God's Song

5 years, 27 days ago

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The day that he touched the soil promised to protect, was the day the sun shined the lowest and the rain kissed the earth. Like tears, seeing their loved one go, knowing the trip had no comeback. This kind never did, and always ended the same way. Gods were seen as evil for no reason, but humans always forget this behavior always, always have a reason behind. Themselves and their actions. A cycle which never saw an end to it. Predicted it was his death. 

The celestial tears were so abundant, carrying so much sorrow seeing those golden rays of sun eyes close for one last time, one last breath... That it gave life once more to the soil. So they sang, sadly, teary, they sang their souls out for their loved friend. 

How sad of you to be gone 

How miserable of us to not be done 

Humans tear us apart 

We still protect them 

We own all the reasons

 To leave them to die 

But wouldn't that make us 

Equal to those who we don't like? 

It wasn't beautiful as anyone would imagine, it didn't rhythm, but they put their souls into it, giving some warmth to the gone god to be able to leave a little better than before, to have hope for love. Because it will tear us apart, but will make us stronger as well. Love would make Inaris soul live again, not as human, but as his once greater form. He would find a path that would lead him to be great again, a great god, a fox god.

He would find a new path that was just being built, just for him.