Get to Know You

5 years, 2 months ago

The march event talking about her favorite activities

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Marigold was walking through the flower fields, it was one of her favorite things to do, picking flowers, making flower crowns, and seeing the wildlife. Small animals and other terrariums also enjoyed being in the field and it gave her something to do. She slowly kneeled down adjusting herself in a better position, checking on her interior to ensure the fish were fine and began to go to work. She weaved flowers, twigs, and vines together, to form beautiful crowns. She loved making them for her friends, and giving them to others. She had many friends, and a few of them were overly important to her. She loved to give them these objects as a way to let them know how she felt about them.

One friend she had in particular, Koda, was given gifts like this almost weekly. They had great talks, and she enjoyed being with him. The lake near her home was one of their favorite meeting places. They would splash together and catch fish and other things together. He was fire and storms, while she was the ocean. They made a perfect combo and it was a lot of fun for her to be with him.