
1 year, 8 days ago
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The Queen of Bugsnax. A title that had always made Lark's insides twist...

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The Queen of Bugsnax. A title that had always made Lark's insides twist. But for it to be associated with his sister, his dear dear sister, made him feel positively sick to his stomach.

When he heard the news, having ripped it from the jaws of the very Grumpus that had stolen her from their apartment, he wasted no time returning to the island that had left both physical and mental scars on not only himself, but a dozen others. He looked at it with a steely, unwavering, and unafraid glare.

He retraced his steps up the mountains, ignoring his stinging lungs as he tore up the cliff face. Much to his amazement, the door was still open. But the Undersnax had changed significantly since he and Filbo had traversed its caverns. They twisted on forever, making his head spin and his nostrils burn from the sickeningly sweet smell. His paws were practically numb, either from the climb, or from his body reacting violently to the snackmatter that he was wading through. It didn’t really matter. He ignored the chafing and itching and trudged onwards, following nothing but a hunch as he delved deeper into the heart of Snaktooth.

And eventually, there she was, a monolithic creature. The Queen of Bugsnax. Lilith Longtooth. But even under all the snax, Lark could recognize her. In an instant, before she could so much as open her mouth to speak, he rushed over and threw himself into her deformed arms, ignoring the stinging snakmatter that seeped from her body and through his fur. He pushed his snout into her shoulder, weeping softly, so relieved that he had managed to find her.

And now that they were reunited, the only thought in his mind was revenge.