Amor Angelus Impact

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
11 8086

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

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Route One: Heist

"Should be quick." Hanzai hummed. "I've visited the the shop plenty, not really much in the ways of security."

"You don't seem nearly as worried about this as I though someone from the guild would be." Treason hummed as the two casually started walking over to the shop.

"Well I'll let you in on a little secret hun." She grinned. "I was a bit of an esteemed thief before settling down with my current team, so I know my way around a little heist."

"Well I suppose I got a good pokemon to help me with this then." Treason returned the grin, she thought anyway. He gestured to the door. "After you."

"My my, what a gentleman." Hanzai chuckled as she used one of her keys to unlock the door. Casting her eyes around she looked for any obvious security measures but couldn't see any. "Clear." Treason nodded and followed her inside.

"Let's poke around for that link cord. Unless you happen to know where they're kept?" The eevee fusion tilted his head.

"No such luck." Hanzai shook her head as she closed the front door. "Unfortunately I am a bit out of practice so I don't tend to categorize where things are whenever I go somewhere anymore." She hummed as she looked around the room. "Though it's possible they're kept away from prying eyes. To discourage something like this."

"That would make sense, not like crime happens too often around here but it's no unheard of." Treason nodded as he began to look around.

Hanzai eyes up a door that led to what was probably a back room. That would be a good place to check. "You keep an eye out for the shop keep coming back. I'm going to try my luck poking around in the back room."

"By all means." Treason waved her off. "The quicker we can get this done the better."

It was pretty easy to get in the back, it wasn't even locked. Peering around she noticed several boxes all labeled with the various evolution items that were kept in stock. "Let's see... sooth bell, elemental stone, molding clay, ah! There we are link cable." She stopped in front of the box and gently pulled one of the cables out. It was time to get out of here. She turned to head back into the front room when she noticed Treason had come back. "We might have a little problem, Astrophel is coming back. I locked the front door but if we don't want to be seen we're gonna need another way out of here."

Well that made things more complicated but she was no stranger to a plan going south. Peering around the room she spotted a small window. Thankfully the two of them were on the smaller side so they should be able to fit out of it easily. She pointed it put with a paw. "Up there. As long as we can get it open we can get out." She held the link cable out to Treason who took it.

"Good eye. Let's get out of here." The eevee fusion began to hop up a stack of boxes in order to reach the window, Hanzai hot on his heels. It didn't take much to get the window open and for the two of them to squeeze out. They were out, without being spotted. Hanzai grinned to herself; guess she still had it. "Well thanks for your help." Treason nodded at her after the duo had walked a significant distance from the store.

"Of course hun. It was fun. I'd never get to do something like that with my teammates." She hummed. "Let's perhaps keep this little adventure between us though. I'm not really supposed to be doing that anymore per my agreement with my team."

"Don't worry, I won't breath a word to anyone else." Treason placed a paw on his chest. "You secret is safe with me. It's the least I can do."

"Good to know it's in safe hands." Hanzai nodded, satisfied. "I suppose you'll be off then to figure out if that link cable will work?"

"Unless you need me for something." Treason answered.

"No no, don't let me keep you. I look forward to seeing some of those softeons running around in the future." Hanzai waved him off.

"I'm sure it'll be soon. See you around." With that Treason was gone. Hanzai sighed, she should probably get back to her team. Cinder probably wasn't going to be pleased she'd ditched him.