April Ghouls

1 year, 30 days ago
1 year, 30 days ago
3 2487

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 30 days ago

Ludus goes to the festival with some fans!

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What's Up It's Your Boy, Ludus Illyrios!

In the days leading up to April Ghouls, Ludus’s subscribers frantically brought him up to speed on the upcoming festival, the activities, how to participate, how to dress, and sent him costumes and gifts. New Paths had received several packages addressed to Ludus, a grumpy Mithras dumping an armload in front of his door each time. 

Fascinated by the whole idea, though not entirely understanding the holiday, Ludus spent hours talking to chat while opening the packages his subscribers had sent him. His room, usually something of a mess, was made even more so with empty boxes on one side, plastic and wrapping paper on the other, and all his presents clumped in different piles based on what they were. 

Eventually, it took one of his more busybody “siblings” to prod him into neatening up his room. However, it was the chat that decided what he wore after a lengthy fashion show. Ludus, after all, had to be told in excruciating detail how to put on some of the things he’d been given. The more salacious outfits had been stealthily spirited away, and the mischievous subscribers who’d donated them remained quiet on the topic for fear of being caught in the act of buffoonery. 

Bedecked in a dazzling baby blue fringe jacket, complete with rhinestones and confetti colored tassels, with chaps to match and a funky pair of boots, Ludus double-checked with his chat, then poked his head in Idris’s office to announce his departure before happily heading for the festival. All the while, he chatted with his subscribers.

“If anybody knows about dressing up, it’s Mithras!” he said to his floating tablet. 

[bortle23] isn’t that the old crook?

[jayquellin731] he dresses up?

[yomama88] ain’t no way

Ludus weaved expertly through the throngs of festival goers headed for Stonewing. “Yeah, he’s the big old crook with the bright bronze horns, and all that red hair. He dresses up real cool. He has this gold jacket, and these blue boots, they’re like the bluest blue, and they come all the way up his legs, and he has these billowy white pants, and under it all this black suit that looks like ummm like uuuh…” 

As Ludus fished for a description, following the festival flow, subscribers who recognized him started to gather around him in throngs, throwing up peace signs and making silly faces. 

“It’s shiny green, like a beetle.” 

“Iridescent?” Someone supplied in the crowd that had formed around him, still moving at a steady pace toward the festival. 

“Yeah that’s it, Worm Money said– Hey wait a minute! It’s you guys! Hi, Hello, welcome, hi!” 

Enthusiastically he shook hands, fist-bumped and dapped his way through all his fans that had showed up specifically to find him at the festival and guide him around it. 

“I’m so so grateful! Normally I’d find my family, but they’re all out doing their own thing.” 

There were a mix of crooks, cccats, gravents and even a smattering of nautipods that had all come out. As they traveled, he made it a point to learn their names. Although Ludus was a bit of a himbo, he was very very good with names. He could remember usernames of those that interacted with him fairly often, and some of the fans with him today had met up with him before. 

They chatted merrily until they reached the festival proper. There had been a tintinnabulation resounding through the streets. Ludus and his fans caught sight of the “ghouls” dressed in bright colors, weaving out of the crowd to join a procession. Shortly, however, his attention was grabbed by the hawkers and sellers, and like an organism, his fans shifted to help him get to the market. 

Ludus loved trinkets, and food, and even more than that, he liked to share his enthusiasm with others. He visited stall after stall, pausing to make sure everyone with him got something before moving on. Several selfies were taken, and he even signed a few pictures and one doll. 

Fans who had repeatedly spent time with Ludus in person were used to how sweet, but air-headed he was, his size (bigger than expected) and his appetite (even bigger). Newcomers, however, had to be shepherded along by the experienced, as they rocked their heads back to look up at him as he devoured an entire pie, smacking his lips once and complimenting the taste even as he chewed with his mouth closed. 

All was going smoothly, but then Ludus stopped, causing a few of his fans to collide with his solid back. Confused chattering bubbled up as Ludus sloped his shoulders, allowing his jacket to slide down his arms and off his back, exposing his second set of clusters. Those eyes were looking all around while Ludus himself seemed spaced-out. 

Worried, his fans formed a loose circle around him.