2014 Blog Post

11 months, 23 days ago

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Bennix, upon request, is a high ranking official of the turian military. An Admiral. He is in his late forties. Tallish man of bronze plating, dark skin, darker markings, and hazel/golden eyes. If asked about his romantic or sexual preference, he will respond with “dead” quite flattly. His preference is his wife, now passed and with her that portion of himself. In fact, to many he comes into contact with, dead is a good way to describe many things as he’s a stern and duty driven man. Severe, cold, and unforgiving. Much of his humanity (so to speak) is reserved for his daughter whom is now his whole world.  In the war, the fleet he commands helps to provide evacuation to many of the worlds attacked by the reapers. Whether that means drawing reaper attention from escaping vessels, using his own ships to evac out citizens and soldiers, to suicide runs. It’s not a pleasant job and he doesn’t find much solace each night but it has to be done. The chats and days he gets with his daughter often are the only things to refuel his batteries after each brutal term he serves. It’s hard watching your friends and allies drop around you then have to call a retreat and mission failure as trapped people burn. So each second he has with her is precious and used to forget even if just for a short while.  In better days, Suiri, his wife, was his pride and joy in life. Adding more to it when she gave him their daughter. Having always been a very serious man she knew how to bring out thoughts he would’ve kept hidden and that ever illusive smile. She also introduced him to an array if things including his favourite alcoholic drink: a strawberry mudslide. She also taught him that as clear cut as life seemed to be that there was color if you knew where to look. To know of him wooing her its best to imagine that sweaty nervous guy in a suit holding a bouquet then she smiles tosses the flowers from his hands, untied his bow tie then grabs his hand to take him to the boardwalk her parents took her to every summer then watch as he tries to impress her. Failing everytime but she finds it adorable. Winning him a stuffed animal instead and saying its a thank you gift for coming with her because she cant convince anyone to come with her so she hadn’t been here in years.  Then he blushes.  He attends biotic equality seminars with her whenever she asks him and one day playfully says “I get the feeling you might like me or something.” Him proposing to her is met with “what took you so long?” And a playful kiss. At the wedding, his vows are written long but spoken short while hers are made up on the spot. He nearly spits when he comes home one day and she’s wearing his markings after a full two years of marriage and she just says “what? I’m a traditional.” He thinks she’s going to clobber him when the test reads positive but she’s overjoyed to be a mother and nearly crushes his ribs in a bear hug.  And this glory of his life is torn from him long before the reapers are a threat. A distrust is forged in the shattered remains of a stone heart. If only they had listened to her. If only the orders given weren’t made by complete fools. If only- If only I could have done something.  Suiri died in duty. Following her orders only to have a fault of her team rip her from this world.  Bennix would never trust another biotic again.  Even as his daughter showed biotic promise, he himself delved deep in study so he could teach her. Remembering everything his love told him and getting his hands on every research material he could find. To this day he regrets having her hide her abilities. Afraid his own daughter would meet the same fate. A fear amplfied by the war. By her age slowly creeping towards mandatory enrollment age.  Admiral Bennix, a man made of stone but carved with worries.