New Home

1 year, 3 months ago

Beetle wakes up in their new home

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Beetle’s eyes slowly flick open, and they look out into the room they lay in. Their eyes take a moment to focus on what they were really seeing before them. Their eyes glance to the cream colored nightstand that was to the right of their curious gaze. It finally clicked in their head, Beetle was in their new home, their new room. Their now much more aware eyes looked at the bright red numbers on the digital clock that sat upon the nightstand, Beetle blinked slowly again, their eyelids sticking together a little bit due to the sleep that was glued to their eyelids.It was exactly ten twenty in the morning. Beetle suddenly felt shifting behind them. ‘Oh right Kindra…’, it was still surreal to Beetle that they were now living with their partner.  

‘Oh right Kin!’ Beetle thinks to themselves and they turn over to look at their partner who was peacefully sleeping beside the pig. Beetle’s eyes nearly water at the absolute beauty of Kindra sleeping. Beetle's lips parted in surprise, the way the light from the semi open curtains shone upon Kindra made Kin look almost angelic to Beetle. Their partner's beauty would never not surprise and warm up Beetle’s little heart. Beetle leans over and places a kiss on Kin's cheek. Beetle hoped it wouldn’t wake Kin up; they couldn’t resist the urge to give them a kiss. The kiss was soft, light and delicate, the warmth of Kin’s cheek warmed up Beetle’s lips and it made Beetle feel a tingle of joy run through them. Beetle slowly pulls away from the angel that slept before them.