
1 year, 1 month ago

Morgan sees Rudolph kissing another woman; jealousy ensues (as much as he refuses to admit it).

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Morgan is not a jealous man. He’s not. It’s never been in his nature to get jealous or possessive over another person. But sitting in this tavern across the bar from his lover with his lips connected to a woman’s, Morgan’s finding it hard not to be. He grips his mug tightly in one hand, brows furrowed and scowling despite his best efforts not to. The way Rudolph has his hands all over this woman, the way he keeps pressing his lips to hers and murmuring in her ear––Morgan can’t take this anymore.

He stands from his seat and exits the tavern, slamming the door on his way out.

Back on the ship, Morgan tries to calm himself. He paces back and forth in his cabin, sits at the desk, and finally he picks up a book. Might as well distract himself.

Rudolph doesn’t return until later. Much later. 

He’s stumbling in his steps and has a dopey smile on his face. “Hi Morgie,” he says, then hiccups.

Morgan sets down his book. He’d been rereading the same paragraph over and over anyways; it’s no use trying to continue. “Rudolph,” he says in acknowledgement. Yes, Rudolph is here now. Without the woman he was with earlier––thank god. Morgan’s brows crease still. He can’t help but replay the view of them kissing in his mind.

Rudolph goes right for the bed, making himself comfortable on top of the covers. He settles with a sigh and a hum. “Comfy. This bed is comfy,” he says. “Have I said that before? I like this bed. It’s very nice.”

Morgan sighs deeply. “I don’t know, Rudolph. Maybe.”

“Are you coming to bed?” Rudolph asks. “Or are you still––” hiccup–– “reading?”

As much as Morgan wants to go lay down with Rudolph, he’s upset––hurt more than he cares to admit. Morgan frowns. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” Rudolph snorts. “Why not? It’s simple enough. You either come to bed or you don’t.” He pats the space next to him. “Very comfortable. Would be more comfortable with you in it, though.” When Morgan hesitates, Rudolph goes on, “Come on, Liebling. Come to bed. I’ve missed you.”

“You have?” Morgan asks, perking his head up a little. He hates that he does. He hates how easy it is for Rudolph to get his attention. But damn it, Morgan can’t help it!

Rudolph nods with a small grunt, a serious expression on his face. “Of course I have!” he says. “Having to keep away from you in public is practically torture.”

Morgan finally stands from his seat and walks over to the bed. He just stands there, at the edge, staring at Rudolph in disbelief. “Torture?

Yes.” Rudolph says, expression loosening into a smile. “Now quit standing there and lay down.”

Fine. He’ll give in. Morgan lays down rather awkwardly on his back, hands clasped over his stomach. His brows are still furrowed as he stares up at the ceiling.

“Well, that’s…fine, I guess.” Rudolph says with a huff. He’s pouting a little, though Morgan doesn’t notice. Rudolph cozies himself up to Morgan, putting an arm and a leg over his body and peering up at Morgan’s frowning face. Rudolph frowns right back as he asks, “Is something wrong?”

No…” Morgan lies, very obviously. There’s no way that is at all convincing. He pauses. “…Yes.”

“Well, what is it?”

Morgan’s silent. He whines. Finally he manages to say, “Back at the bar…You and that woman…”

Rudolph giggles. “Ja. Pretty lady. Good kisser.”

Morgan groans.

“What? What is it, Morgan?” Rudolph just stares at Morgan’s face––at that scowling, frustrated expression of his. Then it clicks. “Oh––Oh…You’re jealous!”

What?” Morgan’s eyes widen. “Nooo. That’s not it at all!”

“Then what?”

“I just…don’t like…seeing you with other people…”

“So you admit that you’re jealous!”


Rudolph snorts and laughs. “You’re jealous.”

“I am not.”

“It’s okay, Morgan! I know I’m irresistible.” Rudolph has the biggest smirk on his face. “It’s easy to be jealous when women give me so much attention.”

Morgan sighs. “You seek it out, though. You want the attention.”

Ja. I do.” Rudolph huffs and looks at Morgan seriously. After a pause, he says,  “Listen, what we do––I love. So much. But if anyone ever found out…” He frowns. “I’d disgrace my family name. I’d be a joke. I can’t do that to them. So when we’re in public we need to keep our distance. Otherwise I’ll go crazy.”

“But do you have to kiss other women?”

“That…That’s to prove that I like women.”

“But you like men, too.”

“Yes. I do. And you’re allowed to know that. No one else is.” Rudolph frowns. “I dunno. Sometimes I just feel like I have to assert my…straight-ness. It’s nothing to do with you, Schatzi, I promise.”

Morgan nods, frowning still, but less-so. He bites at his lower lip.

“Hey––” Rudolph starts, bringing his hand up to cup Morgan’s cheek–– “You wanna know something?”

Morgan meets Rudolph’s eyes. “What?”

“She wasn’t as good of a kisser as you are.” Rudolph scoffs. “No one is. No one can compete with you and your soft lips.”

This makes Morgan crack a smile. “You think so?”

“Oh, I know so.” Rudolph chuckles, bringing his other hand to cup Morgan’s other cheek and kissing Morgan on the lips. Morgan leans into the kiss, hugging his arms around Rudolph’s waist. Rudolph shuffles so he’s entirely on top of Morgan. They keep kissing. Several kisses later, Rudolph finally pulls away and says, “See? Much better. I could kiss you here for hours.”

Morgan's breathing a bit heavier now, eyeing Rudolph’s lips rather unsubtly. “What’s stopping you?” he asks.

Rudolph grins. “Absolutely nothing.”