Welcoming Creamsicle and Mr. Egg

1 year, 1 month ago
515 1

I love Ranchu Goldfish so much.

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"They're here!" Jasmine shouted with excitement as she heard the doorbell ring. She quickly threw open the front door of their ranch house, revealing the postman standing outside.

"Just need a quick signature for your package," he said, handing Jasmine the form, clipboard, and a pen. Eagerly, she signed the form and carefully accepted her package from the mailman. The box was plain, a regular brown cardboard, but it bore red ink stamps on all sides that read "FRAGILE: LIVE ANIMALS."

Expressing her gratitude to the mailman, Jasmine hurriedly carried the box inside to the basement. The basement had been transformed into a well-designed fish room, thanks to months of hard work. The room maintained a consistent temperature throughout the year, courtesy of the cooling and insulating effects of the surrounding soil. Jasmine had envisioned this perfect space for her fish and finally, after much effort, it was ready to welcome its first two residents.

With the postal service van driving away, Jasmine wasted no time and began carefully opening the box. She removed the layers of protective packaging to reveal two small bags of water. Inside each bag swam a Ranchu goldfish, appearing a bit fatigued from their lengthy journey in the mail, but otherwise unharmed. Jasmine promptly initiated the process of drip acclimation, allowing the fish to adjust to their new environment gradually, inside their individual buckets of water.

Meanwhile, Alex, Jasmine's wife, made her way down to the basement. The whole exchange had happened so swiftly that she felt caught off guard. "Did they arrive safely?" Alex inquired, finding Jasmine already engrossed in checking the water parameters in the new tank.

"Yeah, they look good!" Jasmine replied, arranging some test tubes on the utility table. "I just have to finish acclimating them, and then they should be ready."

Alex smiled, pleased to see Jasmine so happy. They were well aware of her long-standing desire to have a fish room in their new ranch house. "Sounds good. I'm going to head out. Call me if you need anything," Alex added, turning towards the staircase.

"Okay, love you!" Jasmine replied, never taking her eyes off the test tubes. Alex ascended the stairs, leaving Jasmine and the two fish to their work.

Several hours passed as Jasmine meticulously attended to the acclimation process. She never left the fish's side, ensuring their well-being at every step. Finally, it was time to introduce the goldfish into their new tank. The spacious 120-gallon tank, with its soft, off-white sand coating the bottom, provided more than enough room for the two fish. The back of the tank featured trailing plants, though Jasmine knew realistically their longevity would be uncertain. Carefully transferring the goldfish into their new home, Jasmine watched with delight as the two fish swam around, exploring their surroundings and happily moving their fins.

Gazing at the vibrant fish, Jasmine made a decision. She named the yellow and white one Mr. Egg, while the orange and white one became Creamsicle. All three, Jasmine included, eagerly anticipated the future of their fish room and the joys it would bring.