Chus Challenge; Music Edition

1 year, 20 days ago

Mercury loves to bop!!

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The types of tunes Mercury tends to listen to are things that are either uplifting pop songs, or lofi beats. They can get easily overwhelmed, so they have these playlists as a means to relax for even a short while, with the exact playlist title being “Sleepytime Beats.” When doing essentially anything, they’ll usually be listening to this playlist; Which sometimes leads to them bumping into people or dozing off in odd areas. Their favourite thing to do is finding a sunny area on a hill or in a patch of grass and listen to music while looking up at the clouds. While on late night flights, they’ll also listen to tunes; doing tricks mid-air depending on the song they’re listening to. This is.. Part of the reason why they aren’t allowed to listen to very energetic songs while flying [pro tip: don’t try to do 8 loops in a row, you will in fact get very dizzy and fly into a tree]. 

They also use music as a means of connecting with others. If they notice people with certain band merch that they also enjoy, they’re pretty quick to strike up conversation about the artist. They even managed to make friends with some bands they were fans of. They’re also prone to knowing all the ins and outs when it comes to artists they like, and they’re always up for learning about new artists. This has led to them working at a local music shop. When they aren’t working, they’re browsing the shelves or chatting with other shoppers. They also like to help out with or host community music group meetups, and has made it an almost semi-regular occurrence.

Overall, music has a pretty big impact on the Zorua, and has a lot of hold on various aspects of their life. If you need some music help, they can either help you out, or know someone who can. They can even get some rarer items that you may be looking for, like signed merch or old vinyls. If they like you enough, they might even bring you to a concert with them and meet some band members you’re a fan of!