Candy Hearts SCARY halloween story

5 years, 5 months ago

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The Very Very Very Very Scary Candy Eater

By Candy Heart the Torimori

*Alright everyone sit down around the fire, its time to hear a story*

-_- *That means you too*

--Once everytori was in their seats Candy began to dance about his tiny body wiggling as he flapped his wings just for dramatic affect and sat down and began to tell his tale. -- He heard chuckles, but didnt care.

Once upon a time, there was a large creature with sharp teeth and glowing red eyes, I watched it from the corner of my eye as it began to munch on sweets and cupcakes and all that sort of thing, I love to eat sweets and candy so I bounced by closer and closer till I was inches from it, I began to nibble on a little gummy worm. It was very nummy, anyway as I inched closed I was grabbed. I let out a cry, the creature must not have heart my whimpers for he brought me to his mouth. 

--his little eyes looked filled with terror as he made his wings look like a jaw and brought them apart--

He put me in his mouth!

-- He yelled this, snapping a twig under his foot and bringing his wings together as if snapping the jaws together -- *He hoped the others would jump*

Then I began to flap in terror!

-- His tiny six inch body was flapping in panic -- 

The creature spit me out, its glowing eyes looked wide in surprise. 

He told me I tasted to sweet not to eat, and grabbed for me again, but I managed to run!

He may still be searching for me to this day, so always watch your back cause he may gobble you up toooooooo!

*He flapped about and sat back down* 

The End