Supply Run [UNFINISHED 5/22/2015]

1 year, 24 days ago

More archiving from my Docs

This piece is- I now realize- an unintentional continuation of Nothing But Static, lol

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    A heavy rain fell down upon the streets of Mossy Ridge, Oregon; a rain that turned the tarmac to a slick sheet of shining obsidian.  A thick grey mist lurked among the bases of empty office blocks and abandoned apartments, creeping stealthily down alleyways like a mountain cat stalking its quarry.  Aside from the rain hitting the sidewalk, it was deftly quiet; no horns sounded, no dogs barked, cars sat like unmanned ships in the fog… not a soul was to be seen.

    Except for one.

    The frantic sound of sneakers hitting the pavement skittered across the street, signaling the approach of this lone soul.  A girl- no older than seventeen- sprinted out of the fog.  A lumpy bag with only one functioning strap bounced on her back as her scuffed Chuck Taylors splashed through a dirty puddle.  She wore a pair of tattered jeans and a soaked brown jacket, the collar pulled to her chin in an attempt to keep the chill out.  A sodden black bomber cap sat on her head.  She wore a peculiar pair of dark blue swim goggles, something that proved to be very useful in keeping the rain out of her eyes.  But, rain in her eyes or none, the cheap goggles did nothing to help her see through the fog.

    She clutched a bulky headphone bell to her ear that snaked down to a small radio trapped firmly in her pocket.  Static filtered into her skull through this headphone, the sound clashing with the pound of the rain and the rapid tempo of her breath.  Every once and a while, she thought she heard the faint whisper of a voice and her heart would skip a beat.  She would stop, pressing the bell against her ear even harder.  But like every time before that, there was nothing, just a fluctuation in the static caused by some cruel force that played off her hope; the hope of hearing the sound of another human being’s voice, a hope that she was denied for nearly two months now.

    She was all alone, trapped in this world of rain and fog.

    Suddenly, a hand flashed out from under a nearby car, the broken fingers wrapping around the girls ankle.  With a cry of surprise, she tumbled to the asphalt, her one-strapped bag flying over her head and landing about a foot in front of her.  A can bounced out of the half-opened satchel.  She swung her head around just in time to see a grey figure laboriously pull itself halfway out from under the abandoned car, her leg still gripped in its trembling hand.  For a second, the girl could only sit and stare at it, fear locking the breath in her throat.  The figures features were like that of a human beings: flat face, nose, eyes, yet at the same time, there was something… off about it.  It was as if its skin was nothing but a sack of human flesh filled with a slur of evil and unspeakable things and sewn together a little too tightly and a little too hastily.  

    But the most terrifying aspect of this… thing, was its face.  Its eyes bulged wide in a look of terror, yet under that terror, she could see a churning storm of madness and rage.  It’s mouth was unhinged in a silent scream as its broken teeth slowly and shakily descended towards the flesh of her leg. 

    With a start, the girls senses came back to her.  She screamed, kicking at the thing with her free leg.  “Get off, get off!” she shrieked, striking the creatures face with the bottom of her sneaker, “Get off!”  The creatures hed snapped back and it loosened its grip on her ankle.  She tripped to her feet and sprinted over to her bag, hastily grabbing the can that had fallen free and shoving it back in.  With her heart in her throat, she glanced back at her attacker.  It was shrieking at her now, the cry scraping up the back of its raw throat and bursting out across the rain-soaked pavement.  It began pulling the rest of its body out from under the car.  The girl took off, not wanting to see if the creature would make it out or not.

No more after this :/