strength of their celestial nature.

Abilities and Features:

  1. Flight: Angel Warriors can fly at impressive speeds, allowing them to swiftly traverse the battlefield and engage enemies from above.
  2. Divine Weaponry: Their weapons are imbued with celestial energy, dealing radiant damage and having the potential to smite creatures of darkness.
  3. Healing Light: Angel Warriors can channel healing energy to mend wounds and cure ailments, acting as benevolent medics on the battlefield.
  4. Radiant Aura: An aura of radiant energy surrounds them, providing allies with bonuses to saving throws against dark or necrotic effects.

Angel Warrior D&D Stats: Note: These are generalized D&D stats. Individual variations may occur based on character traits, background, and personal development.

  • Race: Aasimar, Celestial, or homebrew celestial race.
  • Class: Paladin or Cleric, with an emphasis on divine combat and support.
  • Background: Acolyte or Soldier, reflecting their celestial service and combat training.
  • Alignment: Generally aligned with goodness and justice, but individual variations exist.


  1. Religion
  2. Insight
  3. Athletics or Acrobatics


  1. Celestial
  2. Common


  1. Celestial-themed armor
  2. Radiant weapon (e.g., a sword or mace)
  3. Holy symbol
  4. Healing potions or celestial ointments

Abilities and Features:

  1. Divine Smite (Paladin): Infuse attacks with divine power, dealing additional radiant damage.
  2. Channel Divinity: Use celestial energy to turn undead, bless allies, or perform other divine feats.
  3. Healing Spells (Cleric): Access to healing spells to restore health to themselves and allies.
  4. Celestial Resistance: Resistance to radiant damage, showcasing their celestial resilience.

Special Feature: Angelic Intervention: Once per long rest, an Angel Warrior can call upon celestial allies for aid, summoning a temporary celestial ally to assist in combat or support.

Roleplaying Notes: Angel Warriors embody virtues such as courage, compassion, and righteousness. They may display a sense of duty towards the divine, often guided by a celestial patron or deity. While fierce in battle against evil, they also extend mercy to those who show repentance. Angel Warriors are natural leaders, inspiring their allies with their unwavering dedication to the cause of justice.

They live in hidden cloud places (Meaning only by flight can one find them or above) as they have cities and small hubs upon the land. They live rather secluded and protected from above.
At times come down on the ground for scouting or helping. Many are known to avoid confrontation and step in if needed as they hate seeing war being done. 

Location: Hidden Cloud Places

The Angel Warriors reside in concealed and secluded cloud cities and hubs that are hidden from ordinary sight. These ethereal locations are accessible only by flight, creating a serene and mystical atmosphere. The cloud cities are strategically positioned above the land, providing both protection and an advantageous vantage point for observation.

Area: Secluded and Protected Lands

The lands beneath the hidden cloud cities are carefully chosen for their natural beauty and strategic significance. These areas serve as the designated realms, clans, families, or tribes that the Angel Warriors have sworn to protect. The Angel Warriors prefer seclusion to maintain the sanctity of their celestial duty, and the lands below are shielded from unwanted intrusion.

Home: Celestial Residences

The homes of the Angel Warriors within the cloud cities reflect their celestial nature. They live in grand residences adorned with celestial symbols, featuring elegant architecture that seamlessly blends with the natural beauty of the clouds. Each residence is equipped with celestial-themed artifacts and is designed to accommodate their unique characteristics, such as wings and feathered ears.

At times, Angel Warriors may descend to the ground for scouting missions or to offer assistance to those in need. However, their preference is to maintain a distance from ground conflicts, intervening only when absolutely necessary. The cloud cities act as sanctuaries, where the Angel Warriors can recharge and regroup.

Role: Protectors and Guardians

The Angel Warriors play a crucial role in maintaining harmony and safeguarding their designated realms. They are the vigilant guardians, ever watchful from their hidden cloud cities, intervening to protect their communities when danger arises. Their seclusion allows them to maintain a focus on their duties without succumbing to the distractions of the mortal world.

Overall Impact: Guardians of Divine Justice

The impact of the Angel Warriors is profound as they bring a combination of healing, protection, and combat abilities to their communities. Their divine nature and commitment to justice make them a formidable force against any threats that may jeopardize the well-being of their designated realms. The celestial resonance of their hidden abodes creates an aura of tranquility that extends to the lands they protect.




Origin: Created by ORA, the oldest Sibling, the Guardians represent a diverse array of spirits dedicated to overseeing the well-being of the planet Fabula. Initially, five Guardians were appointed to watch over the cardinal directions—North, East, South, and West, with a central Guardian in the middle. Over time, one of the Guardians went rogue and turned evil, becoming a significant antagonist alongside the Godling's brother.

Appearance: The initial Guardians were chosen by the Godlings for their protective nature, originating from various species and kinds. Each Guardian possesses a unique appearance, but they all share tattoos and marks bestowed upon them during their selection. Through rituals, offspring, or direct appointment, new Guardians have joined their ranks over time.

Powers: Guardians exhibit a range of powers, with variations depending on their species and type. However, a shared ability among all Guardians is their connection to each other, fostering a network of communication and collaboration.

Weapons: Each Guardian wields a specific weapon corresponding to their designated direction:

  1. North: Frostborne Lance:
  • Description: A formidable lance forged from the essence of ice and frost. Its blade sparkles with an icy glow, and it carries the power to freeze and slow adversaries. The North Guardian wields this weapon to defend against threats with the unyielding strength of winter.
  1. East: Ember Scimitar:
  • Description: A curved scimitar imbued with the fiery essence of the southern flames. The blade radiates intense heat and leaves trails of embers as it moves. The South Guardian uses this weapon to strike with the relentless and searing force of a summer blaze.
  1. South: Zephyr Bow:
  • Description: A sleek, enchanted bow that harnesses the power of the winds from the east. Arrows shot from this bow are guided by the currents, allowing for remarkable accuracy and swift strikes. The East Guardian employs the Zephyr Bow to maintain control and precision in their defense.
  1. West: Tidebreaker Hammer:
  • Description: A massive, oceanic hammer with a head that glistens like the surface of the sea. The West Guardian wields the Tidebreaker Hammer to unleash powerful shockwaves and tidal forces upon their enemies. It represents the strength and relentlessness of the western waves.
  1. Main Guardian (Center): Aetherial Staff:
  • Description: An elegant staff infused with the ethereal essence of the celestial realm. The Aetherial Staff channels the energy of the heavens, granting the Middle Guardian the ability to manipulate space and time for both offense and defense. It symbolizes balance and harmony between the cardinal directions.
  1. There is a hidden one. The Guardian Gauntlets, said to be of the very first Guardian. In addition to their cardinal direction-specific weapons, the Guardian species possesses a set of legendary gauntlets that serve as a unifying symbol of their collective strength and unity. These Guardian Gauntlets are bestowed upon the chosen leaders or champions among the Guardian community, representing a commitment to their shared purpose and responsibilities.
  • Appearance:
    • The Guardian Gauntlets are crafted from a rare and resilient celestial material, shimmering with an otherworldly glow. Intricate engravings depicting the unity of the cardinal directions adorn the surface, symbolizing the interconnected nature of the Guardians' roles.
  • Functionality:
    • The gauntlets enhance the natural abilities of the wearer, allowing them to harness the elemental forces associated with the cardinal directions. They act as conduits for the Guardian's powers, amplifying their defensive and offensive capabilities.
  • Empowerment Ritual:
    • To activate the full potential of the Guardian Gauntlets, a sacred empowerment ritual is performed. This ritual involves communing with the spirits of the cardinal directions, channeling their essence into the gauntlets. The Guardian who undergoes this ritual gains a heightened connection to the natural elements.
  • Unity Bond:
    • The Guardian Gauntlets symbolize the unity among the Guardian species. When worn collectively by leaders from each cardinal direction, the gauntlets create a powerful bond that enhances their ability to work together harmoniously. This unity is crucial during times of great peril when the combined strength of the Guardians is needed.
  • Abilities:
    • Elemental Infusion: The gauntlets can be infused with the elemental energy associated with each cardinal direction, providing the wearer with versatile combat options.
    • Guardian's Resilience: The gauntlets offer enhanced protection against magical and physical attacks, reinforcing the Guardian's role as a stalwart defender.
    • Directional Amplification: When combined with the Guardian's cardinal direction-specific weapon, the gauntlets amplify the unique powers of that weapon, making the Guardian an even more formidable force in battle.
  • Guardian Council:
    • The wearers of the Guardian Gauntlets form a council that convenes in times of crisis. This council, known as the "Council of Unity," makes decisions collectively, ensuring that the actions taken are in the best interest of the entire Guardian community.

The Guardian Gauntlets, with their symbolic significance and potent abilities, serve as a testament to the Guardians' commitment to safeguarding the balance of the natural world and their shared duty to protect the realms they call home.

Connection: The Guardians maintain a mystical connection with one another, allowing them to share information, insights, and coordinate actions. This interconnectedness enhances their ability to protect Fabula and respond to emerging threats.

Evil Rogue Guardian: One of the initial Guardians succumbed to darkness, becoming a major antagonist in the Fabula narrative. Linked with the Godling's brother, this rogue Guardian poses a formidable challenge to the others, adding complexity and conflict to the overarching storyline.

Ongoing Appointments: New Guardians continue to be appointed through rituals or by inheritance. The criteria for selection remain aligned with their protective instincts and commitment to safeguarding the specific regions they oversee.

Purpose: The primary purpose of the Guardians is to ensure the balance and protection of Fabula. They act as stewards of their respective territories, using their powers to ward off threats and maintain harmony in their designated regions. Their collective efforts contribute to the overall well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.

Guardians are formidable beings dedicated to the protection of specific realms, individuals, or sacred artifacts. These mighty defenders draw power from the essence of their chosen charge, embodying the strength and resilience required to fulfill their sacred duty.

Appearance: The appearance of Guardians varies widely, reflecting the nature of their charge. They often bear symbols or markings that represent their allegiance, and their armor or form may incorporate elements related to their protective duties.

Abilities and Features:

  1. Guardian Aura: Guardians emanate an aura that bolsters the defenses of those around them, providing bonuses to allies' armor class and saving throws.
  2. Warding Presence: A Guardian can intercept attacks directed at their charge, taking the brunt of the damage to shield and preserve the protected entity.
  3. Elemental Affinity: Some Guardians have a connection to specific elements, allowing them to wield elemental powers for both offense and defense.
  4. Teleportation (optional): Guardians may possess the ability to teleport to the location of their charge in times of crisis.

Race: Varied, depending on the lore and origin of the Guardian. Celestial, Elemental, or constructs are common choices.

  • Class: Paladin, Fighter, or Barbarian, with abilities focused on defense and protecting others.
  • Background: Soldier or Sage, reflecting combat training or knowledge related to their charge.
  • Alignment: Generally aligned with the values of their charge, but individual variations exist.


  1. Athletics
  2. Insight
  3. Religion or Nature, depending on the nature of their charge


  1. Common
  2. Language related to their charge (e.g., Celestial, Primordial, Sylvan)


  1. Customized armor or natural protective features
  2. Weapon associated with their charge (e.g., a sword, staff, or bow)
  3. Amulet or token symbolizing their duty
  4. Healing potions or other protective items

Abilities and Features:

  1. Defensive Stance (Fighter): Gain bonuses to AC and resistance against certain types of damage.
  2. Lay on Hands (Paladin): Heal wounds by touch, restoring health to themselves or others.
  3. Aura of Protection (Paladin): Provide a bonus to saving throws for nearby allies.
  4. Guardian's Wrath: Unleash a powerful attack against foes threatening the charge.

Special Feature: Charge's Boon: Guardians receive a boon from their charge, granting them additional abilities or resilience when in proximity to their protected entity.

Roleplaying Notes: Guardians are steadfast and unwavering in their commitment to protection. They may have a deep sense of loyalty and duty, often forged by a powerful bond with the entity or realm they defend. Guardians may be stoic or nurturing, depending on the nature of their charge, but they share a common trait of selflessness and sacrifice for the greater good. Their presence inspires confidence in allies and instills fear in those who dare to threaten their charge.


There is, in Fabula, a main area where Guardians gather once a year to talk, discuss in the council as well as seek the new generation of protection (There is even a school for this) Located in a secretive area  (some say it's close) where old ruins (Above) in beautiful scenery, waterfall and a gorgeous Temple reside. A place of beauty and some remains of the old world before the war. 

Location: Hidden Sanctuary of “Gura”

In the heart of Fabula, concealed within the veiled embrace of nature, lies the Hidden Sanctuary of Gura. This sacred location serves as the annual gathering grounds for the Guardians, a place where they convene to discuss matters of great importance, form alliances, and seek out the new generation of protectors.


  • Scenic Ruins and Waterfall:
    • The Hidden Sanctuary is surrounded by the remnants of a once-thriving civilization, now reduced to elegant ruins that seamlessly blend with the lush landscape. Moss-covered stones tell tales of an ancient era, and intricately carved pillars stand as silent witnesses to the passage of time. A mesmerizing waterfall cascades from a rocky cliff, its gentle roar providing a soothing backdrop to the sanctuary.
  • Gorgeous Temple:
    • At the heart of the sanctuary, nestled between the ruins and the waterfall, stands the magnificent Temple of Celestial Echoes. The temple, crafted with celestial architecture, is adorned with symbols representing the cardinal directions and the unity of the Guardians. Its grandeur is accentuated by ethereal lighting that seems to dance across its surfaces.
  • Flora and Fauna:
    • The Hidden Sanctuary is embraced by a diverse array of flora, with vibrant flowers, ancient trees, and fragrant herbs that perfume the air. Exotic birds and gentle woodland creatures find solace in this harmonious haven, adding to the natural beauty that surrounds the gathering grounds.
  • Old World Remains:
    • Scattered amidst the sanctuary are remnants of the old world, artifacts and structures that survived the ravages of time. These relics serve as a poignant reminder of the importance of the Guardians' duty in preserving the delicate balance between the mystical and mundane.


  • Annual Guardian Council:
    • Once a year, Guardians from all cardinal directions assemble at the Hidden Sanctuary for the annual Guardian Council. Here, beneath the celestial arches of the Temple of Celestial Echoes, they discuss matters of cosmic significance, share knowledge, and strategize for the protection of their realms.
  • Guardian School:
    • Adjacent to the sanctuary is the Guardian School, where the new generation of protectors undergoes rigorous training. Nestled among the ruins, the school imparts not only combat skills but also the wisdom and traditions passed down through generations.
  • Ceremonial Rituals:
    • The Hidden Sanctuary serves as the backdrop for various ceremonial rituals, where the Guardian Gauntlets are symbolically passed down to new leaders, and promising young Guardians are recognized for their achievements.

The Hidden Sanctuary of Eldoria in Fabula is a place of both beauty and historical significance, where the echoes of the past harmonize with the present, creating a space where the Guardians can renew their commitment to protecting the realms they hold dear.



Origin: Created by CHeops, the Ferwins are Elemental Faun-like creatures with a unique connection to the elemental forces of the palaces they hail from. Primarily designed to aid the Guardians and offer protection and assistance to those in need, the Ferwins embody natural spirits and wield elemental powers related to their birthplace.

Appearance: Ferwins exhibit distinctive characteristics, including deer/faun-like ears, horns, and digitigrade legs. Their appearance is marked by the elemental touch of the place they originate from, with each individual embodying a specific elemental affinity. Their natural spirits make them inherently caring creatures, and they communicate through gestures and actions, often choosing not to speak. Additionally, they possess the ability to hide within their surroundings, using their powers to camouflage effectively.

Abilities: The Ferwins are imbued with elemental powers corresponding to their birthplace, allowing them to manipulate and control specific elemental forces. Their abilities include healing, protection, and assistance, making them valuable allies to both the Guardians and those in need. Their strong connection with CHeops enables them to locate the deity wherever he is situated.

Role and Purpose: The primary role of the Ferwins is to support the Guardians and provide aid to individuals facing challenges. They are particularly adept at locating and assisting those who are lost or in distress. With their caring nature and elemental abilities, the Ferwins contribute to the overall harmony and well-being of Fabula.

Connection with CHeops: The Ferwins share a profound connection with CHeops, the creator deity. This connection allows them to sense and locate CHeops regardless of his location. It reinforces their sense of purpose and strengthens their bond with the elemental forces they embody.

Stealth and Camouflage: Utilizing their elemental powers, Ferwins can seamlessly blend into their surroundings, becoming practically invisible. This ability serves both defensive and strategic purposes, allowing them to approach situations discreetly and avoid potential threats.

Number and Affinities: While the primary focus is on the four main Ferwins created by CHeops, there may be additional Ferwins, each aligned with a specific elemental affinity. These additional Ferwins may exhibit variations in appearance and abilities based on their respective elemental origins.

Ferwins are enigmatic and elusive beings, known for their agility, stealth, and natural affinity with the elements. These feline-like creatures are skilled hunters and masters of the shadows, making them excellent scouts and spies. With their sleek fur, keen senses, and mystical abilities, Ferwins are a force to be reckoned with in the mystical realms.

Appearance: Ferwins resemble large, mystical “Fawn / cats” with sleek fur and mesmerizing eyes. They come in various colors and patterns, often blending seamlessly with their surroundings. Some have markings that seem to shimmer with arcane energy. Ferwins have fangs they hide, which they use for hunting and self-defense.

Abilities and Features:

  1. Stealthy Prowess: Ferwins are natural stealth experts, able to move quietly and remain unnoticed in almost any environment.
  2. Elemental Affinity: Many Ferwins have a connection to elemental magic, allowing them to manipulate and control aspects of nature, such as wind, water, or shadows.
  3. Heightened Senses: Ferwins possess exceptional senses, including keen eyesight, acute hearing, and an extraordinary sense of smell.
  4. Telepathic Communication: Some Ferwins have the ability to communicate telepathically with each other or with specific individuals.

  • Race: Ferwin
  • Class: Rogue, Ranger, or Druid, with abilities focused on stealth, archery, or nature manipulation.
  • Background: Urchin or Sage, reflecting their feral upbringing or mystical knowledge.
  • Alignment: Often Chaotic Neutral, as Ferwins value their independence and freedom.


  1. Stealth
  2. Perception
  3. Survival or Acrobatics, depending on their preferred playstyle


  1. Common
  2. Sylvan or Druidic, reflecting their mystical nature


  1. Shortbow or dagger
  2. Leather armor
  3. A set of tools or implements related to their background
  4. A pouch containing herbs or items from their homeland

Abilities and Features:

  1. Cunning Action (Rogue): Take a bonus action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide.
  2. Natural Explorer (Ranger): Gain benefits related to chosen terrain and have advantages in navigating through it.
  3. Wild Shape (Druid): Transform into animals to gain their abilities and move through different environments effectively.
  4. Shadowmeld: Blend into shadows for enhanced stealth or create illusions to deceive enemies.

Special Feature: Grace: Ferwins have a unique ability to land on their feet, even from great heights, and move gracefully through challenging terrain.

Roleplaying Notes: Ferwins are independent and value their freedom, often avoiding commitment or servitude. They may have a mysterious and aloof demeanor, observing situations before actively engaging. Ferwins can be fiercely loyal to those they trust, forming deep bonds with individuals who earn their respect. Their agility and affinity with nature make them skilled hunters and adept navigators, but their playful nature and curiosity often shine through in moments of relaxation.


Elementar and Elementarix

Origin: Conceived by Cheops, the Elemental and Elementarix beings were created by merging the deity's powers with assistance from the ancient dragons. They are considered unique entities in the world of Fabula and play a significant role in the balance of elemental forces.

Attributes and Creation: The Elemental beings are the first of their kind, originating as representatives of various elemental forces. Each Elementar embodies a distinct element, contributing to the harmony and equilibrium of the world. The process of their creation involved combining powers from each element, making them potent entities and, when merged together, achieving a state comparable to a demi-god, rivaling the strength of Cheops.

Geographical Presence: Initially residing across the world, Elemental beings later congregated on a large island, each establishing their domain. The island is marked by a pillar for each element, symbolizing their unity and connection to the elemental forces. Following a period of upheaval and conflict, only one pillar remained.

Leadership and Guardianship: Gero and Nimo took on the responsibility of overseeing the Elemental beings and managing the elemental trials within their realm. Pashu, representing Death and Darkness, and Nishishu, embodying Life and Light, assumed leadership roles for their respective elemental domains.

Elemental Varieties:

  1. Sala (Fire) - Red
  2. Vnd (Water) - Blue
  3. Gno (Earth) - Orange
  4. Sylp (Air) and Skel (Wind) - Yellow and Green
  5. Nov (Steel/Metal) - Gray
  6. Pashu (Death/Darkness) - Black and Nishishu (Life/Light) - White
  7. Arkus (Ice) - Light Blue
  8. Lightning (Ni) - Yellow
  9. Soul and Spirit - Dark Blue and Blue
  10. Time and Space - Teal and Magenta
  11. Tech (Digital/Machine/Science) - Purple
  12. Magic - Octarine (Greenish Purple)
  13. Love (Aru) - Pink
  14. Surprise (Ah!) - Reflective of the Element
  15. Bonus Element - Compassion, Life

Markings and Symbols: Individuals born in the Elemental realms bear markings and symbols representing their elemental affiliation. Water Elementals, for instance, might have ankle or leg tattoos. Elementarix, those tasked with overseeing elemental trials, receive additional markings upon completion, typically on their entire body.

Elemental Orbs and Transformation: Elemental powers are encapsulated in orbs of specific elemental colors. Breaking these orbs releases the corresponding powers, enhancing the capabilities of the Elementarix. The process is often part of a ceremonial ritual, emphasizing honor and tradition.

Ascension to Demi-Godhood: The final step for an Elementarix to attain demi-god status involves seeking out one of the Godling Offsprings and proving their worth. This task includes facing challenges and overcoming adversaries who aim to hinder their ascension. Trials may involve the retrieval of powers or the attempted theft of elemental orbs.

Ongoing Challenges: Elementarix face ongoing challenges from groups seeking to obstruct their journey to demi-godhood. These adversaries may attempt to steal powers, merge with Elementarix, or confiscate elemental orbs, adding an element of danger and suspense to their quests.

Elementars and Elementarixes are ancient elemental beings, each attuned to a specific primordial force of nature. These ethereal entities embody the raw essence of their chosen element, wielding powerful magical abilities that reflect their affinity. While Elementars are typically associated with masculine energy, Elementarixes embody the feminine aspects of their elemental domains.

In basic:
Elementar -  one who is born with the element of their area (or can control one power)
Elementarix -  one who has more than one power
Elementarix Viv - One who is near DemiGod  and needs the last trial. 


  • Elementar: Majestic and towering, an Elementar's form is composed of the pure essence of its chosen element. They radiate an otherworldly glow and often have features reminiscent of the natural landscapes associated with their element.
  • Elementarix: Like their male counterparts, Elementarixes are embodiments of elemental energy, but their forms tend to be more fluid and graceful. Their presence is characterized by a serene aura, and they may have ethereal, flowing patterns within their elemental manifestations.

Abilities and Features:

  1. Elemental Manipulation: Both Elementars and Elementarixes can control and manipulate their chosen elemental force with great mastery.
  2. Flight: Depending on their element, they may possess the ability to float or fly, moving effortlessly through the air.
  3. Elemental Empowerment: In areas where their associated element is abundant, Elementars and Elementarixes gain enhanced abilities and may even regenerate.
  4. Elemental Affinity: They can communicate with and understand creatures associated with their element, forging alliances with elemental beings.

  • Race: Elementar or Elementarix
  • Class: Sorcerer, Druid, or Elemental Monk, with abilities focused on elemental magic and manipulation.
  • Background: Sage or Acolyte, reflecting their deep connection to the elemental forces.
  • Alignment: True Neutral or aligning with the principles of their chosen element.


  1. Arcana
  2. Nature
  3. Insight or Perception, depending on their preferred playstyle


  1. Primordial
  2. Common


  1. A component pouch or arcane focus
  2. A scroll containing knowledge about their elemental affinity
  3. A small vial of elemental essence from their homeland
  4. Explorer's pack or scholar's pack, depending on their background

Abilities and Features:

  1. Elemental Mastery: Gain proficiency in spells related to their chosen element and an extra damage bonus when using spells of that type.
  2. Elemental Form (Level 5): Transform into an incorporeal, semi-elemental form for a limited duration, granting advantages related to their chosen element.
  3. Elemental Aspect (Level 10): Acquire a semi-physical aspect associated with their element, granting additional abilities or resistances.
  4. Elemental Fusion (Level 15): Achieve perfect harmony with their chosen element, gaining the ability to temporarily merge with it for incredible power and versatility.

Special Feature: Essence Bond: Elementars and Elementarixes can forge a mystical bond with individuals who have a deep respect for the natural world, granting them minor elemental abilities or visions of the elemental realm.

Roleplaying Notes: Elementars and Elementarixes often view the world through the lens of their elemental domain, seeking to maintain balance and harmony. They may be contemplative and patient, embodying the timeless nature of their primordial forces. While they can be guardians and protectors, they may also act as agents of change, ushering in elemental transformations and adaptations to the world around them. Their presence commands respect, and their interactions with mortals are driven by a sense of cosmic purpose.


Moloki and Molokai

Origins: The Moloki, originating as the first and pure Moloki, were created as "police-like" entities tasked with balancing the various worlds and dimensions of power. These beings, also known as "Daru Hunters," collaborated with the Guardians and Elite Hunters (Sretrich) in maintaining order. They were versatile, being any species, gender, or appearance, either born or chosen through marks and rituals. As perfect hunters, they could trace magic, powers, or scents from anyone, making them among the strongest species.

Appearance of Original Moloki: The original seven Moloki resembled elves with long tails. They possessed a distinct tattoo of an "M" with a nested "W" on the back of their necks, appearing when their powers were unlocked. They maintained a balance by ensuring everyone stayed within their respective dimensions and collaborated with the dimensional border.

Abilities of Original Moloki:

  1. Strong Senses: Original Moloki had heightened senses, enabling them to detect magic, powers, or scents from afar.
  2. Fast Speed and Agility: They were swift and agile, utilizing their speed to navigate through various dimensions.
  3. Strong Shields of Capturing: While not physically robust, they excelled in capturing targets using their wits, magic, and mental prowess.

Molokai - Offspring and Chosen Ones: The Molokai represented the subsequent generations and chosen ones. Unlike the original Moloki, Molokai could be of any species, and they inherited a more magical essence depending on the individual chosen. While they retained the signature tattoo, their physical appearance varied widely.

Evolution and Changes in Molokai:

  1. Physical Strength: The Molokai, in contrast to the originals, exhibited enhanced physical strength over generations.
  2. Diverse Appearances: Molokai could be of any species, and their appearances were not limited to elves with tails.
  3. Magic and Mind Use: Like their predecessors, Molokai excelled in using magic and intelligence to capture targets.

Rogue Moloki: Some Moloki went rogue, desiring sole power and control. Notable rogue Moloki included
Iakolom, Shaun Altaran Torak (Vladimir Lukamk), Tyron Shragan (Shou), Sotaru Rayham (blood Magic), and Zackury.

Brimlore Nightingale - A Unique Hybrid: Brimlore Nightingale, a Wishmaster, became a hybrid by crossing with a Moloki, being the first to undergo such a fusion. Created by Numihaku and the Moloki, Brimlore Nightingale's existence represents a unique convergence of Jin and Moloki attributes.

Moloki are enigmatic beings, mysterious and elusive, with a deep connection to the magical currents that flow through the realms. They are known as seekers of knowledge and possessors of ancient wisdom. Moloki often act as guardians of magical artifacts and repositories of arcane lore.


  • Physical Form: Moloki have an ephemeral and fluid appearance, their bodies shimmering with the energy of magic. They can manipulate the density of their form, allowing them to pass through solid objects or take on more tangible shapes.
  • Glowing Runes: Intricate runes, symbols, and sigils adorn their translucent bodies, emitting a soft, ethereal glow. The patterns on a Moloki's form are unique, reflecting their personal experiences and accumulated magical knowledge.

Abilities and Features:

  1. Ethereal Form: Moloki can shift between a solid and ethereal state at will, enabling them to pass through obstacles and become resistant to physical attacks.
  2. Arcane Sight: They possess an innate ability to perceive magical auras, discern the properties of enchanted items, and detect mystical disturbances.
  3. Magical Affinity: Moloki have a natural affinity for various magical energies, allowing them to manipulate, absorb, or redirect spells and magical effects.
  4. Guardians of Knowledge: Moloki act as custodians of ancient libraries, mystical artifacts, and hidden repositories of magical lore. They have an innate understanding of spells and rituals.

  • Race: Moloki
  • Class: Wizard, Sorcerer, or Knowledge Domain Cleric, reflecting their deep connection to magic and lore.
  • Background: Sage or Hermit, emphasizing their pursuit of knowledge and seclusion.
  • Alignment: True Neutral, aligning with the impartial nature of magic.


  1. Arcana
  2. History
  3. Investigation or Insight, depending on their preferred playstyle


  1. Primordial
  2. Celestial or Infernal, depending on their magical orientation


  1. A crystal orb or arcane focus
  2. A spellbook or a collection of magical scrolls
  3. A scholar's pack
  4. A small vial of liquid magic from their homelands

Abilities and Features:

  1. Arcane Resilience: Gain advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
  2. Mystic Form (Level 5): Enhance ethereal abilities, allowing the Moloki to phase through barriers and become nearly invisible.
  3. Ancient Knowledge (Level 10): Acquire proficiency in additional knowledge-based skills, reflecting the Moloki's deep understanding of magical and historical matters.
  4. Arcane Nexus (Level 15): Establish a temporary magical nexus, empowering nearby allies and enhancing their magical abilities.

Special Feature: Ephemeral Insight: Moloki can share glimpses of their extensive magical knowledge with willing individuals, providing visions or dreams that convey hidden truths or arcane insights.

Roleplaying Notes: Moloki are often detached observers, viewing the world through the lens of magic and ancient wisdom. Their motivations are driven by a desire to safeguard magical secrets, maintain the balance of mystical forces, and thwart those who would misuse arcane power. Despite their ethereal nature, Moloki can form deep connections with mortals, especially those who share a reverence for magic and seek to expand their understanding of the arcane. They may serve as mentors, guides, or enigmatic allies to those on quests involving magical mysteries.


Molokai are shadowy counterparts to the Moloki, embodying the arcane forces of darkness and the mysteries that lurk in the shadows. They are often associated with forbidden knowledge, illusions, and the concealed aspects of the magical spectrum.
Being the Offsprings of the Original Moloki or made from trials and rituals to become one. 


  • Shadowy Silhouette: Molokai can appear as shifting shadows with glowing eyes, their forms more defined in dim light or darkness. They exude an aura of secrecy and subtle menace.
  • Whispers of Darkness: Faint whispers and echoes accompany their movements, hinting at the enigmatic and inscrutable nature of Molokai.

Abilities and Features:

  1. Shadow Step: Molokai can meld into shadows, moving swiftly between areas of darkness or dim light. They gain advantage on Stealth checks in such conditions.
  2. Illusory Presence: They can create illusions that confound the senses, using their shadowy nature to weave deceptive images and conceal their true form.
  3. Dark Affliction: Molokai possess a touch that can induce a sense of foreboding or instill fear in those they come into contact with.
  4. Guardians of Hidden Lore: Molokai are keepers of forbidden and obscured knowledge, guarding secrets that mortals were never meant to comprehend.



Wolvrin, Nekorok, and Nekolf


Wolvrin: Appearance:

  • Walk upright with long tails.
  • Reach up to 2 meters in height.
  • Fur-covered bodies, resembling natural wolves.
  • No technology; live in close-knit family tribes.

Nature Connection:

  • Bound with nature; no inherent magic.
  • Tribes and clans with close family bonds.


Wolvrin are majestic and formidable creatures that embody the strength and grace of both wolves and felines. These hybrids exhibit a blend of lupine and feline characteristics, resulting in a creature that is both agile and powerful. Wolvrin are known for their keen senses, sharp claws, and the ability to traverse various terrains with ease.

Physical Traits:

  1. Size: Wolvrin are typically larger than wolves, standing at the shoulder height of an adult human. Their sleek, muscular bodies are built for speed and strength.
  2. Fur and Coloration: They have a combination of wolf-like fur and feline patterns. Coat colors can vary, ranging from earthy tones like brown and gray to more vibrant hues like silver or gold.
  3. Eyes: Wolvrin have striking, intelligent eyes that often reflect a mix of wolf and cat characteristics. Their eyes can change color based on mood and lighting.
  4. Tail: Possessing a long and expressive tail, Wolvrin use it for balance and communication, similar to their feline counterparts.


  1. Enhanced Senses: Wolvrin have exceptional senses of hearing, sight, and smell, making them skilled hunters and trackers.
  2. Agility: They combine the speed and agility of felines with the endurance and pack mentality of wolves, making them adept at both solo and group hunting.
  3. Claws and Teeth: Sharp claws and powerful jaws allow Wolvrin to bring down prey efficiently and defend themselves against threats.
  4. Howling Roar: Wolvrin can produce a unique, harmonious howl that carries over long distances. This howl can serve as a form of communication with other Wolvrin and may have specific meanings.

Behavior: Wolvrin are social creatures, often forming tight-knit packs with a well-defined hierarchy. They exhibit loyalty to their pack members and share a strong sense of community. Despite their predatory nature, Wolvrin are known to have a sense of honor and are selective in their choice of prey.


Nekorok: Appearance:

  • Feline-based species.
  • Social and caring, resembling powerful Tabaxi.
  • Smaller in size than Wolvrin.
  • Fur-covered bodies with a magical essence.

Magical Abilities:

  • Strongly bound in magic.
  • Legendary Feline Life: Gifted with nine lives.


Nekorok are mischievous and playful creatures that combine the traits of domestic cats with those of clever and curious rodents. These small, anthropomorphic beings possess an innate sense of magic and are known for their love of shiny objects and intricate gadgets.

Physical Traits:

  1. Size: Nekorok are roughly the size of Humans, standing on their hind legs. They have a humanoid appearance with cat-like features.
  2. Fur and Coloration: Their fur varies in color and pattern, often resembling domestic cat breeds. Some Nekorok have unique fur patterns that change with age or magical abilities.
  3. Eyes: Nekorok eyes are large, expressive, and often gleam with curiosity. Their eyes can also exhibit a faint magical glow when using their innate abilities.
  4. Tail and Ears: Long, expressive tails and cat-like ears are prominent features, showcasing their feline ancestry.


  1. Stealth and Agility: Nekorok are naturally stealthy and agile, allowing them to navigate environments with ease. They can be excellent thieves or scouts.
  2. Magical Affinity: Many Nekorok possess innate magical abilities, allowing them to manipulate small objects, create illusions, or perform other minor magical feats.
  3. Night Vision: Nekorok have excellent night vision, making them adept at navigating in low-light conditions.
  4. Purr of Soothing: The soft purring of a Nekorok has a calming effect on those nearby, reducing stress and anxiety.

Behavior: Nekorok are known for their playful and mischievous nature. They have a fondness for shiny objects, and some individuals may even have a small collection of trinkets they find fascinating. Despite their mischievous tendencies, Nekorok are generally good-natured and enjoy forming bonds with other creatures, including humans.


Nekolf: Hybrid Offspring:

  • Result of the union between Wolvrin and Nekorok.
  • Have both fur and skin.
  • Markings form on the body every time they "die."


  • Combined powers of both tribes.
  • Markings for each "life" on their bodies.
  • "Nekolf Pure" - Offspring with pure colors from both parents, considered cursed.

Normal Nekolf:

  • Strong connection with magic and nature.
  • Controlled transformation into feral form with healing powers.
  • Avoid crossing clans and species to avert bad luck.


  • Energetic and extremely strong.
  • Seek fights to manage overwhelming power.
  • Constant battle mode, even if hungry.
  • "Cursed Beast" form when enraged, combining wolf and feline features.
  • Markings glow near Cheops or a part of him.


  • Control issues when stressed or weak.
  • Kitty or wolf form during emotional states.
  • Overcharged energy like an unending power supply.
  • Seek battles to quiet the urge to destroy.


  • 7 couples experimented during a special year, resulting in the birth of Nekolf offspring.
  • Original 7 Nekolfs known before the Shattering (2 "good Nekolfs" and 5 "Cursed" Nekolfs).
  • Power overwhelming, requiring constant consumption of food to remain in control.
  • Unpredictable behavior, especially when the internal beast is enraged.


Nekolf are majestic and regal creatures that combine the elegance of large felines with the wisdom and magical prowess of wolves. These hybrids are known for their intelligence, magical abilities, and the ability to form deep bonds with those they deem worthy.

Physical Traits:

  1. Size: Nekolf are larger than wolves, standing at the shoulder height of an adult human. They possess a majestic and imposing presence.
  2. Fur and Coloration: Their fur is often a combination of wolf and feline characteristics, with a mix of colors and patterns. Nekolf may have unique markings that signify their magical abilities. They have human skin as part of the combo. 
  3. Eyes: Nekolf eyes are intelligent and perceptive, exhibiting a magical glow that intensifies when they use their innate abilities.
  4. Tail and Mane: Long, flowing tails and a majestic mane are distinctive features, adding to the Nekolf's regal appearance.


  1. Magical Prowess: Nekolf are born with innate magical abilities, allowing them to manipulate elements, cast protective spells, and communicate telepathically with those they trust.
  2. Wisdom of the Ancients: Nekolf possesses a deep well of wisdom, drawing on the knowledge of their wolf and feline ancestors. They are often sought after as advisors or guides.
  3. Graceful Movement: Despite their size, Nekolf moves with grace and agility, making them formidable in both physical combat and magical duels.
  4. Telepathic Bond: Nekolf can establish telepathic bonds with individuals they trust, allowing for silent communication and a profound connection.

Behavior: Nekolf are known for their wisdom, nobility, and a sense of duty to protect the magical realms they inhabit. They often serve as guardians of sacred places, ancient artifacts, or magical gateways. While they can be reserved, Nekolf forms deep bonds with those who show respect for nature, magic, and the balance between the two.

Cursed Nekolf:

  • Different hair than parents, deep purple eyes with black sclera.
  • Emotional connection with forms, including uncontrollable feral versions.

The "Nekolf pure" (are the ones when a pure color of both tribes get an offspring, that child is usually cursed)
Example: Wolf white and Neko white or Brown etc
The main ones that have spawned
Since it was a special Year, the tribes celebrated and many things had happened.
Resulting in later Offspring:
The ones found with "pure" colors were later known as "cursed" while the normal Offspring had no problems at all.
The children of these were (seeing the possible colors of fur)

White - (Ivory)
Black- Ebony (Dawn)
Grey- Dusky (Silver)
Brown- Tawny (copper)
Red- Fire

Known as the "Cursed"
The hair would usually be different from the parents, but fur would be the same. Eyes would have a deep purple (with each) and all had black sclera instead of the lovely colorful ones known to felines. It has strong emotional connections with forms (from transformation to cat, wolf or huge feral version that is uncontrollable but extremely strong. Demi god level of strong)

Nekolfs who come from the "normal" side have the stronger form later on. Connection with both magic and nature and almost "druid" like. Their appearance would be more from the parent with the stronger genes (wolf or feline), having hair color from either and having a lovely glow. Their fur would be in a "astonishing" way.
They two would have the ability to form into their huge feral side with control, strong healing powers and could use it well. Seen as the "Good Nekolfs"

The known ones before the Shattering
-2 of the "good Nekolfs"
-5 of the "Cursed" Nekolfs

(and yup, meaning 7 couples had an experimental night that time)

They usually avoid crossing clans and Species as this usually brings bad luck to their home.
It is not really controllable. While their powers are extremely strong. (Almost godlike) And have to eat a lot to remain in control.
They can't always control themselves. When stressed or weak have the feline kitty form. If emotional, another way a wolf forms.
When in control (eaten a lot of food) their energy lets them control what they wanna be

If the beast within is enraged, they transform into this huge feral form (mix of the wolf and feline) and have extremely strong power. Beware of this form!
The markings on their bodies resemble their connection with the powers. The marks glow up near Cheops (or a part of him)

Usually energetic and extremely strong, these ones usually seek fights to quiet the itch to destroy. (due to the overwhelming power that constantly flows through their body) almost like an overcharged cable or never ending power supply. Even if hungry, their state is in battle mode (and can lead to the “cursed Beast” form)



Created by Cheops

Felihu, or "Feline Human-like," are ancient beings with three forms: humanoid, shifting, and small. Gifted with the "Legendary Feline Life" by Godling Nashuri, they possess nine lives, marked by tattoos on their bodies after each loss, waking up after 7 minutes.


  • Originally from Thirash (New Kingdom) in Fabula.
  • Fought to stay in their homeland after the Shattering but eventually migrated to a new home to avoid conflicts.


  1. Humanoid Form:
    • Energy-intensive, requiring effort to maintain.
    • Animal traits include ears, tail, claws, etc.
  2. Shifting Form:
    • Represents the inner beast within.
    • Larger than humanoid form, taking on animal features.
  3. Small Form:
    • Indicates a weakened state from expending too much energy.
    • Adorable but takes time to recover.

Subclasses (Packs):

  1. Alpha:
    • Strong, determined leaders.
    • Physically strong with leadership qualities.
    • Enter mating cycles, protective of chosen mates.
  2. Beta:
    • Nurturing and caring.
    • Enjoy raising families and taking care of loved ones.
    • Often considered the caretakers.
  3. Omega:
    • Submissive, tricky types.
    • Experience heat cycles requiring mating.
    • Produce pheromones for Alphas.
  4. Delta:
    • Hybrid, supportive individuals.
    • A-sexual or enjoy mating for fun.
    • Sterile, but an operation can change this.


  • Lifelong choice marked by mating.
  • Emotionally close; forced bondings result in aggression.
  • Felihu mates only with their chosen partner.
  • Losing a mate leads to emotional suffering, recovery varies.
  • Re-bonding is an emotional process.


  • Peaceful beings striving to adjust to new life.
  • Face challenges but adapt and do their best.


  • Felihu have diverse forms and subclasses.
  • Migration to a new home to avoid conflicts.
  • Mates experience deep emotional bonds, suffering upon loss.

Felihu Description:

Felihu are enchanting and mysterious beings that combine the grace of felines with the ethereal qualities of “butterflies”. They are a lil humanoid with skin and the fur in combo.  Feline features, and an aura of enchantment. Felihu are often associated with beauty, transformation, and the mystical realms.

Physical Traits:

  1. Size: Felihu are small to medium-sized, Basically humanoid from basic size to bigger, comparable to house cats as they have their behaviors. Their slender bodies and delicate features give them an otherworldly appearance.
  2. Fur and Coloration: Felihu exhibit a variety of fur patterns and colors, often resembling those found in both domestic and wild feline species. Their fur may have a subtle iridescence.
  3. Eyes: Large, expressive eyes reflect intelligence and a hint of the mystical. Felihu eyes may have a gentle glow, especially when they are using their magical abilities.


  1. Mystical Aura: Felihu exudes a subtle mystical aura that can have calming or mesmerizing effects on those nearby. This aura intensifies when they are using their magical abilities.
  2. Magical Transformation: Felihu have the power of magical transformation, allowing them to change their appearance or surroundings for brief periods. This ability is often used for camouflage or illusions.

Behavior: Felihu are known for their elusive and gentle nature. They often inhabit mystical and secluded areas, such as enchanted forests or sacred groves. Despite their enchanting appearance, Felihu are not easily approached, as they are selective about their interactions. They are protectors of nature and magical realms, and their presence is often associated with positive energies and transformative experiences.

Felihu are revered as symbols of beauty, magic, and the interconnectedness of the natural and mystical worlds. Tales and legends often speak of Felihu guiding lost travelers, granting wishes, and inspiring artists and poets with their enchanting presence.

In the old lands of Fabula, they have wanderers to the modern part of Fabula known as Thirash (later to island Tenmar and wandered from there out)
They became more modernized and have their structures.

Later Wolf like ones have the same gift as well, the form of shifting and small wolf form

Felihu or “Feline Human like” are the more Ancient beings of the world of Fabula and have come in various forms and likings.
They used to have their homeplace in Fabula in Thirash (New Kingdom) after the whole Shattering thing with Cheops had happened. They have been fighting to stay in their home but eventually many left in a new home as they didn't want war or fights to happen. 

So what are they actually?
Gifted with the 9 Lives, having the main form of a more humanoid, feral small and big as well as the “normal” humanoid looking one (Which costs a lot of energy to maintain if chosen)

Felihu are a very good packed Species that come in all shapes and sizes. Mostly noticeable on their animalistic traits.
They have subclasses within. These are easily comparable to packs. 

Alpha, Beta, Delta and Omega for short. 

Alphas are the stronger and determined ones who have more physical strength, leadership and the urge to protect. Able to mate and make Offspring. They enter their own cycles and the urge of Mating (a reason some say the Horny times) as they want to make their mark. Very protective of their chosen ones and want their own to be protected and carry. Some just want their mate safe. 

Omega: Seen as the “tricky submissive” type. They need their Alpha´s. These get into heat cycles and like “human females'  have their warm moments. They make nests, need to mate and fill. Very cuddly, clingy or even cute. Produce Pheromones that an Alpha can only scent and pick up on. And no matter if male or female, they can get pregnant. More on the “passiv” side. Both male and female. Some Omega´s are very dominant (rare) and use their scent and tactics to get laid or seek to get a mate as they do not want to go through painful times.
The males are able to get Offspring (stomach out later) and Omegas have heat cycles after reaching maturity (around 18) Here their heat cycles don´t kill them but are painful if not taken care of. Like a period thing for female Beta´s, the Omegas experience heat cycles once a month for 3 days through. Some make nests out of clothes from their close friends or mates. There are pills to keep the heat cycles down or even mask their scent. Partly aggressive if they have someone they like, keeping clothes close and snappy as they have various hunger urges. 

Beta. Are seen as the inbetween ones. They fill the “gap” for either Alpha or Omega
Usually these are females (There are males that exist too) A beta woman is naturally nurturing and caring. Loves raising a family, being the nurturer, and taking care of her husband and children. Taking care of the little things that her loved ones would revere is a signature trait of a beta female. Others said “Waifu” /”Manfu” who deeply care for those close around. 

Delta are Felihu´s who have neither of the Traits above and are seen as “hybrids”. As in.. Simple. While they do have scents, it is not a full on luring or dominating one as it simply gives off a pleasant smell. Delta´s are supportive ones as they tend to aid one of their own Kin. Can fill in the Gap if needed on mating or helping with urges. While the most delta´s are “A- Sexual” there are some that enjoy the feeling and bond of mating for fun. Deltas in general all are sterile, do not get pregnant or can produce Offspring. They simply can't  as a special Gland in their body prevents this. There is a way to change this however under operation to remove the Deltaglan in the body (lower section) as this stops the production of either seme or completion of making an uterus.
The Operation is a lil tricky but possible. After surgery, the Delta will then either start to produce semen or form an Uterus after a month. A painful but worthy time. 

The Bonding:
Bonding with Felihu´s is a lifelong choice. Emotional and close. No matter what one is (Alpha, Beta, Delta or Omega) a bond (marking with mating) signals others that the bond is close. The mates are chosen and can only be happy around their significant other (Chosen mates only mate with another and can´t be satisfied by others)
Forced bondings are bad and will result in attacking the other (Aggressive) and a danger of killing.

If a Felihu loses their mate (however way) they will suffer greatly. Very emotionally attached and hard to recover (some do not want to live with the other and follow) as some do remain back and have a harder time with the cycles, not able to deal without pain. There are pills for this and have seen to help.
It takes time for a lost bonded Felihu, and remarking is an emotional process.

In all, Felihu have their Forms.
- The standard form with humanoid looking and their animal traits such as ears, tail, claws and such.
-The humanoid form alone costs a lot of energy to “hide” their true nature.
- Feral big form taking on an animal form but bigger, resembling the inner Beast within
- Smaller form, showing their weakened state if too much energy (of either hiding form, or mating) has been done. take a bit to recover and.. practically cute.

In all, Felihu are peaceful ones that have a hard time but will do their best to adjust to the new life. 



Bunca are a unique species, a cross between a feline and a bunny, possessing the Mars genetics known as Alexandria's Genesis. This syndrome brings about distinctive characteristics, making them highly sought after but also hunted.


  1. Appearance:
    • Humanoid figures with paws instead of feet.
    • Fur up to the knees or hips when mature.
    • Bunny ears, a fluffy tail, and hands with a soft texture.
    • Admired for their rare beauty.
  2. Alexandria's Genesis:
    • Eyes turn from blue to purple after six months, deepening during puberty.
    • Fair skin that does not burn in the sun.
    • No body or facial hair, except what is present at birth.
    • Black or dark brown hair.
    • Perfect vision.
    • No menstruation cycles in females.
    • Life span of 130–170 years.
    • Inability to gain excess weight.
    • Immune system resists all diseases.
    • Ageless appearance.
    • Predominantly found in females.
  3. Rarity and Males:
    • Males are exceptionally rare, born every Bright Blue Full Moon (once every 33 months or seven times every 19 years).
    • Males born during this time become leaders of the clan, celebrating their birth as a significant event.
    • They may have many wives to secure the species and its uniqueness.
    • The first chosen female becomes the true Queen, living closest to the male leader.
  4. Blood and Fur:
    • Their blood is believed to have the ability to cure all wounds and diseases, making them valuable targets for hunters.
    • The fur of Bunca is highly admired and sought after.
  5. Clan Dynamics:
    • Females may outnumber males significantly, emphasizing their scarcity.
    • The celebration of a male's birth ensures the continuation of the species.
    • The male leader plays a crucial role in securing the species and maintaining the uniqueness of the Bunca.

Note: Bunca are mortal beings with no inherent powers. Their uniqueness lies in their appearance, genetic traits, and the rarity of males born every Bright Blue Full Moon. They face the challenge of being both highly sought after and hunted due to the perceived healing properties of their blood and the desirability of their fur.


Bunca are lively and mischievous creatures known for their playful antics and close-knit communities. Resembling a blend of rabbits and felines, Bunca are small, furry beings with long ears, bushy tails, and a penchant for gathering colorful objects. They are often found in vibrant meadows, forest clearings, and whimsical glades.
They have a humanoid form of course as well. 

Physical Traits:

  1. Size: Bunca are small, standing at about half a meter tall. Their petite stature makes them agile and adept at maneuvering through dense foliage.
  2. Fur and Coloration: Soft, fluffy fur covers the bodies of Bunca, and they come in an array of colors reminiscent of flowers and fruits. Their fur may change with the seasons, matching the hues of their surroundings. Also have humanoid skin in areas. 
  3. Ears: Bunca have long, expressive ears that can move independently, conveying their emotions and alertness. These ears are not only a means of communication but also help them detect subtle sounds in their environment.
  4. Tails: A bushy and often multi-colored tail enhances the cuteness of Bunca. They use their tails for balance, communication, and, on occasion, as a tool for gathering objects.


  1. Playfulness: Bunca are playful by nature and enjoy engaging in games with each other. Their playfulness extends to interactions with other creatures they deem friendly.
  2. Gatherers: Bunca have a fascination with collecting shiny or colorful objects. They store these treasures in their burrows, creating a dazzling display of trinkets that often includes flowers, pebbles, and even small crystals.
  3. Burrow Dwellers: Bunca live in intricate underground burrow systems. These burrows serve as both their homes and storage spaces for their prized collections. The entrances are often hidden beneath foliage or behind rocks.
  4. Community Bonds: Bunca form close-knit communities, and their societies are built on cooperation and mutual care. They are known to share their collected treasures with other members of their community.


  1. Enhanced Agility: Bunca are incredibly agile, able to leap and dart through their environments with ease. Their nimbleness is a key asset in both play and evasion from potential threats.
  2. Camouflage: Bunca have the ability to blend into their surroundings, making them adept at avoiding predators. Their fur may change color to match the foliage, providing effective camouflage.
  3. Communication: Bunca communicate with each other through a combination of vocalizations, body language, and the movement of their expressive ears. They use a range of sounds, from soft chirps to rhythmic thumps, to convey different messages. The modernized Bunca have the ability to speak. 
  4. Blessing of Abundance: In folklore, Bunca are believed to bring blessings of abundance to those who encounter them. This is often associated with a surge of positive energy, luck, and a sense of playfulness in the lives of those touched by the Bunca's presence.



Bunya are a peaceful and nature-connected species similar to Harengons in D&D. They have unique characteristics that set them apart and make them valuable allies for those who appreciate the harmony of nature.


  1. Appearance:
    • Humanoid beings standing upright.
    • Covered fully in fur.
    • Range in size from small (kneehigh) to human-sized and above (up to 2 meters).
    • Growth correlates with age, allowing observers to estimate their age based on height.
    • Some may have a genetic defect leading to a small stature despite maturity.
  2. Growth and Region Influence:
    • Bunya mature and grow at the same time, reaching their proper height depending on their age.
    • Rare cases exist where a genetic defect or the region they grow up in influences their height. They may remain small, especially if they spend their formative years in specific regions. Upon leaving such regions, they catch up with their proper height.
  3. Nature Connection:
    • Strong connection with nature, able to harness its powers.
    • Can manipulate plants, making vines, leaves, and trees grow at will.
    • Possess powerful healing abilities derived from their connection with natural energies.
  4. Diet:
    • Herbivores live on fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based sources.
    • Abstain from consuming meat, adhering to a vegetarian lifestyle.
  5. Peaceful Nature:
    • Innately peaceful beings who avoid causing harm to others or anything in nature.
    • Live in tribes initially before transitioning to more humanoid ways.
    • Cherish harmony and balance in their surroundings.
  6. Supportive Allies:
    • Valuable allies for those who appreciate the symbiotic relationship with nature.
    • Offer support through their natural powers, making them excellent healers and nurturers.

Bunya in Society: Bunya prefer a lifestyle in tune with nature, and their settlements reflect this harmony. As they mature and grow, their understanding of the natural world deepens, making them wise and caring members of their communities. Their peaceful nature and ability to manipulate natural forces make them sought after as allies in various societies.


Bunya are mystical beings embodying the essence of ancient trees and nature's wisdom. Residing in sacred groves and enchanted forests, they serve as protectors of the natural world. These ethereal creatures blend arboreal features with humanoid forms, exuding a tranquil and timeless aura.

Physical Traits:

  1. Antlers or Crown: Many older Bunya feature antler-like extensions or crowns made of delicate foliage. These serve as symbols of their connection to the vitality and cycles of nature.
  2. Luminescent Orbs: Bunya have luminescent orbs when using their powers that replace traditional eyes. These orbs emit a soft, gentle glow, allowing them to see in the darkest corners of their enchanted domains.
  3. Botanical Adornments: Bunya adorn themselves with intricate botanical jewelry, such as necklaces made of seeds, acorns, or flowers. These adornments often hold symbolic significance, representing their connection to specific aspects of nature.


  1. Guardians of Nature: Bunya are dedicated protectors of the natural world. They guard sacred groves, ancient trees, and magical springs, ensuring the balance and harmony of the ecosystems they inhabit.
  2. Wisdom Keepers: Possessing ancient knowledge, Bunya are revered as wisdom keepers. They share their insights with those who approach them with respect and a genuine appreciation for the natural order.
  3. Ethereal Music: Bunya are known for creating enchanting melodies by harmonizing with the wind, rustling leaves, and the whispers of the forest. These ethereal tunes are believed to have healing properties and can evoke a sense of peace.
  4. Seasonal Rituals: Bunya partake in seasonal rituals to celebrate the cyclical nature of life. These rituals involve dances, music, and the exchange of energy with the natural elements, ensuring the vitality of the land.


  1. Nature Manipulation: Bunya possess the ability to manipulate the forces of nature, including the growth of plants, the flow of water, and the gentle whispers of the wind. This power aids them in maintaining the health and vitality of their sacred domains.
  2. Telepathic Communication: Bunya can communicate telepathically with other beings connected to nature. This form of communication allows them to convey complex messages without spoken words.
  3. Healing Aura: The presence of a Bunya is accompanied by a healing aura that promotes physical and spiritual well-being. Those within their proximity may experience rejuvenation and a sense of calm.
  4. Transcendent Existence: Bunya have the ability to enter a state of transcendent existence, merging with the energy of the land. In this state, they gain a heightened understanding of the natural balance and can foresee events that may impact their domains.

Cultural Significance:

Bunya are revered in various cultures as symbols of balance, wisdom, and the interconnectedness of all living things. Many myths and legends tell of the benevolent guidance provided by Bunya to those who approach nature with reverence and humility.



Pangean Humans

Pangean Humans are a unique variation of humankind created by Cheops and his siblings. These beings share similarities with Earth humans but possess distinct characteristics that set them apart.

Key Attributes:

  1. Robust Physiology:
    • Pangean Humans are more robust and resilient than Earth humans, making them better able to endure physical stress and impacts.
    • Enhanced strength and immunity to illnesses, though not immune, with a lower susceptibility compared to Earth humans.
  2. Extended Lifespan:
    • Initially designed to live up to 200 years, providing them with a longer lifespan than typical Earth humans.
    • After the "Shattering," the rules changed, and Pangean Humans face a different fate upon reaching 200 years old.
  3. Rebirth After 200 Years:
    • Upon reaching 200 years of age, Pangean Humans undergo a unique process where their bodies set, decompose, dissolve, and eventually die within a year.
    • After death, they are reborn, retaining memories and experiences from their past life.


Pangean humans are the most widespread and diverse humanoid species inhabiting the expansive world of Pangea. As descendants of the original human civilizations on Fabula, they have adapted to the diverse landscapes, cultures, and magical influences present on Pangea. Pangean humans exhibit a broad range of physical appearances, cultures, and abilities, reflecting the vastness of their world.

Physical Traits:

  1. Diverse Appearances: Pangean humans display a wide array of physical features, including various skin tones, eye colors, and hair textures. This diversity is a result of their adaptation to different climates and environments across Pangea.
  2. Markings and Tattoos: Many Pangean humans adorn their bodies with intricate markings and tattoos. These markings often hold cultural significance, representing achievements, affiliations, or personal beliefs.
  3. Magical Affinities: Some Pangean humans exhibit latent magical abilities, influenced by the magical nature of Pangea. These abilities can range from elemental manipulation to psychic talents, depending on their ancestry and exposure to magical energies.But through modernized world, many have lost the ability and come over as.. plain. 
  4. Adapted Features: Humans in different regions of Pangea may have adapted features, such as enhanced vision for those living in low-light environments or resistance to extreme temperatures for those dwelling in harsh climates.

Cultural Diversity:

  1. Nomadic Tribes: Some Pangean humans live in nomadic tribes, following the migratory patterns of mystical creatures or seasonal changes. They have a deep connection with nature and often practice shamanistic traditions.
  2. City Dwellers: In bustling metropolises, Pangean humans engage in advanced technologies, magical studies, and diverse cultural exchanges. These urban centers serve as hubs for trade, knowledge, and innovation.
  3. Seafaring Cultures: Humans residing near coastlines or on islands often develop seafaring cultures. They are skilled sailors, traders, and explorers, navigating the vast oceans and uncovering hidden wonders.
  4. Mountain Communities: Pangean humans living in mountainous regions are adept at mining, crafting, and forging. They may have close ties with beings like Dookfell, forming alliances for mutual benefit.


  1. Adaptability: Pangean humans excel at adapting to their surroundings, allowing them to thrive in a variety of environments, from dense forests and arid deserts to icy tundras and volcanic landscapes.
  2. Cultural Knowledge: With a rich tapestry of cultures, Pangean humans are often knowledgeable about various traditions, rituals, and magical practices. They draw upon this cultural diversity for problem-solving and innovation.
  3. Innovation: Humans in Pangea are known for their inventive spirit. Whether through technology or magical experimentation, they constantly seek new ways to improve their quality of life and understand the mysteries of their world.
  4. Collaboration: Pangean humans value collaboration and intercultural exchange. They form alliances with other humanoid species, mystical beings, and even ancient creatures, fostering a sense of unity across the diverse realms of Pangea.

Role in Pangea:

Pangean humans play a crucial role in the intricate balance of their world. As adaptable, creative, and collaborative beings, they contribute to the ongoing development, exploration, and understanding of Pangea's mysteries. Their diverse cultures and histories weave a tapestry that reflects the essence of the ever-evolving world they call home.


Martian Humans

Martian Humans are a rare and special subset of humankind residing on Mars, influenced by the Alexandria's Genesis genetic mutation. This unique condition grants them extraordinary attributes and a connection to Bunca.

Distinct Features:

  1. Physical Characteristics:
    • Purple eyes, either present from birth or developing shortly after.
    • Pale skin and perfectly proportioned bodies.
    • Absence of body hair below the neck.
    • Highly fertile individuals with no menstruation in women.
  2. Exceptional Health Traits:
    • Excellent immune systems, providing resistance to various illnesses.
    • Very little bodily waste, indicating an optimized metabolism.
    • Blood possesses healing properties and can cure illnesses or sickness in others.
  3. Extended Lifespan with Genesis:
    • Martian Humans with the Alexandria's Genesis mutation can live up to 350 years, which is 150 years longer than regular Pangean Humans.
    • The condition has made them rare and valuable, drawing attention and sometimes putting them at risk from hunters and experimenters.
  4. Connection with Bunca's:
    • Martian Humans share a strong connection with Bunca's, forming friendships easily among these unique beings.
    • This connection creates a bond that goes beyond physical appearance, fostering camaraderie and mutual understanding.
  5. Protection on Mars:
    • Due to their rarity and vulnerability to exploitation, Martian Humans are protected on Mars, and efforts are made to shield them from harm or experimentation.
  6. Royalty Recognition:
    • Some Alien Margus have recognized the unique value of Martian Humans and regard them as rare and royal beings, contributing to their protection and status.


Martian humans are an extraordinary subspecies of humans adapted to the unique and challenging environment of Mars. Originating from Earth but evolving over generations on the Red Planet, these humans have developed distinct physical and cultural characteristics that set them apart. The harsh conditions of Mars have shaped them into resilient and resourceful beings.

Physical Traits:

  1. Adapted Physiology: Martian humans have adapted to the lower gravity and thin atmosphere of Mars. They are often leaner and taller compared to Earth humans, with slightly elongated limbs to facilitate movement and reduce stress on joints.
  2. Radiation Resistance: Due to Mars' lack of a thick atmosphere, these humans have developed some resistance to the increased radiation from the sun. Their skin may have a natural protective pigment, and their cells may exhibit enhanced repair mechanisms.
  3. Breathing Augmentation: Martian humans possess a more efficient respiratory system, capable of extracting oxygen more effectively from the thin Martian atmosphere. Some may have enhanced lung capacity to endure the challenges of limited oxygen.
  4. Thermal Regulation: With extreme temperature variations on Mars, these humans have developed adaptive thermoregulation mechanisms. They can withstand cold temperatures by conserving heat and efficiently dissipate excess heat in warmer conditions.

Cultural Adaptations:

  1. Underground Settlements: Martian humans often live in subterranean cities or habitats to shield themselves from the harsh surface conditions, including dust storms and radiation. These underground communities feature advanced life support systems.
  2. Technological Innovation: Martian culture places a strong emphasis on technological innovation, given the need for sustainable resource usage and environmental control. They excel in fields like terraforming, robotics, and space exploration.
  3. Resource Management: Limited resources on Mars have led to a culture of efficiency and resourcefulness. Recycling and repurposing materials are common practices, and sustainable living is a key aspect of Martian society.
  4. Interplanetary Identity: Despite their Earthly origins, Martian humans often develop a distinct sense of identity and pride in being Martians. They see themselves as pioneers in the colonization of Mars, contributing to the expansion of human civilization beyond Earth.


  1. Low-Gravity Adaptation: Martian humans may exhibit enhanced agility and physical abilities in low-gravity environments. They can navigate and perform tasks with greater ease than their counterparts from higher-gravity planets.
  2. Advanced Engineering Skills: Mastery of engineering and technology is a hallmark of Martian humans. They are adept at creating and maintaining the intricate systems necessary for survival in their challenging environment.
  3. Space Exploration Prowess: Many Martian humans have a natural affinity for space exploration, and careers in astronomy, astrophysics, and piloting spacecraft are highly esteemed. They play a crucial role in the ongoing exploration of the solar system.
  4. Collaboration for Survival: The harsh conditions of Mars have fostered a strong sense of community and collaboration among Martian humans. Working together is not just a cultural value but a necessity for survival in their challenging environment.

Role in the Solar System:

Martian humans are pioneers and explorers, contributing significantly to humanity's expansion beyond Earth. Their technological expertise, resilience, and adaptability make them key players in the ongoing efforts to understand and harness the resources of the solar system. As they continue to push the boundaries of space exploration, Martian humans represent the spirit of exploration and the potential for human civilization to thrive beyond its home planet.



Beings that absorb magic and cannot be affected by it. Physical attacks however work.

There are the



Fabula/Pangea Zodiacs

In the mystical world of Fabula, the Pangea Zodiacs, also known as Zori Guardians, are celestial beings appointed by the Godlings to watch over the planet and bring unique celebrations and events to its inhabitants. These guardians are tied to specific months and have distinct powers and characteristics associated with their respective time frames.

The Mighty 12 Zori Guardians:

  1. Yraunaj (January) - The New Beginnings Guardian:
    • Celebrations focus on new beginnings and cleaning.
    • Powers involve renewal, cleaning, and restoration.
  2. Yraurbef (February) - The Festival of Love Guardian:
    • Festivals emphasize love, compassion, and romance.
    • Powers include enhancing feelings of love and fostering romantic connections.
  3. Hcram (March) - The Vibrant Month Guardian:
    • Colorful celebrations featuring food and fun festivals.
    • Powers involve vibrant energy and promoting joyous gatherings.
  4. Lirpa (April) - The Blooming Season Guardian:
    • Celebrations center around blooming trees and nature.
    • Powers include fostering growth and harmony in nature.
  5. Yam (May) - The Mommy Maypole Guardian:
    • Festivals involve decorating eggs, celebrating mothers, and maypole dances.
    • Powers include fertility, nurturing, and family connections.
  6. Enuj (June) - The Creative Month Guardian:
    • Celebrations highlight music, art, and creativity.
    • Powers involve inspiring creativity and encouraging artistic expressions.
  7. Yluj (July) - The Kids Month Guardian:
    • Festivals centered on children, friendship, and fun.
    • Powers involve promoting innocence, joy, and playful energy.
  8. Tsugua (August) - The Fathers and Sports Guardian:
    • Celebrations include sports festivals and honoring fathers.
    • Powers involve promoting athleticism, friendly competition, and fatherly love.
  9. Remetpes (September) - The Peace and Alliance Guardian:
    • Celebrations focus on peace, alliances, and cooperation.
    • Powers involve fostering harmony and alliances among communities.
  10. Rebotco (October) - The Spooky Season Guardian:
    • Festivals embrace the spooky and autumnal atmosphere.
    • Powers involve enhancing the mysterious and autumn vibes.
  11. Rebmevon (November) - The Thanksgiving Guardian:
    • Celebrations involve gratitude, helping others, and friendship.
    • Powers include promoting thankfulness and mutual assistance.
  12. Remeced (December) - The Winter and New Year's Guardian:
    • Celebrations include winter festivities and welcoming the new year.
    • Powers involve bringing warmth, compassion, and festive spirit.

History of the Zori:

  • Each Zori Guardian was chosen by a Godling and became an immortal protector of Fabula.
  • They form a close-knit family, taking turns to watch over the planet and celebrate the Zori Festival every 12 years.
  • The Zori Festival involves a week-long celebration where time stands still, allowing the Godlings and Zori to interact and celebrate.
  • The 12 Zori Guardians have specific realms and responsibilities tied to their chosen mortal forms, fostering a deep bond among them.

In the celestial expanse of Fabula and Pangea, a unique zodiac system governs the lives and destinies of its inhabitants. Each zodiac sign is associated with specific traits, elements, and mythological creatures, reflecting the rich tapestry of these parallel worlds. Below are the Fabula/Pangea zodiac signs along with their associated characteristics:

  1. Aetherium Ram (March 21 - April 19):
    • Element: Aether (Spirit)
    • Traits: Adventurous, Courageous, Energetic
    • Symbol: Majestic Ram
  2. Taurine Earthshaker (April 20 - May 20):
    • Element: Earth
    • Traits: Patient, Practical, Reliable
    • Symbol: Mighty Bull
  3. Gemini Skyweaver (May 21 - June 20):
    • Element: Air
    • Traits: Adaptable, Curious, Communicative
    • Symbol: Celestial Twins
  4. Cancerian Tidebearer (June 21 - July 22):
    • Element: Water
    • Traits: Nurturing, Intuitive, Protective
    • Symbol: Lunar Crab
  5. Solar Lionheart (July 23 - August 22):
    • Element: Fire
    • Traits: Confident, Charismatic, Courageous
    • Symbol: Regal Lion
  6. Viridian Harvestkeeper (August 23 - September 22):
    • Element: Earth
    • Traits: Analytical, Diligent, Modest
    • Symbol: Bountiful Harvest
  7. Libra Moonweaver (September 23 - October 22):
    • Element: Air
    • Traits: Harmonious, Charming, Fair-minded
    • Symbol: Scales of Justice
  8. Scorpionic Shadowstalker (October 23 - November 21):
    • Element: Water
    • Traits: Passionate, Resourceful, Intense
    • Symbol: Mysterious Scorpion
  9. Celestial Archer (November 22 - December 21):
    • Element: Fire
    • Traits: Optimistic, Generous, Honest
    • Symbol: Sagittarian Archer
  10. Capricornian Earthbinder (December 22 - January 19):
    • Element: Earth
    • Traits: Ambitious, Disciplined, Grounded
    • Symbol: Mountainous Goat
  11. Aquarian Starshaper (January 20 - February 18):
    • Element: Air
    • Traits: Innovative, Eccentric, Humanitarian
    • Symbol: Cosmic Water Bearer
  12. Piscean Dreamweaver (February 19 - March 20):
    • Element: Water
    • Traits: Compassionate, Imaginative, Intuitive
    • Symbol: Mystical Fish

Zodiacal Influences:

  1. Astral Conjunctions: Alignment of celestial bodies during one's birth plays a crucial role in shaping individual destinies.
  2. Mythical Guardians: Each zodiac sign is associated with a mythical creature or guardian, embodying the essence of that sign.
  3. Astrological Arts: In Fabula and Pangea, skilled astrologers interpret celestial configurations to provide insights into personal strengths, challenges, and destinies.
  4. Celestial Events: Rare celestial events, such as comets or planetary alignments, are considered powerful omens and can impact the fate of individuals and nations.
  5. Elemental Affinities: The elemental association of each zodiac sign influences magical abilities, strengths, and vulnerabilities.

In Fabula and Pangea, the zodiac is more than a cosmic calendar; it's a source of mystical guidance, a cultural tapestry, and a reminder of the interconnectedness between the celestial and terrestrial realms.


Crescent Moon Royals

The Crescent Moon Royals are an elite group of beings chosen from different species to rule and protect the various kingdoms of Fabula. They were created by Godling Maf-Marifa and were originally tasked with maintaining peace and order in the world. Each royal has a symbol on their body in the form of a crescent moon with a red and teal/mint sway around it, representing the dark, light, and hidden aspects of Fabula's moon.

Main Three Crescent Moon Royals:

  1. Dark Crescent Moon Royal:
    • Symbol: Crescent moon with a red sway
    • Powers: Mastery over shadows, control of the unseen, and influence over the old kingdom.
    • Role: Represents the wisdom and traditions of the old kingdom.
  2. Light Crescent Moon Royal:
    • Symbol: Crescent moon with a teal/mint sway
    • Powers: Manipulation of light, healing abilities, and influence over the new kingdom.
    • Role: Embodies the hope and innovation of the new kingdom.
  3. Hidden Crescent Moon Royal (Pangea):
    • Symbol: Slightly different crescent moon icon
    • Powers: Ability to remain concealed, powerful defensive capabilities, and influence over Pangea.
    • Role: Ensures the hidden aspects of Pangea, protecting its secrets.

Other Crescent Moon Royals:

  • Each kingdom has its own Crescent Moon Royal, serving as a representative and leader. They inherit their positions through bloodlines or are chosen based on their qualities.
  • The marks on their bodies cannot be erased or traced over, symbolizing their lifelong connection to their roles.

Attributes and Responsibilities:

  • Higher ranked than any king, the Crescent Moon Royals have the authority to make decisions for the greater good of their respective kingdoms.
  • They meet annually for discussions and planning with Marifa, fostering unity and collaboration among the kingdoms.
  • The royals' powers develop over time, aligning with their commitment to being just rulers and ensuring the safety of their people.

Challenges and Struggles:

  • Despite their strength and power, Crescent Moon Royals are not immortal, making them susceptible to various threats.
  • The disappearance or deaths of some royals have created challenges in maintaining peace and order.

Overall Role in Fabula: The Crescent Moon Royals play a crucial role in the world order of Fabula. They are symbols of peace, unity, and protection, and their leadership helps guide the kingdoms through the challenges that arise in their ever-evolving world.

The Crescent Moon Royals are a distinguished and enigmatic royal family in the mystical realms of Fabula and Pangea. With a lineage deeply intertwined with lunar magic, they hold a unique position in the cosmic hierarchy. Here are key aspects of the Crescent Moon Royals:

  1. Lunar Bloodline:
    • The royal family traces its lineage to an ancient union between a powerful celestial being and a mortal. This divine connection bestowed them with a special affinity for lunar energies.
  2. Symbolism:
    • The family crest prominently features a crescent moon surrounded by intricate celestial patterns, symbolizing their connection to the lunar realm. The moon is a source of guidance and power for the Crescent Moon Royals.
  3. Lunar Magic:
    • Members of the royal family possess innate abilities tied to the phases of the moon. Their magic waxes and wanes with the lunar cycle, granting them unique powers during a full moon and heightened intuition during a crescent moon.
  4. Moonlit Palace:
    • The Crescent Moon Royals reside in a majestic palace that reflects the ethereal beauty of the moon. The palace is adorned with luminescent crystals that glow softly, creating an otherworldly ambiance.
  5. Nightfall Council:
    • The family convenes in a council known as the Nightfall Council during significant celestial events. Here, they discuss matters of cosmic importance, interpret celestial signs, and make decisions that affect both their realm and others.
  6. Moonlit Ceremonies:
    • Important rituals and ceremonies are conducted under the moonlit sky. These events are attended by nobles, scholars, and mystics seeking the blessings and wisdom of the lunar deities.
  7. Moon-touched Heirs:
    • Heirs of the Crescent Moon Royals are said to be "moon-touched," embodying the magic and grace of the moon. Their powers are awakened during a special celestial alignment, marking their ascension to the throne.
  8. Lunar Guardians:
    • The royal family is protected by celestial beings and guardians associated with the moon. These guardians are summoned during times of crisis, their silhouettes illuminated against the night sky.
  9. Moonlit Diplomacy:
    • The Crescent Moon Royals play a crucial role in diplomatic relations between mystical realms. Their ability to read celestial omens and navigate cosmic energies makes them sought-after mediators and advisors.
  10. Silver Attire:
    • Members of the royal family are often adorned in silver attire, reflecting the moon's radiance. The garments are intricately woven with magical threads that shimmer in the moonlight.
  11. Eclipses and Prophecies:
    • Eclipses are viewed as powerful omens, and the royal family interprets them to unveil prophecies that guide their decisions. The alignment of celestial bodies during an eclipse is considered a time of great significance.

The Crescent Moon Royals stand as celestial stewards, weaving the magic of the moon into the fabric of their kingdom. Their unique connection to the lunar realm grants them a mystical authority that is both respected and revered across the realms of Fabula and Pangea.



Created by Gabri

They were inspired by his siblings who had Guardians, Molokai and all, so making a project with Unimare Simon (god) and Spario (god) and created the Parynx. In a way a companion for travels.

One was gifted to Cheops, another for himself and the other 5 he decided to spread. (he made 7 in total)

1 in Pangea later on, 1 to travel and 3 in Fabula

Where they are now:

-1 in Rokka (protecting the place) Heart of Rokka
-1 around the old world
-1 in the new World
-1 with Fawn (Cheops grave at the old Temple)
-1 in the Elemental Realm with Kyle and Raha
-1 with Gabri
-1 traveling around the galaxy

These beings are tall and fox like with a lil mystic behind. A more stunning view when one would see.

They have 5 tails at start (Often mistaken for Kitsune)

1) Main Tail Purple glow at end-Open and close portals, sense and sniff them

2) Blue Glow- Protect, a shielding tail as it can form a barrier around an area and hide what is in within (Shielding) as well as hiding

3) Yellow glow- languages as being around it can let any book or one understand the other no matter the language. The books taken outside the area of the Parynx will be in origin form

4) Red glow- Magic, protection of magic (not usable around the Parynx only when it allows) and stops chaos from happening.

5) Green glow- Time con- A very powerful tail as this stops the time around it's area. One doesn´t age or weaken around it. "only the ones near it and area"

They can later take on a humanoid or other appearance as they get curious about others and like to learn.

Parynx (Mystic Companion) Medium Fey, Neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24)
Speed 40 ft.

STR 12 (+1)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 16 (+3)
CHA 18 (+4)

Saving Throws DEX +5, WIS +6
Skills Arcana +4, Perception +6
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Sylvan; Understands all languages within its aura

Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Mystic Aura: Within a 30-foot radius, the Parynx emits an aura that grants the following benefits:
    • Languages within the aura can be understood by everyone.
    • Time is slowed for creatures within the aura, providing advantage on DEX saving throws.
    • Advantage on saving throws against chaotic magic.
  2. Portal Manipulation: The Parynx can cast dimension door at will without expending a spell slot.
  3. Protective Barrier: As a reaction, the Parynx can create a magical barrier around itself or another creature within 30 feet, granting a +2 bonus to AC for one round.


  1. Tail Attack: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
  2. Time Convergence (Recharge 5-6): The Parynx stops time within its aura for 1 minute. Creatures inside the aura don't age, and they gain resistance to all damage.


  1. Teleportation Mastery: When the Parynx is hit by an attack, it can use its reaction to teleport to an unoccupied space within 30 feet.

Legendary Actions: The Parynx can take 2 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Parynx regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

  1. Tail Swipe: The Parynx makes a tail attack.
  2. Dimensional Shift: The Parynx uses its dimension door ability.

These D&D stats are just a starting point and can be adjusted based on the campaign's requirements and the Dungeon Master's preferences.



Created by Gabri, the Aparko are small creatures standing around 40 cm to knee-high, often mistaken for coyotes or cats during the day. They serve as excellent riding companions and food seekers due to their keen senses, especially their ability to sniff out anything needed.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Size: Around 40 cm to knee-high.
  • Appearance (Daytime): Dirty and scruffy fur. Sunlight reflects off their fur, making it stiff and almost porcupine-like. Fur can have a variety of colors mixed in.
  • Appearance (Nighttime): Fur becomes soft, silky, and flows elegantly. Piercing, glowing silver eyes enable them to see clearly in darkness.
  • Eyes: Silver and dull during the day, but they possess exceptional night vision.


  • Daytime Behavior: Aparkos prefer to sleep during the day. Sunlight can make them grumpy as their fur becomes stiff and uncomfortable. Petting is not advised during this time.
  • Nighttime Behavior: Their time to shine. Aparkos become swift and agile, excelling in hunting and seeking. Their fur transforms into a soft, flowing state, and their eyes glow brightly.


  1. Scent Tracking: Exceptional sense of smell, allowing them to track various scents with precision.
  2. Night Vision: Piercing silver eyes grant them the ability to see clearly in complete darkness.
  3. Camouflage: During the day, their scruffy and multi-colored fur helps them blend into their surroundings.


  • Riding Companions: Due to their size and agility, Aparkos make excellent riding companions, especially during nighttime journeys.
  • Food Seekers: Their keen sense of smell makes them valuable for tracking and finding food resources.


  • Daytime Discomfort: Aparkos may become grumpy and uncomfortable during the day when their fur stiffens in the sunlight.
  • Petting Caution: Their fur can stick to surfaces and cause pain, so petting is not advised during the daytime.

Relationship with Other Creatures:

  • Mistaken Identity: Aparkos are often mistaken for coyotes or cats during the day due to their small size and scruffy appearance.


  • Gabri: The creator of the Aparko, Gabri, infused them with unique traits that make them versatile companions in both daylight and darkness.

The Aparko, with their dual nature and abilities, are valuable additions to the diverse and enchanting world of Fabula.

Aparko (Celestial Guardian)
Large Celestial, Lawful Good

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 120 (16d10 + 32)
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR 18 (+4)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 20 (+5)
CHA 18 (+4)

Saving Throws STR +7, CON +6, WIS +9
Skills Perception +9, Insight +9
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 19
Languages Celestial, Common; Understands all languages

Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Aura of Protection: Aparko emits an aura of protection in a 30-foot radius. Allies in this aura gain a +3 bonus to all saving throws.
  2. Healing Light: As a bonus action, Aparko can shed bright light in a 30-foot radius. All friendly creatures in the light regain 10 hit points at the start of their turn.
  3. Celestial Presence: Aparko has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


  1. Divine Sword: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage, plus 10 (3d6) radiant damage.
  2. Radiant Blast (Recharge 5-6): Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d10) radiant damage.
  3. Celestial Roar (Recharge 6): Aparko emits a powerful roar. All hostile creatures within 30 feet must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.


  1. Winged Shield: When a creature Aparko can see within 30 feet is targeted by an attack, Aparko can use its reaction to interpose its wings between the attacker and the target. The target gains a +5 bonus to AC against the triggering attack.

Legendary Actions: Aparko can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Aparko regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

  1. Celestial Surge: Aparko moves up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  2. Healing Touch: Aparko touches a creature within 5 feet, restoring 2d8 + 4 hit points.
  3. Radiant Burst: Aparko releases a burst of radiant energy. All creatures within 10 feet must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Feel free to adjust the stats based on your campaign's needs and preferences.



Created by Gabri

The Reptifelimon are hybrids born from the creative mind of Gabri, a Godling inspired by tales of humans and a desire to craft a new species. These creatures combine elements of reptiles, felines, and monsters, resulting in tall and formidable beings scattered across different areas, including Old Fabula, Rokka, and New Fabula.

Lore: In a moment of creative inspiration, Gabri decided to create the Reptifelimon. The first three created—Harik and two others—represented the natural aspect of these hybrids and were placed in different regions. Their offspring inherited strength and a strong connection to nature.

Original Creations:

  1. Harik: A gender-neutral being adaptable to its mate.
  2. Unnamed Two: Variations created to explore the different possibilities of the Reptifelimon.


Elemental Beasts: Gabri continued his creative endeavor by crafting 12 more Reptifelimon inspired by the concept of "Elemental Beasts." To bring them to life, Gabri sought permission from Elemental Leaders to harness sparks of power. The resulting hybrids possessed elemental powers, making them formidable beings. However, to mitigate their potential danger, they were transformed into smaller variations and temporarily sealed away.

Elemental Beasts:

  1. Sala (Fire): Fire Devil (Phoenix-like, reborn with its own ash).
  2. Vnd (Water): Water Devil (aquatic creature).
  3. Gno (Earth): Earth Devil (formed from dirt and nature).
  4. Sylp (Air) and Skel (Wind): Air Devil and Wind Devil.
  5. Nov (Steel/Metal): Metal Devil.
  6. Pashu (Skeleton-Death/Darkness) and Nishishu (Life/Light): Undead Devil (balancing life and death).
  7. Arkus (Ice): Ice Devil.
  8. Lightning (Ni): Lightning Devil.
  9. Soul and Spirit: Okra Devil.
  10. Time and Space: TiSa Devil.
  11. Tech (Digital Machine Science): Tech Devil.
  12. Magic: Magic Devil.
  13. Love (Art): Love Devil (origin of Incubus and Succubus).
  14. Surprise (Ah!): Surprise Devil (also known as Jin/Genie's).

Each Elemental Beast hatched from a different egg in its respective elemental realm. Initially created as protectors and symbols of their elements, they later became leaders of their own underworlds, giving rise to various demons.

The Reptifelimon, with their diverse forms and elemental connections, add richness to the complex tapestry of Fabula's inhabitants.

Reptifelimon (Serpentine Shadow)
Large Monstrosity, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 84 (8d10 + 40)
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft.

STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 20 (+5)
INT 6 (-2)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 8 (-1)

Saving Throws STR +7, CON +8
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +4
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 15
Languages —

Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Shadow Blend: While in dim light or darkness, Reptifelimon can use the Hide action as a bonus action.
  2. Constrict: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the creature is restrained, and Reptifelimon can't constrict another target.
  3. Shadow Camouflage: Reptifelimon has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in dim light or darkness.


  1. Multiattack: Reptifelimon makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail.
  2. Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
  3. Tail Slash: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
  4. Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6): Reptifelimon exhales a 30-foot cone of magical shadows. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


  1. Evasion: When Reptifelimon is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage on a success, it takes no damage on a success and half damage on a failure.



Created by Parint

Stargazers, created by Parint, are celestial beings with a unique purpose—to fulfill wishes made upon the stars. These creatures are observant, supportive, and play a role in mapping and locating celestial bodies. Stargazers have wandering eyes and, when humans see a falling star, it might just be one of these wanderers on a celestial journey.


  • Observant and Supportive: Stargazers diligently watch over the skies, fulfilling the wishes of those who gaze upon them during starry nights. They are known to be supportive and play a role in creating maps and locating celestial bodies.
  • Wish Granting: Stargazers have the ability to fulfill wishes that are made upon them during a starry night. The wishful ones will descend to the wisher's location and grant them a wish. The effectiveness of the wish depends on how the Stargazer interprets it and the magnitude of the wish.
  • Appearance: Stargazers typically have a blue/black or sparkling appearance, resembling the night sky. The first offspring, known as the "Starfox," grows up with the Moontiger and Moonbunny. The Starfox is a strong healer and possesses shielding abilities in dangerous situations.


  • Starfox: The initial offspring of Stargazers, the Starfox, possesses healing abilities and is skilled in shielding. It grows up with the Moontiger and Moonbunny, contributing to the diversity of celestial beings.

Summoning and Temples:

  • Stargazers can be wishfully summoned by humans, and they have dedicated temples in specific areas on the ground. These temples are significant, and only on specific nights can Stargazers be wished upon. If one wishes upon a star during these nights, the Starfox may come to fulfill the wish.


  • There are five Stargazers, each corresponding to one of the five pointy parts of a star. Additionally, there is the main StarFox situated in the middle, known as the first and original Starfox.

Stargazers bring an enchanting and mystical element to the night sky, encouraging individuals to make wishes and believe in the magic of the cosmos.

Medium Fey, Neutral Good

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft.

STR 12 (+1)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 20 (+5)

Saving Throws WIS +7, CHA +8
Skills Perception +7, Insight +7
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 17
Languages Sylvan, Celestial

Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Fey Ancestry: Stargazers have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and can't be put to sleep by magic.
  2. Starlight Aura: Friendly creatures within 10 feet of the Stargazer have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
  3. Healing Light: As a bonus action, the Stargazer can expend a spell slot to restore 2d8 hit points to a creature it touches.


  1. Staff: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
  2. Stellar Blast: Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) radiant damage.
  3. Starfall (Recharge 5-6): The Stargazer calls down a burst of radiant energy in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point it can see within 60 feet. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Moon Royals and Moon Guardians

In the enchanting world of Fabula, the Moon Royals and Moon Guardians add a layer of magic and mystery. Born and created on the moon, these celestial beings serve the Moon Goddess or Princess. However, a tale of unrequited love, curses, and a quest for redemption unfolds among them.

Moon Royals:

  • Origins: Moon Royals are beings born on the moon, initially serving the Moon Goddess or Princess. They are magical entities with a strong connection to the moon's essence.
  • Cursed Love Story: The Moon Princess, not yet married, encounters a traveler and adventurer who asks for her hand in marriage. She declines and ridicules him, leading to a curse by the traveler's mother. The curse binds the Moon Princess to the moon itself, preventing her from leaving.
  • Curse and Bond: Moon Royals, friends, and family are also affected by the curse, binding them to the moon. They cannot leave unless summoned correctly. Once summoned, they fulfill the wishes of the summoner, remaining with them for six months before returning to the moon or being freed from the bond.
  • Summoning Ritual: The knowledge of how to summon Moon Royals spread through a spy who overheard the story. The spy, seeking redemption, shared the information widely, allowing others to summon these magical beings and seek their aid.

Moon Guardians:

  • Cursed Moon Goddess: The Moon Goddess, bound by the curse, cannot leave the moon and faces the challenge of redemption. To be freed, she needs to be apologized to and released by the one she shamed—the traveler and the mother witch. However, their whereabouts are unknown.
  • Regret and Redemption: In order for the Moon Goddess to find freedom, the traveler and the mother witch must show regret and a willingness to release her from the curse. The quest for redemption becomes a central theme, weaving a tale of magical bonds, love, and forgiveness.

Moon Creatures:

  • Moontiger and Moonrabbit: Among the Moon Royals are magical creatures like the Moontiger and Moonrabbit. These celestial beings contribute to the mystical atmosphere of the moon, each with its unique qualities and abilities.

They have their forms as well as animalistic forms as well (Below)

The Moon Royals and Moon Guardians bring an intriguing and poignant story to Fabula, where curses and redemption play a pivotal role in the magical narrative.

Moon Royal
Medium Celestial, Lawful Good

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 84 (8d8 + 48)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)

STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 22 (+6)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 20 (+5)
CHA 24 (+7)

Saving Throws CON +9, WIS +7, CHA +11
Skills Perception +7, Insight +7
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Truesight 60 ft., Passive Perception 17
Languages Celestial, Common

Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Celestial Resistance: Moon Royals have resistance to radiant and necrotic damage.
  2. Moonlit Aura: The Moon Royal emits a magical aura in a 30-foot radius. Allied creatures in the aura gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
  3. Healing Radiance: As a bonus action, the Moon Royal can expend a spell slot to restore 4d8 hit points to itself or a creature it touches.


  1. Lunar Blade: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage plus 14 (4d6) radiant damage.
  2. Celestial Bolts: Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 7) radiant damage.
  3. Moonbeam (Recharge 5-6): The Moon Royal creates a 5-foot-wide, 60-foot-high cylinder of moonlight centered on a point it can see within 120 feet. Creatures in the cylinder must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Moon Guardian
Medium Celestial, Lawful Good

Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 136 (16d8 + 64)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)

STR 20 (+5)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 18 (+4)
WIS 22 (+6)
CHA 20 (+5)

Saving Throws DEX +7, CON +8, WIS +9, CHA +8
Skills Perception +9, Insight +9
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Truesight 60 ft., Passive Perception 19
Languages Celestial, Common

Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Celestial Resistance: Moon Guardians have resistance to radiant and necrotic damage.
  2. Moonlit Aura: The Moon Guardian emits a magical aura in a 40-foot radius. Allied creatures in the aura gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
  3. Healing Radiance: As a bonus action, the Moon Guardian can expend a spell slot to restore 5d8 hit points to itself or a creature it touches.


  1. Lunar Blade: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage plus 16 (4d8) radiant damage.
  2. Celestial Bolts: Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 5) radiant damage.
  3. Moonbeam (Recharge 5-6): The Moon Guardian creates a 5-foot-wide, 60-foot-high cylinder of moonlight centered on a point it can see within 120 feet. Creatures in the cylinder must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Verdaks: Mystical Companions of Fabula

In the enchanting realm of Fabula, Verdaks stand as remarkable and versatile creatures, created by the god Parint. These beings, known for their loyalty, resilience, and practicality, have become valued companions in the fantastical world.

Key Characteristics:

  1. Appearance: Verdaks are reptile-like creatures, agile, and taller than horses. They possess slight fur for temperature regulation, adapting to extreme weather conditions. Their fur can be adjusted to be soft or hard for protection, making it ideal for crafting clothes.
  2. Abilities: Fast and strong, Verdaks are practical animals with the ability to climb walls and mountains. They have pouches for protection and storage, and their resilient nature allows them to travel through various terrains. Their fur shedding every two weeks adds to their practicality.
  3. Fluid Storage: Verdaks can store fluids for extended periods, making them valuable in journeys. They have pouches that serve multiple purposes, including protection, feeding their young, and storage.
  4. Reproduction: Females lay eggs, usually around 8 per day, and the eggs are initially soft but become hard and flexible once taken out. The eggs absorb their surroundings and can take on elemental traits depending on where they hatch.
  5. Milk Production: Females produce nutritious milk, around 2 liters per day, suitable for various species. If not milked, they drink the milk themselves for health benefits.
  6. Dominance: Females are seen as more dominant and protective, while males are known for their rarity and speed, often exhibiting elemental powers.
  7. Longevity: Verdaks have a lifespan of over 3000 years, adding to their mystical nature.

Elemental Powers:

  • Depending on where the Verdak egg hatches, it absorbs elemental surroundings, gaining corresponding powers, color palettes, and abilities.

Verdakin Ritual:

  • The "Verdakin Ritual" involves letting the egg absorb surroundings during the incubation period. This process aims to strengthen the unborn Verdak by harnessing elemental traits. Legends speak of a Traveler who circled the world in 80 days with a Verdak egg to optimize its elemental traits.

Personality Shaping:

  • Verdak eggs, once fertilized, take 100 days to hatch. During this period, they absorb emotional and moral influences from their surroundings, shaping their personalities based on the prevailing energies—be it good, bad, or happy.

Verdaks are not just practical companions; they are living entities shaped by the world around them. Their versatility, loyalty, and longevity make them cherished beings in the mystical tapestry of Fabula.

Large Elemental, Neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 105 (10d10 + 50)
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft., swim 60 ft.

STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 20 (+5)
INT 10 (0)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 8 (-1)

Saving Throws STR +7, CON +8
Skills Perception +3
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 60 ft., Passive Perception 13
Languages Terran

Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Elemental Nature: A verdak doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep.
  2. Burrow: The verdak can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the verdak doesn't disturb the material it moves through.
  3. Poisonous Aura: Creatures within 10 feet of the verdak must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.


  1. Multiattack: The verdak makes two slam attacks.
  2. Slam: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
  3. Poison Breath (Recharge 5-6): The verdak exhales poisonous gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Wiffs: Cosmic Observers and Chroniclers

In the vast cosmic tapestry of Parint's creations, the Wiffs emerge as celestial beings tasked with the noble duty of wandering through planets and worlds, documenting the myriad wonders they encounter. While Parint is yet to christen them with a more fitting name, their significance lies in their role as meticulous record-keepers and observers.

Key Characteristics:

  1. Form Adaptability: Wiffs possess the remarkable ability to take on any form, seamlessly blending into diverse environments. This chameleonic attribute enables them to interact closely with the various life forms they encounter.
  2. Planetary Wanderers: Sent to different worlds, including Pangea, Fabula, Gamalank, and more, Wiffs roam freely to gather knowledge about the unique creations in each realm. Their purpose is to create a comprehensive record of the flora, fauna, and civilizations they encounter.
  3. Silent Observers: While some Wiffs prefer to remain hidden, silently observing and documenting the world around them, others engage with the inhabitants, asking questions, and delving deeper into the intricacies of life.
  4. Curiosity and Learning: Wiffs are driven by an insatiable curiosity and a thirst for learning. Their interactions with different species provide valuable insights into the diverse cultures, behaviors, and ecosystems across the cosmos.
  5. Record Keepers: Serving as cosmic chroniclers, Wiffs meticulously record their findings, creating an extensive catalog of the wonders they come across. Their records contribute to the collective knowledge and understanding of Parint's creations.
  6. Communication: Some Wiffs go beyond observation and engage in meaningful conversations with the inhabitants of the worlds they visit. This direct interaction allows them to gain a deeper understanding of the emotions, aspirations, and stories of the beings they encounter.
  7. Tasked by Parint: The first seven Wiffs were sent on their cosmic journey with a specific mission to explore, observe, and document. Their findings contribute to Parint's understanding of the diverse and evolving nature of the worlds he has created.

While the Wiffs await a more fitting name from their creator, their significance as celestial wanderers and knowledge bearers enriches the narrative of the cosmic realms they explore.

Medium celestial (shapechanger), neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24)

Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR 12 (+1) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 (+3) INT 14 (+2) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 18 (+4)

Skills Perception +4, Insight +4

Damage Immunities radiant

Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages all languages known by creatures on the visited worlds

Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Shapechanger. The wiff can use its action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid it has seen, or back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Innate Spellcasting. The wiff's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). The wiff can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

  • At will: detect magic
  • 3/day each: charm person, comprehend languages, disguise self
  • 1/day each: mind reading, plane shift (self only)

Keen Sight. The wiff has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Multiattack. The wiff makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 3) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (2d3 + 3) slashing damage.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the wiff fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Record Keeping. The wiff magically inscribes information on a celestial parchment. A creature must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or have a memory extracted. Extracted memories can be read by the wiff and shared at its discretion.

Celestial Gaze. The wiff targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn.

Interplanar Visit (Recharge 5-6). The wiff magically travels to another plane of existence, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to a maximum of five other willing creatures that it can see.


FuFA Cats-Kitsune: Enigmatic Tricksters of Fabula

In the mystical realms of Fabula, a unique group known as the FuFA Cats-Kitsune prowls, adding an extra layer of mischief and magic to the cosmic tapestry created by Parint. These Kitsune, distinct from their counterparts in other realms, play a fascinating role in the cosmic narrative.

Key Characteristics:

  1. Cosmic Allies: The FuFA Cats-Kitsune align themselves with the deities and crescent moon royals, often working alongside them. Their presence has been felt since the dawn of Fabula, making them ancient and knowledgeable entities.
  2. Guardians of Secrets: Having witnessed the unfolding of cosmic events, these Kitsune are keepers of secrets and truths. They maintain a careful balance between revealing and withholding information, ensuring the cosmic order is preserved.
  3. Distinct Mark: All Fabula-born FuFA Cats-Kitsune bear a unique mark—a half-rigged fluffy moon—etched onto their bodies. This emblem signifies their connection to the cosmic forces and distinguishes them from other Kitsune.
  4. Playful Tricksters: True to their Kitsune nature, the FuFA Cats-Kitsune are mischievous and playful. While some refrain from interfering in cosmic affairs, others revel in tricking wanderers or causing chaos for their own amusement.
  5. Dangerous Ambitions: Some FuFA Cats-Kitsune harbor dangerous ambitions, seeking to earn additional tails—an indication of their growing power. Their schemes may involve manipulating unsuspecting travelers or orchestrating cosmic events.
  6. Curiosity and Cooperation: Driven by curiosity, some Kitsune choose to cooperate with travelers, assisting them in their quests or participating in unfolding stories. These rare allies add an unpredictable dynamic to the cosmic narrative.
  7. Storytellers and Narrators: FuFA Cats-Kitsune often act as storytellers, narrators, or even participants in cosmic tales. Their involvement introduces twists, turns, and unexpected elements, ensuring that the fabric of Fabula is woven with intrigue.
  8. Freedom for "Normal" Kitsunes: Kitsunes not born in Fabula and lacking the distinctive mark have the freedom to pursue their own desires and whims. Unbound by the cosmic responsibilities of their Fabula-born counterparts, they are free to roam and act as they please.

The FuFA Cats-Kitsune, with their ancient knowledge, mischievous tendencies, and cosmic connections, bring a unique and unpredictable flavor to the ever-evolving narrative of Fabula. As guardians of secrets and weavers of stories, they play an essential role in the cosmic dance of creation and chaos.

Small fey, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 10 (+0) DEX 18 (+4) CON 16 (+3) INT 14 (+2) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 16 (+3)

Skills Deception +7, Stealth +6

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages Common, Sylvan

Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Shapechanger. The FuFA Cats-Kitsune can use its action to polymorph into a Small fox, a Medium humanoid, or back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Innate Spellcasting. The FuFA Cats-Kitsune's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

  • At will: dancing lights
  • 3/day each: charm person, minor illusion
  • 1/day each: suggestion, detect thoughts

Keen Senses. The FuFA Cats-Kitsune has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, hearing, or smell.

Magic Resistance. The FuFA Cats-Kitsune has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Trickster's Luck. When the FuFA Cats-Kitsune rolls a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, it can reroll the die and must use the new roll.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Foxfire Trickery (Recharge 5-6). The FuFA Cats-Kitsune unleashes a burst of magical foxfire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Additionally, a creature that fails the saving throw is charmed by the FuFA Cats-Kitsune for 1 minute. The charmed creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.


Wrushkis: Mischief-Makers of Winta's Design

In the whimsical realm of Fabula, the mischievous and troublesome Wrushkis, created by Winta, embody the spirit of chaos and annoyance. These small demonic beings take delight in creating mayhem and adding a touch of irritation to the lives of others. Here are some key characteristics of the Wrushkis:

1. Agents of Mischief:

  • Wrushkis are intentionally crafted to be nuisances, taking pleasure in causing annoyance and mischief wherever they go.
  • Their actions range from breaking items, tools, and ripping fabric to more subtle and annoying antics.

2. Invisible Tricksters:

  • These lil demonic beings have the ability to turn invisible, making it challenging for their targets to anticipate or defend against their pranks.
  • The element of surprise adds an extra layer to their mischief, leaving those affected puzzled and frustrated.

3. Shapeshifting Abilities:

  • Wrushkis can take on small forms, such as rats or mice, allowing them to navigate and infiltrate spaces unnoticed.
  • Their shapeshifting skills make them versatile troublemakers, capable of adapting to different environments.

4. Distinctive Purple Mark:

  • All Wrushkis bear a distinctive purple mark on their right hand, serving as an unmistakable identifier of their affiliation with Winta.
  • This mark signifies their allegiance to their creator and serves as a warning to those who may encounter them.

5. Pink-Glowing Eyes:

  • The eyes of Wrushkis emit a pink glow, adding an eerie and mischievous touch to their appearance.
  • This glowing feature may serve both as a visual cue and a subtle indication of their presence.

6. Curiosity and Love for Shiny Things:

  • Despite their penchant for causing trouble, Wrushkis are inherently curious beings.
  • They are drawn to shiny objects and may be easily distracted by the allure of such items, providing a potential means of diverting their attention.

7. Winta's Enjoyment of Others' Suffering:

  • The creation of Wrushkis aligns with Winta's enjoyment of watching others suffer, as he states that "They deserve it."
  • Their actions are fueled by this sadistic pleasure, and their existence adds a layer of chaotic entertainment to Fabula.

8. Fast and Agile:

  • Wrushkis possess remarkable speed and agility, making it challenging for their targets to catch or evade them.
  • Their quick movements contribute to the frustration and chaos they instigate.

In the grand tapestry of Fabula, the Wrushkis bring a unique blend of annoyance and mischievous charm, leaving a trail of chaos and frustration in their wake. Their invisible escapades and shapeshifting abilities ensure that they remain elusive troublemakers, perpetually adding a touch of mayhem to the lives of those unfortunate enough to encounter them.

Tiny fey, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 14

Hit Points 7 (3d4)

Speed 20 ft., fly 30 ft.

STR 3 (-4) DEX 16 (+3) CON 10 (+0) INT 12 (+1) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 14 (+2)

Skills Deception +4, Stealth +5

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages Common, Sylvan

Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The Wrushkis's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

  • At will: minor illusion
  • 1/day: charm person

Ephemeral Form. The Wrushkis can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Keen Senses. The Wrushkis has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.

Innate Mischief. The Wrushkis can use its action to distract a creature it can see within 5 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be distracted until the end of the Wrushkis's next turn. Distracted creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and Dexterity saving throws.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage.

Mischievous Gust. The Wrushkis flutters its wings, creating a gust of wind in a 10-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be pushed 5 feet away from the Wrushkis.

Mirthful Teleport (Recharge 5-6). The Wrushkis magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see. Before or after teleporting, the Wrushkis can make one bite attack.


Evasion. When the Wrushkis is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage on a success and half damage on a failure.


Shadling / Schattenvolk: Guardians of Eternal Darkness

In the shadowed heart of Fabula, the Schattenvolk, created by the skilled hand of Numihaku, emerges as nocturnal beings, guardians of the perpetual night. These enigmatic creatures, with their intricate lore, unique abilities, and deep connection to the shadows, play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their mystical realm. Here's a detailed exploration of the Schattenvolk:


  • Standing at knee height, the Schattenvolk resembles skeletons tinted in ink, black, and gray hues. Their unique form is a blend of bones and fur-like dust, giving them an ethereal and haunting appearance.
  • With black sclera and glowing eyes, Schattenvolk moves easily through the darkness, capable of blending seamlessly with shadows.
  • Agile and fast, they exhibit a smooth, silk-like fur when they transition to a more "fluffy ruff" form during mating or special occasions.


  • The Schattenvolk find solace in the Darkonian Woods, a vast and creepy forest in Fabula. The trees in this mysterious woodland appear light purple and pinkish during the day, while they luminesce with deeper purples and greens at night, providing the only light the species needs.

Powers and Abilities:

  • Manipulation of Darkness: Schattenvolk possess the innate ability to manipulate darkness physically, whether merging with shadows, using shadow-based attacks, or creating portals through the darkness.
  • Shadow Puppetry: They can control creatures through their shadows, a skill akin to shadowplay.
  • Shadow Snatcher: Schattenvolk can snatch shadows from creatures, using them for various purposes, though the process is not harmful to the creature itself.
  • Shadow Cloning: The ability to create clones of themselves, serving as helpful extensions or diversions.
  • Dark Devinie: An attack that traps the target in a swirl of darkness, disrupting their vision and creating confusion.
  • Ducking Darkness: A technique allowing the Schattenvolk to disappear by swirling into the next shadowy or dark area, effectively hiding from sight.
  • Shadow Blade: Creation of a solid, black, and weightless melee weapon made of shadowy energy.
  • Black Hole: A powerful ability that can either attack or serve as an escape, manipulating portals through the shadows.

Mating and Offspring:

  • Schattenvolk can only conceive offspring during a full moon, blue moon, or blood moon, making mating a rare and treasured event.
  • Females are highly valued and treated as royalty due to their rarity.
  • Offspring inherit knowledge and memories from their parents, and their unique mating process involves a temporary merging of forms followed by the birth of a furry, sentient being with innate knowledge.

Types of Schattenvolk:

  1. Origin Schatten: Born under the old moon (normal full moon) without a bound form.
  2. Darklings: Born under a blood moon, capable of evolving into a winged form known as "Darkon."

Rules and Laws:

  • Schattenvolk respect their elders and nature, living by laws that prohibit forced merging with others, stealing bodies, or meddling with outsiders.
  • They don't worship deities but maintain a strong connection with nature.

Overall Role:

  • Schattenvolk serve as protectors of their realm, attuned to nature, and pass on wisdom through generations.
  • Despite their strong powers, they remain a peaceful species, emphasizing harmony and balance.

In the tapestry of Fabula, the Schattenvolk stand as guardians of eternal darkness, their luminous eyes reflecting the accumulated wisdom and experiences of their ancient lineage.

Medium humanoid (schattenvolk), neutral

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)

Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 12 (+1) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 10 (+0)

Skills Stealth +4

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages Common, Schattenvolk

Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the Schattenvolk can take the Hide action as a bonus action.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the Schattenvolk has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Innate Spellcasting. The Schattenvolk's spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

  • At will: minor illusion
  • 1/day each: darkness, pass without trace

Sunblade Vulnerability. The Schattenvolk has vulnerability to radiant damage.


Multiattack. The Schattenvolk makes two short sword attacks.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Shadow Dagger. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. If the target is in dim light or darkness, the Schattenvolk has advantage on the attack roll.

Shadow Step (Recharge 5-6). The Schattenvolk magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see. Before or after teleporting, the Schattenvolk can make one shortsword or shadow dagger attack.


Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker the Schattenvolk can see hits it with an attack, it can use its reaction to halve the attack's damage against it.


Shakins: Guardians of the Deep Caverns

In the depths of Fabula, where shadows dance on cave walls and secrets linger in the darkness, the Shakins, magnificent creatures created by Numihaku, hold sway. Towering over their subterranean realm, these colossal beings embody a unique blend of lizard, snake, spider, and scorpion features. Here's an in-depth look into the captivating world of the Shakins:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Massive in size, Shakins double the dimensions of elephants, boasting a serpentine and reptilian form. Their rugged spikes protrude from the body, creating an awe-inspiring sight.
  • The skin of Shakins is smooth and can be hardened as needed. Resilient enough to survive in lava and magma, they exhibit a mesmerizing glow of red and gold between their plated scales.
  • With excellent night vision, Shakins navigate the dark caverns effortlessly, and their ability to breathe underwater and in lava makes them formidable inhabitants of the subterranean world.


  • Breath-Holding Prowess: Shakins can hold their breath for an impressive three hours, enabling them to explore underwater realms or traverse subterranean passages with ease.
  • Acidic Spit: They produce a potent acid in their three stomachs, which they can spit as a formidable weapon. The acidic substance is effective in both defense and hunting.
  • Creativity in Silk: Shakins possess the unique ability to create web-like traps or structures from their body. They are known to craft nests using this silk, which serves as a haven for rest.

Behavior and Loyalty:

  • Shakins, though formidable and fierce in defense, exhibit loyalty and companionship when bonds are formed. They make for powerful and trustworthy riding companions if a bond is established.
  • Highly territorial, they are known to get upset if their nests are disturbed, showcasing a creative and protective side to their nature.

Navigation and Senses:

  • With snouts attuned to the scent of blood, Shakins can navigate through caves and tunnels with exceptional accuracy, always finding their way back home.
  • Their sidearms, adorned with wing-like webbed skin, serve multiple purposes, including shielding, transport, and gliding across ledges.


  • Shakins communicate through a range of sounds, clicks, and whistles, creating a unique auditory language that echoes through the caverns.

Preferred Environment:

  • Sunlight is not their ally, and Shakins tend to avoid it, preferring the comfort of the nocturnal depths. They have an instinctive urge to sleep when exposed to sunlight.

In the sprawling caves and hidden recesses of Fabula, the Shakins stand as guardians, their majestic presence echoing through the labyrinthine depths, a testament to the creativity and mastery of their creator, Numihaku.

Medium humanoid (shakin), neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 14 (+2) DEX 14 (+2) CON 16 (+3) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 10 (+0)

Skills Athletics +4, Perception +3

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13

Languages Common, Shakin

Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Keen Smell. The shakin has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Hold Breath. The shakin can hold its breath for 15 minutes.

Charge. If the shakin moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away and knocked prone.


Multiattack. The shakin makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Charge Attack. If the shakin moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) piercing damage.


Parry. The shakin adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the shakin must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.


Veltals: Enchanting Guardians of Survival and Love

The Veltals, a rare and enchanting species crafted by Cheops, are cosmic beings that embody the essence of survival, love, and allure. With their charming aura and captivating appearance, Veltals navigate the realms of romance and procreation, driven by their instinctual desire to secure their bloodline. Here's an in-depth exploration of these alluring creatures:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Veltals possess a unique blend of cosmic Bunny, Fox, and Wolves, adorned with misty smoke when traveling. Their ethereal appearance is further enhanced by an alluring glow and intricate markings on their bodies.
  • The original 7 Veltals exhibit a feral, animalistic glow with distinct markings. Offspring inherit a symbol on the back of their necks, retaining the allure that defines their species.
  • Veltals can take on a humanoid form, often used for concealment or blending in with other species.

Attraction and Instinct:

  • The allure of Veltals is irresistible, captivating those who encounter them after the age of 18. The Veltin blood and genetics induce a trance-like state when it comes to matters of intimacy, following their instinct to secure their species.
  • Veltals are instinctively flirtatious and romantic, enchanting individuals of any gender with their pheromones, inner power, and irresistible charm. This innate ability makes it challenging for Veltals to find exclusive love.

Mating and Offspring:

  • Veltals mate with anyone who consents, ensuring their partners' satisfaction and happiness. The mating instinct is triggered after the age of 18.
  • Offspring inherit a symbol on the back of their neck, showcasing their Veltal lineage. Female offspring have the ability to store genetic information magically, choosing when to become pregnant with the selected genetic material.
  • Males produce only one offspring at a time, ensuring the preservation of their powerful genetics. Males can sense when females are in heat, and they are deeply family-oriented, providing support and companionship.

Powers and Adaptability:

  • Veltals are incredibly hard to kill and possess adaptability to various environments. Upon death, they are reborn in a fur ball cocoon, adapted to the circumstances that led to their demise.
  • While they avoid direct conflict, Veltals are skilled defenders, utilizing their powers to ensure survival and protect their kin.

Rare Cases and Pure Offspring:

  • Veltal x Veltal mating occurs once a year, resulting in the birth of a pure Veltal offspring. The original 7 Veltals, each with a distinct trait, contribute to the unique features of these rare purebred individuals.

Archivists of Genetics:

  • Female Veltals, being rare, hold the title of Archivists of Genetics. They can choose when to conceive, becoming keepers of their species' bloodline and providing genetic diversity.

In the cosmic tapestry of Fabula, the Veltals weave a tale of love, survival, and enchantment. Their existence, guided by instinct and the pursuit of connection, adds a unique and captivating dimension to the diverse array of species in this fantastical realm.

Large celestial, lawful good

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 84 (8d10 + 40)

Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR 18 (+4) DEX 16 (+3) CON 20 (+5) INT 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +8, Wis +6

Skills Perception +6

Damage Resistances radiant

Condition Immunities charmed, frightened

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16

Languages Celestial, Common

Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Keen Sight. The veltal has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Innate Spellcasting. The veltal's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14). The veltal can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

  • At will: detect evil and good
  • 3/day each: cure wounds, lesser restoration
  • 1/day each: greater restoration, heal

Magic Resistance. The veltal has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Multiattack. The veltal makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage.

Radiant Burst (Recharge 5-6). The veltal releases a burst of radiant energy in a 20-foot radius. Each creature in that area must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Undead and fiends have disadvantage on this saving throw.


Healing Touch. When a creature the veltal can see within 5 feet of it takes damage, the veltal can use its reaction to magically heal the creature. The creature regains 16 (3d8 + 3) hit points.


Nevotis: Enigmatic Harvesters and Ruthless Predators

In the mystical tapestry of Fabula, the Nevotis stand as enigmatic creatures with a dual nature, embodying both the intellectual prowess of collectors and the ruthless efficiency of hunters. These insectoid beings, created to consume and preserve genetic information, play a sinister role in the cosmic dance of survival. Let's delve into the intricate details of these fascinating beings:

Collector Nevotis (NevCol):

Physical Characteristics:

  • Elegant and almost fluffy insect-like appearance.
  • Typically tall, ranging from 2 meters to 2.2 meters (6.56 to 7.21 feet).
  • Four arms, with the lower pair resting on their hips in a relaxed manner.
  • Antennas on their heads enhance their olfactory senses.

Behavior and Abilities:

  • Highly observant and patient, using deception and manipulation as their primary tools.
  • Averse to physical confrontation, preferring to experiment and extract information.
  • Possess a photographic memory, recalling any information gathered with precision.
  • Captives are stripped of their possessions, dressed minimally, and stored in a separate location.
  • Can access an almost limitless storage of knowledge within their minds.

Sleeping Habits:

  • Require 72 hours of sleep to consolidate and save the information gathered during the day.
  • Waking a grumpy NevCol during sleep can lead to aggressive and mindless attacks.
  • Vulnerable during sleep, making it an opportune time for potential adversaries.

Hunter Nevotis (NevHun):

Physical Characteristics:

  • Robust insectoid build with deadly weapons and long, dangerous tails.
  • Generally smaller than Collectors, with a height around 2 meters (6.56 feet).
  • Agile and fast, utilizing their stature for swift attacks.
  • Lack a permanent lair, wandering in pursuit of their relentless goal.

Behavior and Abilities:

  • Ruthless predators with a singular focus on wiping out Veltal species and their offspring.
  • Possess deadly tails reminiscent of stingrays or scorpions for efficient hunting.
  • Prioritize speed and aggression, engaging in direct confrontations with their prey.
  • Unlike Collectors, they don't establish a lair and require less sleep for recuperation (12 hours).

Sleeping Habits:

  • Need 12 hours of sleep to regain full control before wrapping themselves in a sleeping cocoon.
  • During sleep, they are vulnerable but are capable of swift and deadly reactions if disturbed.


  • Nevotis gather every two years for swift mating rituals that last around 20 minutes.
  • Females lay three eggs, which are handsized, silver, green, and shaded blue.
  • The eggs are placed in a protected area, and after a year, the young Nevotis hatch with almost human height and knowledge passed down from both parents.

Interactions with Other Species:

  • Collectors are known for their charm and flute-like communication, luring unsuspecting victims.
  • Some Nevotis experiment with crossbreeding and create dimensional realms for their collections.
  • Hunters focus exclusively on eradicating Veltals and their offspring, seeing them as unworthy beings.

Hierarchy and Rivalry:

  • Despite their rivalry, Nevotis gather every two years for mating purposes.
  • Collectors and Hunters respect each other's presence, acknowledging the importance of both roles within their species.

Music and Addiction:

  • Nevotis have a deep affinity for music, finding rhythm and sensation akin to a drug.
  • The Piper or Siren effect in their tone can mesmerize those who listen, leading to entranced states.

In the vast expanse of Fabula, the Nevotis weave a complex narrative of collection, preservation, and predation. Their unique traits and behaviors add an element of mystery and danger to the diverse inhabitants of this fantastical realm.

Medium humanoid (Nevotian), neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 14 (+2) DEX 12 (+1) CON 16 (+3) INT 10 (+0) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 8 (-1)

Saving Throws DEX +3, CON +5, WIS +4

Skills Perception +4, Survival +4

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages Nevotian, Common

Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Brave. The nevotis has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Keen Smell. The nevotis has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Pack Tactics. The nevotis has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the nevotis's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.


Multiattack. The nevotis makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Pounce. If the nevotis moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the nevotis can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

Howl (1/Day). The nevotis emits a chilling howl. Each creature of the nevotis's choice that is within 60 feet of the nevotis and able to hear it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the nevotis's Howl for the next 24 hours.

This stat block is for a creature inspired by the concept of Nevotis, and you can adjust the details based on the specific characteristics and abilities you have in mind for Nevotis in your world.



Souldevils: Harbingers of Chaos and Masters of Souls

In the mystical tapestry of Fabula, the Souldevils stand as enigmatic beings born from a tumultuous encounter between a Furfin and a Demi-Witch. The accidental merging with a potent and dangerous element transformed the once-humble creature into a godlike and formidable entity. As the first Souldevil emerged, legends of their strength, manipulation, and insatiable thirst for power spread like wildfire.


Origin and Legend:

  • The first Souldevil originated from the fusion of a Furfin and a potent element, an unintended consequence of the gods' attempt to control a seemingly powerful being.
  • Sealed and trapped beneath ancient stairs in the mortal realm, the first Souldevil underwent a transformation, realizing its newfound powers.
  • Freed by a passerby, the first Souldevil began to explore its abilities and gave rise to the most powerful and malevolent creatures in the world.

Powers and Abilities:

  • Misty Fluid Form: Souldevils can travel in a misty fluid form, allowing them to manifest in various shapes.
  • Soul Consumption: They can consume and store souls within them, using them to enhance their own strength. The more souls they possess, the more formidable they become.
  • Manipulation: Souldevils can manipulate the bodies of others, using captured souls to control and puppeteer them.
  • Demonic Shadow: As they grow in power, Souldevils gain control over their form, developing features like shadow wings, a disguise self ability, and natural weapons.
  • Eyes of Truth: They can see the true form of any visible creature, bypassing illusions and revealing the reality beneath.

Interaction and Behavior:

  • Souldevils are known for their chaotic nature, often reveling in destruction and chaos.
  • Manipulative and cunning, they play along with opponents they deem strong, enjoying the challenge.
  • Occasionally, they settle in a land, taking over the form or body of a ruler until boredom strikes or their desires are fulfilled.
  • Unaffected by magic, they are a formidable force in both mental and physical combat.

Weaknesses and Containment:

  1. Bansha Chain: A specially crafted enchanted chain, forged by a master smith and enchanted by a powerful guardian, can bind and control a Souldevil. Only the blacksmith who made it can break the chain and set the Souldevil free.
  2. Siren's Ocar Max Song: The enchanting song of a skilled siren can captivate and temporarily control a Souldevil, as these creatures are drawn to songs and singing.
  3. Merging: Merging with a host, like Doc Lobotny, can restrain a Souldevil's control, preventing it from causing havoc.

Souldevil Variants:

  • Moontouched Souldevils: Born under the full moon, these rare variants take on the Moonflow, exhibiting a different set of powers and characteristics.


  • Souldevils, originally fluffy and small, have evolved in appearance with smooth, silky fur. Their movement is often mist-like, contributing to their mysterious and eerie presence.
  • Fur colors range from brown tones, with pitch-black hair and eyes featuring blackened sclera and gold, purple, or orange pupils.
  • Moontouched Souldevils exhibit unique characteristics and powers associated with the lunar influence.

Final Note:

In the ever-shifting realms of Fabula, Souldevils stand as iconic figures of chaos, wielding powers beyond mortal comprehension. Their legend, intertwined with tales of manipulation, power, and the dance of souls, continues to shape the narrative of this fantastical world.

Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 14 (+2) DEX 16 (+3) CON 13 (+1) INT 12 (+1) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 18 (+4)

Saving Throws DEX +5, CON +3, WIS +4

Skills Deception +7, Insight +4, Persuasion +7

Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered

Damage Immunities fire, poison

Condition Immunities poisoned

Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12

Languages Infernal, Common

Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede the devil's darkvision.

Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Innate Spellcasting. The devil's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect magic

3/day each: charm person, invisibility

1/day: dominate person

Soul Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Summon Devil (1/Day). The devil chooses what to summon and attempts a magical summoning.

Infernal Calling (1 Devil).

Hellish Rebuke (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).


Multiattack. The devil makes two attacks with its claws.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

Hellish Rebuke. The devil points at one creature it can see within 60 feet of it that damaged it. The target must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

This stat block is for a devil creature with a focus on manipulating and draining the souls of its victims. Feel free to adjust the details based on the specific characteristics and abilities you have in mind for Souldevils in your world.


Stone Devils: Guardians of Petrification and Aerial Dominance

In the mythical realm of Fabula, the Stone Devils stand as unique beings born from the transformation of Furfins by the benevolent Gargoyle King. Infused with the power to turn anything they touch to stone, these winged creatures serve as guardians and wielders of a formidable ability that sets them apart.

Origin and Gift of the Gargoyle King:

  • The Stone Devils trace their lineage back to a moment when one Furfin, in an act of bravery, saved the Gargoyle King. In gratitude, the Gargoyle King bestowed upon them the power to turn objects into stone, creating a new bloodline.

Powers and Abilities:

  1. Petrification Touch: Stone Devils can turn anything they touch into stone at will. They are also the only ones capable of undoing this transformation.
  2. Winged Prowess: With large, powerful wings, Stone Devils are formidable in aerial combat and can traverse long distances swiftly.
  3. Hardened Fur Body: The soft fur on their bodies can be hardened at will, providing additional protection.
  4. Tail Strength: Their tails are robust and strong, serving both as a weapon for turning things to stone and as a tool for carrying objects.
  5. Humanoid Transformation: Modern Stone Devils can shift into a more humanoid form, utilizing their wings as capes. This form is adaptable and almost human-like, with pointy ears and brown and gray tones on the body.
  6. Glowing Patterns: Stone Devils have intricate patterns and markings on their bodies that glow in the dark or when utilizing their powers.
  7. Echolocation and Night Vision: They can navigate in caves using echolocation and have exceptional night vision, making them skilled in nocturnal environments.
  8. Fruit Enthusiasts: Despite their appearance as potential carnivores, Stone Devils have a preference for fruits, particularly specific ones.
  9. Freezing Gaze: In rare moments, their eyes can emit a freezing gaze, causing a temporary petrifying effect on those who meet their gaze.

Limitations and Weaknesses:

  1. Inability to Swim: Stone Devils cannot swim, making water bodies challenging for them to navigate.
  2. Love for Fruits: While they eat both vegetables and meat, they have a particular fondness for fruits.

Cultural Practices:

  • Stone Devils, in their earlier days, used their powers to turn objects they found beautiful into stone, creating unique sculptures within their homes.


  • Original Stone Devils have big wings, intricate patterns/markings on their bodies, and glow-in-the-dark features. They exhibit earthy brown and gray tones.

Cheops Stone Transformation:

  • Some Stone Devils possess a Cheops stone, allowing them to change their appearance at will.

Role in Fabula:

  • Stone Devils serve as guardians and protectors, using their powers for both defensive and aesthetic purposes.

In the enchanting world of Fabula, the Stone Devils soar through the skies, leaving a mark of beauty and petrification in their wake. As guardians of both artistry and aerial dominion, they embody the harmonious balance between power and grace.

Medium fiend (devil), neutral evil

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

Hit Points 68 (8d8 + 32)

Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

STR 18 (+4) DEX 14 (+2) CON 18 (+4) INT 8 (-1) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 8 (-1)

Saving Throws STR +7, CON +7

Skills Athletics +7

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons

Condition Immunities poisoned

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages Infernal, understands Common but can't speak

Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede the devil's darkvision.

Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Immutable Form. The devil is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Spider Climb. The devil can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

False Appearance. While the devil remains motionless and isn't flying, it is indistinguishable from a normal statue.


Multiattack. The devil makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage.

Petrifying Gaze. The devil targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see the devil, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw against this magic or be magically petrified until the end of the target's next turn. While petrified in this way, the target is incapacitated and has a speed of 0. If the target is a creature, it must make a DC 15 saving throw at the end of its turn or become permanently petrified. If the target is a nonmagical object, it is petrified for 24 hours.

Summon Devil (1/Day). The devil chooses what to summon and attempts a magical summoning.

Infernal Calling (1 Devil).

Hellish Rebuke (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).

This stat block is for a devil creature with stony and petrifying abilities. Adjust the details based on the specific characteristics and abilities you have in mind for Stonedevils in your world.


Elemental Devils: The Kin of Elemental Essence

In the cosmic tapestry of Fabula, the Elemental Devils emerged as potent beings, each attuned to a distinct elemental force. Born from the union of Cheops Elementar and Winta, these creatures embody the raw power and essence of the elements. While not as formidable as their predecessors, the Stonedevil and Soul Devil, the Elemental Devils are a menace, especially when they devour the elemental orbs of power. Here are the Elemental Devils, each with its unique elemental domain:

1) Sala - Fire Devil:

  • Description: Reborn like a phoenix from its own ash, Sala commands the scorching power of fire.

2) Vnd - Water Devil:

  • Description: An underwater creature of immense power, Vnd manipulates the forces of water.

3) Gno - Earth Devil:

  • Description: Crafted from dirt and nature, Gno channels the strength of the earth in its every move.

4) Sylp and Skel - Airi Devil:

  • Description: With Sylp representing the gentle breeze and Skel embodying the powerful wind, they create a harmonious Airi Devil.

5) Nov - Metal Devil:

  • Description: Forged from steel and metallurgy, Nov stands as the embodiment of metallic might.

6) Pashu - Undead Devil:

  • Description: Wielding the darkness of death, Pashu commands the forces of the undead.

7) Nishishu - Life/Light Devil:

  • Description: Radiating with the essence of life and light, Nishishu is a beacon of vitality.

8) Arkus - Ice Devil:

  • Description: Cloaked in frost and ice, Arkus commands the chilling powers of the frozen realm.

9) Lightning (Ni) - Lightning Devil:

  • Description: Crackling with electric energy, Lightning (Ni) is the master of lightning and storms.

10) Soul and Spirit - Okra Devil:

  • Description: Harnessing the essence of souls and spirits, Okra Devil is a force to be reckoned with in the realms beyond.

11) Time and Space - TiSa Devil:

  • Description: Manipulating the fabric of time and space, TiSa Devil holds dominion over the temporal and spatial realms.

12) Tech - Techdevil:

  • Description: Born from the realms of digital machinery and science, Techdevil is a creature of technological prowess.

13) Magic - MagicDevil:

  • Description: Wielding the arcane forces of magic, MagicDevil is a living conduit of mystical energies.

14) Love - Love Devil (Succubus and Incubus):

  • Description: Embodying the essence of love and artistry, Love Devil takes the form of seductive succubi and incubi. Here the origin of Fabula s Incubus and Succubus form. 

15) Surprise - Surprise Devil (Jin and Genie’s):

  • Description: The embodiment of surprise and unexpected twists, Surprise Devil manifests as jinn and genies.

Origins and Creation:

  • Crafted by Cheops Elementar and Winta, the Elemental Devils were initially restrained by the gods due to their potential threat to Fabula. However, the rebellious actions of Winta and Khulivar led to their release, sparking conflicts across the realms.

Kin and Kingdoms:

  • Over time, the Elemental Devils formed their own kin and kingdoms, each ruling over their respective elemental domains. Their influence and power spread across Fabula, leaving an indelible mark on the cosmic balance.

In the ever-evolving saga of Fabula, the Elemental Devils stand as living embodiments of the elements, weaving their influence into the fabric of reality.

Element Devil

Medium fiend (devil), neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 72 (9d8 + 36)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 16 (+3) DEX 16 (+3) CON 18 (+4) INT 12 (+1) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 14 (+2)

Saving Throws DEX +6, CON +7

Skills Deception +5, Perception +4

Damage Resistances fire, cold, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons

Damage Immunities poison

Condition Immunities poisoned

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages Infernal, understands Common but can't speak

Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede the devil's darkvision.

Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Innate Spellcasting. The devil's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect magic, detect thoughts

1/day each: fireball, ice storm, lightning bolt

Elemental Weapons. The devil's weapon attacks are magical and deal an additional 1d6 damage of the type associated with its current elemental form.

Elemental Form. The devil can assume one of three elemental forms: Fire, Ice, or Lightning. It can change its form as a bonus action. While in elemental form, the devil gains additional abilities based on its current form.

  • Fire Form: The devil's attacks deal additional fire damage. It has resistance to fire damage.
  • Ice Form: The devil's attacks deal additional cold damage. It has resistance to cold damage.
  • Lightning Form: The devil's attacks deal additional lightning damage. It has resistance to lightning damage.


Multiattack. The devil makes three attacks: two with its claws and one with its tail.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) fire, cold, or lightning damage based on the devil's elemental form.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) fire, cold, or lightning damage based on the devil's elemental form.

Change Elemental Form (1/Day). The devil can change its elemental form as a bonus action.

This stat block is a general representation of an Element Devil with the ability to assume different elemental forms and use associated elemental abilities. Adjust the details based on the specific characteristics and abilities you have in mind for Element Devils in your world.


Numo: The Electric Trackers

In the vast expanse of Fabula, the Numo emerge as a unique species of skilled hunters, distinguished by their canine-like features and mastery over electricity. These creatures, born and raised within their families, embark on a journey to prove their worth and gain social standing. Tasked with tracking magical items or individuals, Numo’s agility and technological proficiency make them sought-after hunters. While some question the morality of their pursuits, others follow blindly, enticed by the rewards that elevate their social status and well-being. Here are the defining characteristics of the Numo:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Head Structure: Numo’s possess a partially metallic upper head, including the snout and jaw, contrasting with the softer lower part. Their appearance is canine-like with a metallic touch.
  • Eyes: Featuring black sclera and vibrant blue or gray eye color, Numo’s eyes are a distinguishing feature.
  • Ears: Long and pointy, Numo’s ears are highly mobile, aiding in sound perception. They can move their ears to pick up on various sounds, showcasing their exceptional listening skills.
  • Hair: Numo’s hair is individually styled, ranging from long and flowing to trimmed for agility. Hair colors include black, blue variations, and rare white, which symbolizes past injuries.
  • Antennas: Blue neon string-like antennas hang from their cheeks, acting as whiskers with electrical capabilities. They are used for sensing and preparing for range attacks.
  • Fur: Short and well-groomed, Numo’s fur may display white areas indicating previous injuries. Silver or white hair signifies stored power within, making them more formidable.
  • Hands and Claws: Strong and slim hands with sharp claws that can cut through surfaces like glass and metal. Numo’s are immune to electricity and often recharge by following thunderstorms.
  • Height and Agility: Standing at around 2 meters (6.5 feet), Numo’s are tall and agile beings, capable of navigating through narrow spaces with ease.

Reproduction and Mating:

  • Numo’s gather at Breeding Grounds every four years, engaging in a week-long process of socializing and finding suitable partners. Once mated, they move to Raising Grounds where they raise their young until maturity. The entire process takes four years, and after reaching adulthood, Numo’s depart to fulfill their tasks.


  • Numo’s communicate through sounds, imitating various noises to convey messages or express emotions. They particularly enjoy music and can become upset if it is played incorrectly.

Skills and Abilities:

  • Numo’s are skilled hunters with a knack for technology. They adapt quickly to new technologies and are fast learners.

In the intricate tapestry of Fabula, the Numo stand out as adept hunters, blending agility, electrical prowess, and technological proficiency in their pursuit of tracking magical entities and items.

Medium humanoid (numo), neutral

Armor Class 12 (natural armor)

Hit Points 27 (6d8)

Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

STR 12 (+1) DEX 12 (+1) CON 10 (+0) INT 12 (+1) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +4

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages Common, Numo

Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Amphibious. The numo can breathe in air and water.

Keen Smell. The numo has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Slippery. The numo has advantage on ability checks and saving throws to escape being grappled.


Multiattack. The numo makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its short sword.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.

Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.

Net (Recharge 5-6). The numo throws a net at a target it can see within 15 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be restrained for 1 minute. A creature can use its action to make a DC 12 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect. If the net is destroyed, the numo can't use this action until it obtains a new net.

Feel free to adjust the details and abilities based on the specific characteristics you have in mind for Numo in your world.


Lumen: The Nocturnal Ambushers

In the shadowy landscapes of Fabula, Lumens emerge as elusive and cunning creatures, thriving in natural environments and making their presence known primarily during the nighttime. Smaller than humans, Lumens possess unique abilities that enable them to become long and adopt a predatory demeanor, making them adept ambushers. Here are the defining features of the Lumen species, with a focus on the characteristics exemplified by Gethan Anaar:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Glowing Eyes: Lumens have eyes that glow in the dark, with dim green light emanating from black sockets. This feature enhances their vision in low-light conditions, allowing them to see perfectly. However, they are sensitive to strong light, which can hurt their eyes.
  • Glow-in-the-Dark Features: Lumens exhibit various glow-in-the-dark features, from claws to spikes. They can control and utilize this glow for different purposes, including distraction and luring.
  • Camouflage Skills: Male Lumens are smaller, possess fewer spikes, and exhibit greater agility and speed. They employ camouflage skills, blending into their surroundings during dim lighting conditions.
  • Females: Female Lumens, on the other hand, have more fur on their bodies, which they can use for both defense and offense. They are considered more aggressive and physically stronger than their male counterparts.
  • Soft Spikes with Toxin: Lumens have soft spikes on their bodies that can be hardened and used as weapons. These spikes contain a toxin or poison produced by the Lumen's body. The fluid substance flowing through their body also has luminescent properties.

Behavior and Habitat:

  • Nocturnal Lifestyle: Lumens are nocturnal creatures, becoming more active and visible during the nighttime. They are well-adapted to low-light conditions and prefer areas of nature as their habitats.
  • Ambushing Skills: Lumens excel at ambushing their prey, using their glow-in-the-dark features to distract and confuse. They strike opportunistically, taking advantage of the element of surprise.

Modern Lumens:

  • Ambush and Hunts: Modern Lumens are specifically trained and utilized for ambushes and hunts. They serve as formidable rivals to Numos, showcasing their skills in tracking and ambush techniques.

In the dark corners of Fabula, Lumens represent a unique blend of adaptability, nocturnal prowess, and predatory instincts, making them efficient ambushers in their natural environments.

Small humanoid (lumen), neutral

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)

Hit Points 22 (5d6 + 5)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 10 (+0) DEX 16 (+3) CON 12 (+1) INT 10 (+0) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 8 (-1)

Skills Stealth +5, Perception +4

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages Lumen

Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Camouflage. The lumen can attempt to hide even when it is only lightly obscured by dim light or darkness.

Glowing Features. The lumen's claws and spikes can emit dim light in a 10-foot radius. It can choose to dim or brighten this light as a bonus action.

Multiattack. The lumen makes two attacks: one with its claws and one with its spikes.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.

Spikes. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Ambush Tactics. The lumen has advantage on attack rolls against any creature it has surprised.

Daylight Sensitivity. While in bright light, the lumen has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Feel free to adjust the details and abilities based on the specific characteristics you have in mind for Lumen in your world.


Pira: Furry Rock Creatures of Adventure and Helpfulness

In the vibrant tapestry of Fabula, Pira stand out as small yet spirited creatures, embodying a childlike sense of wonder, adventure, and helpfulness. These furry rock creatures bring joy and curiosity to the natural world, and their unique characteristics contribute to their peaceful existence. Let's delve into the distinctive features of the Pira species:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Size: Pira are petite beings, only reaching hip height when compared to humans. Their diminutive stature doesn't diminish their energetic and adventurous spirit.
  • Furry Body: Covered in a slight layer of fur, Pira exude an endearing charm with their soft and fluffy appearance. This fur provides them with some protection and insulation, especially in their natural habitats.
  • Big Eyes: Pira have large, expressive eyes that reflect their curious and observant nature. These eyes are essential for keen tracking, hunting, and understanding the world around them.
  • Strong Arms: Equipped with strong arms, Pira are adept diggers and climbers. Their physical strength allows them to navigate various surfaces and terrains with ease.

Behavior and Traits:

  • Childlike Spirit: Pira embody a childlike spirit, always eager for adventure and discovery. Their natural curiosity drives them to explore their surroundings and learn about the diverse flora and fauna.
  • Adventurous Nature: Known for their adventurous disposition, Pira are fearless explorers, unafraid to delve into the unknown. Their compact size and agility enable them to navigate even the most challenging landscapes.
  • Helpful Demeanor: Pira are inherently helpful creatures, often assisting others in their tasks. Whether it's tracking, hunting, or gathering, they contribute to the well-being of their community.
  • Trail Knowledge: Pira possess exceptional tracking skills and knowledge of animal behavior. Their ability to read trails and understand the nuances of the environment makes them valuable members of their ecosystems.

Natural Habitat:

  • Furry Rock Creatures: Pira are naturally adapted to rocky environments. Their fur and sturdy build provide them with protection and resilience in these terrains.


  • Varied Ways of Speaking: Pira have developed various means of communication, allowing them to convey information effectively within their communities. Their methods may include vocalizations, body language, and other forms of expression.

Peaceful Species:

  • Love for Learning: Pira have a genuine love for learning and acquiring knowledge. Their peaceful nature and cooperative spirit foster harmony within their communities.

The Pira, with their charming appearance, boundless curiosity, and helpful instincts, contribute to the rich diversity of Fabula's inhabitants. These furry rock creatures bring joy and a sense of wonder to the natural world they call home.

Small humanoid (pira), neutral good

Armor Class 12

Hit Points 16 (3d6 + 6)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 8 (-1) DEX 16 (+3) CON 14 (+2) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +3, Survival +3

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13

Languages Pira, Common

Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Keen Smell. The pira has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Natural Trackers. The pira is proficient in the Survival skill.

Dig and Climb. The pira can dig through soft earth and climb on various surfaces without needing a check.

Multiattack. The pira makes two attacks: one with its claws and one with its bite.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing damage.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.

Natural Furry Camouflage. The pira can use its fur to blend in with its surroundings, gaining advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in natural environments.

Feel free to adjust the details and abilities based on the specific characteristics you have in mind for Pira in your world.


Vampires in Fabula: A Tapestry of Bloodlines and Powers

In the shadows of Fabula, the realm is not only inhabited by fantastical creatures but also by the timeless and mysterious vampires. These immortal beings have various bloodlines, each with its unique characteristics, powers, and histories. Let's explore the prominent vampire bloodlines in Fabula:

1. Donavan Vampire Bloodline:

Origin: Inspired by humans, Godling Dorian created the Donavan Vampire Bloodline. Distinct Features:

                                             https://toyhou.se/22669608.clark                                     https://toyhou.se/5192668.wyatt 


Turned ones: 

https://toyhou.se/2121853.skyler                          Brian Gutsber (former Monk)

Callum Whitlock-SmithKieran Lazarus P.

Nelli (Human turned)

Caleb Eripmav



The Donovan Vampire Bloodline traces its lineage back to a powerful vampire named Lord Viktor Donovan, who sought to create a vampiric dynasty that would rival the most influential vampire families. Lord Viktor Donovan was known for his cunning intellect, mastery of dark magic, and a penchant for political manipulation.


  1. Charm of the Aristocrat: Members of the Donovan Bloodline possess an innate charm that allows them to manipulate others with ease. They gain advantage on Charisma-based checks when dealing with humanoid creatures.
  2. Bloodsight: Donovans have a heightened sense of perception when it comes to sensing the life force of living beings. This ability allows them to sense living creatures within a certain radius, even if they are concealed or invisible.
  3. Vampiric Regeneration: Members of the Donovan Bloodline have an accelerated healing factor. They regain hit points at a faster rate than other vampires, allowing them to recover from wounds more quickly.


  1. Sunlight Sensitivity: Donovans are particularly sensitive to sunlight. Exposure to direct sunlight weakens them and causes discomfort. While they do not burst into flames, prolonged exposure can be debilitating.
  2. Blood Dependency: Donovans require regular consumption of fresh blood to sustain their vampiric powers. Failure to feed for an extended period weakens them, and prolonged abstinence can lead to a loss of control over their vampiric instincts.


  1. Dark Magic Affinity: Members of the Donovan Bloodline have an affinity for dark magic. They are more adept at using spells related to necromancy, illusion, and charm.
  2. Vampiric Influence: Donovans have the ability to charm and control the minds of others, particularly weaker-willed individuals. This power allows them to subtly manipulate those around them to serve their interests.

Donovan Vampire Stats


  1. Charm of the Aristocrat: Advantage on Charisma-based checks with humanoid creatures.
  2. Bloodsight: Can sense living creatures within a certain radius, even if concealed or invisible.
  3. Vampiric Regeneration: Faster healing rate compared to other vampires.


  1. Sunlight Sensitivity: Discomfort and weakness in direct sunlight.
  2. Blood Dependency: Requires regular consumption of fresh blood to sustain vampiric powers.


  1. Dark Magic Affinity: Proficient in dark magic, especially necromancy, illusion, and charm spells.
  2. Vampiric Influence: Ability to charm and control the minds of weaker-willed individuals.

Vampire Lord (High-Level Donavan Vampire) Stats: Note: Adjust these stats based on your campaign's level and balance requirements.

  • Level: 10
  • Hit Points: 120 (10d10 + 40)
  • Armor Class: 17 (natural armor)
  • Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)
  • Strength: 18 (+4)
  • Dexterity: 16 (+3)
  • Constitution: 18 (+4)
  • Intelligence: 16 (+3)
  • Wisdom: 14 (+2)
  • Charisma: 20 (+5)


  1. Vampiric Bite: Melee Weapon Attack, +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the vampire regains hit points equal to that amount.
  2. Charm: Charms a humanoid within 30 ft. It must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 hour.
  3. Shadow Step: Teleports between shadows up to 60 ft. as a bonus action.
  4. Dark Magic: Casts necromancy, illusion, and charm spells as a 10th-level spellcaster.

Legendary Actions: The vampire lord can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The vampire lord regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

  1. Move: The vampire lord moves up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  2. Bite: The vampire lord makes a vampiric bite attack.
  3. Dark Gaze (Costs 2 Actions): The vampire lord targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

These stats and abilities are a starting point, and you can modify them to fit the specific needs and balance of your campaign.

2. Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline:

Origin: Origin vampires from "our Earth." Distinct Features:

who are equally dangerous. Striking feature is white/silver hair.

https://toyhou.se/15262766.darius-matteo-winslow      https://toyhou.se/5970908.vinnie

Lucien Garson

Origin: The Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline traces its roots to "our Earth," a parallel dimension with its own unique blend of magic and mystique. Origin vampires possess a distinct set of characteristics, and the white/silver hair is a striking family feature that sets them apart from other vampire bloodlines.

Distinct Features:

  1. Silver Hair: Members of the Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline share a common trait of white or silver hair, making them easily recognizable among other vampires.

Prominent Members:

  1. Darius Matteo Winslow:
    • A charismatic and enigmatic vampire known for his influence in both human and supernatural circles.
    • Master of illusion and manipulation, Darius is skilled in weaving intricate webs of deception to achieve his goals.
  2. Vinnie:
    • A formidable warrior within the Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline, Vinnie is known for his strength and combat prowess.
    • Despite his intimidating exterior, Vinnie harbors a deep loyalty to the bloodline and its traditions.
  3. Lucien Garson:
    • A scholar and researcher, Lucien specializes in ancient lore and magical artifacts.
    • Lucien plays a crucial role in expanding the bloodline's knowledge and influence in the supernatural realm.

Bloodline Traits:

  1. Illusory Resilience: Members of the Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline have a natural resistance to illusions and possess the ability to see through magical disguises.
  2. Enhanced Reflexes: Quick reflexes make them adept at dodging attacks and reacting swiftly in combat situations.


  1. Silver Veil: Once per day, members of the Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline can create an ethereal silver veil that grants advantage on Dexterity saving throws for a limited time.
  2. Moonlit Affinity: Members of this bloodline have an affinity for the moon's phases, gaining enhanced powers during the night.

Vampire Lord (High-Level Navadeen Fadoria Vampire) Stats: Note: Adjust these stats based on your campaign's level and balance requirements.

  • Level: 12
  • Hit Points: 140 (12d10 + 60)
  • Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)
  • Speed: 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
  • Strength: 18 (+4)
  • Dexterity: 20 (+5)
  • Constitution: 18 (+4)
  • Intelligence: 16 (+3)
  • Wisdom: 14 (+2)
  • Charisma: 22 (+6)


  1. Silver Fangs: Melee Weapon Attack, +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) radiant damage. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the start of the vampire's next turn.
  2. Illusory Shroud (Recharge 5-6): The vampire creates an illusory shroud, becoming invisible for 1 minute or until it attacks or casts a spell. While invisible, it gains advantage on attack rolls.
  3. Moonlit Burst: The vampire releases a burst of moonlit energy in a 20-foot radius. Creatures in the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 30 (6d8 + 4) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Legendary Actions:

  1. Move: The vampire lord moves up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  2. Silver Fangs: The vampire lord makes a silver fangs attack.
  3. Moonlit Resurgence (Costs 2 Actions): The vampire lord regains 20 hit points.

These stats and abilities provide a foundation for the Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline vampires, and you can adjust them based on the specific needs and balance of your campaign.

3. Saltorias-Bloodline:

Origin: One of the oldest bloodlines in Pangea, a combined species mix. Distinct Features:

  • Blonde hair is a prominent trait in the family.
  • Prominent Member:

Origin: The Saltorias-Bloodline is one of the oldest and most prestigious bloodlines in Pangea, a world where various species coexist. Originating from a unique blend of species, the Saltorias-Bloodline has forged a powerful legacy that spans generations.

Distinct Features:

  1. Blonde Hair: Blonde hair is a prominent and distinguishing trait within the Saltorias-Bloodline, setting its members apart from other lineages.

Prominent Member:

  1. Travis:
    • A charismatic and diplomatic member of the Saltorias-Bloodline, Travis is known for his ability to navigate complex political landscapes.
    • Travis serves as a mediator and ambassador, using his skills to maintain harmony among the diverse factions in Pangea.

Bloodline Traits:

  1. Species Harmony: Members of the Saltorias-Bloodline have a natural affinity for understanding and connecting with various species. They gain advantage on Charisma-based checks when interacting with creatures of different species.
  2. Adaptability: The Saltorias-Bloodline has developed the ability to adapt to various environments and situations, granting them advantage on saving throws against environmental hazards.


  1. Unity Bond: Once per day, a member of the Saltorias-Bloodline can forge a temporary telepathic bond with a willing creature, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation.
  2. Versatile Mastery: Members of this bloodline have an innate proficiency in a diverse range of skills, allowing them to excel in various fields.

Vampire Lord (High-Level Saltorias Vampire) Stats: Note: Adjust these stats based on your campaign's level and balance requirements.

  • Level: 14
  • Hit Points: 160 (14d10 + 70)
  • Armor Class: 17 (natural armor)
  • Speed: 40 ft., swim 30 ft.
  • Strength: 18 (+4)
  • Dexterity: 18 (+4)
  • Constitution: 20 (+5)
  • Intelligence: 16 (+3)
  • Wisdom: 16 (+3)
  • Charisma: 22 (+6)


  1. Harmony Bite: Melee Weapon Attack, +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) psychic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute.
  2. Species Adaptation: The vampire can adapt to its surroundings, gaining resistance to a type of damage of its choice until the end of its next turn.
  3. Diplomatic Aura: The vampire projects an aura of diplomacy in a 30-foot radius. Allies within the aura gain advantage on Charisma-based checks.

Legendary Actions:

  1. Move: The vampire lord moves up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  2. Harmony Bite: The vampire lord makes a harmony bite attack.
  3. Adaptive Resilience (Costs 2 Actions): The vampire lord gains temporary hit points equal to its level and can choose a new type of damage resistance until the end of its next turn.

These stats and abilities provide a foundation for the Saltorias-Bloodline vampires, and you can adjust them based on the specific needs and balance of your campaign.

4. Magicalo Vamps - "Daybreakers":

Origin: Result of an experiment combining vampire blood and magic, creating the "Daybreakers." Characteristics:

  • Can resist sunlight for a while.
  • Absorb magical energy from beings they feed on.
  • Can eat normal food but with diminished taste. Prominent Members:
    • Alfred and Twin Jeremy and Robert


 and Twin  

Origin: The "Daybreakers" are the result of a daring and experimental combination of vampire blood and magic, creating a unique lineage known as the Magicalo Vamps. Originating from a clandestine magical laboratory, these vampires possess distinct characteristics that set them apart from traditional vampire bloodlines.


  1. Sunlight Resistance: Unlike traditional vampires, Daybreakers can resist sunlight for a limited time, allowing them to move freely during daylight hours. Prolonged exposure, however, still weakens them.
  2. Magical Absorption: Daybreakers have the ability to absorb magical energy from the beings they feed on. This unique trait enhances their magical prowess and grants them additional powers over time.
  3. Partial Sustenance: While Daybreakers can feed on blood, they can also consume normal food. However, the taste is diminished, and they derive little sustenance from it.

Prominent Members:

  1. Alfred and Twin Jeremy Robert:
    • Alfred and Jeremy Robert are twin siblings, both powerful Daybreakers who have embraced their magical heritage.
    • Alfred specializes in offensive magic, harnessing the absorbed magical energy to unleash devastating spells, while Jeremy focuses on defensive and healing magic to support their endeavors.

Bloodline Traits:

  1. Daylight Affinity: Daybreakers have an innate connection to daylight, gaining advantage on saving throws against sunlight-based effects.
  2. Magical Reservoir: Daybreakers can store absorbed magical energy within themselves, using it to enhance their magical abilities or share it with other magical beings.


  1. Solar Infusion: Once per day, a Daybreaker can draw power from sunlight, granting them enhanced magical abilities for a limited time.
  2. Arcane Feast: When feeding on magical beings, a Daybreaker not only sustains themselves with blood but also absorbs magical energy, increasing their magical reservoir.

Vampire Lord (High-Level Daybreaker Vampire) Stats: Note: Adjust these stats based on your campaign's level and balance requirements.

  • Level: 16
  • Hit Points: 180 (16d10 + 80)
  • Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)
  • Speed: 40 ft.
  • Strength: 18 (+4)
  • Dexterity: 20 (+5)
  • Constitution: 22 (+6)
  • Intelligence: 20 (+5)
  • Wisdom: 16 (+3)
  • Charisma: 22 (+6)


  1. Sunfire Blast: Ranged Spell Attack, +11 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 6) radiant damage.
  2. Magical Absorption Bite: Melee Weapon Attack, +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. The vampire regains hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
  3. Daylight Burst (Recharge 5-6): The vampire releases a burst of sunlight in a 30-foot radius. Creatures in the area must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, taking 40 (8d8 + 6) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Legendary Actions:

  1. Move: The vampire lord moves up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  2. Sunfire Blast: The vampire lord makes a sunfire blast attack.
  3. Magical Infusion (Costs 2 Actions): The vampire lord enhances its next spell or attack with additional magical energy, increasing damage or effects.

These stats and abilities provide a foundation for the Magicalo Vamps - "Daybreakers," and you can adjust them based on the specific needs and balance of your campaign.

5. Vampire Queen:

Vampire Queen

Role: A mysterious and powerful figure ruling over the vampire hierarchy.

The vampires of Fabula, with their diverse bloodlines and powers, add an air of intrigue and danger to the fantastical world. Each bloodline brings its own history and dynamics, weaving a complex tapestry of immortal existence in the shadows.

Background: The Vampire Queen is a mysterious and enigmatic figure who holds dominion over the vast and diverse vampire hierarchy in the fantastical world of Fabula. Her origins shrouded in darkness, the Queen's existence is steeped in centuries of immortal lore and the intricate politics of the night.

Role: As the Mistress of Shadows, the Vampire Queen serves as the unifying force among the various vampire bloodlines in Fabula. Her role involves maintaining the delicate balance of power, enforcing vampire laws, and navigating the complex relationships between the different vampire factions. She is both a ruler and a diplomat, capable of wielding both political influence and formidable supernatural powers.


  1. Shadow Mastery: The Vampire Queen possesses unparalleled control over shadows, allowing her to manipulate them for concealment, transportation, and even as a form of protection.
  2. Vampiric Dominion: The Queen can exert her will over lesser vampires, commanding their loyalty and ensuring the unity of the vampire hierarchy.
  3. Eternal Presence: The Queen's ageless nature grants her an air of otherworldly elegance, making her a captivating and intimidating presence.

Bloodline Ties: While the Vampire Queen doesn't belong to a specific bloodline, her unique status allows her to draw upon the strengths of various bloodlines in Fabula. She is a living embodiment of the convergence of vampire power, embodying the diversity and unity of the vampire world.

Court of Shadows: The Queen presides over the Court of Shadows, a clandestine gathering of vampire representatives from different bloodlines. This court serves as a forum for diplomacy, dispute resolution, and the formulation of decrees that govern vampire society.

Enigmatic Origins: The Queen's origins remain a closely guarded secret. Some believe she was an ancient vampire of unknown bloodline, while others speculate that she may be a result of a powerful ritual that merged the essence of multiple bloodlines.

Goals and Ambitions: The Vampire Queen's primary goal is to maintain the delicate balance within the vampire hierarchy, preventing internal conflicts that could weaken their collective power. She also seeks to ensure vampires' survival in a world filled with other supernatural beings and external threats.

Appearance: Cloaked in regal attire, the Vampire Queen exudes an aura of ethereal beauty. Her eyes, pools of endless darkness, betray the centuries of wisdom and cunning that lie beneath her composed exterior.

Realm of Influence: The Queen's influence extends beyond the vampire world, subtly shaping the destinies of mortals and supernaturals alike. Her court is a nexus of intrigue and power, with tendrils reaching into the highest echelons of both mortal and supernatural societies.

Legend and Fear: The Queen's name is spoken in whispers and feared by those who dare oppose the vampire hierarchy. Her legend has become entwined with the very fabric of Fabula, a symbol of immortal power and the enduring darkness that stretches across the ages.

The Vampire Queen, with her complex motives and ancient wisdom, stands as a central figure in the ever-evolving saga of Fabula, a world where shadows dance and immortal bloodlines shape the destiny of the night.

Vampire Queen: Mistress of Shadows

Level: 20

Hit Points: 250 (20d10 + 120)

Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)

Speed: 40 ft., fly 60 ft.

Strength: 18 (+4)

Dexterity: 20 (+5)

Constitution: 20 (+5)

Intelligence: 22 (+6)

Wisdom: 18 (+4)

Charisma: 24 (+7)


  • Arcana +12
  • Deception +15
  • Insight +14
  • Persuasion +15
  • Stealth +14

Saving Throws:

  • Dexterity +11
  • Constitution +11
  • Wisdom +10
  • Charisma +12

Darkvision: 120 ft.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If the Vampire Queen fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.

Shadow Mastery: The Vampire Queen can cast the spells darkness, invisibility, and dimension door at will without expending a spell slot.

Vampiric Dominion: As a bonus action, the Vampire Queen can attempt to charm a vampire or vampire spawn within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 hour.

Eternal Presence: The Vampire Queen's regal presence grants her advantage on all Charisma-based checks.

Multiattack: The Vampire Queen makes two attacks, either with her melee attacks or spells.

Spellcasting: The Vampire Queen is a 20th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following spells prepared:

  1. Dominate Person
  2. Teleport
  3. Feeblemind
  4. Power Word Stun
  5. Time Stop

Legendary Actions: The Vampire Queen can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Vampire Queen regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.

  1. Move: The Vampire Queen moves up to her speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  2. Charm Gaze: The Vampire Queen targets one creature she can see within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute.
  3. Shadow Step: The Vampire Queen teleports between shadows up to 60 feet as a bonus action.

This stat block is designed to capture the essence of a powerful and enigmatic Vampire Queen. Adjust the numbers and abilities as needed for your specific campaign and party strength.


Dragon Warriors: Guardians of the Hybrid Legacy

In the fantastical realm of Fabula, Dragon Warriors emerge as a proud and powerful hybrid race, born from the union of dragons and other mystical beings. Originally seen as a curse and disgrace, one Dragon Warrior took it upon themselves to prove their worth, transforming their kind into formidable guards and warriors. Here is an exploration of the Dragon Warriors and their unique abilities:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Height: Ranging from 1m90 to 2m10, with rare smaller individuals considered as runts.
  • Faces: Some possess an almost humanlike face, while others exhibit more defined, scaly features, standing on two legs.
  • Tails: All Dragon Warriors have tails, a distinctive mark of their hybrid nature.
  • Family Marks: Marks behind the neck and upper arm display family and elemental clan affiliations. Some proudly display these marks, while others hide them due to past shame.


  • Elemental Resistance: Resistant to fire or other elemental types, depending on the dragon part of their lineage.
  • Lava Tolerance: Can withstand exposure to lava.
  • Elemental Affinity: Depending on their dragon species, they can adjust to and cannot be harmed by their own element.
  • Multilingual Skills: Fluent in both the language of dragons and any learned human language.
  • Physical Strength: Exceptionally strong, capable of smashing rock or stone effortlessly.
  • Sharp Claws: Claws are razor-sharp, capable of cutting through steel and iron.
  • Wind Endurance: Possess strong wings, allowing them to withstand powerful winds.

Dragonbond - Special Bonding Ability:

  • Ritual Bonding: A special bonding ritual between two Dragon Warriors, resulting in matching marks.
  • Shared Abilities: When activated, the Dragonbond allows the partners to share each other's abilities. For instance, one can see through the dragon eyes of their bonded partner.
  • Shared Pain and Strengths: They share pain and strengths, essentially functioning as a unified force.
  • Strength Through Friendship: The strength of their shared powers is directly proportional to the strength of their friendship and cooperation.
  • Rare Practice: Dragon Warriors rarely engage in Dragonbond, as it requires deep trust and mutual interest. An improper bond can be deadly.

The Dragon Warriors, once shunned, now stand as guardians and symbols of strength in Fabula. Their unique abilities, fierce determination, and the special Dragonbond ritual make them a formidable force, embodying the power of unity and trust.

In the fantastical realm of Eldros, where the mystical and mundane coalesce, a unique order of warriors known as the Dragon Warriors has emerged. These elite guardians are sworn to protect the Hybrid Legacy, a sacred bloodline born of the union between dragons and mortal beings.

Order Origins: The Dragon Warriors trace their origins to a time when a benevolent dragon forged a pact with a group of brave mortals. This union gave rise to the first Hybrid, marking the beginning of a lineage that would forever link dragons and humans.

Distinct Features:

  1. Dragonic Affinity: Dragon Warriors possess a latent dragonic essence within them, granting them enhanced strength, agility, and a connection to elemental forces.
  2. Dragon Bond: Each Dragon Warrior forms a unique bond with a dragon companion. This bond is not just a partnership; it is a symbiotic connection that grants both warrior and dragon heightened abilities and shared knowledge.

Prominent Members:

  1. Seraphina Stormrider:
    • A masterful Dragon Warrior known for her swift combat techniques and the ability to channel the power of lightning.
    • Seraphina is bonded with a storm dragon named Tempest, and together they form an unstoppable force on the battlefield.
  2. Darian Emberforge:
    • A Dragon Warrior with a specialization in fire-based combat and the forging of powerful dragon-forged weapons.
    • Darian is bonded with a magma dragon named Ignis, and his mastery of fire and metal make him a formidable blacksmith.

Guardians of the Hybrid Legacy: The Dragon Warriors see themselves as protectors of the Hybrid Legacy, a bloodline that embodies the harmonious coexistence of dragons and mortals. This legacy is often targeted by those who seek to exploit its unique powers for their own gain.

Training and Skills:

  1. Dragon Techniques: Dragon Warriors train in combat techniques that emulate the agility and power of dragons. These include breath-like attacks, wing-enhanced jumps, and enhanced senses.
  2. Elemental Manipulation: Dragon Warriors learn to channel elemental energy through their weapons, infusing them with the power of fire, ice, lightning, or other elemental forces.

Duties and Quests: Dragon Warriors are tasked with safeguarding the Hybrid Legacy, embarking on quests to thwart those who would seek to exploit or harm those with dragon blood. They also act as diplomats between dragonkind and mortal races, fostering understanding and cooperation.

Dragonforged Equipment: Dragon Warriors craft and wield dragonforged weapons and armor, crafted from the scales and elemental essence of dragons. These items are not only powerful but also carry the essence of their dragon companion, enhancing the warrior's abilities.

Dragon Warrior Code:

  1. Honor the Dragon Bond: A Dragon Warrior must always prioritize the well-being of their dragon companion.
  2. Protect the Hybrid Legacy: The safeguarding of those with dragon blood is paramount, and Dragon Warriors must act to prevent its exploitation.
  3. Master Elemental Harmony: Dragon Warriors strive to achieve harmony with elemental forces, mastering the power of their dragonic essence.

The Dragon Warriors stand as a symbol of unity between dragons and mortals, embodying the strength, wisdom, and magic that arises from the unique fusion of these two powerful beings in the fantastical world of Eldros.

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class: 18 (chain mail)

Hit Points: 90 (12d8 + 36)

Speed: 30 ft.

STR 18 (+4), DEX 14 (+2), CON 16 (+3), INT 10 (+0), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 12 (+1)

Skills: Athletics +8, Acrobatics +6, Perception +5

Saving Throws: Strength +8, Dexterity +6

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15

Languages: Common, Draconic

Challenge: 5 (1,800 XP)

Dragon Bond: The Dragon Warrior forms a unique bond with a dragon companion. This bond grants the warrior advantage on saving throws against being frightened and allows them to communicate telepathically with their dragon companion within 120 feet.

Elemental Channeling: The Dragon Warrior can channel elemental energy through their attacks. Once per turn, when they hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, they can deal an extra 7 (2d6) elemental damage. The type of damage depends on the dragon warrior's chosen elemental affinity (e.g., fire, lightning, ice).

Multiattack: The Dragon Warrior makes two melee attacks.


  1. Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
  2. Breath-like Strike: The Dragon Warrior exhales a breath-like elemental attack in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) elemental damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The type of damage depends on the dragon warrior's chosen elemental affinity.


  1. Draconic Agility: When the Dragon Warrior is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage on a successful save.


  • Chain mail, longsword, shield, adventurer's pack

Dragonforged Weapon (Optional): If the Dragon Warrior has crafted a dragonforged weapon, it gains additional properties based on the type of dragon scales used in its creation. For example, a weapon crafted from the scales of a fire dragon might deal additional fire damage.

Dragon Companion (Not Stat-blocked): The dragon companion should have stats appropriate for its age and type. The bond with the Dragon Warrior enhances the dragon's abilities, granting it advantage on saving throws against being frightened and allowing it to communicate telepathically with the Dragon Warrior.

This stat block provides a foundation for a Dragon Warrior character in your campaign. Adjustments can be made based on your preferences and the specific needs of your game.


The Wiccur Family: Bloodline of Ancient Power

The Wiccur Family, descendants of the Ancient Fist Witch and blessed by the gods themselves, stands as a formidable bloodline of mighty witches in the fantastical realm of Fabula. Possessing immense power and magical prowess, they are marked by a striking and beautiful "W" symbol tattooed on their bodies, signifying their connection to the ancient lineage. Here is a glimpse into the mystique and power that defines the Wiccur Family:

Heritage and Origin:

  • Ancient Roots: The bloodline traces its origins back to the Ancient Fist Witch, a legendary figure intertwined with the gods.
  • Divine Blessing: Blessed by the gods during Fabula's creation, the Wiccurs inherited a unique blend of magical abilities.

Symbol of Power:

  • The "W" Symbol: A distinctive tattoo in the shape of a curvy and elegant "W" marks each member of the Wiccur Family.
  • Source of Power: The symbol not only signifies their bloodline but also serves as a conduit for their magical abilities, amplifying their powers.

Magical Prowess:

  • Mighty Witches: Members of the Wiccur Family are mighty witches, regardless of gender. Even males are rare and are considered powerful witches rather than wizards or magicians.
  • Ancient Knowledge: The family possesses vast knowledge that has been passed down through generations since the creation of Fabula.

Distinctive Traits:

  • Gender Neutrality: Unlike traditional magical families, the Wiccurs embrace both male and female witches, acknowledging the power within each individual.
  • Individual Specialties: While all Wiccurs are mighty witches, each family member may have their own unique magical specialties.

Magical Affinities:

  • Diverse Abilities: The Wiccur Family exhibits a wide range of magical abilities, spanning from elemental manipulation to divination and beyond.
  • Versatility: Their diverse skill set makes them versatile and formidable in various magical endeavors.

Guardians of Ancient Secrets:

  • Keepers of Wisdom: The Wiccurs are entrusted with ancient secrets and mystical wisdom, making them guardians of sacred knowledge.
  • Protectors of Balance: With great power comes responsibility, and the Wiccur Family plays a crucial role in maintaining the magical balance within Fabula.

Legacy and Influence:

  • Eternal Presence: The Wiccur Family has been a constant presence since Fabula's creation, leaving an indelible mark on the magical history of the realm.
  • Influence Across Generations: The family's influence extends across generations, with each new member contributing to the magical tapestry of Fabula.

In Fabula, the Wiccur Family stands as a beacon of ancient power, weaving spells and guarding mystical knowledge that shapes the destiny of the realm. Their symbol, the elegant "W," serves as a testament to their unique lineage and the magical legacy they carry forward through the ages.

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class: 15 (mage armor)

Hit Points: 80 (10d8 + 30)

Speed: 30 ft.

STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 16 (+3), INT 18 (+4), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 18 (+4)

Skills: Arcana +8, History +8, Insight +7

Saving Throws: Intelligence +8, Wisdom +7

Senses: Passive Perception 13

Languages: Common, Celestial, Abyssal

Challenge: 5 (1,800 XP)

Symbol of Power: The "W" symbol on the Wiccur Family members' bodies acts as a magical conduit, granting them advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Magical Prowess:

  1. Witchcraft Mastery: The Wiccur Family members are considered mighty witches, capable of casting spells without the need for verbal or somatic components.
  2. Ancient Knowledge: Proficient in Arcana, History, and Religion. Advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks related to ancient magical lore.

Magical Affinities:

  1. Elemental Manipulation: Wiccur Family members can cast elemental blast (reskinned fireball, lightning bolt, or cone of cold) as a 5th-level spell once per day.
  2. Divination Insight: Once per long rest, a Wiccur Family member can cast augury to gain insight into the outcome of a specific course of action.

Legacy Abilities:

  1. Eternal Presence: Wiccur Family members have advantage on saving throws against aging effects and cannot be magically aged.
  2. Keeper of Secrets: Proficient in Insight. Advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks related to detecting deception.


  1. Wiccur's Wisdom Beam: Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d10) radiant damage.
  2. Mystic Shield: The Wiccur Family member creates a protective shield, gaining temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + their Intelligence modifier.


  1. Magical Resilience: When a Wiccur Family member is targeted by a spell, they can use their reaction to gain advantage on the saving throw against the spell.


  1. Wiccur Robes: These magical robes grant the Wiccur Family member a +1 bonus to AC.
  2. Wiccur Talisman: A magical amulet that enhances the Wiccur's spellcasting abilities. Acts as a spellcasting focus.

Roleplaying Notes:

  1. Gender Neutrality: The Wiccur Family embraces both male and female witches, recognizing the strength within each individual.
  2. Guardians of Balance: Committed to maintaining the magical balance within Fabula, the Wiccur Family acts as protectors of ancient secrets and keepers of mystical wisdom.
  3. Eternal Influence: The family's influence extends across generations, leaving an indelible mark on the magical tapestry of Fabula.

This stat block provides a foundation for a member of the Wiccur Family in your campaign. Adjustments can be made based on your preferences and the specific needs of your game.


The Siren Siblings: Tempting Voices, Divergent Paths

In the mystical waters surrounding Dolor's Cavern, the Siren Siblings weave their enchanting melodies, each possessing a voice that can captivate and enthrall. These four alluring sirens, born of the same mysterious lineage, navigate the currents of Fabula with their own motivations and divergent destinies.

1. Cecilia: The Enchantress of Dolor's Cavern

  • Nature: Beastly Siren
  • Abode: Dolor's Cavern
  • Disposition: Known for her beastly allure, Cecilia resides in the haunting beauty of Dolor's Cavern. She is a seductress with a dangerous appetite, luring travelers to her home only to devour them.

2. Jenstine: The Mischievous Melodist

  • Disposition: Mischievous but Benevolent
  • Talent: Sneaky Singer
  • Personality: While he may be mischievous, Jenstine possesses a good heart. His alluring voice, though capable of leading astray, is often used for playful pursuits rather than malicious intent.

3. Agatha: The Kitty Parlour Performer

  • Occupation: Performer at the Kitty Parlour
  • Personality: Helpful and Friendly
  • Motivation: Agatha extends her aid to those who treat her with kindness. As a performer at the Kitty Parlour, she uses her mesmerizing voice to entertain and assist.

4. Jolene: The Ruthless Captain

  • Occupation: Captain at the Pier
  • Personality: Ruthless and Unpredictable
  • Clientele: Involved with Dark Figures
  • Motivation: Jolene's motives are shrouded in mystery, but her clientele reportedly includes slave dealers and hunters. She navigates the seas with a ruthless determination.

Interconnected Voices:

  • Family Ties: Despite their disparate paths, the Siren Siblings share a common bloodline and an innate connection through their enchanting voices.
  • Resonating Melodies: Each sibling's voice is a unique instrument, capable of resonating with the emotions and desires of those who hear it.

Divergent Destinies:

  • Individual Motivations: While Cecilia succumbs to her beastly nature, Jenstine, Agatha, and Jolene pursue their own divergent destinies. From benevolence to ruthlessness, their paths are as varied as the tides.

Whispers of the Sea:

  • Legends and Rumors: The Siren Siblings are the subject of many legends and rumors among the denizens of Fabula. Their enchanting voices and the divergent paths they tread only add to the mystery that surrounds them.

In the depths of Fabula's waters, the Siren Siblings sing their captivating songs, beckoning travelers, and leaving an indelible mark on the realm's lore. Cecilia's cavern, Jenstine's mischief, Agatha's performances, and Jolene's ruthless pursuits—each sibling weaves their own tale, echoing through the ocean's whispers.


HeSeSmer: Ocelot-Like Guardians of the Lake and Healing Forest

In the lush territories surrounding the sacred lake and the tranquil healing forest, the HeSeSmer creatures, reminiscent of ocelots, stand as guardians. Each possessing unique sensory prowess, these beings are mentally linked and work together to protect their sacred domain. Intruders and wanderers must tread carefully, understanding the distinct preferences of Heraflis, Seegerif, and Smerlefin to safely navigate the HeSeSmer territories.

1. Heraflis: The Auditory Guardian

  • Sense: Exceptional Hearing
  • Disposition: Attuned to Sounds
  • Calmness: Soothed by Music
    • Recommendation: Playing music or singing melodies can calm Heraflis, making it more receptive to peaceful interactions.

2. Seegerif: The Visual Guardian

  • Sense: Exceptional Sight
  • Disposition: Keen Observer
  • Calmness: Distracted by Visual Stimuli
    • Recommendation: Engaging Seegerif with distractions, such as dancing or performing magic tricks, diverts its attention and minimizes potential conflicts.

3. Smerlefin: The Olfactory Guardian

  • Sense: Exceptional Smell
  • Disposition: Sensitive to Scents
  • Calmness: Attracted to Pleasant Odors
    • Recommendation: Offering a delightful dish, a pleasing perfume, or other appealing scents can pacify Smerlefin, fostering a more harmonious environment.

Mental Link:

  • Connected Minds: Though physically separate, the HeSeSmer are mentally linked, allowing them to coordinate their efforts in safeguarding the lake and healing forest.
  • Communication: Their mental connection enables swift communication and coordination, making them a formidable team against potential threats.

Guardians of Sacred Grounds:

  • Lake and Healing Forest: The HeSeSmer serve as protectors of a lake with mystical properties and a healing forest that holds natural remedies. Intruders must navigate their territories with respect.

Approaching the Lake and Healing Forest:

  • Guidance: Those seeking the lake and healing forest must understand the distinct preferences of Heraflis, Seegerif, and Smerlefin to ensure a safe passage.
  • Respectful Interaction: Calming, distracting, or pleasing each guardian ensures a peaceful journey through the territories they inhabit.

Responsible Passage:

  • Awareness: Travelers must be mindful of the HeSeSmer's sensitivities and interact with them in a way that aligns with their unique preferences.
  • Shared Respect: In respecting the HeSeSmer, visitors can access the healing properties of the lake and forest while fostering a mutually beneficial relationship with these guardians.

In the realm of Fabula, the HeSeSmer stand vigilant, their senses attuned to the harmony of the lake and healing forest. Navigating their territories requires not only physical caution but also an understanding of the auditory, visual, and olfactory preferences that govern these ocelot-like guardians.


Dookfell Monster: Guardian of the Mountains

The Dookfell Monster, a colossal entity merging the essence of a wood giant, Grograk-Troll, and dragon, stands as a guardian intertwined with the very mountains it calls home. Towering over the landscape like a living monument, Dookfell serves as a silent protector and caretaker of its surroundings.

Physical Presence:

  • Size: Comparable to tall buildings, towering over the landscape.
  • Camouflage: When dormant or resting, Dookfell seamlessly blends with the mountains, appearing as stones and grass. Unwary travelers may unknowingly find themselves atop this colossal being.


  • Languages: Dookfell communicates in Trollish, Dragon, and a form of broken Fairy.
  • Limited Verbal Interaction: Due to language limitations, communication with Dookfell may be challenging but not impossible.

Guardian Duties:

  • Defender of Home: Dookfell fiercely protects its mountainous habitat, taking action against any threats that may harm the environment.
  • Meteor Collection: Weekly meteor showers from a passing comet are collected by Dookfell in its cave. The enchanted pieces from these meteors are both valuable and powerful.

Interaction with Travelers:

  • Hidden Presence: Travelers must tread carefully, as Dookfell may be indistinguishable from the natural surroundings.
  • Guarded Cave: Accessing Dookfell's cave, where valuable enchanted meteor pieces are stored, requires caution and possibly negotiation.

Value of Meteor Pieces:

  • Enchantment: Items crafted from meteor pieces are enchanted and possess powerful, boosting properties.
  • Weekly Opportunity: Travelers can attempt to negotiate with Dookfell for a piece of the collected meteor during its weekly collection ritual.

Approaching Dookfell:

  • Cautionary Measures: Due to its protective nature, travelers should approach with respect and care to avoid triggering defensive responses.
  • Offering Gifts: Bringing offerings or engaging in respectful dialogue may foster a positive interaction.

Guardian's Resolve:

  • Fighting Threats: Dookfell actively engages in combat against entities that pose a threat to its mountainous home.
  • Balancing Act: The guardian ensures that the meteor showers, while potentially destructive, do not harm the environment it holds dear.

Potential Interactions:

  1. Negotiation: Diplomatic travelers may negotiate for a piece of the enchanted meteor, offering something of value or promising to aid Dookfell in return.
  2. Defense Assistance: Offering assistance in protecting its home from external threats could lead to a cooperative relationship.
  3. Cultural Exchange: Attempts to bridge the communication gap through cultural exchange or assistance may earn Dookfell's favor.

In the realm of Fabula, the presence of the Dookfell Monster adds an element of mystery and reverence to the mountains, offering opportunities for adventurers seeking both enchanted treasures and alliances with a unique guardian of the land.


Aquintari: Dual Realm Denizens

The Aquintari, a fascinating species that seamlessly navigates both land and sea, possess a unique blend of merfolk and terrestrial traits. With lungs capable of functioning both in and out of water, these beings embrace a dual existence, thriving in aquatic realms as well as venturing onto land.

Physical Attributes:

  1. Lung Adaptation: Aquintari possess specialized lungs that facilitate breathing in both water and air, allowing them to transition effortlessly between aquatic and terrestrial environments.
  2. Fluid Requirements: While adaptable, Aquintari need increased fluid intake on land to prevent dehydration and maintain flexibility. Some individuals utilize devices that produce water to meet this need.
  3. Muscular Build: The species boasts a robust muscular build, developed from a life of swimming and diving. This strength translates to their ability to lift heavy objects on land.

Origins and Relations:

  1. Deep-Sea Origins: Older generations of Aquintari originate from the depths of the seas, while newer generations are more accustomed to life above water.
  2. Siren Connections: Aquintari share certain traits with Sirens, mermaids, Anglerfish, Water Kaiju, and Krakens. These connections hint at a rich tapestry of aquatic ancestry.

Communication and Navigation:

  1. Enchanting Voices: Aquintari possess melodious voices, capable of entertaining, charming, or even mesmerizing those who hear them.
  2. Echolocation: Underwater, Aquintari utilize echolocation to navigate efficiently, showcasing their prowess in the aquatic realm.

Swimming Abilities:

  1. Swimming Prowess: Excellent swimmers, Aquintari showcase remarkable speed and agility in the water, making them adept at navigating underwater currents and depths.

Omnivorous Diet:

  1. Varied Tastes: Aquintari are omnivores with diverse tastes. Their diet encompasses a range of foods, both from land and sea.

Cultural Practices:

  1. Fluid Devices: Some Aquintari employ devices that generate water, ensuring they remain adequately hydrated on land.
  2. Dual Existence: Embracing a dual existence, Aquintari may form communities that seamlessly integrate both aquatic and terrestrial elements.

Interaction with Other Species:

  1. Peaceful Coexistence: Aquintari generally prefer peaceful coexistence with other species, utilizing their voices for entertainment rather than manipulation.
  2. Adaptability: Their adaptability allows them to integrate with both underwater and land-dwelling communities, fostering connections with diverse groups.

The Aquintari, with their dual nature and unique capabilities, contribute to the diverse ecosystems of Fabula, embodying a harmonious balance between the realms of water and land.

The Aquintari, a captivating species seamlessly navigating both land and sea, possess a unique blend of merfolk and terrestrial traits. With lungs capable of functioning both in and out of water, these beings embrace a dual existence, thriving in aquatic realms as well as venturing onto land.

Physical Attributes:

  1. Lung Adaptation:
    • Aquintari possess specialized lungs facilitating breathing in both water and air, allowing them to transition effortlessly between aquatic and terrestrial environments.
  2. Fluid Requirements:
    • While adaptable, Aquintari need increased fluid intake on land to prevent dehydration and maintain flexibility. Some individuals utilize devices that produce water to meet this need.
  3. Muscular Build:
    • The species boasts a robust muscular build, developed from a life of swimming and diving. This strength translates to their ability to lift heavy objects on land.

Origins and Relations:

  1. Deep-Sea Origins:
    • Older generations of Aquintari originate from the depths of the seas, while newer generations are more accustomed to life above water.
  2. Siren Connections:
    • Aquintari share certain traits with Sirens, mermaids, Anglerfish, Water Kaiju, and Krakens. These connections hint at a rich tapestry of aquatic ancestry.

Communication and Navigation:

  1. Enchanting Voices:
    • Aquintari possess melodious voices, capable of entertaining, charming, or even mesmerizing those who hear them.
  2. Echolocation:
    • Underwater, Aquintari utilize echolocation to navigate efficiently, showcasing their prowess in the aquatic realm.

Swimming Abilities:

  1. Swimming Prowess:
    • Excellent swimmers, Aquintari showcase remarkable speed and agility in the water, making them adept at navigating underwater currents and depths.

Omnivorous Diet:

  1. Varied Tastes:
    • Aquintari are omnivores with diverse tastes. Their diet encompasses a range of foods, both from land and sea.

Cultural Practices:

  1. Fluid Devices:
    • Some Aquintari employ devices that generate water, ensuring they remain adequately hydrated on land.
  2. Dual Existence:
    • Embracing a dual existence, Aquintari may form communities that seamlessly integrate both aquatic and terrestrial elements.

Interaction with Other Species:

  1. Peaceful Coexistence:
    • Aquintari generally prefer peaceful coexistence with other species, utilizing their voices for entertainment rather than manipulation.
  2. Adaptability:
    • Their adaptability allows them to integrate with both underwater and land-dwelling communities, fostering connections with diverse groups.

The Aquintari, with their dual nature and unique capabilities, contribute to the diverse ecosystems of Fabula, embodying a harmonious balance between the realms of water and land.

Aquintari Scout

Medium humanoid (aquatic), neutral

Armor Class: 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points: 33 (6d8 + 6)

Speed: 30 ft., swim 40 ft.

STR 12 (+1), DEX 16 (+3), CON 12 (+1), INT 10 (+0), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 14 (+2)

Skills: Perception +4, Athletics +3

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages: Aquan, Common

Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Lung Adaptation:
    • The Aquintari can breathe both air and water.
  2. Enchanting Voice:
    • The Aquintari can use its voice to cast the friends cantrip.


  1. Multiattack:
    • The Aquintari makes two attacks: one with its spear and one with its bite.
  2. Spear:
    • Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
  3. Bite:
    • Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

Aquintari Character

Aquaia Tidecaller

Aquintari Bard, Level 3

Armor Class: 15 (leather armor)

Hit Points: 27 (3d8 + 9)

Speed: 30 ft., swim 40 ft.

STR 10 (+0), DEX 16 (+3), CON 16 (+3), INT 12 (+1), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 16 (+3)

Skills: Perception +4, Athletics +2, Performance +5

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages: Aquan, Common, Elvish

Challenge: 1 (200 XP)

Class Features:

  1. Bardic Inspiration (d6):
    • Aquaia can use a bonus action to grant one creature within 60 feet a Bardic Inspiration die that can be added to an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.
  2. Enchanting Voice:
    • Aquaia can cast the charm person spell once per day.


  1. Rapier:
    • Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
  2. Siren's Lullaby:
    • Aquaia can use her action to sing a captivating melody. Each creature within 30 feet that can hear her must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute.


Coptka: The Strange Worm of Tuffnuk Mines

Description: Coptka, aptly named the "Strange Worm," resides in the depths of the Tuffnuk Mines in Frisbourne. This extraordinary creature is a unique and alien entity that crash-landed, setting it apart from its kind. Possessing the remarkable ability to communicate partially, Coptka stands out as a mysterious and powerful force within the mines.


  1. Reproductive Consumption: One of Coptka's most extraordinary abilities is its capacity to reproduce materials it consumes. If it devours a specific mineral like iron or coal, it can multiply and excrete the substance from its body.
  2. Material Synthesis: The creature assimilates minerals within its stomach, merging them into new forms. This results in the creation of unique materials or substances, contributing to the diverse composition of its surroundings.


  1. Tuffnuk Mines: Coptka has made its habitat in the Tuffnuk Mines, thriving in the subterranean environment where it utilizes its abilities to interact with and transform the geological elements present.


  1. Wormlike Form: Coptka exhibits a wormlike appearance, reflecting its alien nature. Its body is adapted for life within the mines, allowing it to navigate and consume various materials.

Interaction with Miners:

  1. Mineral Harvesting: Miners in Tuffnuk are aware of Coptka's unique abilities and occasionally interact with the creature for mineral harvesting. The worm's capacity to reproduce materials proves beneficial for resource extraction.
  2. Cautious Coexistence: Miners maintain a cautious coexistence with Coptka, recognizing the value it adds to their mining operations. However, they remain vigilant, understanding the potential dangers associated with the creature.

Cultural Significance:

  1. Resource Supplier: Coptka holds cultural significance for the local mining community as a resource supplier. Its unique abilities contribute to the availability of various materials used in crafting and construction.
  2. Mining Rituals: Some miners may perform rituals or ceremonies to express gratitude to Coptka for its contributions to their work. These rituals vary, ranging from simple gestures to more elaborate ceremonies.

Legend and Lore:

  1. Crash Landing Origin: The origins of Coptka are shrouded in mystery, with local legends speculating on its crash landing in the mines. The lore surrounding the creature adds an air of mystique to its presence.

Coptka, the Strange Worm, remains an enigmatic and essential part of the mining community in Tuffnuk. Its unique abilities and the harmonious yet cautious relationship with miners contribute to the rich tapestry of Fabula's diverse ecosystems.

Description: Coptka, known as the "Strange Worm," is a unique and enigmatic entity residing in the depths of the Tuffnuk Mines in Frisbourne. This extraordinary creature, with its alien nature, crashed into the mines, setting it apart from others of its kind. Its ability to partially communicate adds an extra layer of mystery to its presence within the mines.


  1. Reproductive Consumption:
    • Coptka can reproduce materials it consumes. If it devours specific minerals like iron or coal, it has the capacity to multiply and excrete the substance from its body.
  2. Material Synthesis:
    • The creature assimilates minerals within its stomach, merging them into new forms. This results in the creation of unique materials or substances, contributing to the diverse composition of its surroundings.


  1. Tuffnuk Mines:
    • Coptka has made its habitat in the Tuffnuk Mines, thriving in the subterranean environment where it utilizes its abilities to interact with and transform geological elements present.


  1. Wormlike Form:
    • Coptka exhibits a wormlike appearance adapted for life within the mines, allowing it to navigate and consume various materials.

Interaction with Miners:

  1. Mineral Harvesting:
    • Miners in Tuffnuk are aware of Coptka's unique abilities and occasionally interact with the creature for mineral harvesting. The worm's capacity to reproduce materials proves beneficial for resource extraction.
  2. Cautious Coexistence:
    • Miners maintain a cautious coexistence with Coptka, recognizing the value it adds to their mining operations. However, they remain vigilant, understanding the potential dangers associated with the creature.

Cultural Significance:

  1. Resource Supplier:
    • Coptka holds cultural significance for the local mining community as a resource supplier. Its unique abilities contribute to the availability of various materials used in crafting and construction.
  2. Mining Rituals:
    • Some miners may perform rituals or ceremonies to express gratitude to Coptka for its contributions to their work. These rituals vary, ranging from simple gestures to more elaborate ceremonies.

Legend and Lore:

  1. Crash Landing Origin:
    • The origins of Coptka are shrouded in mystery, with local legends speculating on its crash landing in the mines. The lore surrounding the creature adds an air of mystique to its presence.

Coptka, the Strange Worm, remains an integral and mysterious part of the mining community in Tuffnuk. Its unique abilities and the cautious yet harmonious relationship with miners contribute to the rich tapestry of Fabula's diverse ecosystems.

Medium monstrosity, unaligned

Armor Class: 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points: 90 (12d8 + 36)

Speed: 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.

STR 18 (+4), DEX 12 (+1), CON 16 (+3), INT 4 (-3), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 6 (-2)

Skills: Perception +3

Senses: Tremorsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13

Languages: None

Challenge: 4 (1,100 XP)


  1. Reproductive Consumption:
    • Coptka can consume minerals and reproduce them. Once per day, it can consume a quantity of minerals and produce a number of gemstones or valuable materials equal to its hit points divided by 10.
  2. Material Synthesis:
    • Coptka can assimilate minerals within its stomach, creating unique substances. As an action, it can merge minerals to create a substance with various effects (e.g., a temporary barrier, a healing substance, etc.). The specific effect is determined by the DM.


  1. Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage.
  2. Mineral Ejection: Coptka ejects minerals in a 20-foot cone. Creatures in that area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The ejected minerals can be collected and used for various purposes.


  1. Burrow: When Coptka takes damage, it can use its reaction to burrow into the ground, gaining resistance to all damage until the start of its next turn.

Environmental Interaction:

  1. Tunneling Prowess: Coptka can burrow through solid rock at a speed of 20 feet. It leaves behind a usable tunnel.

Roleplaying Notes:

Coptka is a mysterious and valuable creature residing in the Tuffnuk Mines. Its ability to reproduce and synthesize minerals makes it both a resource and a potential hazard for miners. The creature's origin and purpose remain shrouded in legend, adding an air of mystique to its presence. Miners, in their cautious coexistence, acknowledge both the benefits and potential dangers associated with the Strange Worm.


Sunburst Knights: Guardians of Truth

Origins: In the aftermath of the Shattering and the subsequent split, a group of fourteen individuals, hailing from different species and backgrounds, came together with a common purpose. Fueled by the desire to safeguard the truth and protect the innocent, they formed a clandestine organization known as the Sunburst Knights. Choosing to remain on the newly formed planet Pangea, they established their secret headquarters.

Mission: The Sunburst Knights dedicated themselves to two primary missions:

  1. Protection of the Truth: Safeguarding the knowledge and secrets related to the Shattering and the origins of Pangea. They became the custodians of information that, if revealed, could alter the course of history.
  2. Defenders of the Innocent: Pledging to protect the innocent beings of Pangea, the Sunburst Knights undertook various missions to thwart threats and ensure the safety of those who could be adversely affected by the hidden truths.

Organization Structure:

  1. Homebase: The Sunburst Knights established their homebase in a concealed location. An intricate underground system housed vast archives of information, secrets, and artifacts. The location was known only to the members of the organization.
  2. Insignia: Each Sunburst Knight bore a distinctive tattoo on their body, creatively designed with the initials "SbK." This served as both a symbol of their allegiance and a mark of their commitment to the organization's cause.
  3. Sunburst City: The area surrounding the Sunburst Knights' headquarters, known as Sunburst City, featured intricate patterns, writings, and beautiful designs. These elements not only added to the aesthetic appeal but also served as navigational aids for insiders, revealing hidden entrances and pathways.

Diversity among the Knights: The Sunburst Knights were a diverse group, representing various species and appearances. Despite their differences, they shared a common goal and a commitment to preserving the secrets that could reshape the understanding of their world.

Secrecy and Confidentiality: Maintaining utmost secrecy was crucial for the Sunburst Knights. Only those within the organization were privy to the depths of the underground archives and the truths they guarded. The intricate patterns in Sunburst City acted as both a protective barrier and a guide for insiders.

Legacy and Impact: The Sunburst Knights left an indelible mark on Pangea, quietly influencing events from the shadows. Their legacy endured as a symbol of dedication to truth and the protection of the innocent, weaving a thread of mystery into the fabric of Pangea's history.


Diluvian Clan: Guardians of Ancient Martial Arts

Founding and Origin: At the dawn of Fabula and Pangea, the Diluvian Clan emerged from the collaboration of Nao Shen Tenharand, a Haregon, and Eduard Bright, a Fabula Human. With a focus on ancient martial arts, the Diluvian Clan became the repository of wisdom and techniques, integrating various martial arts styles into a comprehensive system called "Unita Soul."

Unita Soul: A Fusion of Martial Arts: The Diluvian Clan incorporates a wide array of martial arts techniques into the Unit Soul system, combining the best aspects of each style. From Kalaripayattu to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Diluvian Clan members undergo rigorous training in flexibility, stances, kicks, punches, weaponry, and spiritual disciplines.

Representative Techniques:

  1. Kalaripayattu: Known for mental and physical training, it includes body control exercises, animal postures, and weapons training. The emphasis on anatomy and vital spots enhances its effectiveness.
  2. Ninjutsu/Shinobi: Derived from espionage and stealth, Diluvian Clan members learn disguise, agility, and a variety of skills crucial for espionage. Meditation and concentration are key components.
  3. Shaolin Kung Fu: Balancing physical strength with tranquility, Diluvian Clan members practice a range of skills, including stances, punches, and the use of traditional weapons like the staff.

Leadership and Generations: Silvia, a Pangean Human, became the main leader in 1960, succeeding leaders every five years. Each leader is chosen through a unique process, often involving trials and tests showcasing their skills and commitment.

Deity Guardians and Family Clans: Deities representing specific animal symbols were crafted by Godlings, passed down through generations, and inherited by chosen individuals. These deities serve as protective entities for each Family Clan. The Diluvian Clan members can call upon these deities for guidance and strength.

Coming of Age Tradition - The Trial: A significant rite of passage for Diluvian Clan members is the Trial that takes place on Dilus Island. The trial involves a combination of stealth, strategy, and combat, testing the skills of young members. Success earns them honor titles and special clothing, marking them as potential leaders.

Festivals and Competitions: Annual Diluvian Festivals, lasting two weeks, feature competitions among Clan members, fostering camaraderie and friendly competition. These events serve to showcase individual talents and contribute points to the respective Clan families.

Legacy and Impact: The Diluvian Clan has left an indelible mark as the preservers of ancient martial arts in Fabula and Pangea. Through rigorous training, traditions, and the integration of diverse martial arts styles, they have become guardians of both physical and spiritual well-being.


racter traits, background, and personal development.

  • Race: Aasimar, Celestial, or homebrew celestial race.
  • Class: Paladin or Cleric, with an emphasis on divine combat and support.
  • Background: Acolyte or Soldier, reflecting their celestial service and combat training.
  • Alignment: Generally aligned with goodness and justice, but individual variations exist.


  1. Religion
  2. Insight
  3. Athletics or Acrobatics


  1. Celestial
  2. Common


  1. Celestial-themed armor
  2. Radiant weapon (e.g., a sword or mace)
  3. Holy symbol
  4. Healing potions or celestial ointments

Abilities and Features:

  1. Divine Smite (Paladin): Infuse attacks with divine power, dealing additional radiant damage.
  2. Channel Divinity: Use celestial energy to turn undead, bless allies, or perform other divine feats.
  3. Healing Spells (Cleric): Access to healing spells to restore health to themselves and allies.
  4. Celestial Resistance: Resistance to radiant damage, showcasing their celestial resilience.

Special Feature: Angelic Intervention: Once per long rest, an Angel Warrior can call upon celestial allies for aid, summoning a temporary celestial ally to assist in combat or support.

Roleplaying Notes: Angel Warriors embody virtues such as courage, compassion, and righteousness. They may display a sense of duty towards the divine, often guided by a celestial patron or deity. While fierce in battle against evil, they also extend mercy to those who show repentance. Angel Warriors are natural leaders, inspiring their allies with their unwavering dedication to the cause of justice.




Origin: Created by ORA, the oldest Sibling, the Guardians represent a diverse array of spirits dedicated to overseeing the well-being of the planet Fabula. Initially, five Guardians were appointed to watch over the cardinal directions—North, East, South, and West, with a central Guardian in the middle. Over time, one of the Guardians went rogue and turned evil, becoming a significant antagonist alongside the Godling's brother.

Appearance: The initial Guardians were chosen by the Godlings for their protective nature, originating from various species and kinds. Each Guardian possesses a unique appearance, but they all share tattoos and marks bestowed upon them during their selection. Through rituals, offspring, or direct appointment, new Guardians have joined their ranks over time.

Powers: Guardians exhibit a range of powers, with variations depending on their species and type. However, a shared ability among all Guardians is their connection to each other, fostering a network of communication and collaboration.

Weapons: Each Guardian wields a specific weapon corresponding to their designated direction:

  1. North: (Specify the weapon for the North Guardian)
  2. East: (Specify the weapon for the East Guardian)
  3. South: (Specify the weapon for the South Guardian)
  4. West: (Specify the weapon for the West Guardian)
  5. Main Guardian (Center): Gauntlets (Specify the nature or abilities of the gauntlets)

Connection: The Guardians maintain a mystical connection with one another, allowing them to share information, insights, and coordinate actions. This interconnectedness enhances their ability to protect Fabula and respond to emerging threats.

Evil Rogue Guardian: One of the initial Guardians succumbed to darkness, becoming a major antagonist in the Fabula narrative. Linked with the Godling's brother, this rogue Guardian poses a formidable challenge to the others, adding complexity and conflict to the overarching storyline.

Ongoing Appointments: New Guardians continue to be appointed through rituals or by inheritance. The criteria for selection remain aligned with their protective instincts and commitment to safeguarding the specific regions they oversee.

Purpose: The primary purpose of the Guardians is to ensure the balance and protection of Fabula. They act as stewards of their respective territories, using their powers to ward off threats and maintain harmony in their designated regions. Their collective efforts contribute to the overall well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.

Guardians are formidable beings dedicated to the protection of specific realms, individuals, or sacred artifacts. These mighty defenders draw power from the essence of their chosen charge, embodying the strength and resilience required to fulfill their sacred duty.

Appearance: The appearance of Guardians varies widely, reflecting the nature of their charge. They often bear symbols or markings that represent their allegiance, and their armor or form may incorporate elements related to their protective duties.

Abilities and Features:

  1. Guardian Aura: Guardians emanate an aura that bolsters the defenses of those around them, providing bonuses to allies' armor class and saving throws.
  2. Warding Presence: A Guardian can intercept attacks directed at their charge, taking the brunt of the damage to shield and preserve the protected entity.
  3. Elemental Affinity: Some Guardians have a connection to specific elements, allowing them to wield elemental powers for both offense and defense.
  4. Teleportation (optional): Guardians may possess the ability to teleport to the location of their charge in times of crisis.

Guardian D&D Stats: Note: These are generalized D&D stats. Individual variations may occur based on character traits, background, and personal development.

  • Race: Varied, depending on the lore and origin of the Guardian. Celestial, Elemental, or constructs are common choices.
  • Class: Paladin, Fighter, or Barbarian, with abilities focused on defense and protecting others.
  • Background: Soldier or Sage, reflecting combat training or knowledge related to their charge.
  • Alignment: Generally aligned with the values of their charge, but individual variations exist.


  1. Athletics
  2. Insight
  3. Religion or Nature, depending on the nature of their charge


  1. Common
  2. Language related to their charge (e.g., Celestial, Primordial, Sylvan)


  1. Customized armor or natural protective features
  2. Weapon associated with their charge (e.g., a sword, staff, or bow)
  3. Amulet or token symbolizing their duty
  4. Healing potions or other protective items

Abilities and Features:

  1. Defensive Stance (Fighter): Gain bonuses to AC and resistance against certain types of damage.
  2. Lay on Hands (Paladin): Heal wounds by touch, restoring health to themselves or others.
  3. Aura of Protection (Paladin): Provide a bonus to saving throws for nearby allies.
  4. Guardian's Wrath: Unleash a powerful attack against foes threatening the charge.

Special Feature: Charge's Boon: Guardians receive a boon from their charge, granting them additional abilities or resilience when in proximity to their protected entity.

Roleplaying Notes: Guardians are steadfast and unwavering in their commitment to protection. They may have a deep sense of loyalty and duty, often forged by a powerful bond with the entity or realm they defend. Guardians may be stoic or nurturing, depending on the nature of their charge, but they share a common trait of selflessness and sacrifice for the greater good. Their presence inspires confidence in allies and instills fear in those who dare to threaten their charge.




Origin: Created by CHeops, the Ferwins are Elemental Faun-like creatures with a unique connection to the elemental forces of the palaces they hail from. Primarily designed to aid the Guardians and offer protection and assistance to those in need, the Ferwins embody natural spirits and wield elemental powers related to their birthplace.

Appearance: Ferwins exhibit distinctive characteristics, including deer/faun-like ears, horns, and digitigrade legs. Their appearance is marked by the elemental touch of the palace they originate from, with each individual embodying a specific elemental affinity. Their natural spirits make them inherently caring creatures, and they communicate through gestures and actions, often choosing not to speak. Additionally, they possess the ability to hide within their surroundings, using their powers to camouflage effectively.

Abilities: The Ferwins are imbued with elemental powers corresponding to their birthplace, allowing them to manipulate and control specific elemental forces. Their abilities include healing, protection, and assistance, making them valuable allies to both the Guardians and those in need. Their strong connection with CHeops enables them to locate the deity wherever he is situated.

Role and Purpose: The primary role of the Ferwins is to support the Guardians and provide aid to individuals facing challenges. They are particularly adept at locating and assisting those who are lost or in distress. With their caring nature and elemental abilities, the Ferwins contribute to the overall harmony and well-being of Fabula.

Connection with CHeops: The Ferwins share a profound connection with CHeops, the creator deity. This connection allows them to sense and locate CHeops regardless of his location. It reinforces their sense of purpose and strengthens their bond with the elemental forces they embody.

Stealth and Camouflage: Utilizing their elemental powers, Ferwins can seamlessly blend into their surroundings, becoming practically invisible. This ability serves both defensive and strategic purposes, allowing them to approach situations discreetly and avoid potential threats.

Number and Affinities: While the primary focus is on the four main Ferwins created by CHeops, there may be additional Ferwins, each aligned with a specific elemental affinity. These additional Ferwins may exhibit variations in appearance and abilities based on their respective elemental origins.

Ferwins are enigmatic and elusive beings, known for their agility, stealth, and natural affinity with the elements. These feline-like creatures are skilled hunters and masters of the shadows, making them excellent scouts and spies. With their sleek fur, keen senses, and mystical abilities, Ferwins are a force to be reckoned with in the mystical realms.

Appearance: Ferwins resemble large, mystical cats with sleek fur and mesmerizing eyes. They come in various colors and patterns, often blending seamlessly with their surroundings. Some have markings that seem to shimmer with arcane energy. Ferwins have sharp claws and fangs, which they use for hunting and self-defense.

Abilities and Features:

  1. Stealthy Prowess: Ferwins are natural stealth experts, able to move quietly and remain unnoticed in almost any environment.
  2. Elemental Affinity: Many Ferwins have a connection to elemental magic, allowing them to manipulate and control aspects of nature, such as wind, water, or shadows.
  3. Heightened Senses: Ferwins possess exceptional senses, including keen eyesight, acute hearing, and an extraordinary sense of smell.
  4. Telepathic Communication: Some Ferwins have the ability to communicate telepathically with each other or with specific individuals.

Ferwin D&D Stats: Note: These are generalized D&D stats. Individual variations may occur based on character traits, background, and personal development.

  • Race: Ferwin
  • Class: Rogue, Ranger, or Druid, with abilities focused on stealth, archery, or nature manipulation.
  • Background: Urchin or Sage, reflecting their feral upbringing or mystical knowledge.
  • Alignment: Often Chaotic Neutral, as Ferwins value their independence and freedom.


  1. Stealth
  2. Perception
  3. Survival or Acrobatics, depending on their preferred playstyle


  1. Common
  2. Sylvan or Druidic, reflecting their mystical nature


  1. Shortbow or dagger
  2. Leather armor
  3. A set of tools or implements related to their background
  4. A pouch containing herbs or items from their homeland

Abilities and Features:

  1. Cunning Action (Rogue): Take a bonus action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide.
  2. Natural Explorer (Ranger): Gain benefits related to chosen terrain and have advantages in navigating through it.
  3. Wild Shape (Druid): Transform into animals to gain their abilities and move through different environments effectively.
  4. Shadowmeld: Blend into shadows for enhanced stealth or create illusions to deceive enemies.

Special Feature: Feline Grace: Ferwins have a unique ability to land on their feet, even from great heights, and move gracefully through challenging terrain.

Roleplaying Notes: Ferwins are independent and value their freedom, often avoiding commitment or servitude. They may have a mysterious and aloof demeanor, observing situations before actively engaging. Ferwins can be fiercely loyal to those they trust, forming deep bonds with individuals who earn their respect. Their agility and affinity with nature make them skilled hunters and adept navigators, but their playful nature and curiosity often shine through in moments of relaxation.


Elementar and Elementarix

Origin: Conceived by Cheops, the Elemental and Elementarix beings were created by merging the deity's powers with assistance from the ancient dragons. They are considered unique entities in the world of Fabula and play a significant role in the balance of elemental forces.

Attributes and Creation: The Elemental beings are the first of their kind, originating as representatives of various elemental forces. Each Elementar embodies a distinct element, contributing to the harmony and equilibrium of the world. The process of their creation involved combining powers from each element, making them potent entities and, when merged together, achieving a state comparable to a demi-god, rivaling the strength of Cheops.

Geographical Presence: Initially residing across the world, Elemental beings later congregated on a large island, each establishing their domain. The island is marked by a pillar for each element, symbolizing their unity and connection to the elemental forces. Following a period of upheaval and conflict, only one pillar remained.

Leadership and Guardianship: Gero and Nimo took on the responsibility of overseeing the Elemental beings and managing the elemental trials within their realm. Pashu, representing Death and Darkness, and Nishishu, embodying Life and Light, assumed leadership roles for their respective elemental domains.

Elemental Varieties:

  1. Sala (Fire) - Red
  2. Vnd (Water) - Blue
  3. Gno (Earth) - Orange
  4. Sylp (Air) and Skel (Wind) - Yellow and Green
  5. Nov (Steel/Metal) - Gray
  6. Pashu (Death/Darkness) - Black and Nishishu (Life/Light) - White
  7. Arkus (Ice) - Light Blue
  8. Lightning (Ni) - Yellow
  9. Soul and Spirit - Dark Blue and Blue
  10. Time and Space - Teal and Magenta
  11. Tech (Digital/Machine/Science) - Purple
  12. Magic - Octarine (Greenish Purple)
  13. Love (Aru) - Pink
  14. Surprise (Ah!) - Reflective of the Element
  15. Bonus Element - Compassion, Life

Markings and Symbols: Individuals born in the Elemental realms bear markings and symbols representing their elemental affiliation. Water Elementals, for instance, might have ankle or leg tattoos. Elementarix, those tasked with overseeing elemental trials, receive additional markings upon completion, typically on their entire body.

Elemental Orbs and Transformation: Elemental powers are encapsulated in orbs of specific elemental colors. Breaking these orbs releases the corresponding powers, enhancing the capabilities of the Elementarix. The process is often part of a ceremonial ritual, emphasizing honor and tradition.

Ascension to Demi-Godhood: The final step for an Elementarix to attain demi-god status involves seeking out one of the Godling Offsprings and proving their worth. This task includes facing challenges and overcoming adversaries who aim to hinder their ascension. Trials may involve the retrieval of powers or the attempted theft of elemental orbs.

Ongoing Challenges: Elementarix face ongoing challenges from groups seeking to obstruct their journey to demi-godhood. These adversaries may attempt to steal powers, merge with Elementarix, or confiscate elemental orbs, adding an element of danger and suspense to their quests.

Elementars and Elementarixes are ancient elemental beings, each attuned to a specific primordial force of nature. These ethereal entities embody the raw essence of their chosen element, wielding powerful magical abilities that reflect their affinity. While Elementars are typically associated with masculine energy, Elementarixes embody the feminine aspects of their elemental domains.


  • Elementar: Majestic and towering, an Elementar's form is composed of the pure essence of its chosen element. They radiate an otherworldly glow and often have features reminiscent of the natural landscapes associated with their element.
  • Elementarix: Like their male counterparts, Elementarixes are embodiments of elemental energy, but their forms tend to be more fluid and graceful. Their presence is characterized by a serene aura, and they may have ethereal, flowing patterns within their elemental manifestations.

Abilities and Features:

  1. Elemental Manipulation: Both Elementars and Elementarixes can control and manipulate their chosen elemental force with great mastery.
  2. Flight: Depending on their element, they may possess the ability to float or fly, moving effortlessly through the air.
  3. Elemental Empowerment: In areas where their associated element is abundant, Elementars and Elementarixes gain enhanced abilities and may even regenerate.
  4. Elemental Affinity: They can communicate with and understand creatures associated with their element, forging alliances with elemental beings.

Elementar and Elementarix D&D Stats: Note: These are generalized D&D stats. Individual variations may occur based on character traits, background, and personal development.

  • Race: Elementar or Elementarix
  • Class: Sorcerer, Druid, or Elemental Monk, with abilities focused on elemental magic and manipulation.
  • Background: Sage or Acolyte, reflecting their deep connection to the elemental forces.
  • Alignment: True Neutral or aligning with the principles of their chosen element.


  1. Arcana
  2. Nature
  3. Insight or Perception, depending on their preferred playstyle


  1. Primordial
  2. Common


  1. A component pouch or arcane focus
  2. A scroll containing knowledge about their elemental affinity
  3. A small vial of elemental essence from their homeland
  4. Explorer's pack or scholar's pack, depending on their background

Abilities and Features:

  1. Elemental Mastery: Gain proficiency in spells related to their chosen element and an extra damage bonus when using spells of that type.
  2. Elemental Form (Level 5): Transform into an incorporeal, semi-elemental form for a limited duration, granting advantages related to their chosen element.
  3. Elemental Aspect (Level 10): Acquire a semi-physical aspect associated with their element, granting additional abilities or resistances.
  4. Elemental Fusion (Level 15): Achieve perfect harmony with their chosen element, gaining the ability to temporarily merge with it for incredible power and versatility.

Special Feature: Essence Bond: Elementars and Elementarixes can forge a mystical bond with individuals who have a deep respect for the natural world, granting them minor elemental abilities or visions of the elemental realm.

Roleplaying Notes: Elementars and Elementarixes often view the world through the lens of their elemental domain, seeking to maintain balance and harmony. They may be contemplative and patient, embodying the timeless nature of their primordial forces. While they can be guardians and protectors, they may also act as agents of change, ushering in elemental transformations and adaptations to the world around them. Their presence commands respect, and their interactions with mortals are driven by a sense of cosmic purpose.


Moloki and Molokai

Origins: The Moloki, originating as the first and pure Moloki, were created as "police-like" entities tasked with balancing the various worlds and dimensions of power. These beings, also known as "Daru Hunters," collaborated with the Guardians and Elite Hunters (Sretrich) in maintaining order. They were versatile, being any species, gender, or appearance, either born or chosen through marks and rituals. As perfect hunters, they could trace magic, powers, or scents from anyone, making them among the strongest species.

Appearance of Original Moloki: The original seven Moloki resembled elves with long tails. They possessed a distinct tattoo of an "M" with a nested "W" on the back of their necks, appearing when their powers were unlocked. They maintained a balance by ensuring everyone stayed within their respective dimensions and collaborated with the dimensional border.

Abilities of Original Moloki:

  1. Strong Senses: Original Moloki had heightened senses, enabling them to detect magic, powers, or scents from afar.
  2. Fast Speed and Agility: They were swift and agile, utilizing their speed to navigate through various dimensions.
  3. Strong Shields of Capturing: While not physically robust, they excelled in capturing targets using their wits, magic, and mental prowess.

Molokai - Offspring and Chosen Ones: The Molokai represented the subsequent generations and chosen ones. Unlike the original Moloki, Molokai could be of any species, and they inherited a more magical essence depending on the individual chosen. While they retained the signature tattoo, their physical appearance varied widely.

Evolution and Changes in Molokai:

  1. Physical Strength: The Molokai, in contrast to the originals, exhibited enhanced physical strength over generations.
  2. Diverse Appearances: Molokai could be of any species, and their appearances were not limited to elves with tails.
  3. Magic and Mind Use: Like their predecessors, Molokai excelled in using magic and intelligence to capture targets.

Rogue Moloki: Some Moloki went rogue, desiring sole power and control. Notable rogue Moloki included Iakolom, Shaun Altaran Torak (Vladimir Lukamk), Tyron Shragan (Shou), Sotaru Rayham (blood Magic), and Zackury.

Brimlore Nightingale - A Unique Hybrid: Brimlore Nightingale, a Wishmaster, became a hybrid by crossing with a Moloki, being the first to undergo such a fusion. Created by Numihaku and the Moloki, Brimlore Nightingale's existence represented a unique convergence of Jin and Moloki attributes.

Moloki are enigmatic beings, mysterious and elusive, with a deep connection to the magical currents that flow through the realms. They are known as seekers of knowledge and possessors of ancient wisdom. Moloki often act as guardians of magical artifacts and repositories of arcane lore.


  • Physical Form: Moloki have an ephemeral and fluid appearance, their bodies shimmering with the energy of magic. They can manipulate the density of their form, allowing them to pass through solid objects or take on more tangible shapes.
  • Glowing Runes: Intricate runes, symbols, and sigils adorn their translucent bodies, emitting a soft, ethereal glow. The patterns on a Moloki's form are unique, reflecting their personal experiences and accumulated magical knowledge.

Abilities and Features:

  1. Ethereal Form: Moloki can shift between a solid and ethereal state at will, enabling them to pass through obstacles and become resistant to physical attacks.
  2. Arcane Sight: They possess an innate ability to perceive magical auras, discern the properties of enchanted items, and detect mystical disturbances.
  3. Magical Affinity: Moloki have a natural affinity for various magical energies, allowing them to manipulate, absorb, or redirect spells and magical effects.
  4. Guardians of Knowledge: Moloki act as custodians of ancient libraries, mystical artifacts, and hidden repositories of magical lore. They have an innate understanding of spells and rituals.

Moloki D&D Stats: Note: These are generalized D&D stats. Individual variations may occur based on character traits, background, and personal development.

  • Race: Moloki
  • Class: Wizard, Sorcerer, or Knowledge Domain Cleric, reflecting their deep connection to magic and lore.
  • Background: Sage or Hermit, emphasizing their pursuit of knowledge and seclusion.
  • Alignment: True Neutral, aligning with the impartial nature of magic.


  1. Arcana
  2. History
  3. Investigation or Insight, depending on their preferred playstyle


  1. Primordial
  2. Celestial or Infernal, depending on their magical orientation


  1. A crystal orb or arcane focus
  2. A spellbook or a collection of magical scrolls
  3. A scholar's pack
  4. A small vial of liquid magic from their homelands

Abilities and Features:

  1. Arcane Resilience: Gain advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
  2. Mystic Form (Level 5): Enhance ethereal abilities, allowing the Moloki to phase through barriers and become nearly invisible.
  3. Ancient Knowledge (Level 10): Acquire proficiency in additional knowledge-based skills, reflecting the Moloki's deep understanding of magical and historical matters.
  4. Arcane Nexus (Level 15): Establish a temporary magical nexus, empowering nearby allies and enhancing their magical abilities.

Special Feature: Ephemeral Insight: Moloki can share glimpses of their extensive magical knowledge with willing individuals, providing visions or dreams that convey hidden truths or arcane insights.

Roleplaying Notes: Moloki are often detached observers, viewing the world through the lens of magic and ancient wisdom. Their motivations are driven by a desire to safeguard magical secrets, maintain the balance of mystical forces, and thwart those who would misuse arcane power. Despite their ethereal nature, Moloki can form deep connections with mortals, especially those who share a reverence for magic and seek to expand their understanding of the arcane. They may serve as mentors, guides, or enigmatic allies to those on quests involving magical mysteries.


Molokai are shadowy counterparts to the Moloki, embodying the arcane forces of darkness and the mysteries that lurk in the shadows. They are often associated with forbidden knowledge, illusions, and the concealed aspects of the magical spectrum.


  • Shadowy Silhouette: Molokai appear as shifting shadows with glowing eyes, their forms more defined in dim light or darkness. They exude an aura of secrecy and subtle menace.
  • Whispers of Darkness: Faint whispers and echoes accompany their movements, hinting at the enigmatic and inscrutable nature of Molokai.

Abilities and Features:

  1. Shadow Step: Molokai can meld into shadows, moving swiftly between areas of darkness or dim light. They gain advantage on Stealth checks in such conditions.
  2. Illusory Presence: They can create illusions that confound the senses, using their shadowy nature to weave deceptive images and conceal their true form.
  3. Dark Affliction: Molokai possess a touch that can induce a sense of foreboding or instill fear in those they come into contact with.
  4. Guardians of Hidden Lore: Molokai are keepers of forbidden and obscured knowledge, guarding secrets that mortals were never meant to comprehend.



Wolvrin, Nekorok, and Nekolf

Wolvrin: Appearance:

  • Walk upright with long tails.
  • Reach up to 2 meters in height.
  • Fur-covered bodies, resembling natural wolves.
  • No technology; live in close-knit family tribes.

Nature Connection:

  • Bound with nature; no inherent magic.
  • Tribes and clans with close family bonds.

Nekorok: Appearance:

  • Feline-based species.
  • Social and caring, resembling powerful Tabaxi.
  • Smaller in size than Wolvrin.
  • Fur-covered bodies with a magical essence.

Magical Abilities:

  • Strongly bound in magic.
  • Legendary Feline Life: Gifted with nine lives.

Nekolf: Hybrid Offspring:

  • Result of the union between Wolvrin and Nekorok.
  • Have both fur and skin.
  • Markings form on the body every time they "die."


  • Combined powers of both tribes.
  • Markings for each "life" on their bodies.
  • "Nekolf Pure" - Offspring with pure colors from both parents, considered cursed.

Cursed Nekolf:

  • Different hair than parents, deep purple eyes with black sclera.
  • Emotional connection with forms, including uncontrollable feral versions.

Normal Nekolf:

  • Strong connection with magic and nature.
  • Controlled transformation into feral form with healing powers.
  • Avoid crossing clans and species to avert bad luck.


  • Energetic and extremely strong.
  • Seek fights to manage overwhelming power.
  • Constant battle mode, even if hungry.
  • "Cursed Beast" form when enraged, combining wolf and feline features.
  • Markings glow near Cheops or a part of him.


  • Control issues when stressed or weak.
  • Kitty or wolf form during emotional states.
  • Overcharged energy like an unending power supply.
  • Seek battles to quiet the urge to destroy.


  • 7 couples experimented during a special year, resulting in the birth of Nekolf offspring.
  • Original 7 Nekolfs known before the Shattering (2 "good Nekolfs" and 5 "Cursed" Nekolfs).
  • Power overwhelming, requiring constant consumption of food to remain in control.
  • Unpredictable behavior, especially when the internal beast is enraged.



Wolvrin are majestic and formidable creatures that embody the strength and grace of both wolves and felines. These hybrids exhibit a blend of lupine and feline characteristics, resulting in a creature that is both agile and powerful. Wolvrin are known for their keen senses, sharp claws, and the ability to traverse various terrains with ease.

Physical Traits:

  1. Size: Wolvrin are typically larger than wolves, standing at the shoulder height of an adult human. Their sleek, muscular bodies are built for speed and strength.
  2. Fur and Coloration: They have a combination of wolf-like fur and feline patterns. Coat colors can vary, ranging from earthy tones like brown and gray to more vibrant hues like silver or gold.
  3. Eyes: Wolvrin have striking, intelligent eyes that often reflect a mix of wolf and cat characteristics. Their eyes can change color based on mood and lighting.
  4. Tail: Possessing a long and expressive tail, Wolvrin use it for balance and communication, similar to their feline counterparts.


  1. Enhanced Senses: Wolvrin have exceptional senses of hearing, sight, and smell, making them skilled hunters and trackers.
  2. Agility: They combine the speed and agility of felines with the endurance and pack mentality of wolves, making them adept at both solo and group hunting.
  3. Claws and Teeth: Sharp claws and powerful jaws allow Wolvrin to bring down prey efficiently and defend themselves against threats.
  4. Howling Roar: Wolvrin can produce a unique, harmonious howl that carries over long distances. This howl can serve as a form of communication with other Wolvrin and may have specific meanings.

Behavior: Wolvrin are social creatures, often forming tight-knit packs with a well-defined hierarchy. They exhibit loyalty to their pack members and share a strong sense of community. Despite their predatory nature, Wolvrin are known to have a sense of honor and are selective in their choice of prey.



Nekorok are mischievous and playful creatures that combine the traits of domestic cats with those of clever and curious rodents. These small, anthropomorphic beings possess an innate sense of magic and are known for their love of shiny objects and intricate gadgets.

Physical Traits:

  1. Size: Nekorok are roughly the size of large house cats, standing on their hind legs. They have a humanoid appearance with cat-like features.
  2. Fur and Coloration: Their fur varies in color and pattern, often resembling domestic cat breeds. Some Nekorok have unique fur patterns that change with age or magical abilities.
  3. Eyes: Nekorok eyes are large, expressive, and often gleam with curiosity. Their eyes can also exhibit a faint magical glow when using their innate abilities.
  4. Tail and Ears: Long, expressive tails and cat-like ears are prominent features, showcasing their feline ancestry.


  1. Stealth and Agility: Nekorok are naturally stealthy and agile, allowing them to navigate environments with ease. They can be excellent thieves or scouts.
  2. Magical Affinity: Many Nekorok possess innate magical abilities, allowing them to manipulate small objects, create illusions, or perform other minor magical feats.
  3. Night Vision: Nekorok have excellent night vision, making them adept at navigating in low-light conditions.
  4. Purr of Soothing: The soft purring of a Nekorok has a calming effect on those nearby, reducing stress and anxiety.

Behavior: Nekorok are known for their playful and mischievous nature. They have a fondness for shiny objects, and some individuals may even have a small collection of trinkets they find fascinating. Despite their mischievous tendencies, Nekorok are generally good-natured and enjoy forming bonds with other creatures, including humans.



Nekolf are majestic and regal creatures that combine the elegance of large felines with the wisdom and magical prowess of wolves. These hybrids are known for their intelligence, magical abilities, and the ability to form deep bonds with those they deem worthy.

Physical Traits:

  1. Size: Nekolf are larger than wolves, standing at the shoulder height of an adult human. They possess a majestic and imposing presence.
  2. Fur and Coloration: Their fur is often a combination of wolf and feline characteristics, with a mix of colors and patterns. Nekolf may have unique markings that signify their magical abilities.
  3. Eyes: Nekolf eyes are intelligent and perceptive, exhibiting a magical glow that intensifies when they use their innate abilities.
  4. Tail and Mane: Long, flowing tails and a majestic mane are distinctive features, adding to the Nekolf's regal appearance.


  1. Magical Prowess: Nekolf are born with innate magical abilities, allowing them to manipulate elements, cast protective spells, and communicate telepathically with those they trust.
  2. Wisdom of the Ancients: Nekolf possess a deep well of wisdom, drawing on the knowledge of their wolf and feline ancestors. They are often sought after as advisors or guides.
  3. Graceful Movement: Despite their size, Nekolf move with grace and agility, making them formidable in both physical combat and magical duels.
  4. Telepathic Bond: Nekolf can establish telepathic bonds with individuals they trust, allowing for silent communication and a profound connection.

Behavior: Nekolf are known for their wisdom, nobility, and a sense of duty to protect the magical realms they inhabit. They often serve as guardians of sacred places, ancient artifacts, or magical gateways. While they can be reserved, Nekolf form deep bonds with those who show respect for nature, magic, and the balance between the two.



Created by Cheops

Felihu, or "Feline Human-like," are ancient beings with three forms: humanoid, shifting, and small. Gifted with the "legendary Feline Life" by Nashuri, they possess nine lives, marked by tattoos on their bodies after each loss, waking up after 7 minutes.


  • Originally from Thirash (New Kingdom) in Fabula.
  • Fought to stay in their homeland after the Shattering but eventually migrated to a new home to avoid conflicts.


  1. Humanoid Form:
    • Energy-intensive, requiring effort to maintain.
    • Animal traits include ears, tail, claws, etc.
  2. Shifting Form:
    • Represents the inner beast within.
    • Larger than humanoid form, taking on animal features.
  3. Small Form:
    • Indicates a weakened state from expending too much energy.
    • Adorable but takes time to recover.

Subclasses (Packs):

  1. Alpha:
    • Strong, determined leaders.
    • Physically strong with leadership qualities.
    • Enter mating cycles, protective of chosen mates.
  2. Beta:
    • Nurturing and caring.
    • Enjoy raising families and taking care of loved ones.
    • Often considered the caretakers.
  3. Omega:
    • Submissive, tricky types.
    • Experience heat cycles requiring mating.
    • Produce pheromones for Alphas.
  4. Delta:
    • Hybrid, supportive individuals.
    • A-sexual or enjoy mating for fun.
    • Sterile, but an operation can change this.


  • Lifelong choice marked by mating.
  • Emotionally close; forced bondings result in aggression.
  • Felihu mates only with their chosen partner.
  • Losing a mate leads to emotional suffering, recovery varies.
  • Re-bonding is an emotional process.


  • Peaceful beings striving to adjust to new life.
  • Face challenges but adapt and do their best.


  • Felihu have diverse forms and subclasses.
  • Migration to a new home to avoid conflicts.
  • Mates experience deep emotional bonds, suffering upon loss.



Felihu are enchanting and mysterious beings that combine the grace of felines with the ethereal qualities of butterflies. These magical creatures possess delicate wings, feline features, and an aura of enchantment. Felihu are often associated with beauty, transformation, and the mystical realms.

Physical Traits:

  1. Size: Felihu are small to medium-sized, comparable to house cats. Their slender bodies and delicate features give them an otherworldly appearance.
  2. Fur and Coloration: Felihu exhibit a variety of fur patterns and colors, often resembling those found in both domestic and wild feline species. Their fur may have a subtle iridescence.
  3. Wings: Delicate, butterfly-like wings adorn the back of Felihu. These wings are often translucent and can come in a range of vibrant colors and patterns.
  4. Eyes: Large, expressive eyes reflect intelligence and a hint of the mystical. Felihu eyes may have a gentle glow, especially when they are using their magical abilities.


  1. Flight: The enchanting wings of Felihu grant them the ability to gracefully flutter and soar through the air. They are adept at navigating forests and open spaces.
  2. Mystical Aura: Felihu exude a subtle mystical aura that can have calming or mesmerizing effects on those nearby. This aura intensifies when they are using their magical abilities.
  3. Magical Transformation: Felihu have the power of magical transformation, allowing them to change their appearance or surroundings for brief periods. This ability is often used for camouflage or illusions.
  4. Dreamweaving: Felihu can enter the dreams of sleeping creatures, leaving behind ethereal impressions and gentle guidance. They are considered messengers of the dream realm.

Behavior: Felihu are known for their elusive and gentle nature. They often inhabit mystical and secluded areas, such as enchanted forests or sacred groves. Despite their enchanting appearance, Felihu are not easily approached, as they are selective about their interactions. They are protectors of nature and magical realms, and their presence is often associated with positive energies and transformative experiences.

Felihu are revered as symbols of beauty, magic, and the interconnectedness of the natural and mystical worlds. Tales and legends often speak of Felihu guiding lost travelers, granting wishes, and inspiring artists and poets with their enchanting presence.



Bunca are a unique species, a cross between a feline and a bunny, possessing the Mars genetics known as Alexandria's Genesis. This syndrome brings about distinctive characteristics, making them highly sought after but also hunted.


  1. Appearance:
    • Humanoid figures with paws instead of feet.
    • Fur up to the knees or hips when mature.
    • Bunny ears, a fluffy tail, and hands with a soft texture.
    • Admired for their rare beauty.
  2. Alexandria's Genesis:
    • Eyes turn from blue to purple after six months, deepening during puberty.
    • Fair skin that does not burn in the sun.
    • No body or facial hair, except what is present at birth.
    • Black or dark brown hair.
    • Perfect vision.
    • No menstruation cycles in females.
    • Life span of 130–170 years.
    • Inability to gain excess weight.
    • Immune system resists all diseases.
    • Ageless appearance.
    • Predominantly found in females.
  3. Rarity and Males:
    • Males are exceptionally rare, born every Bright Blue Full Moon (once every 33 months or seven times every 19 years).
    • Males born during this time become leaders of the clan, celebrating their birth as a significant event.
    • They may have many wives to secure the species and its uniqueness.
    • The first chosen female becomes the true Queen, living closest to the male leader.
  4. Blood and Fur:
    • Their blood is believed to have the ability to cure all wounds and diseases, making them valuable targets for hunters.
    • The fur of Bunca is highly admired and sought after.
  5. Clan Dynamics:
    • Females may outnumber males significantly, emphasizing their scarcity.
    • The celebration of a male's birth ensures the continuation of the species.
    • The male leader plays a crucial role in securing the species and maintaining the uniqueness of the Bunca.

Note: Bunca are mortal beings with no inherent powers. Their uniqueness lies in their appearance, genetic traits, and the rarity of males born every Bright Blue Full Moon. They face the challenge of being both highly sought after and hunted due to the perceived healing properties of their blood and the desirability of their fur.


Bunca are lively and mischievous creatures known for their playful antics and close-knit communities. Resembling a blend of rabbits and squirrels, Bunca are small, furry beings with long ears, bushy tails, and a penchant for gathering colorful objects. They are often found in vibrant meadows, forest clearings, and whimsical glades.

Physical Traits:

  1. Size: Bunca are small, standing at about half a meter tall. Their petite stature makes them agile and adept at maneuvering through dense foliage.
  2. Fur and Coloration: Soft, fluffy fur covers the bodies of Bunca, and they come in an array of colors reminiscent of flowers and fruits. Their fur may change with the seasons, matching the hues of their surroundings.
  3. Ears: Bunca have long, expressive ears that can move independently, conveying their emotions and alertness. These ears are not only a means of communication but also help them detect subtle sounds in their environment.
  4. Tails: A bushy and often multi-colored tail enhances the cuteness of Bunca. They use their tails for balance, communication, and, on occasion, as a tool for gathering objects.


  1. Playfulness: Bunca are playful by nature and enjoy engaging in games with each other. Their playfulness extends to interactions with other creatures they deem friendly.
  2. Gatherers: Bunca have a fascination with collecting shiny or colorful objects. They store these treasures in their burrows, creating a dazzling display of trinkets that often includes flowers, pebbles, and even small crystals.
  3. Burrow Dwellers: Bunca live in intricate underground burrow systems. These burrows serve as both their homes and storage spaces for their prized collections. The entrances are often hidden beneath foliage or behind rocks.
  4. Community Bonds: Bunca form close-knit communities, and their societies are built on cooperation and mutual care. They are known to share their collected treasures with other members of their community.


  1. Enhanced Agility: Bunca are incredibly agile, able to leap and dart through their environments with ease. Their nimbleness is a key asset in both play and evasion from potential threats.
  2. Camouflage: Bunca have the ability to blend into their surroundings, making them adept at avoiding predators. Their fur may change color to match the foliage, providing effective camouflage.
  3. Communication: Bunca communicate with each other through a combination of vocalizations, body language, and the movement of their expressive ears. They use a range of sounds, from soft chirps to rhythmic thumps, to convey different messages.
  4. Blessing of Abundance: In folklore, Bunca are believed to bring blessings of abundance to those who encounter them. This is often associated with a surge of positive energy, luck, and a sense of playfulness in the lives of those touched by the Bunca's presence.



Bunya are a peaceful and nature-connected species similar to Harengons in D&D. They have unique characteristics that set them apart and make them valuable allies for those who appreciate the harmony of nature.


  1. Appearance:
    • Humanoid beings standing upright.
    • Covered fully in fur.
    • Range in size from small (kneehigh) to human-sized and above (up to 2 meters).
    • Growth correlates with age, allowing observers to estimate their age based on height.
    • Some may have a genetic defect leading to a small stature despite maturity.
  2. Growth and Region Influence:
    • Bunya mature and grow at the same time, reaching their proper height depending on their age.
    • Rare cases exist where a genetic defect or the region they grow up in influences their height. They may remain small, especially if they spend their formative years in specific regions. Upon leaving such regions, they catch up with their proper height.
  3. Nature Connection:
    • Strong connection with nature, able to harness its powers.
    • Can manipulate plants, making vines, leaves, and trees grow at will.
    • Possess powerful healing abilities derived from their connection with natural energies.
  4. Diet:
    • Herbivores living on fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based sources.
    • Abstain from consuming meat, adhering to a vegetarian lifestyle.
  5. Peaceful Nature:
    • Innately peaceful beings who avoid causing harm to others or anything in nature.
    • Live in tribes initially before transitioning to more humanoid ways.
    • Cherish harmony and balance in their surroundings.
  6. Supportive Allies:
    • Valuable allies for those who appreciate the symbiotic relationship with nature.
    • Offer support through their natural powers, making them excellent healers and nurturers.

Bunya in Society: Bunya prefer a lifestyle in tune with nature, and their settlements reflect this harmony. As they mature and grow, their understanding of the natural world deepens, making them wise and caring members of their communities. Their peaceful nature and ability to manipulate natural forces make them sought after as allies in various societies.


Bunya are mystical beings embodying the essence of ancient trees and nature's wisdom. Residing in sacred groves and enchanted forests, they serve as protectors of the natural world. These ethereal creatures blend arboreal features with humanoid forms, exuding a tranquil and timeless aura.

Physical Traits:

  1. Tree-Like Features: Bunya possess bark-covered skin, resembling the texture of ancient trees. Their limbs exhibit patterns reminiscent of swirling vines, and their hair often mimics the appearance of leaves or cascading branches.
  2. Antlers or Crown: Many Bunya feature antler-like extensions or crowns made of delicate foliage. These serve as symbols of their connection to the vitality and cycles of nature.
  3. Luminescent Orbs: Bunya have luminescent orbs that replace traditional eyes. These orbs emit a soft, gentle glow, allowing them to see in the darkest corners of their enchanted domains.
  4. Botanical Adornments: Bunya adorn themselves with intricate botanical jewelry, such as necklaces made of seeds, acorns, or flowers. These adornments often hold symbolic significance, representing their connection to specific aspects of nature.


  1. Guardians of Nature: Bunya are dedicated protectors of the natural world. They guard sacred groves, ancient trees, and magical springs, ensuring the balance and harmony of the ecosystems they inhabit.
  2. Wisdom Keepers: Possessing ancient knowledge, Bunya are revered as wisdom keepers. They share their insights with those who approach them with respect and a genuine appreciation for the natural order.
  3. Ethereal Music: Bunya are known for creating enchanting melodies by harmonizing with the wind, rustling leaves, and the whispers of the forest. These ethereal tunes are believed to have healing properties and can evoke a sense of peace.
  4. Seasonal Rituals: Bunya partake in seasonal rituals to celebrate the cyclical nature of life. These rituals involve dances, music, and the exchange of energy with the natural elements, ensuring the vitality of the land.


  1. Nature Manipulation: Bunya possess the ability to manipulate the forces of nature, including the growth of plants, the flow of water, and the gentle whispers of the wind. This power aids them in maintaining the health and vitality of their sacred domains.
  2. Telepathic Communication: Bunya can communicate telepathically with other beings connected to nature. This form of communication allows them to convey complex messages without spoken words.
  3. Healing Aura: The presence of a Bunya is accompanied by a healing aura that promotes physical and spiritual well-being. Those within their proximity may experience rejuvenation and a sense of calm.
  4. Transcendent Existence: Bunya have the ability to enter a state of transcendent existence, merging with the energy of the land. In this state, they gain a heightened understanding of the natural balance and can foresee events that may impact their domains.

Cultural Significance:

Bunya are revered in various cultures as symbols of balance, wisdom, and the interconnectedness of all living things. Many myths and legends tell of the benevolent guidance provided by Bunya to those who approach nature with reverence and humility.



Pangean Humans

Pangean Humans are a unique variation of humankind created by Cheops and his siblings. These beings share similarities with Earth humans but possess distinct characteristics that set them apart.

Key Attributes:

  1. Robust Physiology:
    • Pangean Humans are more robust and resilient than Earth humans, making them better able to endure physical stress and impacts.
    • Enhanced strength and immunity to illnesses, though not immune, with a lower susceptibility compared to Earth humans.
  2. Extended Lifespan:
    • Initially designed to live up to 200 years, providing them with a longer lifespan than typical Earth humans.
    • After the "Shattering," the rules changed, and Pangean Humans face a different fate upon reaching 200 years old.
  3. Rebirth After 200 Years:
    • Upon reaching 200 years of age, Pangean Humans undergo a unique process where their bodies set, decompose, dissolve, and eventually die within a year.
    • After death, they are reborn, retaining memories and experiences from their past life.


Pangean humans are the most widespread and diverse humanoid species inhabiting the expansive world of Pangea. As descendants of the original human civilizations on Fabula, they have adapted to the diverse landscapes, cultures, and magical influences present on Pangea. Pangean humans exhibit a broad range of physical appearances, cultures, and abilities, reflecting the vastness of their world.

Physical Traits:

  1. Diverse Appearances: Pangean humans display a wide array of physical features, including various skin tones, eye colors, and hair textures. This diversity is a result of their adaptation to different climates and environments across Pangea.
  2. Markings and Tattoos: Many Pangean humans adorn their bodies with intricate markings and tattoos. These markings often hold cultural significance, representing achievements, affiliations, or personal beliefs.
  3. Magical Affinities: Some Pangean humans exhibit latent magical abilities, influenced by the magical nature of Pangea. These abilities can range from elemental manipulation to psychic talents, depending on their ancestry and exposure to magical energies.
  4. Adapted Features: Humans in different regions of Pangea may have adapted features, such as enhanced vision for those living in low-light environments or resistance to extreme temperatures for those dwelling in harsh climates.

Cultural Diversity:

  1. Nomadic Tribes: Some Pangean humans live in nomadic tribes, following the migratory patterns of mystical creatures or seasonal changes. They have a deep connection with nature and often practice shamanistic traditions.
  2. City Dwellers: In bustling metropolises, Pangean humans engage in advanced technologies, magical studies, and diverse cultural exchanges. These urban centers serve as hubs for trade, knowledge, and innovation.
  3. Seafaring Cultures: Humans residing near coastlines or on islands often develop seafaring cultures. They are skilled sailors, traders, and explorers, navigating the vast oceans and uncovering hidden wonders.
  4. Mountain Communities: Pangean humans living in mountainous regions are adept at mining, crafting, and forging. They may have close ties with beings like Dookfell, forming alliances for mutual benefit.


  1. Adaptability: Pangean humans excel at adapting to their surroundings, allowing them to thrive in a variety of environments, from dense forests and arid deserts to icy tundras and volcanic landscapes.
  2. Cultural Knowledge: With a rich tapestry of cultures, Pangean humans are often knowledgeable about various traditions, rituals, and magical practices. They draw upon this cultural diversity for problem-solving and innovation.
  3. Innovation: Humans in Pangea are known for their inventive spirit. Whether through technology or magical experimentation, they constantly seek new ways to improve their quality of life and understand the mysteries of their world.
  4. Collaboration: Pangean humans value collaboration and intercultural exchange. They form alliances with other humanoid species, mystical beings, and even ancient creatures, fostering a sense of unity across the diverse realms of Pangea.

Role in Pangea:

Pangean humans play a crucial role in the intricate balance of their world. As adaptable, creative, and collaborative beings, they contribute to the ongoing development, exploration, and understanding of Pangea's mysteries. Their diverse cultures and histories weave a tapestry that reflects the essence of the ever-evolving world they call home.


Martian Humans

Martian Humans are a rare and special subset of humankind residing on Mars, influenced by the Alexandria's Genesis genetic mutation. This unique condition grants them extraordinary attributes and a connection to Bunca.

Distinct Features:

  1. Physical Characteristics:
    • Purple eyes, either present from birth or developing shortly after.
    • Pale skin and perfectly proportioned bodies.
    • Absence of body hair below the neck.
    • Highly fertile individuals with no menstruation in women.
  2. Exceptional Health Traits:
    • Excellent immune systems, providing resistance to various illnesses.
    • Very little bodily waste, indicating an optimized metabolism.
    • Blood possesses healing properties and can cure illnesses or sickness in others.
  3. Extended Lifespan with Genesis:
    • Martian Humans with the Alexandria's Genesis mutation can live up to 350 years, which is 150 years longer than regular Pangean Humans.
    • The condition has made them rare and valuable, drawing attention and sometimes putting them at risk from hunters and experimenters.
  4. Connection with Bunca's:
    • Martian Humans share a strong connection with Bunca's, forming friendships easily among these unique beings.
    • This connection creates a bond that goes beyond physical appearance, fostering camaraderie and mutual understanding.
  5. Protection on Mars:
    • Due to their rarity and vulnerability to exploitation, Martian Humans are protected on Mars, and efforts are made to shield them from harm or experimentation.
  6. Royalty Recognition:
    • Some Alien Margus have recognized the unique value of Martian Humans and regard them as rare and royal beings, contributing to their protection and status.


Martian humans are an extraordinary subspecies of humans adapted to the unique and challenging environment of Mars. Originating from Earth but evolving over generations on the Red Planet, these humans have developed distinct physical and cultural characteristics that set them apart. The harsh conditions of Mars have shaped them into resilient and resourceful beings.

Physical Traits:

  1. Adapted Physiology: Martian humans have adapted to the lower gravity and thin atmosphere of Mars. They are often leaner and taller compared to Earth humans, with slightly elongated limbs to facilitate movement and reduce stress on joints.
  2. Radiation Resistance: Due to Mars' lack of a thick atmosphere, these humans have developed some resistance to the increased radiation from the sun. Their skin may have a natural protective pigment, and their cells may exhibit enhanced repair mechanisms.
  3. Breathing Augmentation: Martian humans possess a more efficient respiratory system, capable of extracting oxygen more effectively from the thin Martian atmosphere. Some may have enhanced lung capacity to endure the challenges of limited oxygen.
  4. Thermal Regulation: With extreme temperature variations on Mars, these humans have developed adaptive thermoregulation mechanisms. They can withstand cold temperatures by conserving heat and efficiently dissipate excess heat in warmer conditions.

Cultural Adaptations:

  1. Underground Settlements: Martian humans often live in subterranean cities or habitats to shield themselves from the harsh surface conditions, including dust storms and radiation. These underground communities feature advanced life support systems.
  2. Technological Innovation: Martian culture places a strong emphasis on technological innovation, given the need for sustainable resource usage and environmental control. They excel in fields like terraforming, robotics, and space exploration.
  3. Resource Management: Limited resources on Mars have led to a culture of efficiency and resourcefulness. Recycling and repurposing materials are common practices, and sustainable living is a key aspect of Martian society.
  4. Interplanetary Identity: Despite their Earthly origins, Martian humans often develop a distinct sense of identity and pride in being Martians. They see themselves as pioneers in the colonization of Mars, contributing to the expansion of human civilization beyond Earth.


  1. Low-Gravity Adaptation: Martian humans may exhibit enhanced agility and physical abilities in low-gravity environments. They can navigate and perform tasks with greater ease than their counterparts from higher-gravity planets.
  2. Advanced Engineering Skills: Mastery of engineering and technology is a hallmark of Martian humans. They are adept at creating and maintaining the intricate systems necessary for survival in their challenging environment.
  3. Space Exploration Prowess: Many Martian humans have a natural affinity for space exploration, and careers in astronomy, astrophysics, and piloting spacecraft are highly esteemed. They play a crucial role in the ongoing exploration of the solar system.
  4. Collaboration for Survival: The harsh conditions of Mars have fostered a strong sense of community and collaboration among Martian humans. Working together is not just a cultural value but a necessity for survival in their challenging environment.

Role in the Solar System:

Martian humans are pioneers and explorers, contributing significantly to humanity's expansion beyond Earth. Their technological expertise, resilience, and adaptability make them key players in the ongoing efforts to understand and harness the resources of the solar system. As they continue to push the boundaries of space exploration, Martian humans represent the spirit of exploration and the potential for human civilization to thrive beyond its home planet.



Fabula/Pangea Zodiacs

In the mystical world of Fabula, the Pangea Zodiacs, also known as Zori Guardians, are celestial beings appointed by the Godlings to watch over the planet and bring unique celebrations and events to its inhabitants. These guardians are tied to specific months and have distinct powers and characteristics associated with their respective time frames.

The Mighty 12 Zori Guardians:

  1. Yraunaj (January) - The New Beginnings Guardian:
    • Celebrations focus on new beginnings and cleaning.
    • Powers involve renewal, cleaning, and restoration.
  2. Yraurbef (February) - The Festival of Love Guardian:
    • Festivals emphasize love, compassion, and romance.
    • Powers include enhancing feelings of love and fostering romantic connections.
  3. Hcram (March) - The Vibrant Month Guardian:
    • Colorful celebrations featuring food and fun festivals.
    • Powers involve vibrant energy and promoting joyous gatherings.
  4. Lirpa (April) - The Blooming Season Guardian:
    • Celebrations center around blooming trees and nature.
    • Powers include fostering growth and harmony in nature.
  5. Yam (May) - The Mommy Maypole Guardian:
    • Festivals involve decorating eggs, celebrating mothers, and maypole dances.
    • Powers include fertility, nurturing, and family connections.
  6. Enuj (June) - The Creative Month Guardian:
    • Celebrations highlight music, art, and creativity.
    • Powers involve inspiring creativity and encouraging artistic expressions.
  7. Yluj (July) - The Kids Month Guardian:
    • Festivals centered on children, friendship, and fun.
    • Powers involve promoting innocence, joy, and playful energy.
  8. Tsugua (August) - The Fathers and Sports Guardian:
    • Celebrations include sports festivals and honoring fathers.
    • Powers involve promoting athleticism, friendly competition, and fatherly love.
  9. Remetpes (September) - The Peace and Alliance Guardian:
    • Celebrations focus on peace, alliances, and cooperation.
    • Powers involve fostering harmony and alliances among communities.
  10. Rebotco (October) - The Spooky Season Guardian:
    • Festivals embrace the spooky and autumnal atmosphere.
    • Powers involve enhancing the mysterious and autumn vibes.
  11. Rebmevon (November) - The Thanksgiving Guardian:
    • Celebrations involve gratitude, helping others, and friendship.
    • Powers include promoting thankfulness and mutual assistance.
  12. Remeced (December) - The Winter and New Year's Guardian:
    • Celebrations include winter festivities and welcoming the new year.
    • Powers involve bringing warmth, compassion, and festive spirit.

History of the Zori:

  • Each Zori Guardian was chosen by a Godling and became an immortal protector of Fabula.
  • They form a close-knit family, taking turns to watch over the planet and celebrate the Zori Festival every 12 years.
  • The Zori Festival involves a week-long celebration where time stands still, allowing the Godlings and Zori to interact and celebrate.
  • The 12 Zori Guardians have specific realms and responsibilities tied to their chosen mortal forms, fostering a deep bond among them.

In the celestial expanse of Fabula and Pangea, a unique zodiac system governs the lives and destinies of its inhabitants. Each zodiac sign is associated with specific traits, elements, and mythological creatures, reflecting the rich tapestry of these parallel worlds. Below are the Fabula/Pangea zodiac signs along with their associated characteristics:

  1. Aetherium Ram (March 21 - April 19):
    • Element: Aether (Spirit)
    • Traits: Adventurous, Courageous, Energetic
    • Symbol: Majestic Ram
  2. Taurine Earthshaker (April 20 - May 20):
    • Element: Earth
    • Traits: Patient, Practical, Reliable
    • Symbol: Mighty Bull
  3. Gemini Skyweaver (May 21 - June 20):
    • Element: Air
    • Traits: Adaptable, Curious, Communicative
    • Symbol: Celestial Twins
  4. Cancerian Tidebearer (June 21 - July 22):
    • Element: Water
    • Traits: Nurturing, Intuitive, Protective
    • Symbol: Lunar Crab
  5. Solar Lionheart (July 23 - August 22):
    • Element: Fire
    • Traits: Confident, Charismatic, Courageous
    • Symbol: Regal Lion
  6. Viridian Harvestkeeper (August 23 - September 22):
    • Element: Earth
    • Traits: Analytical, Diligent, Modest
    • Symbol: Bountiful Harvest
  7. Libra Moonweaver (September 23 - October 22):
    • Element: Air
    • Traits: Harmonious, Charming, Fair-minded
    • Symbol: Scales of Justice
  8. Scorpionic Shadowstalker (October 23 - November 21):
    • Element: Water
    • Traits: Passionate, Resourceful, Intense
    • Symbol: Mysterious Scorpion
  9. Celestial Archer (November 22 - December 21):
    • Element: Fire
    • Traits: Optimistic, Generous, Honest
    • Symbol: Sagittarian Archer
  10. Capricornian Earthbinder (December 22 - January 19):
    • Element: Earth
    • Traits: Ambitious, Disciplined, Grounded
    • Symbol: Mountainous Goat
  11. Aquarian Starshaper (January 20 - February 18):
    • Element: Air
    • Traits: Innovative, Eccentric, Humanitarian
    • Symbol: Cosmic Water Bearer
  12. Piscean Dreamweaver (February 19 - March 20):
    • Element: Water
    • Traits: Compassionate, Imaginative, Intuitive
    • Symbol: Mystical Fish

Zodiacal Influences:

  1. Astral Conjunctions: Alignment of celestial bodies during one's birth plays a crucial role in shaping individual destinies.
  2. Mythical Guardians: Each zodiac sign is associated with a mythical creature or guardian, embodying the essence of that sign.
  3. Astrological Arts: In Fabula and Pangea, skilled astrologers interpret celestial configurations to provide insights into personal strengths, challenges, and destinies.
  4. Celestial Events: Rare celestial events, such as comets or planetary alignments, are considered powerful omens and can impact the fate of individuals and nations.
  5. Elemental Affinities: The elemental association of each zodiac sign influences magical abilities, strengths, and vulnerabilities.

In Fabula and Pangea, the zodiac is more than a cosmic calendar; it's a source of mystical guidance, a cultural tapestry, and a reminder of the interconnectedness between the celestial and terrestrial realms.


Crescent Moon Royals

The Crescent Moon Royals are an elite group of beings chosen from different species to rule and protect the various kingdoms of Fabula. They were created by Maf-Marifa and were originally tasked with maintaining peace and order in the world. Each royal has a symbol on their body in the form of a crescent moon with a red and teal/mint sway around it, representing the dark, light, and hidden aspects of Fabula's moon.

Main Three Crescent Moon Royals:

  1. Dark Crescent Moon Royal:
    • Symbol: Crescent moon with a red sway
    • Powers: Mastery over shadows, control of the unseen, and influence over the old kingdom.
    • Role: Represents the wisdom and traditions of the old kingdom.
  2. Light Crescent Moon Royal:
    • Symbol: Crescent moon with a teal/mint sway
    • Powers: Manipulation of light, healing abilities, and influence over the new kingdom.
    • Role: Embodies the hope and innovation of the new kingdom.
  3. Hidden Crescent Moon Royal (Pangea):
    • Symbol: Slightly different crescent moon icon
    • Powers: Ability to remain concealed, powerful defensive capabilities, and influence over Pangea.
    • Role: Ensures the hidden aspects of Pangea, protecting its secrets.

Other Crescent Moon Royals:

  • Each kingdom has its own Crescent Moon Royal, serving as a representative and leader. They inherit their positions through bloodlines or are chosen based on their qualities.
  • The marks on their bodies cannot be erased or traced over, symbolizing their lifelong connection to their roles.

Attributes and Responsibilities:

  • Higher ranked than any king, the Crescent Moon Royals have the authority to make decisions for the greater good of their respective kingdoms.
  • They meet annually for discussions and planning with Marifa, fostering unity and collaboration among the kingdoms.
  • The royals' powers develop over time, aligning with their commitment to being just rulers and ensuring the safety of their people.

Challenges and Struggles:

  • Despite their strength and power, Crescent Moon Royals are not immortal, making them susceptible to various threats.
  • The disappearance or deaths of some royals have created challenges in maintaining peace and order.

Overall Role in Fabula: The Crescent Moon Royals play a crucial role in the world order of Fabula. They are symbols of peace, unity, and protection, and their leadership helps guide the kingdoms through the challenges that arise in their ever-evolving world.

The Crescent Moon Royals are a distinguished and enigmatic royal family in the mystical realms of Fabula and Pangea. With a lineage deeply intertwined with lunar magic, they hold a unique position in the cosmic hierarchy. Here are key aspects of the Crescent Moon Royals:

  1. Lunar Bloodline:
    • The royal family traces its lineage to an ancient union between a powerful celestial being and a mortal. This divine connection bestowed them with a special affinity for lunar energies.
  2. Symbolism:
    • The family crest prominently features a crescent moon surrounded by intricate celestial patterns, symbolizing their connection to the lunar realm. The moon is a source of guidance and power for the Crescent Moon Royals.
  3. Lunar Magic:
    • Members of the royal family possess innate abilities tied to the phases of the moon. Their magic waxes and wanes with the lunar cycle, granting them unique powers during a full moon and heightened intuition during a crescent moon.
  4. Moonlit Palace:
    • The Crescent Moon Royals reside in a majestic palace that reflects the ethereal beauty of the moon. The palace is adorned with luminescent crystals that glow softly, creating an otherworldly ambiance.
  5. Nightfall Council:
    • The family convenes in a council known as the Nightfall Council during significant celestial events. Here, they discuss matters of cosmic importance, interpret celestial signs, and make decisions that affect both their realm and others.
  6. Moonlit Ceremonies:
    • Important rituals and ceremonies are conducted under the moonlit sky. These events are attended by nobles, scholars, and mystics seeking the blessings and wisdom of the lunar deities.
  7. Moon-touched Heirs:
    • Heirs of the Crescent Moon Royals are said to be "moon-touched," embodying the magic and grace of the moon. Their powers are awakened during a special celestial alignment, marking their ascension to the throne.
  8. Lunar Guardians:
    • The royal family is protected by celestial beings and guardians associated with the moon. These guardians are summoned during times of crisis, their silhouettes illuminated against the night sky.
  9. Moonlit Diplomacy:
    • The Crescent Moon Royals play a crucial role in diplomatic relations between mystical realms. Their ability to read celestial omens and navigate cosmic energies makes them sought-after mediators and advisors.
  10. Silver Attire:
    • Members of the royal family are often adorned in silver attire, reflecting the moon's radiance. The garments are intricately woven with magical threads that shimmer in the moonlight.
  11. Eclipses and Prophecies:
    • Eclipses are viewed as powerful omens, and the royal family interprets them to unveil prophecies that guide their decisions. The alignment of celestial bodies during an eclipse is considered a time of great significance.

The Crescent Moon Royals stand as celestial stewards, weaving the magic of the moon into the fabric of their kingdom. Their unique connection to the lunar realm grants them a mystical authority that is both respected and revered across the realms of Fabula and Pangea.



Created by Gabri

They were inspired by his siblings who had Guardians, Molokai and all, so making a project with Unimare Simon (god) and Spario (god) and created the Parynx. In a way a companion for travels.

One was gifted to Cheops, another for himself and the other 5 he decided to spread. (he made 7 in total)

1 in Pangea later on, 1 to travel and 3 in Fabula

Where they are now:

-1 in Rokka (protecting the place) Heart of Rokka
-1 around the old world
-1 in the new World
-1 with Fawn (Cheops grave at the old Temple)
-1 in the Elemental Realm with Kyle and Raha
-1 with Gabri
-1 traveling around the galaxy

These beings are tall and fox like with a lil mystic behind. A more stunning view when one would see.

They have 5 tails at start (Often mistaken for Kitsune)

1) Main Tail Purple glow at end-Open and close portals, sense and sniff them

2) Blue Glow- Protect, a shielding tail as it can form a barrier around an area and hide what is in within (Shielding) as well as hiding

3) Yellow glow- languages as being around it can let any book or one understand the other no matter the language. The books taken outside the area of the Parynx will be in origin form

4) Red glow- Magic, protection of magic (not usable around the Parynx only when it allows) and stops chaos from happening.

5) Green glow- Time con- A very powerful tail as this stops the time around it's area. One doesn´t age or weaken around it. "only the ones near it and area"

They can later take on a humanoid or other appearance as they get curious about others and like to learn.

Parynx (Mystic Companion) Medium Fey, Neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24)
Speed 40 ft.

STR 12 (+1)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 16 (+3)
CHA 18 (+4)

Saving Throws DEX +5, WIS +6
Skills Arcana +4, Perception +6
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Sylvan; Understands all languages within its aura

Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Mystic Aura: Within a 30-foot radius, the Parynx emits an aura that grants the following benefits:
    • Languages within the aura can be understood by everyone.
    • Time is slowed for creatures within the aura, providing advantage on DEX saving throws.
    • Advantage on saving throws against chaotic magic.
  2. Portal Manipulation: The Parynx can cast dimension door at will without expending a spell slot.
  3. Protective Barrier: As a reaction, the Parynx can create a magical barrier around itself or another creature within 30 feet, granting a +2 bonus to AC for one round.


  1. Tail Attack: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
  2. Time Convergence (Recharge 5-6): The Parynx stops time within its aura for 1 minute. Creatures inside the aura don't age, and they gain resistance to all damage.


  1. Teleportation Mastery: When the Parynx is hit by an attack, it can use its reaction to teleport to an unoccupied space within 30 feet.

Legendary Actions: The Parynx can take 2 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Parynx regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

  1. Tail Swipe: The Parynx makes a tail attack.
  2. Dimensional Shift: The Parynx uses its dimension door ability.

These D&D stats are just a starting point and can be adjusted based on the campaign's requirements and the Dungeon Master's preferences.



Created by Gabri, the Aparko are small creatures standing around 40 cm to knee-high, often mistaken for coyotes or cats during the day. They serve as excellent riding companions and food seekers due to their keen senses, especially their ability to sniff out anything needed.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Size: Around 40 cm to knee-high.
  • Appearance (Daytime): Dirty and scruffy fur. Sunlight reflects off their fur, making it stiff and almost porcupine-like. Fur can have a variety of colors mixed in.
  • Appearance (Nighttime): Fur becomes soft, silky, and flows elegantly. Piercing, glowing silver eyes enable them to see clearly in darkness.
  • Eyes: Silver and dull during the day, but they possess exceptional night vision.


  • Daytime Behavior: Aparkos prefer to sleep during the day. Sunlight can make them grumpy as their fur becomes stiff and uncomfortable. Petting is not advised during this time.
  • Nighttime Behavior: Their time to shine. Aparkos become swift and agile, excelling in hunting and seeking. Their fur transforms into a soft, flowing state, and their eyes glow brightly.


  1. Scent Tracking: Exceptional sense of smell, allowing them to track various scents with precision.
  2. Night Vision: Piercing silver eyes grant them the ability to see clearly in complete darkness.
  3. Camouflage: During the day, their scruffy and multi-colored fur helps them blend into their surroundings.


  • Riding Companions: Due to their size and agility, Aparkos make excellent riding companions, especially during nighttime journeys.
  • Food Seekers: Their keen sense of smell makes them valuable for tracking and finding food resources.


  • Daytime Discomfort: Aparkos may become grumpy and uncomfortable during the day when their fur stiffens in the sunlight.
  • Petting Caution: Their fur can stick to surfaces and cause pain, so petting is not advised during the daytime.

Relationship with Other Creatures:

  • Mistaken Identity: Aparkos are often mistaken for coyotes or cats during the day due to their small size and scruffy appearance.


  • Gabri: The creator of the Aparko, Gabri, infused them with unique traits that make them versatile companions in both daylight and darkness.

The Aparko, with their dual nature and abilities, are valuable additions to the diverse and enchanting world of Fabula.

Aparko (Celestial Guardian)
Large Celestial, Lawful Good

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 120 (16d10 + 32)
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR 18 (+4)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 20 (+5)
CHA 18 (+4)

Saving Throws STR +7, CON +6, WIS +9
Skills Perception +9, Insight +9
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 19
Languages Celestial, Common; Understands all languages

Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Aura of Protection: Aparko emits an aura of protection in a 30-foot radius. Allies in this aura gain a +3 bonus to all saving throws.
  2. Healing Light: As a bonus action, Aparko can shed bright light in a 30-foot radius. All friendly creatures in the light regain 10 hit points at the start of their turn.
  3. Celestial Presence: Aparko has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


  1. Divine Sword: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage, plus 10 (3d6) radiant damage.
  2. Radiant Blast (Recharge 5-6): Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d10) radiant damage.
  3. Celestial Roar (Recharge 6): Aparko emits a powerful roar. All hostile creatures within 30 feet must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.


  1. Winged Shield: When a creature Aparko can see within 30 feet is targeted by an attack, Aparko can use its reaction to interpose its wings between the attacker and the target. The target gains a +5 bonus to AC against the triggering attack.

Legendary Actions: Aparko can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Aparko regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

  1. Celestial Surge: Aparko moves up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  2. Healing Touch: Aparko touches a creature within 5 feet, restoring 2d8 + 4 hit points.
  3. Radiant Burst: Aparko releases a burst of radiant energy. All creatures within 10 feet must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Feel free to adjust the stats based on your campaign's needs and preferences.



Created by Gabri

The Reptifelimon are hybrids born from the creative mind of Gabri, a Godling inspired by tales of humans and a desire to craft a new species. These creatures combine elements of reptiles, felines, and monsters, resulting in tall and formidable beings scattered across different areas, including Old Fabula, Rokka, and New Fabula.

Lore: In a moment of creative inspiration, Gabri decided to create the Reptifelimon. The first three created—Harik and two others—represented the natural aspect of these hybrids and were placed in different regions. Their offspring inherited strength and a strong connection to nature.

Original Creations:

  1. Harik: A gender-neutral being adaptable to its mate.
  2. Unnamed Two: Variations created to explore the different possibilities of the Reptifelimon.

Elemental Beasts: Gabri continued his creative endeavor by crafting 12 more Reptifelimon inspired by the concept of "Elemental Beasts." To bring them to life, Gabri sought permission from Elemental Leaders to harness sparks of power. The resulting hybrids possessed elemental powers, making them formidable beings. However, to mitigate their potential danger, they were transformed into smaller variations and temporarily sealed away.

Elemental Beasts:

  1. Sala (Fire): Fire Devil (Phoenix-like, reborn with its own ash).
  2. Vnd (Water): Water Devil (aquatic creature).
  3. Gno (Earth): Earth Devil (formed from dirt and nature).
  4. Sylp (Air) and Skel (Wind): Air Devil and Wind Devil.
  5. Nov (Steel/Metal): Metal Devil.
  6. Pashu (Skeleton-Death/Darkness) and Nishishu (Life/Light): Undead Devil (balancing life and death).
  7. Arkus (Ice): Ice Devil.
  8. Lightning (Ni): Lightning Devil.
  9. Soul and Spirit: Okra Devil.
  10. Time and Space: TiSa Devil.
  11. Tech (Digital Machine Science): Tech Devil.
  12. Magic: Magic Devil.
  13. Love (Art): Love Devil (origin of Incubus and Succubus).
  14. Surprise (Ah!): Surprise Devil (also known as Jin/Genie's).

Each Elemental Beast hatched from a different egg in its respective elemental realm. Initially created as protectors and symbols of their elements, they later became leaders of their own underworlds, giving rise to various demons.

The Reptifelimon, with their diverse forms and elemental connections, add richness to the complex tapestry of Fabula's inhabitants.

Reptifelimon (Serpentine Shadow)
Large Monstrosity, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 84 (8d10 + 40)
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft.

STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 20 (+5)
INT 6 (-2)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 8 (-1)

Saving Throws STR +7, CON +8
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +4
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 15
Languages —

Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Shadow Blend: While in dim light or darkness, Reptifelimon can use the Hide action as a bonus action.
  2. Constrict: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the creature is restrained, and Reptifelimon can't constrict another target.
  3. Shadow Camouflage: Reptifelimon has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in dim light or darkness.


  1. Multiattack: Reptifelimon makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail.
  2. Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
  3. Tail Slash: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
  4. Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6): Reptifelimon exhales a 30-foot cone of magical shadows. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


  1. Evasion: When Reptifelimon is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage on a success, it takes no damage on a success and half damage on a failure.



Created by Parint

Stargazers, created by Parint, are celestial beings with a unique purpose—to fulfill wishes made upon the stars. These creatures are observant, supportive, and play a role in mapping and locating celestial bodies. Stargazers have wandering eyes and, when humans see a falling star, it might just be one of these wanderers on a celestial journey.


  • Observant and Supportive: Stargazers diligently watch over the skies, fulfilling the wishes of those who gaze upon them during starry nights. They are known to be supportive and play a role in creating maps and locating celestial bodies.
  • Wish Granting: Stargazers have the ability to fulfill wishes that are made upon them during a starry night. The wishful ones will descend to the wisher's location and grant them a wish. The effectiveness of the wish depends on how the Stargazer interprets it and the magnitude of the wish.
  • Appearance: Stargazers typically have a blue/black or sparkling appearance, resembling the night sky. The first offspring, known as the "Starfox," grows up with the Moontiger and Moonbunny. The Starfox is a strong healer and possesses shielding abilities in dangerous situations.


  • Starfox: The initial offspring of Stargazers, the Starfox, possesses healing abilities and is skilled in shielding. It grows up with the Moontiger and Moonbunny, contributing to the diversity of celestial beings.

Summoning and Temples:

  • Stargazers can be wishfully summoned by humans, and they have dedicated temples in specific areas on the ground. These temples are significant, and only on specific nights can Stargazers be wished upon. If one wishes upon a star during these nights, the Starfox may come to fulfill the wish.


  • There are five Stargazers, each corresponding to one of the five pointy parts of a star. Additionally, there is the main StarFox situated in the middle, known as the first and original Starfox.

Stargazers bring an enchanting and mystical element to the night sky, encouraging individuals to make wishes and believe in the magic of the cosmos.

Medium Fey, Neutral Good

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft.

STR 12 (+1)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 20 (+5)

Saving Throws WIS +7, CHA +8
Skills Perception +7, Insight +7
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 17
Languages Sylvan, Celestial

Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Fey Ancestry: Stargazers have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and can't be put to sleep by magic.
  2. Starlight Aura: Friendly creatures within 10 feet of the Stargazer have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
  3. Healing Light: As a bonus action, the Stargazer can expend a spell slot to restore 2d8 hit points to a creature it touches.


  1. Staff: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
  2. Stellar Blast: Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) radiant damage.
  3. Starfall (Recharge 5-6): The Stargazer calls down a burst of radiant energy in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point it can see within 60 feet. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Moon Royals and Moon Guardians

In the enchanting world of Fabula, the Moon Royals and Moon Guardians add a layer of magic and mystery. Born and created on the moon, these celestial beings serve the Moon Goddess or Princess. However, a tale of unrequited love, curses, and a quest for redemption unfolds among them.

Moon Royals:

  • Origins: Moon Royals are beings born on the moon, initially serving the Moon Goddess or Princess. They are magical entities with a strong connection to the moon's essence.
  • Cursed Love Story: The Moon Princess, not yet married, encounters a traveler and adventurer who asks for her hand in marriage. She declines and ridicules him, leading to a curse by the traveler's mother. The curse binds the Moon Princess to the moon itself, preventing her from leaving.
  • Curse and Bond: Moon Royals, friends, and family are also affected by the curse, binding them to the moon. They cannot leave unless summoned correctly. Once summoned, they fulfill the wishes of the summoner, remaining with them for six months before returning to the moon or being freed from the bond.
  • Summoning Ritual: The knowledge of how to summon Moon Royals spread through a spy who overheard the story. The spy, seeking redemption, shared the information widely, allowing others to summon these magical beings and seek their aid.

Moon Guardians:

  • Cursed Moon Goddess: The Moon Goddess, bound by the curse, cannot leave the moon and faces the challenge of redemption. To be freed, she needs to be apologized to and released by the one she shamed—the traveler and the mother witch. However, their whereabouts are unknown.
  • Regret and Redemption: In order for the Moon Goddess to find freedom, the traveler and the mother witch must show regret and a willingness to release her from the curse. The quest for redemption becomes a central theme, weaving a tale of magical bonds, love, and forgiveness.

Moon Creatures:

  • Moontiger and Moonrabbit: Among the Moon Royals are magical creatures like the Moontiger and Moonrabbit. These celestial beings contribute to the mystical atmosphere of the moon, each with its unique qualities and abilities.

The Moon Royals and Moon Guardians bring an intriguing and poignant story to Fabula, where curses and redemption play a pivotal role in the magical narrative.

Moon Royal
Medium Celestial, Lawful Good

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 84 (8d8 + 48)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)

STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 22 (+6)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 20 (+5)
CHA 24 (+7)

Saving Throws CON +9, WIS +7, CHA +11
Skills Perception +7, Insight +7
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Truesight 60 ft., Passive Perception 17
Languages Celestial, Common

Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Celestial Resistance: Moon Royals have resistance to radiant and necrotic damage.
  2. Moonlit Aura: The Moon Royal emits a magical aura in a 30-foot radius. Allied creatures in the aura gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
  3. Healing Radiance: As a bonus action, the Moon Royal can expend a spell slot to restore 4d8 hit points to itself or a creature it touches.


  1. Lunar Blade: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage plus 14 (4d6) radiant damage.
  2. Celestial Bolts: Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 7) radiant damage.
  3. Moonbeam (Recharge 5-6): The Moon Royal creates a 5-foot-wide, 60-foot-high cylinder of moonlight centered on a point it can see within 120 feet. Creatures in the cylinder must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Moon Guardian
Medium Celestial, Lawful Good

Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 136 (16d8 + 64)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)

STR 20 (+5)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 18 (+4)
WIS 22 (+6)
CHA 20 (+5)

Saving Throws DEX +7, CON +8, WIS +9, CHA +8
Skills Perception +9, Insight +9
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Truesight 60 ft., Passive Perception 19
Languages Celestial, Common

Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Celestial Resistance: Moon Guardians have resistance to radiant and necrotic damage.
  2. Moonlit Aura: The Moon Guardian emits a magical aura in a 40-foot radius. Allied creatures in the aura gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
  3. Healing Radiance: As a bonus action, the Moon Guardian can expend a spell slot to restore 5d8 hit points to itself or a creature it touches.


  1. Lunar Blade: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage plus 16 (4d8) radiant damage.
  2. Celestial Bolts: Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 5) radiant damage.
  3. Moonbeam (Recharge 5-6): The Moon Guardian creates a 5-foot-wide, 60-foot-high cylinder of moonlight centered on a point it can see within 120 feet. Creatures in the cylinder must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Verdaks: Mystical Companions of Fabula

In the enchanting realm of Fabula, Verdaks stand as remarkable and versatile creatures, created by the god Parint. These beings, known for their loyalty, resilience, and practicality, have become valued companions in the fantastical world.

Key Characteristics:

  1. Appearance: Verdaks are reptile-like creatures, agile, and taller than horses. They possess slight fur for temperature regulation, adapting to extreme weather conditions. Their fur can be adjusted to be soft or hard for protection, making it ideal for crafting clothes.
  2. Abilities: Fast and strong, Verdaks are practical animals with the ability to climb walls and mountains. They have pouches for protection and storage, and their resilient nature allows them to travel through various terrains. Their fur shedding every two weeks adds to their practicality.
  3. Fluid Storage: Verdaks can store fluids for extended periods, making them valuable in journeys. They have pouches that serve multiple purposes, including protection, feeding their young, and storage.
  4. Reproduction: Females lay eggs, usually around 8 per day, and the eggs are initially soft but become hard and flexible once taken out. The eggs absorb their surroundings and can take on elemental traits depending on where they hatch.
  5. Milk Production: Females produce nutritious milk, around 2 liters per day, suitable for various species. If not milked, they drink the milk themselves for health benefits.
  6. Dominance: Females are seen as more dominant and protective, while males are known for their rarity and speed, often exhibiting elemental powers.
  7. Longevity: Verdaks have a lifespan of over 3000 years, adding to their mystical nature.

Elemental Powers:

  • Depending on where the Verdak egg hatches, it absorbs elemental surroundings, gaining corresponding powers, color palettes, and abilities.

Verdakin Ritual:

  • The "Verdakin Ritual" involves letting the egg absorb surroundings during the incubation period. This process aims to strengthen the unborn Verdak by harnessing elemental traits. Legends speak of a Traveler who circled the world in 80 days with a Verdak egg to optimize its elemental traits.

Personality Shaping:

  • Verdak eggs, once fertilized, take 100 days to hatch. During this period, they absorb emotional and moral influences from their surroundings, shaping their personalities based on the prevailing energies—be it good, bad, or happy.

Verdaks are not just practical companions; they are living entities shaped by the world around them. Their versatility, loyalty, and longevity make them cherished beings in the mystical tapestry of Fabula.

Large Elemental, Neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 105 (10d10 + 50)
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft., swim 60 ft.

STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 20 (+5)
INT 10 (0)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 8 (-1)

Saving Throws STR +7, CON +8
Skills Perception +3
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 60 ft., Passive Perception 13
Languages Terran

Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Elemental Nature: A verdak doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep.
  2. Burrow: The verdak can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the verdak doesn't disturb the material it moves through.
  3. Poisonous Aura: Creatures within 10 feet of the verdak must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.


  1. Multiattack: The verdak makes two slam attacks.
  2. Slam: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
  3. Poison Breath (Recharge 5-6): The verdak exhales poisonous gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Wiffs: Cosmic Observers and Chroniclers

In the vast cosmic tapestry of Parint's creations, the Wiffs emerge as celestial beings tasked with the noble duty of wandering through planets and worlds, documenting the myriad wonders they encounter. While Parint is yet to christen them with a more fitting name, their significance lies in their role as meticulous record-keepers and observers.

Key Characteristics:

  1. Form Adaptability: Wiffs possess the remarkable ability to take on any form, seamlessly blending into diverse environments. This chameleonic attribute enables them to interact closely with the various life forms they encounter.
  2. Planetary Wanderers: Sent to different worlds, including Pangea, Fabula, Gamalank, and more, Wiffs roam freely to gather knowledge about the unique creations in each realm. Their purpose is to create a comprehensive record of the flora, fauna, and civilizations they encounter.
  3. Silent Observers: While some Wiffs prefer to remain hidden, silently observing and documenting the world around them, others engage with the inhabitants, asking questions, and delving deeper into the intricacies of life.
  4. Curiosity and Learning: Wiffs are driven by an insatiable curiosity and a thirst for learning. Their interactions with different species provide valuable insights into the diverse cultures, behaviors, and ecosystems across the cosmos.
  5. Record Keepers: Serving as cosmic chroniclers, Wiffs meticulously record their findings, creating an extensive catalog of the wonders they come across. Their records contribute to the collective knowledge and understanding of Parint's creations.
  6. Communication: Some Wiffs go beyond observation and engage in meaningful conversations with the inhabitants of the worlds they visit. This direct interaction allows them to gain a deeper understanding of the emotions, aspirations, and stories of the beings they encounter.
  7. Tasked by Parint: The first seven Wiffs were sent on their cosmic journey with a specific mission to explore, observe, and document. Their findings contribute to Parint's understanding of the diverse and evolving nature of the worlds he has created.

While the Wiffs await a more fitting name from their creator, their significance as celestial wanderers and knowledge bearers enriches the narrative of the cosmic realms they explore.

Medium celestial (shapechanger), neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24)

Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR 12 (+1) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 (+3) INT 14 (+2) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 18 (+4)

Skills Perception +4, Insight +4

Damage Immunities radiant

Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages all languages known by creatures on the visited worlds

Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Shapechanger. The wiff can use its action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid it has seen, or back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Innate Spellcasting. The wiff's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). The wiff can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

  • At will: detect magic
  • 3/day each: charm person, comprehend languages, disguise self
  • 1/day each: mind reading, plane shift (self only)

Keen Sight. The wiff has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Multiattack. The wiff makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 3) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (2d3 + 3) slashing damage.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the wiff fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Record Keeping. The wiff magically inscribes information on a celestial parchment. A creature must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or have a memory extracted. Extracted memories can be read by the wiff and shared at its discretion.

Celestial Gaze. The wiff targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn.

Interplanar Visit (Recharge 5-6). The wiff magically travels to another plane of existence, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to a maximum of five other willing creatures that it can see.


FuFA Cats-Kitsune: Enigmatic Tricksters of Fabula

In the mystical realms of Fabula, a unique group known as the FuFA Cats-Kitsune prowls, adding an extra layer of mischief and magic to the cosmic tapestry created by Parint. These Kitsune, distinct from their counterparts in other realms, play a fascinating role in the cosmic narrative.

Key Characteristics:

  1. Cosmic Allies: The FuFA Cats-Kitsune align themselves with the deities and crescent moon royals, often working alongside them. Their presence has been felt since the dawn of Fabula, making them ancient and knowledgeable entities.
  2. Guardians of Secrets: Having witnessed the unfolding of cosmic events, these Kitsune are keepers of secrets and truths. They maintain a careful balance between revealing and withholding information, ensuring the cosmic order is preserved.
  3. Distinct Mark: All Fabula-born FuFA Cats-Kitsune bear a unique mark—a half-rigged fluffy moon—etched onto their bodies. This emblem signifies their connection to the cosmic forces and distinguishes them from other Kitsune.
  4. Playful Tricksters: True to their Kitsune nature, the FuFA Cats-Kitsune are mischievous and playful. While some refrain from interfering in cosmic affairs, others revel in tricking wanderers or causing chaos for their own amusement.
  5. Dangerous Ambitions: Some FuFA Cats-Kitsune harbor dangerous ambitions, seeking to earn additional tails—an indication of their growing power. Their schemes may involve manipulating unsuspecting travelers or orchestrating cosmic events.
  6. Curiosity and Cooperation: Driven by curiosity, some Kitsune choose to cooperate with travelers, assisting them in their quests or participating in unfolding stories. These rare allies add an unpredictable dynamic to the cosmic narrative.
  7. Storytellers and Narrators: FuFA Cats-Kitsune often act as storytellers, narrators, or even participants in cosmic tales. Their involvement introduces twists, turns, and unexpected elements, ensuring that the fabric of Fabula is woven with intrigue.
  8. Freedom for "Normal" Kitsunes: Kitsunes not born in Fabula and lacking the distinctive mark have the freedom to pursue their own desires and whims. Unbound by the cosmic responsibilities of their Fabula-born counterparts, they are free to roam and act as they please.

The FuFA Cats-Kitsune, with their ancient knowledge, mischievous tendencies, and cosmic connections, bring a unique and unpredictable flavor to the ever-evolving narrative of Fabula. As guardians of secrets and weavers of stories, they play an essential role in the cosmic dance of creation and chaos.

Small fey, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 10 (+0) DEX 18 (+4) CON 16 (+3) INT 14 (+2) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 16 (+3)

Skills Deception +7, Stealth +6

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages Common, Sylvan

Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Shapechanger. The FuFA Cats-Kitsune can use its action to polymorph into a Small fox, a Medium humanoid, or back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Innate Spellcasting. The FuFA Cats-Kitsune's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

  • At will: dancing lights
  • 3/day each: charm person, minor illusion
  • 1/day each: suggestion, detect thoughts

Keen Senses. The FuFA Cats-Kitsune has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, hearing, or smell.

Magic Resistance. The FuFA Cats-Kitsune has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Trickster's Luck. When the FuFA Cats-Kitsune rolls a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, it can reroll the die and must use the new roll.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Foxfire Trickery (Recharge 5-6). The FuFA Cats-Kitsune unleashes a burst of magical foxfire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Additionally, a creature that fails the saving throw is charmed by the FuFA Cats-Kitsune for 1 minute. The charmed creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.


Wrushkis: Mischief-Makers of Winta's Design

In the whimsical realm of Fabula, the mischievous and troublesome Wrushkis, created by Winta, embody the spirit of chaos and annoyance. These small demonic beings take delight in creating mayhem and adding a touch of irritation to the lives of others. Here are some key characteristics of the Wrushkis:

1. Agents of Mischief:

  • Wrushkis are intentionally crafted to be nuisances, taking pleasure in causing annoyance and mischief wherever they go.
  • Their actions range from breaking items, tools, and ripping fabric to more subtle and annoying antics.

2. Invisible Tricksters:

  • These lil demonic beings have the ability to turn invisible, making it challenging for their targets to anticipate or defend against their pranks.
  • The element of surprise adds an extra layer to their mischief, leaving those affected puzzled and frustrated.

3. Shapeshifting Abilities:

  • Wrushkis can take on small forms, such as rats or mice, allowing them to navigate and infiltrate spaces unnoticed.
  • Their shapeshifting skills make them versatile troublemakers, capable of adapting to different environments.

4. Distinctive Purple Mark:

  • All Wrushkis bear a distinctive purple mark on their right hand, serving as an unmistakable identifier of their affiliation with Winta.
  • This mark signifies their allegiance to their creator and serves as a warning to those who may encounter them.

5. Pink-Glowing Eyes:

  • The eyes of Wrushkis emit a pink glow, adding an eerie and mischievous touch to their appearance.
  • This glowing feature may serve both as a visual cue and a subtle indication of their presence.

6. Curiosity and Love for Shiny Things:

  • Despite their penchant for causing trouble, Wrushkis are inherently curious beings.
  • They are drawn to shiny objects and may be easily distracted by the allure of such items, providing a potential means of diverting their attention.

7. Winta's Enjoyment of Others' Suffering:

  • The creation of Wrushkis aligns with Winta's enjoyment of watching others suffer, as he states that "They deserve it."
  • Their actions are fueled by this sadistic pleasure, and their existence adds a layer of chaotic entertainment to Fabula.

8. Fast and Agile:

  • Wrushkis possess remarkable speed and agility, making it challenging for their targets to catch or evade them.
  • Their quick movements contribute to the frustration and chaos they instigate.

In the grand tapestry of Fabula, the Wrushkis bring a unique blend of annoyance and mischievous charm, leaving a trail of chaos and frustration in their wake. Their invisible escapades and shapeshifting abilities ensure that they remain elusive troublemakers, perpetually adding a touch of mayhem to the lives of those unfortunate enough to encounter them.

Tiny fey, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 14

Hit Points 7 (3d4)

Speed 20 ft., fly 30 ft.

STR 3 (-4) DEX 16 (+3) CON 10 (+0) INT 12 (+1) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 14 (+2)

Skills Deception +4, Stealth +5

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages Common, Sylvan

Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The Wrushkis's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

  • At will: minor illusion
  • 1/day: charm person

Ephemeral Form. The Wrushkis can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Keen Senses. The Wrushkis has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.

Innate Mischief. The Wrushkis can use its action to distract a creature it can see within 5 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be distracted until the end of the Wrushkis's next turn. Distracted creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and Dexterity saving throws.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage.

Mischievous Gust. The Wrushkis flutters its wings, creating a gust of wind in a 10-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be pushed 5 feet away from the Wrushkis.

Mirthful Teleport (Recharge 5-6). The Wrushkis magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see. Before or after teleporting, the Wrushkis can make one bite attack.


Evasion. When the Wrushkis is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage on a success and half damage on a failure.


Schattenvolk: Guardians of Eternal Darkness

In the shadowed heart of Fabula, the Schattenvolk, created by the skilled hand of Numihaku, emerge as nocturnal beings, guardians of the perpetual night. These enigmatic creatures, with their intricate lore, unique abilities, and deep connection to the shadows, play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their mystical realm. Here's a detailed exploration of the Schattenvolk:


  • Standing at knee height, the Schattenvolk resemble skeletons tinted in ink, black, and gray hues. Their unique form is a blend of bones and fur-like dust, giving them an ethereal and haunting appearance.
  • With black sclera and glowing eyes, Schattenvolk move easily through the darkness, capable of blending seamlessly with shadows.
  • Agile and fast, they exhibit a smooth, silk-like fur when they transition to a more "fluffy ruff" form during mating or special occasions.


  • The Schattenvolk find solace in the Darkonian Woods, a vast and creepy forest in Fabula. The trees in this mysterious woodland appear light purple and pinkish during the day, while they luminesce with deeper purples and greens at night, providing the only light the species needs.

Powers and Abilities:

  • Manipulation of Darkness: Schattenvolk possess the innate ability to manipulate darkness physically, whether merging with shadows, using shadow-based attacks, or creating portals through the darkness.
  • Shadow Puppetry: They can control creatures through their shadows, a skill akin to shadowplay.
  • Shadow Snatcher: Schattenvolk can snatch shadows from creatures, using them for various purposes, though the process is not harmful to the creature itself.
  • Shadow Cloning: The ability to create clones of themselves, serving as helpful extensions or diversions.
  • Dark Devinie: An attack that traps the target in a swirl of darkness, disrupting their vision and creating confusion.
  • Ducking Darkness: A technique allowing the Schattenvolk to disappear by swirling into the next shadowy or dark area, effectively hiding from sight.
  • Shadow Blade: Creation of a solid, black, and weightless melee weapon made of shadowy energy.
  • Black Hole: A powerful ability that can either attack or serve as an escape, manipulating portals through the shadows.

Mating and Offspring:

  • Schattenvolk can only conceive offspring during a full moon, blue moon, or blood moon, making mating a rare and treasured event.
  • Females are highly valued and treated as royalty due to their rarity.
  • Offspring inherit knowledge and memories from their parents, and their unique mating process involves a temporary merging of forms followed by the birth of a furry, sentient being with innate knowledge.

Types of Schattenvolk:

  1. Origin Schatten: Born under the old moon (normal full moon) without a bound form.
  2. Darklings: Born under a blood moon, capable of evolving into a winged form known as "Darkon."

Rules and Laws:

  • Schattenvolk respect their elders and nature, living by laws that prohibit forced merging with others, stealing bodies, or meddling with outsiders.
  • They don't worship deities but maintain a strong connection with nature.

Overall Role:

  • Schattenvolk serve as protectors of their realm, attuned to nature, and pass on wisdom through generations.
  • Despite their strong powers, they remain a peaceful species, emphasizing harmony and balance.

In the tapestry of Fabula, the Schattenvolk stand as guardians of eternal darkness, their luminous eyes reflecting the accumulated wisdom and experiences of their ancient lineage.

Medium humanoid (schattenvolk), neutral

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)

Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 12 (+1) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 10 (+0)

Skills Stealth +4

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages Common, Schattenvolk

Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the schattenvolk can take the Hide action as a bonus action.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the schattenvolk has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Innate Spellcasting. The schattenvolk's spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

  • At will: minor illusion
  • 1/day each: darkness, pass without trace

Sunblade Vulnerability. The schattenvolk has vulnerability to radiant damage.


Multiattack. The schattenvolk makes two shortsword attacks.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Shadow Dagger. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. If the target is in dim light or darkness, the schattenvolk has advantage on the attack roll.

Shadow Step (Recharge 5-6). The schattenvolk magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see. Before or after teleporting, the schattenvolk can make one shortsword or shadow dagger attack.


Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker the schattenvolk can see hits it with an attack, it can use its reaction to halve the attack's damage against it.


Shakins: Guardians of the Deep Caverns

In the depths of Fabula, where shadows dance on cave walls and secrets linger in the darkness, the Shakins, magnificent creatures created by Numihaku, hold sway. Towering over their subterranean realm, these colossal beings embody a unique blend of lizard, snake, spider, and scorpion features. Here's an in-depth look into the captivating world of the Shakins:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Massive in size, Shakins double the dimensions of elephants, boasting a serpentine and reptilian form. Their rugged spikes protrude from the body, creating an awe-inspiring sight.
  • The skin of Shakins is smooth and can be hardened as needed. Resilient enough to survive in lava and magma, they exhibit a mesmerizing glow of red and gold between their plated scales.
  • With excellent night vision, Shakins navigate the dark caverns effortlessly, and their ability to breathe underwater and in lava makes them formidable inhabitants of the subterranean world.


  • Breath-Holding Prowess: Shakins can hold their breath for an impressive three hours, enabling them to explore underwater realms or traverse subterranean passages with ease.
  • Acidic Spit: They produce a potent acid in their three stomachs, which they can spit as a formidable weapon. The acidic substance is effective in both defense and hunting.
  • Creativity in Silk: Shakins possess the unique ability to create web-like traps or structures from their body. They are known to craft nests using this silk, which serves as a haven for rest.

Behavior and Loyalty:

  • Shakins, though formidable and fierce in defense, exhibit loyalty and companionship when bonds are formed. They make for powerful and trustworthy riding companions if a bond is established.
  • Highly territorial, they are known to get upset if their nests are disturbed, showcasing a creative and protective side to their nature.

Navigation and Senses:

  • With snouts attuned to the scent of blood, Shakins can navigate through caves and tunnels with exceptional accuracy, always finding their way back home.
  • Their sidearms, adorned with wing-like webbed skin, serve multiple purposes, including shielding, transport, and gliding across ledges.


  • Shakins communicate through a range of sounds, clicks, and whistles, creating a unique auditory language that echoes through the caverns.

Preferred Environment:

  • Sunlight is not their ally, and Shakins tend to avoid it, preferring the comfort of the nocturnal depths. They have an instinctive urge to sleep when exposed to sunlight.

In the sprawling caves and hidden recesses of Fabula, the Shakins stand as guardians, their majestic presence echoing through the labyrinthine depths, a testament to the creativity and mastery of their creator, Numihaku.

Medium humanoid (shakin), neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 14 (+2) DEX 14 (+2) CON 16 (+3) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 10 (+0)

Skills Athletics +4, Perception +3

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13

Languages Common, Shakin

Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Keen Smell. The shakin has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Hold Breath. The shakin can hold its breath for 15 minutes.

Charge. If the shakin moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away and knocked prone.


Multiattack. The shakin makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Charge Attack. If the shakin moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) piercing damage.


Parry. The shakin adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the shakin must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.


Veltals: Enchanting Guardians of Survival and Love

The Veltals, a rare and enchanting species crafted by Cheops, are cosmic beings that embody the essence of survival, love, and allure. With their charming aura and captivating appearance, Veltals navigate the realms of romance and procreation, driven by their instinctual desire to secure their bloodline. Here's an in-depth exploration of these alluring creatures:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Veltals possess a unique blend of cosmic Bunny, Fox, and Wolves, adorned with misty smoke when traveling. Their ethereal appearance is further enhanced by an alluring glow and intricate markings on their bodies.
  • The original 7 Veltals exhibit a feral, animalistic glow with distinct markings. Offspring inherit a symbol on the back of their necks, retaining the allure that defines their species.
  • Veltals can take on a humanoid form, often used for concealment or blending in with other species.

Attraction and Instinct:

  • The allure of Veltals is irresistible, captivating those who encounter them after the age of 18. The Veltin blood and genetics induce a trance-like state when it comes to matters of intimacy, following their instinct to secure their species.
  • Veltals are instinctively flirtatious and romantic, enchanting individuals of any gender with their pheromones, inner power, and irresistible charm. This innate ability makes it challenging for Veltals to find exclusive love.

Mating and Offspring:

  • Veltals mate with anyone who consents, ensuring their partners' satisfaction and happiness. The mating instinct is triggered after the age of 18.
  • Offspring inherit a symbol on the back of their neck, showcasing their Veltal lineage. Female offspring have the ability to store genetic information magically, choosing when to become pregnant with the selected genetic material.
  • Males produce only one offspring at a time, ensuring the preservation of their powerful genetics. Males can sense when females are in heat, and they are deeply family-oriented, providing support and companionship.

Powers and Adaptability:

  • Veltals are incredibly hard to kill and possess adaptability to various environments. Upon death, they are reborn in a fur ball cocoon, adapted to the circumstances that led to their demise.
  • While they avoid direct conflict, Veltals are skilled defenders, utilizing their powers to ensure survival and protect their kin.

Rare Cases and Pure Offspring:

  • Veltal x Veltal mating occurs once a year, resulting in the birth of a pure Veltal offspring. The original 7 Veltals, each with a distinct trait, contribute to the unique features of these rare purebred individuals.

Archivists of Genetics:

  • Female Veltals, being rare, hold the title of Archivists of Genetics. They can choose when to conceive, becoming keepers of their species' bloodline and providing genetic diversity.

In the cosmic tapestry of Fabula, the Veltals weave a tale of love, survival, and enchantment. Their existence, guided by instinct and the pursuit of connection, adds a unique and captivating dimension to the diverse array of species in this fantastical realm.

Large celestial, lawful good

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 84 (8d10 + 40)

Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR 18 (+4) DEX 16 (+3) CON 20 (+5) INT 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +8, Wis +6

Skills Perception +6

Damage Resistances radiant

Condition Immunities charmed, frightened

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16

Languages Celestial, Common

Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Keen Sight. The veltal has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Innate Spellcasting. The veltal's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14). The veltal can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

  • At will: detect evil and good
  • 3/day each: cure wounds, lesser restoration
  • 1/day each: greater restoration, heal

Magic Resistance. The veltal has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Multiattack. The veltal makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage.

Radiant Burst (Recharge 5-6). The veltal releases a burst of radiant energy in a 20-foot radius. Each creature in that area must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Undead and fiends have disadvantage on this saving throw.


Healing Touch. When a creature the veltal can see within 5 feet of it takes damage, the veltal can use its reaction to magically heal the creature. The creature regains 16 (3d8 + 3) hit points.


Nevotis: Enigmatic Harvesters and Ruthless Predators

In the mystical tapestry of Fabula, the Nevotis stand as enigmatic creatures with a dual nature, embodying both the intellectual prowess of collectors and the ruthless efficiency of hunters. These insectoid beings, created to consume and preserve genetic information, play a sinister role in the cosmic dance of survival. Let's delve into the intricate details of these fascinating beings:

Collector Nevotis (NevCol):

Physical Characteristics:

  • Elegant and almost fluffy insect-like appearance.
  • Typically tall, ranging from 2 meters to 2.2 meters (6.56 to 7.21 feet).
  • Four arms, with the lower pair resting on their hips in a relaxed manner.
  • Antennas on their heads enhance their olfactory senses.

Behavior and Abilities:

  • Highly observant and patient, using deception and manipulation as their primary tools.
  • Averse to physical confrontation, preferring to experiment and extract information.
  • Possess a photographic memory, recalling any information gathered with precision.
  • Captives are stripped of their possessions, dressed minimally, and stored in a separate location.
  • Can access an almost limitless storage of knowledge within their minds.

Sleeping Habits:

  • Require 72 hours of sleep to consolidate and save the information gathered during the day.
  • Waking a grumpy NevCol during sleep can lead to aggressive and mindless attacks.
  • Vulnerable during sleep, making it an opportune time for potential adversaries.

Hunter Nevotis (NevHun):

Physical Characteristics:

  • Robust insectoid build with deadly weapons and long, dangerous tails.
  • Generally smaller than Collectors, with a height around 2 meters (6.56 feet).
  • Agile and fast, utilizing their stature for swift attacks.
  • Lack a permanent lair, wandering in pursuit of their relentless goal.

Behavior and Abilities:

  • Ruthless predators with a singular focus on wiping out Veltal species and their offspring.
  • Possess deadly tails reminiscent of stingrays or scorpions for efficient hunting.
  • Prioritize speed and aggression, engaging in direct confrontations with their prey.
  • Unlike Collectors, they don't establish a lair and require less sleep for recuperation (12 hours).

Sleeping Habits:

  • Need 12 hours of sleep to regain full control before wrapping themselves in a sleeping cocoon.
  • During sleep, they are vulnerable but are capable of swift and deadly reactions if disturbed.


  • Nevotis gather every two years for swift mating rituals that last around 20 minutes.
  • Females lay three eggs, which are handsized, silver, green, and shaded blue.
  • The eggs are placed in a protected area, and after a year, the young Nevotis hatch with almost human height and knowledge passed down from both parents.

Interactions with Other Species:

  • Collectors are known for their charm and flute-like communication, luring unsuspecting victims.
  • Some Nevotis experiment with crossbreeding and create dimensional realms for their collections.
  • Hunters focus exclusively on eradicating Veltals and their offspring, seeing them as unworthy beings.

Hierarchy and Rivalry:

  • Despite their rivalry, Nevotis gather every two years for mating purposes.
  • Collectors and Hunters respect each other's presence, acknowledging the importance of both roles within their species.

Music and Addiction:

  • Nevotis have a deep affinity for music, finding rhythm and sensation akin to a drug.
  • The Piper or Siren effect in their tone can mesmerize those who listen, leading to entranced states.

In the vast expanse of Fabula, the Nevotis weave a complex narrative of collection, preservation, and predation. Their unique traits and behaviors add an element of mystery and danger to the diverse inhabitants of this fantastical realm.

Medium humanoid (Nevotian), neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 14 (+2) DEX 12 (+1) CON 16 (+3) INT 10 (+0) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 8 (-1)

Saving Throws DEX +3, CON +5, WIS +4

Skills Perception +4, Survival +4

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages Nevotian, Common

Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Brave. The nevotis has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Keen Smell. The nevotis has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Pack Tactics. The nevotis has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the nevotis's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.


Multiattack. The nevotis makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Pounce. If the nevotis moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the nevotis can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

Howl (1/Day). The nevotis emits a chilling howl. Each creature of the nevotis's choice that is within 60 feet of the nevotis and able to hear it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the nevotis's Howl for the next 24 hours.

This stat block is for a creature inspired by the concept of Nevotis, and you can adjust the details based on the specific characteristics and abilities you have in mind for Nevotis in your world.



Souldevils: Harbingers of Chaos and Masters of Souls

In the mystical tapestry of Fabula, the Souldevils stand as enigmatic beings born from a tumultuous encounter between a Furfin and a Demi-Witch. The accidental merging with a potent and dangerous element transformed the once-humble creature into a godlike and formidable entity. As the first Souldevil emerged, legends of their strength, manipulation, and insatiable thirst for power spread like wildfire.


Origin and Legend:

  • The first Souldevil originated from the fusion of a Furfin and a potent element, an unintended consequence of the gods' attempt to control a seemingly powerful being.
  • Sealed and trapped beneath ancient stairs in the mortal realm, the first Souldevil underwent a transformation, realizing its newfound powers.
  • Freed by a passerby, the first Souldevil began to explore its abilities and gave rise to the most powerful and malevolent creatures in the world.

Powers and Abilities:

  • Misty Fluid Form: Souldevils can travel in a misty fluid form, allowing them to manifest in various shapes.
  • Soul Consumption: They can consume and store souls within them, using them to enhance their own strength. The more souls they possess, the more formidable they become.
  • Manipulation: Souldevils can manipulate the bodies of others, using captured souls to control and puppeteer them.
  • Demonic Shadow: As they grow in power, Souldevils gain control over their form, developing features like shadow wings, a disguise self ability, and natural weapons.
  • Eyes of Truth: They can see the true form of any visible creature, bypassing illusions and revealing the reality beneath.

Interaction and Behavior:

  • Souldevils are known for their chaotic nature, often reveling in destruction and chaos.
  • Manipulative and cunning, they play along with opponents they deem strong, enjoying the challenge.
  • Occasionally, they settle in a land, taking over the form or body of a ruler until boredom strikes or their desires are fulfilled.
  • Unaffected by magic, they are a formidable force in both mental and physical combat.

Weaknesses and Containment:

  1. Bansha Chain: A specially crafted enchanted chain, forged by a master smith and enchanted by a powerful guardian, can bind and control a Souldevil. Only the blacksmith who made it can break the chain and set the Souldevil free.
  2. Siren's Ocar Max Song: The enchanting song of a skilled siren can captivate and temporarily control a Souldevil, as these creatures are drawn to songs and singing.
  3. Merging: Merging with a host, like Doc Lobotny, can restrain a Souldevil's control, preventing it from causing havoc.

Souldevil Variants:

  • Moontouched Souldevils: Born under the full moon, these rare variants take on the Moonflow, exhibiting a different set of powers and characteristics.


  • Souldevils, originally fluffy and small, have evolved in appearance with smooth, silky fur. Their movement is often mist-like, contributing to their mysterious and eerie presence.
  • Fur colors range from brown tones, with pitch-black hair and eyes featuring blackened sclera and gold, purple, or orange pupils.
  • Moontouched Souldevils exhibit unique characteristics and powers associated with the lunar influence.

Final Note:

In the ever-shifting realms of Fabula, Souldevils stand as iconic figures of chaos, wielding powers beyond mortal comprehension. Their legend, intertwined with tales of manipulation, power, and the dance of souls, continues to shape the narrative of this fantastical world.

Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 14 (+2) DEX 16 (+3) CON 13 (+1) INT 12 (+1) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 18 (+4)

Saving Throws DEX +5, CON +3, WIS +4

Skills Deception +7, Insight +4, Persuasion +7

Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered

Damage Immunities fire, poison

Condition Immunities poisoned

Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12

Languages Infernal, Common

Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede the devil's darkvision.

Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Innate Spellcasting. The devil's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect magic

3/day each: charm person, invisibility

1/day: dominate person

Soul Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Summon Devil (1/Day). The devil chooses what to summon and attempts a magical summoning.

Infernal Calling (1 Devil).

Hellish Rebuke (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).


Multiattack. The devil makes two attacks with its claws.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

Hellish Rebuke. The devil points at one creature it can see within 60 feet of it that damaged it. The target must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

This stat block is for a devil creature with a focus on manipulating and draining the souls of its victims. Feel free to adjust the details based on the specific characteristics and abilities you have in mind for Souldevils in your world.


Stone Devils: Guardians of Petrification and Aerial Dominance

In the mythical realm of Fabula, the Stone Devils stand as unique beings born from the transformation of Furfins by the benevolent Gargoyle King. Infused with the power to turn anything they touch to stone, these winged creatures serve as guardians and wielders of a formidable ability that sets them apart.

Origin and Gift of the Gargoyle King:

  • The Stone Devils trace their lineage back to a moment when one Furfin, in an act of bravery, saved the Gargoyle King. In gratitude, the Gargoyle King bestowed upon them the power to turn objects into stone, creating a new bloodline.

Powers and Abilities:

  1. Petrification Touch: Stone Devils can turn anything they touch into stone at will. They are also the only ones capable of undoing this transformation.
  2. Winged Prowess: With large, powerful wings, Stone Devils are formidable in aerial combat and can traverse long distances swiftly.
  3. Hardened Fur Body: The soft fur on their bodies can be hardened at will, providing additional protection.
  4. Tail Strength: Their tails are robust and strong, serving both as a weapon for turning things to stone and as a tool for carrying objects.
  5. Humanoid Transformation: Modern Stone Devils can shift into a more humanoid form, utilizing their wings as capes. This form is adaptable and almost human-like, with pointy ears and brown and gray tones on the body.
  6. Glowing Patterns: Stone Devils have intricate patterns and markings on their bodies that glow in the dark or when utilizing their powers.
  7. Echolocation and Night Vision: They can navigate in caves using echolocation and have exceptional night vision, making them skilled in nocturnal environments.
  8. Fruit Enthusiasts: Despite their appearance as potential carnivores, Stone Devils have a preference for fruits, particularly specific ones.
  9. Freezing Gaze: In rare moments, their eyes can emit a freezing gaze, causing a temporary petrifying effect on those who meet their gaze.

Limitations and Weaknesses:

  1. Inability to Swim: Stone Devils cannot swim, making water bodies challenging for them to navigate.
  2. Love for Fruits: While they eat both vegetables and meat, they have a particular fondness for fruits.

Cultural Practices:

  • Stone Devils, in their earlier days, used their powers to turn objects they found beautiful into stone, creating unique sculptures within their homes.


  • Original Stone Devils have big wings, intricate patterns/markings on their bodies, and glow-in-the-dark features. They exhibit earthy brown and gray tones.

Cheops Stone Transformation:

  • Some Stone Devils possess a Cheops stone, allowing them to change their appearance at will.

Role in Fabula:

  • Stone Devils serve as guardians and protectors, using their powers for both defensive and aesthetic purposes.

In the enchanting world of Fabula, the Stone Devils soar through the skies, leaving a mark of beauty and petrification in their wake. As guardians of both artistry and aerial dominion, they embody the harmonious balance between power and grace.

Medium fiend (devil), neutral evil

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

Hit Points 68 (8d8 + 32)

Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

STR 18 (+4) DEX 14 (+2) CON 18 (+4) INT 8 (-1) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 8 (-1)

Saving Throws STR +7, CON +7

Skills Athletics +7

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons

Condition Immunities poisoned

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages Infernal, understands Common but can't speak

Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede the devil's darkvision.

Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Immutable Form. The devil is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Spider Climb. The devil can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

False Appearance. While the devil remains motionless and isn't flying, it is indistinguishable from a normal statue.


Multiattack. The devil makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage.

Petrifying Gaze. The devil targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see the devil, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw against this magic or be magically petrified until the end of the target's next turn. While petrified in this way, the target is incapacitated and has a speed of 0. If the target is a creature, it must make a DC 15 saving throw at the end of its turn or become permanently petrified. If the target is a nonmagical object, it is petrified for 24 hours.

Summon Devil (1/Day). The devil chooses what to summon and attempts a magical summoning.

Infernal Calling (1 Devil).

Hellish Rebuke (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).

This stat block is for a devil creature with stony and petrifying abilities. Adjust the details based on the specific characteristics and abilities you have in mind for Stonedevils in your world.


Elemental Devils: The Kin of Elemental Essence

In the cosmic tapestry of Fabula, the Elemental Devils emerged as potent beings, each attuned to a distinct elemental force. Born from the union of Cheops Elementar and Winta, these creatures embody the raw power and essence of the elements. While not as formidable as their predecessors, the Stonedevil and Soul Devil, the Elemental Devils are a menace, especially when they devour the elemental orbs of power. Here are the Elemental Devils, each with its unique elemental domain:

1) Sala - Fire Devil:

  • Description: Reborn like a phoenix from its own ash, Sala commands the scorching power of fire.

2) Vnd - Water Devil:

  • Description: An underwater creature of immense power, Vnd manipulates the forces of water.

3) Gno - Earth Devil:

  • Description: Crafted from dirt and nature, Gno channels the strength of the earth in its every move.

4) Sylp and Skel - Airi Devil:

  • Description: With Sylp representing the gentle breeze and Skel embodying the powerful wind, they create a harmonious Airi Devil.

5) Nov - Metal Devil:

  • Description: Forged from steel and metallurgy, Nov stands as the embodiment of metallic might.

6) Pashu - Undead Devil:

  • Description: Wielding the darkness of death, Pashu commands the forces of the undead.

7) Nishishu - Life/Light Devil:

  • Description: Radiating with the essence of life and light, Nishishu is a beacon of vitality.

8) Arkus - Ice Devil:

  • Description: Cloaked in frost and ice, Arkus commands the chilling powers of the frozen realm.

9) Lightning (Ni) - Lightning Devil:

  • Description: Crackling with electric energy, Lightning (Ni) is the master of lightning and storms.

10) Soul and Spirit - Okra Devil:

  • Description: Harnessing the essence of souls and spirits, Okra Devil is a force to be reckoned with in the realms beyond.

11) Time and Space - TiSa Devil:

  • Description: Manipulating the fabric of time and space, TiSa Devil holds dominion over the temporal and spatial realms.

12) Tech - Techdevil:

  • Description: Born from the realms of digital machinery and science, Techdevil is a creature of technological prowess.

13) Magic - MagicDevil:

  • Description: Wielding the arcane forces of magic, MagicDevil is a living conduit of mystical energies.

14) Love - Love Devil (Succubus and Incubus):

  • Description: Embodying the essence of love and artistry, Love Devil takes the form of seductive succubi and incubi.

15) Surprise - Surprise Devil (Jin and Genie’s):

  • Description: The embodiment of surprise and unexpected twists, Surprise Devil manifests as jin and genies.

Origins and Creation:

  • Crafted by Cheops Elementar and Winta, the Elemental Devils were initially restrained by the gods due to their potential threat to Fabula. However, the rebellious actions of Winta and Khulivar led to their release, sparking conflicts across the realms.

Kin and Kingdoms:

  • Over time, the Elemental Devils formed their own kin and kingdoms, each ruling over their respective elemental domains. Their influence and power spread across Fabula, leaving an indelible mark on the cosmic balance.

In the ever-evolving saga of Fabula, the Elemental Devils stand as living embodiments of the elements, weaving their influence into the fabric of reality.

Element Devil

Medium fiend (devil), neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 72 (9d8 + 36)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 16 (+3) DEX 16 (+3) CON 18 (+4) INT 12 (+1) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 14 (+2)

Saving Throws DEX +6, CON +7

Skills Deception +5, Perception +4

Damage Resistances fire, cold, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons

Damage Immunities poison

Condition Immunities poisoned

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages Infernal, understands Common but can't speak

Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede the devil's darkvision.

Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Innate Spellcasting. The devil's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect magic, detect thoughts

1/day each: fireball, ice storm, lightning bolt

Elemental Weapons. The devil's weapon attacks are magical and deal an additional 1d6 damage of the type associated with its current elemental form.

Elemental Form. The devil can assume one of three elemental forms: Fire, Ice, or Lightning. It can change its form as a bonus action. While in elemental form, the devil gains additional abilities based on its current form.

  • Fire Form: The devil's attacks deal additional fire damage. It has resistance to fire damage.
  • Ice Form: The devil's attacks deal additional cold damage. It has resistance to cold damage.
  • Lightning Form: The devil's attacks deal additional lightning damage. It has resistance to lightning damage.


Multiattack. The devil makes three attacks: two with its claws and one with its tail.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) fire, cold, or lightning damage based on the devil's elemental form.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) fire, cold, or lightning damage based on the devil's elemental form.

Change Elemental Form (1/Day). The devil can change its elemental form as a bonus action.

This stat block is a general representation of an Element Devil with the ability to assume different elemental forms and use associated elemental abilities. Adjust the details based on the specific characteristics and abilities you have in mind for Element Devils in your world.


Numo: The Electric Trackers

In the vast expanse of Fabula, the Numo emerge as a unique species of skilled hunters, distinguished by their canine-like features and mastery over electricity. These creatures, born and raised within their families, embark on a journey to prove their worth and gain social standing. Tasked with tracking magical items or individuals, Numo’s agility and technological proficiency make them sought-after hunters. While some question the morality of their pursuits, others follow blindly, enticed by the rewards that elevate their social status and well-being. Here are the defining characteristics of the Numo:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Head Structure: Numo’s possess a partially metallic upper head, including the snout and jaw, contrasting with the softer lower part. Their appearance is canine-like with a metallic touch.
  • Eyes: Featuring black sclera and vibrant blue or gray eye color, Numo’s eyes are a distinguishing feature.
  • Ears: Long and pointy, Numo’s ears are highly mobile, aiding in sound perception. They can move their ears to pick up on various sounds, showcasing their exceptional listening skills.
  • Hair: Numo’s hair is individually styled, ranging from long and flowing to trimmed for agility. Hair colors include black, blue variations, and rare white, which symbolizes past injuries.
  • Antennas: Blue neon string-like antennas hang from their cheeks, acting as whiskers with electrical capabilities. They are used for sensing and preparing for range attacks.
  • Fur: Short and well-groomed, Numo’s fur may display white areas indicating previous injuries. Silver or white hair signifies stored power within, making them more formidable.
  • Hands and Claws: Strong and slim hands with sharp claws that can cut through surfaces like glass and metal. Numo’s are immune to electricity and often recharge by following thunderstorms.
  • Height and Agility: Standing at around 2 meters (6.5 feet), Numo’s are tall and agile beings, capable of navigating through narrow spaces with ease.

Reproduction and Mating:

  • Numo’s gather at Breeding Grounds every four years, engaging in a week-long process of socializing and finding suitable partners. Once mated, they move to Raising Grounds where they raise their young until maturity. The entire process takes four years, and after reaching adulthood, Numo’s depart to fulfill their tasks.


  • Numo’s communicate through sounds, imitating various noises to convey messages or express emotions. They particularly enjoy music and can become upset if it is played incorrectly.

Skills and Abilities:

  • Numo’s are skilled hunters with a knack for technology. They adapt quickly to new technologies and are fast learners.

In the intricate tapestry of Fabula, the Numo stand out as adept hunters, blending agility, electrical prowess, and technological proficiency in their pursuit of tracking magical entities and items.

Medium humanoid (numo), neutral

Armor Class 12 (natural armor)

Hit Points 27 (6d8)

Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

STR 12 (+1) DEX 12 (+1) CON 10 (+0) INT 12 (+1) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +4

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages Common, Numo

Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Amphibious. The numo can breathe in air and water.

Keen Smell. The numo has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Slippery. The numo has advantage on ability checks and saving throws to escape being grappled.


Multiattack. The numo makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its short sword.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.

Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.

Net (Recharge 5-6). The numo throws a net at a target it can see within 15 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be restrained for 1 minute. A creature can use its action to make a DC 12 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect. If the net is destroyed, the numo can't use this action until it obtains a new net.

Feel free to adjust the details and abilities based on the specific characteristics you have in mind for Numo in your world.


Lumen: The Nocturnal Ambushers

In the shadowy landscapes of Fabula, Lumens emerge as elusive and cunning creatures, thriving in natural environments and making their presence known primarily during the nighttime. Smaller than humans, Lumens possess unique abilities that enable them to become long and adopt a predatory demeanor, making them adept ambushers. Here are the defining features of the Lumen species, with a focus on the characteristics exemplified by Gethan Anaar:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Glowing Eyes: Lumens have eyes that glow in the dark, with dim green light emanating from black sockets. This feature enhances their vision in low-light conditions, allowing them to see perfectly. However, they are sensitive to strong light, which can hurt their eyes.
  • Glow-in-the-Dark Features: Lumens exhibit various glow-in-the-dark features, from claws to spikes. They can control and utilize this glow for different purposes, including distraction and luring.
  • Camouflage Skills: Male Lumens are smaller, possess fewer spikes, and exhibit greater agility and speed. They employ camouflage skills, blending into their surroundings during dim lighting conditions.
  • Females: Female Lumens, on the other hand, have more fur on their bodies, which they can use for both defense and offense. They are considered more aggressive and physically stronger than their male counterparts.
  • Soft Spikes with Toxin: Lumens have soft spikes on their bodies that can be hardened and used as weapons. These spikes contain a toxin or poison produced by the Lumen's body. The fluid substance flowing through their body also has luminescent properties.

Behavior and Habitat:

  • Nocturnal Lifestyle: Lumens are nocturnal creatures, becoming more active and visible during the nighttime. They are well-adapted to low-light conditions and prefer areas of nature as their habitats.
  • Ambushing Skills: Lumens excel at ambushing their prey, using their glow-in-the-dark features to distract and confuse. They strike opportunistically, taking advantage of the element of surprise.

Modern Lumens:

  • Ambush and Hunts: Modern Lumens are specifically trained and utilized for ambushes and hunts. They serve as formidable rivals to Numos, showcasing their skills in tracking and ambush techniques.

In the dark corners of Fabula, Lumens represent a unique blend of adaptability, nocturnal prowess, and predatory instincts, making them efficient ambushers in their natural environments.

Small humanoid (lumen), neutral

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)

Hit Points 22 (5d6 + 5)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 10 (+0) DEX 16 (+3) CON 12 (+1) INT 10 (+0) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 8 (-1)

Skills Stealth +5, Perception +4

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages Lumen

Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Camouflage. The lumen can attempt to hide even when it is only lightly obscured by dim light or darkness.

Glowing Features. The lumen's claws and spikes can emit dim light in a 10-foot radius. It can choose to dim or brighten this light as a bonus action.

Multiattack. The lumen makes two attacks: one with its claws and one with its spikes.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.

Spikes. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Ambush Tactics. The lumen has advantage on attack rolls against any creature it has surprised.

Daylight Sensitivity. While in bright light, the lumen has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Feel free to adjust the details and abilities based on the specific characteristics you have in mind for Lumen in your world.


Pira: Furry Rock Creatures of Adventure and Helpfulness

In the vibrant tapestry of Fabula, Pira stand out as small yet spirited creatures, embodying a childlike sense of wonder, adventure, and helpfulness. These furry rock creatures bring joy and curiosity to the natural world, and their unique characteristics contribute to their peaceful existence. Let's delve into the distinctive features of the Pira species:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Size: Pira are petite beings, only reaching hip height when compared to humans. Their diminutive stature doesn't diminish their energetic and adventurous spirit.
  • Furry Body: Covered in a slight layer of fur, Pira exude an endearing charm with their soft and fluffy appearance. This fur provides them with some protection and insulation, especially in their natural habitats.
  • Big Eyes: Pira have large, expressive eyes that reflect their curious and observant nature. These eyes are essential for keen tracking, hunting, and understanding the world around them.
  • Strong Arms: Equipped with strong arms, Pira are adept diggers and climbers. Their physical strength allows them to navigate various surfaces and terrains with ease.

Behavior and Traits:

  • Childlike Spirit: Pira embody a childlike spirit, always eager for adventure and discovery. Their natural curiosity drives them to explore their surroundings and learn about the diverse flora and fauna.
  • Adventurous Nature: Known for their adventurous disposition, Pira are fearless explorers, unafraid to delve into the unknown. Their compact size and agility enable them to navigate even the most challenging landscapes.
  • Helpful Demeanor: Pira are inherently helpful creatures, often assisting others in their tasks. Whether it's tracking, hunting, or gathering, they contribute to the well-being of their community.
  • Trail Knowledge: Pira possess exceptional tracking skills and knowledge of animal behavior. Their ability to read trails and understand the nuances of the environment makes them valuable members of their ecosystems.

Natural Habitat:

  • Furry Rock Creatures: Pira are naturally adapted to rocky environments. Their fur and sturdy build provide them with protection and resilience in these terrains.


  • Varied Ways of Speaking: Pira have developed various means of communication, allowing them to convey information effectively within their communities. Their methods may include vocalizations, body language, and other forms of expression.

Peaceful Species:

  • Love for Learning: Pira have a genuine love for learning and acquiring knowledge. Their peaceful nature and cooperative spirit foster harmony within their communities.

The Pira, with their charming appearance, boundless curiosity, and helpful instincts, contribute to the rich diversity of Fabula's inhabitants. These furry rock creatures bring joy and a sense of wonder to the natural world they call home.

Small humanoid (pira), neutral good

Armor Class 12

Hit Points 16 (3d6 + 6)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 8 (-1) DEX 16 (+3) CON 14 (+2) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +3, Survival +3

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13

Languages Pira, Common

Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Keen Smell. The pira has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Natural Trackers. The pira is proficient in the Survival skill.

Dig and Climb. The pira can dig through soft earth and climb on various surfaces without needing a check.

Multiattack. The pira makes two attacks: one with its claws and one with its bite.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing damage.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.

Natural Furry Camouflage. The pira can use its fur to blend in with its surroundings, gaining advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in natural environments.

Feel free to adjust the details and abilities based on the specific characteristics you have in mind for Pira in your world.


Vampires in Fabula: A Tapestry of Bloodlines and Powers

In the shadows of Fabula, the realm is not only inhabited by fantastical creatures but also by the timeless and mysterious vampires. These immortal beings have various bloodlines, each with its unique characteristics, powers, and histories. Let's explore the prominent vampire bloodlines in Fabula:

1. Donavan Vampire Bloodline:

Origin: Inspired by humans, Godling Dorian created the Donavan Vampire Bloodline. Distinct Features:

                                             https://toyhou.se/22669608.clark                                     https://toyhou.se/5192668.wyatt 


Turned ones: 

https://toyhou.se/2121853.skyler                          Brian Gutsber (former Monk)

Callum Whitlock-SmithKieran Lazarus P.

Nelli (Human turned)

Caleb Eripmav



The Donovan Vampire Bloodline traces its lineage back to a powerful vampire named Lord Viktor Donovan, who sought to create a vampiric dynasty that would rival the most influential vampire families. Lord Viktor Donovan was known for his cunning intellect, mastery of dark magic, and a penchant for political manipulation.


  1. Charm of the Aristocrat: Members of the Donovan Bloodline possess an innate charm that allows them to manipulate others with ease. They gain advantage on Charisma-based checks when dealing with humanoid creatures.
  2. Bloodsight: Donovans have a heightened sense of perception when it comes to sensing the life force of living beings. This ability allows them to sense living creatures within a certain radius, even if they are concealed or invisible.
  3. Vampiric Regeneration: Members of the Donovan Bloodline have an accelerated healing factor. They regain hit points at a faster rate than other vampires, allowing them to recover from wounds more quickly.


  1. Sunlight Sensitivity: Donovans are particularly sensitive to sunlight. Exposure to direct sunlight weakens them and causes discomfort. While they do not burst into flames, prolonged exposure can be debilitating.
  2. Blood Dependency: Donovans require regular consumption of fresh blood to sustain their vampiric powers. Failure to feed for an extended period weakens them, and prolonged abstinence can lead to a loss of control over their vampiric instincts.


  1. Dark Magic Affinity: Members of the Donovan Bloodline have an affinity for dark magic. They are more adept at using spells related to necromancy, illusion, and charm.
  2. Vampiric Influence: Donovans have the ability to charm and control the minds of others, particularly weaker-willed individuals. This power allows them to subtly manipulate those around them to serve their interests.

Donovan Vampire Stats


  1. Charm of the Aristocrat: Advantage on Charisma-based checks with humanoid creatures.
  2. Bloodsight: Can sense living creatures within a certain radius, even if concealed or invisible.
  3. Vampiric Regeneration: Faster healing rate compared to other vampires.


  1. Sunlight Sensitivity: Discomfort and weakness in direct sunlight.
  2. Blood Dependency: Requires regular consumption of fresh blood to sustain vampiric powers.


  1. Dark Magic Affinity: Proficient in dark magic, especially necromancy, illusion, and charm spells.
  2. Vampiric Influence: Ability to charm and control the minds of weaker-willed individuals.

Vampire Lord (High-Level Donavan Vampire) Stats: Note: Adjust these stats based on your campaign's level and balance requirements.

  • Level: 10
  • Hit Points: 120 (10d10 + 40)
  • Armor Class: 17 (natural armor)
  • Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)
  • Strength: 18 (+4)
  • Dexterity: 16 (+3)
  • Constitution: 18 (+4)
  • Intelligence: 16 (+3)
  • Wisdom: 14 (+2)
  • Charisma: 20 (+5)


  1. Vampiric Bite: Melee Weapon Attack, +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the vampire regains hit points equal to that amount.
  2. Charm: Charms a humanoid within 30 ft. It must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 hour.
  3. Shadow Step: Teleports between shadows up to 60 ft. as a bonus action.
  4. Dark Magic: Casts necromancy, illusion, and charm spells as a 10th-level spellcaster.

Legendary Actions: The vampire lord can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The vampire lord regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

  1. Move: The vampire lord moves up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  2. Bite: The vampire lord makes a vampiric bite attack.
  3. Dark Gaze (Costs 2 Actions): The vampire lord targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

These stats and abilities are a starting point, and you can modify them to fit the specific needs and balance of your campaign.

2. Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline:

Origin: Origin vampires from "our Earth." Distinct Features:

who are equally dangerous. Striking feature is white/silver hair.

https://toyhou.se/15262766.darius-matteo-winslow      https://toyhou.se/5970908.vinnie

Lucien Garson

Origin: The Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline traces its roots to "our Earth," a parallel dimension with its own unique blend of magic and mystique. Origin vampires possess a distinct set of characteristics, and the white/silver hair is a striking family feature that sets them apart from other vampire bloodlines.

Distinct Features:

  1. Silver Hair: Members of the Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline share a common trait of white or silver hair, making them easily recognizable among other vampires.

Prominent Members:

  1. Darius Matteo Winslow:
    • A charismatic and enigmatic vampire known for his influence in both human and supernatural circles.
    • Master of illusion and manipulation, Darius is skilled in weaving intricate webs of deception to achieve his goals.
  2. Vinnie:
    • A formidable warrior within the Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline, Vinnie is known for his strength and combat prowess.
    • Despite his intimidating exterior, Vinnie harbors a deep loyalty to the bloodline and its traditions.
  3. Lucien Garson:
    • A scholar and researcher, Lucien specializes in ancient lore and magical artifacts.
    • Lucien plays a crucial role in expanding the bloodline's knowledge and influence in the supernatural realm.

Bloodline Traits:

  1. Illusory Resilience: Members of the Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline have a natural resistance to illusions and possess the ability to see through magical disguises.
  2. Enhanced Reflexes: Quick reflexes make them adept at dodging attacks and reacting swiftly in combat situations.


  1. Silver Veil: Once per day, members of the Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline can create an ethereal silver veil that grants advantage on Dexterity saving throws for a limited time.
  2. Moonlit Affinity: Members of this bloodline have an affinity for the moon's phases, gaining enhanced powers during the night.

Vampire Lord (High-Level Navadeen Fadoria Vampire) Stats: Note: Adjust these stats based on your campaign's level and balance requirements.

  • Level: 12
  • Hit Points: 140 (12d10 + 60)
  • Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)
  • Speed: 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
  • Strength: 18 (+4)
  • Dexterity: 20 (+5)
  • Constitution: 18 (+4)
  • Intelligence: 16 (+3)
  • Wisdom: 14 (+2)
  • Charisma: 22 (+6)


  1. Silver Fangs: Melee Weapon Attack, +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) radiant damage. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the start of the vampire's next turn.
  2. Illusory Shroud (Recharge 5-6): The vampire creates an illusory shroud, becoming invisible for 1 minute or until it attacks or casts a spell. While invisible, it gains advantage on attack rolls.
  3. Moonlit Burst: The vampire releases a burst of moonlit energy in a 20-foot radius. Creatures in the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 30 (6d8 + 4) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Legendary Actions:

  1. Move: The vampire lord moves up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  2. Silver Fangs: The vampire lord makes a silver fangs attack.
  3. Moonlit Resurgence (Costs 2 Actions): The vampire lord regains 20 hit points.

These stats and abilities provide a foundation for the Navadeen Fadoria-Bloodline vampires, and you can adjust them based on the specific needs and balance of your campaign.

3. Saltorias-Bloodline:

Origin: One of the oldest bloodlines in Pangea, a combined species mix. Distinct Features:

  • Blonde hair is a prominent trait in the family.
  • Prominent Member:

Origin: The Saltorias-Bloodline is one of the oldest and most prestigious bloodlines in Pangea, a world where various species coexist. Originating from a unique blend of species, the Saltorias-Bloodline has forged a powerful legacy that spans generations.

Distinct Features:

  1. Blonde Hair: Blonde hair is a prominent and distinguishing trait within the Saltorias-Bloodline, setting its members apart from other lineages.

Prominent Member:

  1. Travis:
    • A charismatic and diplomatic member of the Saltorias-Bloodline, Travis is known for his ability to navigate complex political landscapes.
    • Travis serves as a mediator and ambassador, using his skills to maintain harmony among the diverse factions in Pangea.

Bloodline Traits:

  1. Species Harmony: Members of the Saltorias-Bloodline have a natural affinity for understanding and connecting with various species. They gain advantage on Charisma-based checks when interacting with creatures of different species.
  2. Adaptability: The Saltorias-Bloodline has developed the ability to adapt to various environments and situations, granting them advantage on saving throws against environmental hazards.


  1. Unity Bond: Once per day, a member of the Saltorias-Bloodline can forge a temporary telepathic bond with a willing creature, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation.
  2. Versatile Mastery: Members of this bloodline have an innate proficiency in a diverse range of skills, allowing them to excel in various fields.

Vampire Lord (High-Level Saltorias Vampire) Stats: Note: Adjust these stats based on your campaign's level and balance requirements.

  • Level: 14
  • Hit Points: 160 (14d10 + 70)
  • Armor Class: 17 (natural armor)
  • Speed: 40 ft., swim 30 ft.
  • Strength: 18 (+4)
  • Dexterity: 18 (+4)
  • Constitution: 20 (+5)
  • Intelligence: 16 (+3)
  • Wisdom: 16 (+3)
  • Charisma: 22 (+6)


  1. Harmony Bite: Melee Weapon Attack, +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) psychic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute.
  2. Species Adaptation: The vampire can adapt to its surroundings, gaining resistance to a type of damage of its choice until the end of its next turn.
  3. Diplomatic Aura: The vampire projects an aura of diplomacy in a 30-foot radius. Allies within the aura gain advantage on Charisma-based checks.

Legendary Actions:

  1. Move: The vampire lord moves up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  2. Harmony Bite: The vampire lord makes a harmony bite attack.
  3. Adaptive Resilience (Costs 2 Actions): The vampire lord gains temporary hit points equal to its level and can choose a new type of damage resistance until the end of its next turn.

These stats and abilities provide a foundation for the Saltorias-Bloodline vampires, and you can adjust them based on the specific needs and balance of your campaign.

4. Magicalo Vamps - "Daybreakers":

Origin: Result of an experiment combining vampire blood and magic, creating the "Daybreakers." Characteristics:

  • Can resist sunlight for a while.
  • Absorb magical energy from beings they feed on.
  • Can eat normal food but with diminished taste. Prominent Members:
    • Alfred and Twin Jeremy and Robert


 and Twin  

Origin: The "Daybreakers" are the result of a daring and experimental combination of vampire blood and magic, creating a unique lineage known as the Magicalo Vamps. Originating from a clandestine magical laboratory, these vampires possess distinct characteristics that set them apart from traditional vampire bloodlines.


  1. Sunlight Resistance: Unlike traditional vampires, Daybreakers can resist sunlight for a limited time, allowing them to move freely during daylight hours. Prolonged exposure, however, still weakens them.
  2. Magical Absorption: Daybreakers have the ability to absorb magical energy from the beings they feed on. This unique trait enhances their magical prowess and grants them additional powers over time.
  3. Partial Sustenance: While Daybreakers can feed on blood, they can also consume normal food. However, the taste is diminished, and they derive little sustenance from it.

Prominent Members:

  1. Alfred and Twin Jeremy Robert:
    • Alfred and Jeremy Robert are twin siblings, both powerful Daybreakers who have embraced their magical heritage.
    • Alfred specializes in offensive magic, harnessing the absorbed magical energy to unleash devastating spells, while Jeremy focuses on defensive and healing magic to support their endeavors.

Bloodline Traits:

  1. Daylight Affinity: Daybreakers have an innate connection to daylight, gaining advantage on saving throws against sunlight-based effects.
  2. Magical Reservoir: Daybreakers can store absorbed magical energy within themselves, using it to enhance their magical abilities or share it with other magical beings.


  1. Solar Infusion: Once per day, a Daybreaker can draw power from sunlight, granting them enhanced magical abilities for a limited time.
  2. Arcane Feast: When feeding on magical beings, a Daybreaker not only sustains themselves with blood but also absorbs magical energy, increasing their magical reservoir.

Vampire Lord (High-Level Daybreaker Vampire) Stats: Note: Adjust these stats based on your campaign's level and balance requirements.

  • Level: 16
  • Hit Points: 180 (16d10 + 80)
  • Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)
  • Speed: 40 ft.
  • Strength: 18 (+4)
  • Dexterity: 20 (+5)
  • Constitution: 22 (+6)
  • Intelligence: 20 (+5)
  • Wisdom: 16 (+3)
  • Charisma: 22 (+6)


  1. Sunfire Blast: Ranged Spell Attack, +11 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 6) radiant damage.
  2. Magical Absorption Bite: Melee Weapon Attack, +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. The vampire regains hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
  3. Daylight Burst (Recharge 5-6): The vampire releases a burst of sunlight in a 30-foot radius. Creatures in the area must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, taking 40 (8d8 + 6) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Legendary Actions:

  1. Move: The vampire lord moves up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  2. Sunfire Blast: The vampire lord makes a sunfire blast attack.
  3. Magical Infusion (Costs 2 Actions): The vampire lord enhances its next spell or attack with additional magical energy, increasing damage or effects.

These stats and abilities provide a foundation for the Magicalo Vamps - "Daybreakers," and you can adjust them based on the specific needs and balance of your campaign.

5. Vampire Queen:

Vampire Queen

Role: A mysterious and powerful figure ruling over the vampire hierarchy.

The vampires of Fabula, with their diverse bloodlines and powers, add an air of intrigue and danger to the fantastical world. Each bloodline brings its own history and dynamics, weaving a complex tapestry of immortal existence in the shadows.

Background: The Vampire Queen is a mysterious and enigmatic figure who holds dominion over the vast and diverse vampire hierarchy in the fantastical world of Fabula. Her origins shrouded in darkness, the Queen's existence is steeped in centuries of immortal lore and the intricate politics of the night.

Role: As the Mistress of Shadows, the Vampire Queen serves as the unifying force among the various vampire bloodlines in Fabula. Her role involves maintaining the delicate balance of power, enforcing vampire laws, and navigating the complex relationships between the different vampire factions. She is both a ruler and a diplomat, capable of wielding both political influence and formidable supernatural powers.


  1. Shadow Mastery: The Vampire Queen possesses unparalleled control over shadows, allowing her to manipulate them for concealment, transportation, and even as a form of protection.
  2. Vampiric Dominion: The Queen can exert her will over lesser vampires, commanding their loyalty and ensuring the unity of the vampire hierarchy.
  3. Eternal Presence: The Queen's ageless nature grants her an air of otherworldly elegance, making her a captivating and intimidating presence.

Bloodline Ties: While the Vampire Queen doesn't belong to a specific bloodline, her unique status allows her to draw upon the strengths of various bloodlines in Fabula. She is a living embodiment of the convergence of vampire power, embodying the diversity and unity of the vampire world.

Court of Shadows: The Queen presides over the Court of Shadows, a clandestine gathering of vampire representatives from different bloodlines. This court serves as a forum for diplomacy, dispute resolution, and the formulation of decrees that govern vampire society.

Enigmatic Origins: The Queen's origins remain a closely guarded secret. Some believe she was an ancient vampire of unknown bloodline, while others speculate that she may be a result of a powerful ritual that merged the essence of multiple bloodlines.

Goals and Ambitions: The Vampire Queen's primary goal is to maintain the delicate balance within the vampire hierarchy, preventing internal conflicts that could weaken their collective power. She also seeks to ensure vampires' survival in a world filled with other supernatural beings and external threats.

Appearance: Cloaked in regal attire, the Vampire Queen exudes an aura of ethereal beauty. Her eyes, pools of endless darkness, betray the centuries of wisdom and cunning that lie beneath her composed exterior.

Realm of Influence: The Queen's influence extends beyond the vampire world, subtly shaping the destinies of mortals and supernaturals alike. Her court is a nexus of intrigue and power, with tendrils reaching into the highest echelons of both mortal and supernatural societies.

Legend and Fear: The Queen's name is spoken in whispers and feared by those who dare oppose the vampire hierarchy. Her legend has become entwined with the very fabric of Fabula, a symbol of immortal power and the enduring darkness that stretches across the ages.

The Vampire Queen, with her complex motives and ancient wisdom, stands as a central figure in the ever-evolving saga of Fabula, a world where shadows dance and immortal bloodlines shape the destiny of the night.

Vampire Queen: Mistress of Shadows

Level: 20

Hit Points: 250 (20d10 + 120)

Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)

Speed: 40 ft., fly 60 ft.

Strength: 18 (+4)

Dexterity: 20 (+5)

Constitution: 20 (+5)

Intelligence: 22 (+6)

Wisdom: 18 (+4)

Charisma: 24 (+7)


  • Arcana +12
  • Deception +15
  • Insight +14
  • Persuasion +15
  • Stealth +14

Saving Throws:

  • Dexterity +11
  • Constitution +11
  • Wisdom +10
  • Charisma +12

Darkvision: 120 ft.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If the Vampire Queen fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.

Shadow Mastery: The Vampire Queen can cast the spells darkness, invisibility, and dimension door at will without expending a spell slot.

Vampiric Dominion: As a bonus action, the Vampire Queen can attempt to charm a vampire or vampire spawn within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 hour.

Eternal Presence: The Vampire Queen's regal presence grants her advantage on all Charisma-based checks.

Multiattack: The Vampire Queen makes two attacks, either with her melee attacks or spells.

Spellcasting: The Vampire Queen is a 20th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following spells prepared:

  1. Dominate Person
  2. Teleport
  3. Feeblemind
  4. Power Word Stun
  5. Time Stop

Legendary Actions: The Vampire Queen can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Vampire Queen regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.

  1. Move: The Vampire Queen moves up to her speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  2. Charm Gaze: The Vampire Queen targets one creature she can see within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute.
  3. Shadow Step: The Vampire Queen teleports between shadows up to 60 feet as a bonus action.

This stat block is designed to capture the essence of a powerful and enigmatic Vampire Queen. Adjust the numbers and abilities as needed for your specific campaign and party strength.


Dragon Warriors: Guardians of the Hybrid Legacy

In the fantastical realm of Fabula, Dragon Warriors emerge as a proud and powerful hybrid race, born from the union of dragons and other mystical beings. Originally seen as a curse and disgrace, one Dragon Warrior took it upon themselves to prove their worth, transforming their kind into formidable guards and warriors. Here is an exploration of the Dragon Warriors and their unique abilities:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Height: Ranging from 1m90 to 2m10, with rare smaller individuals considered as runts.
  • Faces: Some possess an almost humanlike face, while others exhibit more defined, scaly features, standing on two legs.
  • Tails: All Dragon Warriors have tails, a distinctive mark of their hybrid nature.
  • Family Marks: Marks behind the neck and upper arm display family and elemental clan affiliations. Some proudly display these marks, while others hide them due to past shame.


  • Elemental Resistance: Resistant to fire or other elemental types, depending on the dragon part of their lineage.
  • Lava Tolerance: Can withstand exposure to lava.
  • Elemental Affinity: Depending on their dragon species, they can adjust to and cannot be harmed by their own element.
  • Multilingual Skills: Fluent in both the language of dragons and any learned human language.
  • Physical Strength: Exceptionally strong, capable of smashing rock or stone effortlessly.
  • Sharp Claws: Claws are razor-sharp, capable of cutting through steel and iron.
  • Wind Endurance: Possess strong wings, allowing them to withstand powerful winds.

Dragonbond - Special Bonding Ability:

  • Ritual Bonding: A special bonding ritual between two Dragon Warriors, resulting in matching marks.
  • Shared Abilities: When activated, the Dragonbond allows the partners to share each other's abilities. For instance, one can see through the dragon eyes of their bonded partner.
  • Shared Pain and Strengths: They share pain and strengths, essentially functioning as a unified force.
  • Strength Through Friendship: The strength of their shared powers is directly proportional to the strength of their friendship and cooperation.
  • Rare Practice: Dragon Warriors rarely engage in Dragonbond, as it requires deep trust and mutual interest. An improper bond can be deadly.

The Dragon Warriors, once shunned, now stand as guardians and symbols of strength in Fabula. Their unique abilities, fierce determination, and the special Dragonbond ritual make them a formidable force, embodying the power of unity and trust.

In the fantastical realm of Eldros, where the mystical and mundane coalesce, a unique order of warriors known as the Dragon Warriors has emerged. These elite guardians are sworn to protect the Hybrid Legacy, a sacred bloodline born of the union between dragons and mortal beings.

Order Origins: The Dragon Warriors trace their origins to a time when a benevolent dragon forged a pact with a group of brave mortals. This union gave rise to the first Hybrid, marking the beginning of a lineage that would forever link dragons and humans.

Distinct Features:

  1. Dragonic Affinity: Dragon Warriors possess a latent dragonic essence within them, granting them enhanced strength, agility, and a connection to elemental forces.
  2. Dragon Bond: Each Dragon Warrior forms a unique bond with a dragon companion. This bond is not just a partnership; it is a symbiotic connection that grants both warrior and dragon heightened abilities and shared knowledge.

Prominent Members:

  1. Seraphina Stormrider:
    • A masterful Dragon Warrior known for her swift combat techniques and the ability to channel the power of lightning.
    • Seraphina is bonded with a storm dragon named Tempest, and together they form an unstoppable force on the battlefield.
  2. Darian Emberforge:
    • A Dragon Warrior with a specialization in fire-based combat and the forging of powerful dragon-forged weapons.
    • Darian is bonded with a magma dragon named Ignis, and his mastery of fire and metal make him a formidable blacksmith.

Guardians of the Hybrid Legacy: The Dragon Warriors see themselves as protectors of the Hybrid Legacy, a bloodline that embodies the harmonious coexistence of dragons and mortals. This legacy is often targeted by those who seek to exploit its unique powers for their own gain.

Training and Skills:

  1. Dragon Techniques: Dragon Warriors train in combat techniques that emulate the agility and power of dragons. These include breath-like attacks, wing-enhanced jumps, and enhanced senses.
  2. Elemental Manipulation: Dragon Warriors learn to channel elemental energy through their weapons, infusing them with the power of fire, ice, lightning, or other elemental forces.

Duties and Quests: Dragon Warriors are tasked with safeguarding the Hybrid Legacy, embarking on quests to thwart those who would seek to exploit or harm those with dragon blood. They also act as diplomats between dragonkind and mortal races, fostering understanding and cooperation.

Dragonforged Equipment: Dragon Warriors craft and wield dragonforged weapons and armor, crafted from the scales and elemental essence of dragons. These items are not only powerful but also carry the essence of their dragon companion, enhancing the warrior's abilities.

Dragon Warrior Code:

  1. Honor the Dragon Bond: A Dragon Warrior must always prioritize the well-being of their dragon companion.
  2. Protect the Hybrid Legacy: The safeguarding of those with dragon blood is paramount, and Dragon Warriors must act to prevent its exploitation.
  3. Master Elemental Harmony: Dragon Warriors strive to achieve harmony with elemental forces, mastering the power of their dragonic essence.

The Dragon Warriors stand as a symbol of unity between dragons and mortals, embodying the strength, wisdom, and magic that arises from the unique fusion of these two powerful beings in the fantastical world of Eldros.

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class: 18 (chain mail)

Hit Points: 90 (12d8 + 36)

Speed: 30 ft.

STR 18 (+4), DEX 14 (+2), CON 16 (+3), INT 10 (+0), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 12 (+1)

Skills: Athletics +8, Acrobatics +6, Perception +5

Saving Throws: Strength +8, Dexterity +6

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15

Languages: Common, Draconic

Challenge: 5 (1,800 XP)

Dragon Bond: The Dragon Warrior forms a unique bond with a dragon companion. This bond grants the warrior advantage on saving throws against being frightened and allows them to communicate telepathically with their dragon companion within 120 feet.

Elemental Channeling: The Dragon Warrior can channel elemental energy through their attacks. Once per turn, when they hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, they can deal an extra 7 (2d6) elemental damage. The type of damage depends on the dragon warrior's chosen elemental affinity (e.g., fire, lightning, ice).

Multiattack: The Dragon Warrior makes two melee attacks.


  1. Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
  2. Breath-like Strike: The Dragon Warrior exhales a breath-like elemental attack in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) elemental damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The type of damage depends on the dragon warrior's chosen elemental affinity.


  1. Draconic Agility: When the Dragon Warrior is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage on a successful save.


  • Chain mail, longsword, shield, adventurer's pack

Dragonforged Weapon (Optional): If the Dragon Warrior has crafted a dragonforged weapon, it gains additional properties based on the type of dragon scales used in its creation. For example, a weapon crafted from the scales of a fire dragon might deal additional fire damage.

Dragon Companion (Not Stat-blocked): The dragon companion should have stats appropriate for its age and type. The bond with the Dragon Warrior enhances the dragon's abilities, granting it advantage on saving throws against being frightened and allowing it to communicate telepathically with the Dragon Warrior.

This stat block provides a foundation for a Dragon Warrior character in your campaign. Adjustments can be made based on your preferences and the specific needs of your game.


The Wiccur Family: Bloodline of Ancient Power

The Wiccur Family, descendants of the Ancient Fist Witch and blessed by the gods themselves, stands as a formidable bloodline of mighty witches in the fantastical realm of Fabula. Possessing immense power and magical prowess, they are marked by a striking and beautiful "W" symbol tattooed on their bodies, signifying their connection to the ancient lineage. Here is a glimpse into the mystique and power that defines the Wiccur Family:

Heritage and Origin:

  • Ancient Roots: The bloodline traces its origins back to the Ancient Fist Witch, a legendary figure intertwined with the gods.
  • Divine Blessing: Blessed by the gods during Fabula's creation, the Wiccurs inherited a unique blend of magical abilities.

Symbol of Power:

  • The "W" Symbol: A distinctive tattoo in the shape of a curvy and elegant "W" marks each member of the Wiccur Family.
  • Source of Power: The symbol not only signifies their bloodline but also serves as a conduit for their magical abilities, amplifying their powers.

Magical Prowess:

  • Mighty Witches: Members of the Wiccur Family are mighty witches, regardless of gender. Even males are rare and are considered powerful witches rather than wizards or magicians.
  • Ancient Knowledge: The family possesses vast knowledge that has been passed down through generations since the creation of Fabula.

Distinctive Traits:

  • Gender Neutrality: Unlike traditional magical families, the Wiccurs embrace both male and female witches, acknowledging the power within each individual.
  • Individual Specialties: While all Wiccurs are mighty witches, each family member may have their own unique magical specialties.

Magical Affinities:

  • Diverse Abilities: The Wiccur Family exhibits a wide range of magical abilities, spanning from elemental manipulation to divination and beyond.
  • Versatility: Their diverse skill set makes them versatile and formidable in various magical endeavors.

Guardians of Ancient Secrets:

  • Keepers of Wisdom: The Wiccurs are entrusted with ancient secrets and mystical wisdom, making them guardians of sacred knowledge.
  • Protectors of Balance: With great power comes responsibility, and the Wiccur Family plays a crucial role in maintaining the magical balance within Fabula.

Legacy and Influence:

  • Eternal Presence: The Wiccur Family has been a constant presence since Fabula's creation, leaving an indelible mark on the magical history of the realm.
  • Influence Across Generations: The family's influence extends across generations, with each new member contributing to the magical tapestry of Fabula.

In Fabula, the Wiccur Family stands as a beacon of ancient power, weaving spells and guarding mystical knowledge that shapes the destiny of the realm. Their symbol, the elegant "W," serves as a testament to their unique lineage and the magical legacy they carry forward through the ages.

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class: 15 (mage armor)

Hit Points: 80 (10d8 + 30)

Speed: 30 ft.

STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 16 (+3), INT 18 (+4), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 18 (+4)

Skills: Arcana +8, History +8, Insight +7

Saving Throws: Intelligence +8, Wisdom +7

Senses: Passive Perception 13

Languages: Common, Celestial, Abyssal

Challenge: 5 (1,800 XP)

Symbol of Power: The "W" symbol on the Wiccur Family members' bodies acts as a magical conduit, granting them advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Magical Prowess:

  1. Witchcraft Mastery: The Wiccur Family members are considered mighty witches, capable of casting spells without the need for verbal or somatic components.
  2. Ancient Knowledge: Proficient in Arcana, History, and Religion. Advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks related to ancient magical lore.

Magical Affinities:

  1. Elemental Manipulation: Wiccur Family members can cast elemental blast (reskinned fireball, lightning bolt, or cone of cold) as a 5th-level spell once per day.
  2. Divination Insight: Once per long rest, a Wiccur Family member can cast augury to gain insight into the outcome of a specific course of action.

Legacy Abilities:

  1. Eternal Presence: Wiccur Family members have advantage on saving throws against aging effects and cannot be magically aged.
  2. Keeper of Secrets: Proficient in Insight. Advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks related to detecting deception.


  1. Wiccur's Wisdom Beam: Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d10) radiant damage.
  2. Mystic Shield: The Wiccur Family member creates a protective shield, gaining temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + their Intelligence modifier.


  1. Magical Resilience: When a Wiccur Family member is targeted by a spell, they can use their reaction to gain advantage on the saving throw against the spell.


  1. Wiccur Robes: These magical robes grant the Wiccur Family member a +1 bonus to AC.
  2. Wiccur Talisman: A magical amulet that enhances the Wiccur's spellcasting abilities. Acts as a spellcasting focus.

Roleplaying Notes:

  1. Gender Neutrality: The Wiccur Family embraces both male and female witches, recognizing the strength within each individual.
  2. Guardians of Balance: Committed to maintaining the magical balance within Fabula, the Wiccur Family acts as protectors of ancient secrets and keepers of mystical wisdom.
  3. Eternal Influence: The family's influence extends across generations, leaving an indelible mark on the magical tapestry of Fabula.

This stat block provides a foundation for a member of the Wiccur Family in your campaign. Adjustments can be made based on your preferences and the specific needs of your game.


The Siren Siblings: Tempting Voices, Divergent Paths

In the mystical waters surrounding Dolor's Cavern, the Siren Siblings weave their enchanting melodies, each possessing a voice that can captivate and enthrall. These four alluring sirens, born of the same mysterious lineage, navigate the currents of Fabula with their own motivations and divergent destinies.

1. Cecilia: The Enchantress of Dolor's Cavern

  • Nature: Beastly Siren
  • Abode: Dolor's Cavern
  • Disposition: Known for her beastly allure, Cecilia resides in the haunting beauty of Dolor's Cavern. She is a seductress with a dangerous appetite, luring travelers to her home only to devour them.

2. Jenstine: The Mischievous Melodist

  • Disposition: Mischievous but Benevolent
  • Talent: Sneaky Singer
  • Personality: While he may be mischievous, Jenstine possesses a good heart. His alluring voice, though capable of leading astray, is often used for playful pursuits rather than malicious intent.

3. Agatha: The Kitty Parlour Performer

  • Occupation: Performer at the Kitty Parlour
  • Personality: Helpful and Friendly
  • Motivation: Agatha extends her aid to those who treat her with kindness. As a performer at the Kitty Parlour, she uses her mesmerizing voice to entertain and assist.

4. Jolene: The Ruthless Captain

  • Occupation: Captain at the Pier
  • Personality: Ruthless and Unpredictable
  • Clientele: Involved with Dark Figures
  • Motivation: Jolene's motives are shrouded in mystery, but her clientele reportedly includes slave dealers and hunters. She navigates the seas with a ruthless determination.

Interconnected Voices:

  • Family Ties: Despite their disparate paths, the Siren Siblings share a common bloodline and an innate connection through their enchanting voices.
  • Resonating Melodies: Each sibling's voice is a unique instrument, capable of resonating with the emotions and desires of those who hear it.

Divergent Destinies:

  • Individual Motivations: While Cecilia succumbs to her beastly nature, Jenstine, Agatha, and Jolene pursue their own divergent destinies. From benevolence to ruthlessness, their paths are as varied as the tides.

Whispers of the Sea:

  • Legends and Rumors: The Siren Siblings are the subject of many legends and rumors among the denizens of Fabula. Their enchanting voices and the divergent paths they tread only add to the mystery that surrounds them.

In the depths of Fabula's waters, the Siren Siblings sing their captivating songs, beckoning travelers, and leaving an indelible mark on the realm's lore. Cecilia's cavern, Jenstine's mischief, Agatha's performances, and Jolene's ruthless pursuits—each sibling weaves their own tale, echoing through the ocean's whispers.


HeSeSmer: Ocelot-Like Guardians of the Lake and Healing Forest

In the lush territories surrounding the sacred lake and the tranquil healing forest, the HeSeSmer creatures, reminiscent of ocelots, stand as guardians. Each possessing unique sensory prowess, these beings are mentally linked and work together to protect their sacred domain. Intruders and wanderers must tread carefully, understanding the distinct preferences of Heraflis, Seegerif, and Smerlefin to safely navigate the HeSeSmer territories.

1. Heraflis: The Auditory Guardian

  • Sense: Exceptional Hearing
  • Disposition: Attuned to Sounds
  • Calmness: Soothed by Music
    • Recommendation: Playing music or singing melodies can calm Heraflis, making it more receptive to peaceful interactions.

2. Seegerif: The Visual Guardian

  • Sense: Exceptional Sight
  • Disposition: Keen Observer
  • Calmness: Distracted by Visual Stimuli
    • Recommendation: Engaging Seegerif with distractions, such as dancing or performing magic tricks, diverts its attention and minimizes potential conflicts.

3. Smerlefin: The Olfactory Guardian

  • Sense: Exceptional Smell
  • Disposition: Sensitive to Scents
  • Calmness: Attracted to Pleasant Odors
    • Recommendation: Offering a delightful dish, a pleasing perfume, or other appealing scents can pacify Smerlefin, fostering a more harmonious environment.

Mental Link:

  • Connected Minds: Though physically separate, the HeSeSmer are mentally linked, allowing them to coordinate their efforts in safeguarding the lake and healing forest.
  • Communication: Their mental connection enables swift communication and coordination, making them a formidable team against potential threats.

Guardians of Sacred Grounds:

  • Lake and Healing Forest: The HeSeSmer serve as protectors of a lake with mystical properties and a healing forest that holds natural remedies. Intruders must navigate their territories with respect.

Approaching the Lake and Healing Forest:

  • Guidance: Those seeking the lake and healing forest must understand the distinct preferences of Heraflis, Seegerif, and Smerlefin to ensure a safe passage.
  • Respectful Interaction: Calming, distracting, or pleasing each guardian ensures a peaceful journey through the territories they inhabit.

Responsible Passage:

  • Awareness: Travelers must be mindful of the HeSeSmer's sensitivities and interact with them in a way that aligns with their unique preferences.
  • Shared Respect: In respecting the HeSeSmer, visitors can access the healing properties of the lake and forest while fostering a mutually beneficial relationship with these guardians.

In the realm of Fabula, the HeSeSmer stand vigilant, their senses attuned to the harmony of the lake and healing forest. Navigating their territories requires not only physical caution but also an understanding of the auditory, visual, and olfactory preferences that govern these ocelot-like guardians.


Dookfell Monster: Guardian of the Mountains

The Dookfell Monster, a colossal entity merging the essence of a wood giant, Grograk-Troll, and dragon, stands as a guardian intertwined with the very mountains it calls home. Towering over the landscape like a living monument, Dookfell serves as a silent protector and caretaker of its surroundings.

Physical Presence:

  • Size: Comparable to tall buildings, towering over the landscape.
  • Camouflage: When dormant or resting, Dookfell seamlessly blends with the mountains, appearing as stones and grass. Unwary travelers may unknowingly find themselves atop this colossal being.


  • Languages: Dookfell communicates in Trollish, Dragon, and a form of broken Fairy.
  • Limited Verbal Interaction: Due to language limitations, communication with Dookfell may be challenging but not impossible.

Guardian Duties:

  • Defender of Home: Dookfell fiercely protects its mountainous habitat, taking action against any threats that may harm the environment.
  • Meteor Collection: Weekly meteor showers from a passing comet are collected by Dookfell in its cave. The enchanted pieces from these meteors are both valuable and powerful.

Interaction with Travelers:

  • Hidden Presence: Travelers must tread carefully, as Dookfell may be indistinguishable from the natural surroundings.
  • Guarded Cave: Accessing Dookfell's cave, where valuable enchanted meteor pieces are stored, requires caution and possibly negotiation.

Value of Meteor Pieces:

  • Enchantment: Items crafted from meteor pieces are enchanted and possess powerful, boosting properties.
  • Weekly Opportunity: Travelers can attempt to negotiate with Dookfell for a piece of the collected meteor during its weekly collection ritual.

Approaching Dookfell:

  • Cautionary Measures: Due to its protective nature, travelers should approach with respect and care to avoid triggering defensive responses.
  • Offering Gifts: Bringing offerings or engaging in respectful dialogue may foster a positive interaction.

Guardian's Resolve:

  • Fighting Threats: Dookfell actively engages in combat against entities that pose a threat to its mountainous home.
  • Balancing Act: The guardian ensures that the meteor showers, while potentially destructive, do not harm the environment it holds dear.

Potential Interactions:

  1. Negotiation: Diplomatic travelers may negotiate for a piece of the enchanted meteor, offering something of value or promising to aid Dookfell in return.
  2. Defense Assistance: Offering assistance in protecting its home from external threats could lead to a cooperative relationship.
  3. Cultural Exchange: Attempts to bridge the communication gap through cultural exchange or assistance may earn Dookfell's favor.

In the realm of Fabula, the presence of the Dookfell Monster adds an element of mystery and reverence to the mountains, offering opportunities for adventurers seeking both enchanted treasures and alliances with a unique guardian of the land.


Aquintari: Dual Realm Denizens

The Aquintari, a fascinating species that seamlessly navigates both land and sea, possess a unique blend of merfolk and terrestrial traits. With lungs capable of functioning both in and out of water, these beings embrace a dual existence, thriving in aquatic realms as well as venturing onto land.

Physical Attributes:

  1. Lung Adaptation: Aquintari possess specialized lungs that facilitate breathing in both water and air, allowing them to transition effortlessly between aquatic and terrestrial environments.
  2. Fluid Requirements: While adaptable, Aquintari need increased fluid intake on land to prevent dehydration and maintain flexibility. Some individuals utilize devices that produce water to meet this need.
  3. Muscular Build: The species boasts a robust muscular build, developed from a life of swimming and diving. This strength translates to their ability to lift heavy objects on land.

Origins and Relations:

  1. Deep-Sea Origins: Older generations of Aquintari originate from the depths of the seas, while newer generations are more accustomed to life above water.
  2. Siren Connections: Aquintari share certain traits with Sirens, mermaids, Anglerfish, Water Kaiju, and Krakens. These connections hint at a rich tapestry of aquatic ancestry.

Communication and Navigation:

  1. Enchanting Voices: Aquintari possess melodious voices, capable of entertaining, charming, or even mesmerizing those who hear them.
  2. Echolocation: Underwater, Aquintari utilize echolocation to navigate efficiently, showcasing their prowess in the aquatic realm.

Swimming Abilities:

  1. Swimming Prowess: Excellent swimmers, Aquintari showcase remarkable speed and agility in the water, making them adept at navigating underwater currents and depths.

Omnivorous Diet:

  1. Varied Tastes: Aquintari are omnivores with diverse tastes. Their diet encompasses a range of foods, both from land and sea.

Cultural Practices:

  1. Fluid Devices: Some Aquintari employ devices that generate water, ensuring they remain adequately hydrated on land.
  2. Dual Existence: Embracing a dual existence, Aquintari may form communities that seamlessly integrate both aquatic and terrestrial elements.

Interaction with Other Species:

  1. Peaceful Coexistence: Aquintari generally prefer peaceful coexistence with other species, utilizing their voices for entertainment rather than manipulation.
  2. Adaptability: Their adaptability allows them to integrate with both underwater and land-dwelling communities, fostering connections with diverse groups.

The Aquintari, with their dual nature and unique capabilities, contribute to the diverse ecosystems of Fabula, embodying a harmonious balance between the realms of water and land.

The Aquintari, a captivating species seamlessly navigating both land and sea, possess a unique blend of merfolk and terrestrial traits. With lungs capable of functioning both in and out of water, these beings embrace a dual existence, thriving in aquatic realms as well as venturing onto land.

Physical Attributes:

  1. Lung Adaptation:
    • Aquintari possess specialized lungs facilitating breathing in both water and air, allowing them to transition effortlessly between aquatic and terrestrial environments.
  2. Fluid Requirements:
    • While adaptable, Aquintari need increased fluid intake on land to prevent dehydration and maintain flexibility. Some individuals utilize devices that produce water to meet this need.
  3. Muscular Build:
    • The species boasts a robust muscular build, developed from a life of swimming and diving. This strength translates to their ability to lift heavy objects on land.

Origins and Relations:

  1. Deep-Sea Origins:
    • Older generations of Aquintari originate from the depths of the seas, while newer generations are more accustomed to life above water.
  2. Siren Connections:
    • Aquintari share certain traits with Sirens, mermaids, Anglerfish, Water Kaiju, and Krakens. These connections hint at a rich tapestry of aquatic ancestry.

Communication and Navigation:

  1. Enchanting Voices:
    • Aquintari possess melodious voices, capable of entertaining, charming, or even mesmerizing those who hear them.
  2. Echolocation:
    • Underwater, Aquintari utilize echolocation to navigate efficiently, showcasing their prowess in the aquatic realm.

Swimming Abilities:

  1. Swimming Prowess:
    • Excellent swimmers, Aquintari showcase remarkable speed and agility in the water, making them adept at navigating underwater currents and depths.

Omnivorous Diet:

  1. Varied Tastes:
    • Aquintari are omnivores with diverse tastes. Their diet encompasses a range of foods, both from land and sea.

Cultural Practices:

  1. Fluid Devices:
    • Some Aquintari employ devices that generate water, ensuring they remain adequately hydrated on land.
  2. Dual Existence:
    • Embracing a dual existence, Aquintari may form communities that seamlessly integrate both aquatic and terrestrial elements.

Interaction with Other Species:

  1. Peaceful Coexistence:
    • Aquintari generally prefer peaceful coexistence with other species, utilizing their voices for entertainment rather than manipulation.
  2. Adaptability:
    • Their adaptability allows them to integrate with both underwater and land-dwelling communities, fostering connections with diverse groups.

The Aquintari, with their dual nature and unique capabilities, contribute to the diverse ecosystems of Fabula, embodying a harmonious balance between the realms of water and land.

Aquintari Scout

Medium humanoid (aquatic), neutral

Armor Class: 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points: 33 (6d8 + 6)

Speed: 30 ft., swim 40 ft.

STR 12 (+1), DEX 16 (+3), CON 12 (+1), INT 10 (+0), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 14 (+2)

Skills: Perception +4, Athletics +3

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages: Aquan, Common

Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)

Special Traits:

  1. Lung Adaptation:
    • The Aquintari can breathe both air and water.
  2. Enchanting Voice:
    • The Aquintari can use its voice to cast the friends cantrip.


  1. Multiattack:
    • The Aquintari makes two attacks: one with its spear and one with its bite.
  2. Spear:
    • Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
  3. Bite:
    • Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

Aquintari Character

Aquaia Tidecaller

Aquintari Bard, Level 3

Armor Class: 15 (leather armor)

Hit Points: 27 (3d8 + 9)

Speed: 30 ft., swim 40 ft.

STR 10 (+0), DEX 16 (+3), CON 16 (+3), INT 12 (+1), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 16 (+3)

Skills: Perception +4, Athletics +2, Performance +5

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages: Aquan, Common, Elvish

Challenge: 1 (200 XP)

Class Features:

  1. Bardic Inspiration (d6):
    • Aquaia can use a bonus action to grant one creature within 60 feet a Bardic Inspiration die that can be added to an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.
  2. Enchanting Voice:
    • Aquaia can cast the charm person spell once per day.


  1. Rapier:
    • Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
  2. Siren's Lullaby:
    • Aquaia can use her action to sing a captivating melody. Each creature within 30 feet that can hear her must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute.


Coptka: The Strange Worm of Tuffnuk Mines

Description: Coptka, aptly named the "Strange Worm," resides in the depths of the Tuffnuk Mines in Frisbourne. This extraordinary creature is a unique and alien entity that crash-landed, setting it apart from its kind. Possessing the remarkable ability to communicate partially, Coptka stands out as a mysterious and powerful force within the mines.


  1. Reproductive Consumption: One of Coptka's most extraordinary abilities is its capacity to reproduce materials it consumes. If it devours a specific mineral like iron or coal, it can multiply and excrete the substance from its body.
  2. Material Synthesis: The creature assimilates minerals within its stomach, merging them into new forms. This results in the creation of unique materials or substances, contributing to the diverse composition of its surroundings.


  1. Tuffnuk Mines: Coptka has made its habitat in the Tuffnuk Mines, thriving in the subterranean environment where it utilizes its abilities to interact with and transform the geological elements present.


  1. Wormlike Form: Coptka exhibits a wormlike appearance, reflecting its alien nature. Its body is adapted for life within the mines, allowing it to navigate and consume various materials.

Interaction with Miners:

  1. Mineral Harvesting: Miners in Tuffnuk are aware of Coptka's unique abilities and occasionally interact with the creature for mineral harvesting. The worm's capacity to reproduce materials proves beneficial for resource extraction.
  2. Cautious Coexistence: Miners maintain a cautious coexistence with Coptka, recognizing the value it adds to their mining operations. However, they remain vigilant, understanding the potential dangers associated with the creature.

Cultural Significance:

  1. Resource Supplier: Coptka holds cultural significance for the local mining community as a resource supplier. Its unique abilities contribute to the availability of various materials used in crafting and construction.
  2. Mining Rituals: Some miners may perform rituals or ceremonies to express gratitude to Coptka for its contributions to their work. These rituals vary, ranging from simple gestures to more elaborate ceremonies.

Legend and Lore:

  1. Crash Landing Origin: The origins of Coptka are shrouded in mystery, with local legends speculating on its crash landing in the mines. The lore surrounding the creature adds an air of mystique to its presence.

Coptka, the Strange Worm, remains an enigmatic and essential part of the mining community in Tuffnuk. Its unique abilities and the harmonious yet cautious relationship with miners contribute to the rich tapestry of Fabula's diverse ecosystems.

Description: Coptka, known as the "Strange Worm," is a unique and enigmatic entity residing in the depths of the Tuffnuk Mines in Frisbourne. This extraordinary creature, with its alien nature, crashed into the mines, setting it apart from others of its kind. Its ability to partially communicate adds an extra layer of mystery to its presence within the mines.


  1. Reproductive Consumption:
    • Coptka can reproduce materials it consumes. If it devours specific minerals like iron or coal, it has the capacity to multiply and excrete the substance from its body.
  2. Material Synthesis:
    • The creature assimilates minerals within its stomach, merging them into new forms. This results in the creation of unique materials or substances, contributing to the diverse composition of its surroundings.


  1. Tuffnuk Mines:
    • Coptka has made its habitat in the Tuffnuk Mines, thriving in the subterranean environment where it utilizes its abilities to interact with and transform geological elements present.


  1. Wormlike Form:
    • Coptka exhibits a wormlike appearance adapted for life within the mines, allowing it to navigate and consume various materials.

Interaction with Miners:

  1. Mineral Harvesting:
    • Miners in Tuffnuk are aware of Coptka's unique abilities and occasionally interact with the creature for mineral harvesting. The worm's capacity to reproduce materials proves beneficial for resource extraction.
  2. Cautious Coexistence:
    • Miners maintain a cautious coexistence with Coptka, recognizing the value it adds to their mining operations. However, they remain vigilant, understanding the potential dangers associated with the creature.

Cultural Significance:

  1. Resource Supplier:
    • Coptka holds cultural significance for the local mining community as a resource supplier. Its unique abilities contribute to the availability of various materials used in crafting and construction.
  2. Mining Rituals:
    • Some miners may perform rituals or ceremonies to express gratitude to Coptka for its contributions to their work. These rituals vary, ranging from simple gestures to more elaborate ceremonies.

Legend and Lore:

  1. Crash Landing Origin:
    • The origins of Coptka are shrouded in mystery, with local legends speculating on its crash landing in the mines. The lore surrounding the creature adds an air of mystique to its presence.

Coptka, the Strange Worm, remains an integral and mysterious part of the mining community in Tuffnuk. Its unique abilities and the cautious yet harmonious relationship with miners contribute to the rich tapestry of Fabula's diverse ecosystems.

Medium monstrosity, unaligned

Armor Class: 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points: 90 (12d8 + 36)

Speed: 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.

STR 18 (+4), DEX 12 (+1), CON 16 (+3), INT 4 (-3), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 6 (-2)

Skills: Perception +3

Senses: Tremorsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13

Languages: None

Challenge: 4 (1,100 XP)


  1. Reproductive Consumption:
    • Coptka can consume minerals and reproduce them. Once per day, it can consume a quantity of minerals and produce a number of gemstones or valuable materials equal to its hit points divided by 10.
  2. Material Synthesis:
    • Coptka can assimilate minerals within its stomach, creating unique substances. As an action, it can merge minerals to create a substance with various effects (e.g., a temporary barrier, a healing substance, etc.). The specific effect is determined by the DM.


  1. Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage.
  2. Mineral Ejection: Coptka ejects minerals in a 20-foot cone. Creatures in that area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The ejected minerals can be collected and used for various purposes.


  1. Burrow: When Coptka takes damage, it can use its reaction to burrow into the ground, gaining resistance to all damage until the start of its next turn.

Environmental Interaction:

  1. Tunneling Prowess: Coptka can burrow through solid rock at a speed of 20 feet. It leaves behind a usable tunnel.

Roleplaying Notes:

Coptka is a mysterious and valuable creature residing in the Tuffnuk Mines. Its ability to reproduce and synthesize minerals makes it both a resource and a potential hazard for miners. The creature's origin and purpose remain shrouded in legend, adding an air of mystique to its presence. Miners, in their cautious coexistence, acknowledge both the benefits and potential dangers associated with the Strange Worm.


Sunburst Knights: Guardians of Truth

Origins: In the aftermath of the Shattering and the subsequent split, a group of fourteen individuals, hailing from different species and backgrounds, came together with a common purpose. Fueled by the desire to safeguard the truth and protect the innocent, they formed a clandestine organization known as the Sunburst Knights. Choosing to remain on the newly formed planet Pangea, they established their secret headquarters.

Mission: The Sunburst Knights dedicated themselves to two primary missions:

  1. Protection of the Truth: Safeguarding the knowledge and secrets related to the Shattering and the origins of Pangea. They became the custodians of information that, if revealed, could alter the course of history.
  2. Defenders of the Innocent: Pledging to protect the innocent beings of Pangea, the Sunburst Knights undertook various missions to thwart threats and ensure the safety of those who could be adversely affected by the hidden truths.

Organization Structure:

  1. Homebase: The Sunburst Knights established their homebase in a concealed location. An intricate underground system housed vast archives of information, secrets, and artifacts. The location was known only to the members of the organization.
  2. Insignia: Each Sunburst Knight bore a distinctive tattoo on their body, creatively designed with the initials "SbK." This served as both a symbol of their allegiance and a mark of their commitment to the organization's cause.
  3. Sunburst City: The area surrounding the Sunburst Knights' headquarters, known as Sunburst City, featured intricate patterns, writings, and beautiful designs. These elements not only added to the aesthetic appeal but also served as navigational aids for insiders, revealing hidden entrances and pathways.

Diversity among the Knights: The Sunburst Knights were a diverse group, representing various species and appearances. Despite their differences, they shared a common goal and a commitment to preserving the secrets that could reshape the understanding of their world.

Secrecy and Confidentiality: Maintaining utmost secrecy was crucial for the Sunburst Knights. Only those within the organization were privy to the depths of the underground archives and the truths they guarded. The intricate patterns in Sunburst City acted as both a protective barrier and a guide for insiders.

Legacy and Impact: The Sunburst Knights left an indelible mark on Pangea, quietly influencing events from the shadows. Their legacy endured as a symbol of dedication to truth and the protection of the innocent, weaving a thread of mystery into the fabric of Pangea's history.


Diluvian Clan: Guardians of Ancient Martial Arts

Founding and Origin: At the dawn of Fabula and Pangea, the Diluvian Clan emerged from the collaboration of Nao Shen Tenharand, a Haregon, and Eduard Bright, a Fabula Human. With a focus on ancient martial arts, the Diluvian Clan became the repository of wisdom and techniques, integrating various martial arts styles into a comprehensive system called "Unita Soul."

Unita Soul: A Fusion of Martial Arts: The Diluvian Clan incorporates a wide array of martial arts techniques into the Unit Soul system, combining the best aspects of each style. From Kalaripayattu to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Diluvian Clan members undergo rigorous training in flexibility, stances, kicks, punches, weaponry, and spiritual disciplines.

Representative Techniques:

  1. Kalaripayattu: Known for mental and physical training, it includes body control exercises, animal postures, and weapons training. The emphasis on anatomy and vital spots enhances its effectiveness.
  2. Ninjutsu/Shinobi: Derived from espionage and stealth, Diluvian Clan members learn disguise, agility, and a variety of skills crucial for espionage. Meditation and concentration are key components.
  3. Shaolin Kung Fu: Balancing physical strength with tranquility, Diluvian Clan members practice a range of skills, including stances, punches, and the use of traditional weapons like the staff.

Leadership and Generations: Silvia, a Pangean Human, became the main leader in 1960, succeeding leaders every five years. Each leader is chosen through a unique process, often involving trials and tests showcasing their skills and commitment.

Deity Guardians and Family Clans: Deities representing specific animal symbols were crafted by Godlings, passed down through generations, and inherited by chosen individuals. These deities serve as protective entities for each Family Clan. The Diluvian Clan members can call upon these deities for guidance and strength.

Coming of Age Tradition - The Trial: A significant rite of passage for Diluvian Clan members is the Trial that takes place on Dilus Island. The trial involves a combination of stealth, strategy, and combat, testing the skills of young members. Success earns them honor titles and special clothing, marking them as potential leaders.

Festivals and Competitions: Annual Diluvian Festivals, lasting two weeks, feature competitions among Clan members, fostering camaraderie and friendly competition. These events serve to showcase individual talents and contribute points to the respective Clan families.

Legacy and Impact: The Diluvian Clan has left an indelible mark as the preservers of ancient martial arts in Fabula and Pangea. Through rigorous training, traditions, and the integration of diverse martial arts styles, they have become guardians of both physical and spiritual well-being.
