Shooting Star

14 days, 19 hours ago
14 days, 19 hours ago
2 2002

Chapter 1
Published 14 days, 19 hours ago

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When you wish upon...

Another cold evening at the hotel. Hektor liked it since it reminded him of his childhood. He took a deep breath of the cold air as he stepped outside onto balcony the of the hotel lobby. Cabi, even though he was more used to warmer weather, seemed to be enjoying himself as well. Hektor looked back at his boyfriend who was still inside. He was chatting with a young couple they had met the day prior when going elk feeding. God how glad he was to see him happy. For a whole year now they have been together, which Hektor almost couldn't believe, remembering how cruel he used to be. 

He leaned over the balcony and lit himself a cigarette. As he stared up at the shining Nightsky, he started to think and took a puff of the cigarette. For their first anniversary, Hektors brother and his girlfriend visited their Parents. Together, they spend their time with family activites, they went to dine together, they went out to seesight, they played games. Him and Cabi couldn't have done the same, even if they hadn't planned this vacation for a long time already anyways. When Hektor told his parents that he, their son, a "fierce tiger" and "masculine man" was a homosexual, they lost their minds, threw the most brutal words at him and his boyfriend and pretty much kicked him out of the family. Even if they ever are to overcome themselves and their pride someday and apologize to him and Cabi, Hektor could never forgive them. He never wants them to be a part of his life ever again.

Cabi's Parents couldn't quite accept their relationship either but at least they weren't half as aggressive about it. Much more they seemed confused. For them it was rather odd that their son would choose to be with a guy when he could have been with a lioness or even multiple. They believed that lions only "resorted" to homosexuality if they didn't have the option to be with a female or if they were in a state of survival and required to be accompanied. Now thinking about all their family issues, Hektor felt then guilt he had back then again. Just for the sake of their relationship, Cabi cut contact with his parents for as long as they couldn't respect and understand his love for Hektor, even though he loved them a lot too. If only there weren't so many stereotypes and missunderstandings. If only their parents were more accepting and understanding. They deserved to have family too, him and Cabi. And some day, they would have one. Hektor knew that for sure. Be it a family with or without their Parents being a part of it.

"Have a fun time at the bar!" Cabi called after the couple that he had been talking to for the last couple of minutes who were now heading off. "Thanks, you two enjoy the stars alright? They are fabulous at this time!" the woman responded. Smiling, Cabi waved before stepping outside to join Hektor. 

Hektor was starring up at the sky, probably lost in a train of thoughts again, as so often when he is smoking. Cabi walked up behind him and put his head on Hektors shoulder. A cold breeze went through Cabi's mane and he looked down at the snowy trees. The ground, the roofs, just about everything was covered by snow. But the Nightsky was as clear as ever. 

Just as Cabi wanted to speak, Hektor made a sudden movement forward and startled him. "Look Cabi!" suprised he looked up into the sky as well, noticing the shooting star his boyfriend seemed to be so mesmerized by and he smiled in excitement. "Come on," Hektor bonked his head against Cabi's and looked into his eyes "Make a wish already. I've made mine." he gazed back up into the sky. For a moment Cabi remained quiet, looking up at the falling star. Hektor isn't usually this sentimental, right? Wishing upon stars... what a lovely new side to him. He had made his wish. After a moment of keeping quiet, Cabi suggested "Well... tell me yours then." Hektor just laught "My wish? It it wouldn't come true if I did now would it?" "You have to sugar crisp, I wished for it." Cabi purred at him in a cheeky manner "Well okay then." Hektor shook his head in amusement and gave in. "You know I..." he began, suddenly a seeming a little uncertain " I wished for a family for us... For our future to work out..." nervous he looked at his boyfriend who was already staring at him with sparkles in his eyes which got him embarrassed. "You mean you would... like for us to adopt some day Hektor?" Cabi asked to which Hektor nodded, feeling more encouraged now. "Y-yea! Or whatever other option there might be for us. You know, time has brought us alot of options to become parents nowadays. No matter what or how we do it- I just hope... it'll work out." Cabi cuddled closer to Hektor and looked back at the sky "I'm really happy that was your wish."