Benediction of the Faithless

1 year, 6 days ago
1 year, 6 days ago
1 427

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 6 days ago

These friends’ disillusion with faith might cause the gods to forsake their small rice village (note: this is an outline).

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There has been an ongoing drought at this unnamed rice village. However, the people remain faithful that the gods will give them water and fruit,

Hana is among the few faithless who want to leave. They cannot stand their family’s insistence on not recognizing their gender. Every day it’s she and her, not they or them or Hana.

  • Hana is threshing rice stalks in a storehouse. Their mother enters, asking what color kimono they want. Hana prefers to have a hakama to wear for the festival, but their mother says only their brother can wear one. Hana begs to have one as well, but their mother is insistent and asks Hana to pick a color. After a heavy sigh, Hana picks blue.
  • They thresh more rice stalks, but stop after a couple of minutes. They feel disgusted, holding their arms and sinking to the floor.

Hana leaves their job unfinished, decided to visit their friend Michi.

  • Hana arrives at Michi's home. Michi is outside having tea and welcomes Hana.
  • Michinotices their distress, and invites them inside for some wagashi.

Hana says hello to Michi's younger brother and sits at the table.

  • Michi sits down and allows Hana to sit and talk about their feelings.
  • Hana shares their frustrations with trying to fit into an exclusively female role (ew, babies, housework, no freedom) but feeling uncomfortable. Hana mentions the fight with their mother, and the alienation they feel everyday from onlookers.
  • Michi asks her brother to leave. Michi then tells Hana she understands how they feel, because she is also being forced against what she naturally feels. She mentions her girlfriend/Other, and how she kept her a secret because she is meant to marry someone else (can hear part time lover playing in my head lol).

Michi takes Hana to her brother's room. She said he is still away in Fadiouth and says Hana can borrow his old hakama.

  • Michi opens his closet, saying Hana can take any of his clothes, and hopes this encourages Hana to be happier.
  • Hana picks a brown hakama with a mitsudomoe embroidered onto it. Michi's lower lip quivers. "That's a good pick." she says.
  • when Hana leaves, Michi picks up his photo and says "she picked your favorite one."

As Hana walks back to their home, the hakama in-hand, a fallen cherry blossom catches their eye. They look up, noticing more cherry blossoms being carried by the wind.

  • Hana's smile softens, and they continue their walk home
* side note, Michi's brother is dead. Her family hasn't told anyone yet.