Warrior cats backstory ember and hollow

1 year, 12 days ago
11 months, 16 days ago
3 5118

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 12 days ago

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ch. 1

Emberpaw was deep in thought as the tall apprentice, being a very shy cause this was the first time she went to the gathering as one even when she's been an apprentice for a moon now. Then again she had a few friends she knew she tried getting along with. Besides her 2 brothers. Breezepaw and cloudpaw. Her ears twitched a little before she felt a gaze on her making her move her tail. She looked around figuring it out before spotting Tom looking at her.

But she just shrugged it off, it didn't bother her at all. Emberpaw decided to walk over to the apprentice. She could tell hollowpaw was a bit smaller then her as the she-cat spoked" uhh hi" as she moved her tail a little bit

Hollowpaw was nervous for his first Gathering-- stars, it had only been just a quarter moon since he'd become an apprentice, and now Doestar was putting him through something like _this?_ His father's presence as his Clan's deputy made him feel both better and worse; on one paw, his father was a strong and respected cat, so nobody was likely to try and mess with his son, but on the other, cats might be judging him _more_ for not being as strong-looking as his father. 

Hollowpaw's eyes sweep the clearing, and a few times he accidentally makes eye contact with a few other cats, though he doesn't hold it too long. Staring into other cats eyes could cause a fight if he's not careful enough... or so he thinks.

The sound of an unfamiliar cat speaking to him prompts him to turn his head. The tall cat behind him reeks of WindClan-- there's no doubt in his mind that she's from there. The only other familiar thing about her were her eyes-- she must be one of the she-cats he accidentally looked at. Woops... 

"Erm- hi," The little tom murmurs as he nervously shuffles around to face her. "Sorry... I promise I wasn't staring! I was just looking around, 'cause this is my first Gathering."

"We do" emberpaw said as she nodded "its like that with me father, but he's the leader of my clan" Emberpaw explain as she looked up towards her father as she relaxed a little

"Woah- your father is the _leader?!_" Hollowpaw's eyes light up in both shock and joy-- something they could (sort of) relate with each other about! "That's awesome! My father is the deputy. He's the black tom with the white chin." Hollowpaw motions to his father, whom was sitting at the base of the Great Oak with the other deputies, with his tail. "He's a little scary, but I think he just wants everyone to think that SkyClan is strong enough to compete with the other Clans. We've lived beside all of you for much longer than any cat has been alive, but... he still doesn't trust the other Clans that well."

Emberpaw could understand that as she moved her tail a little she wondered what it's like living in sky clan. But she wouldn't want to ask "fathers want the best out of everyone sometimes" she muttered a little bit as the she cat.

Before pointed with her paw towards foxstar her father"that's foxstar he's the orange tabby with white paws" she said a bit

Hollowpaw stares at Foxstar briefly and makes notes of the similarities between him and Emberpaw, like his long legs and slender body. Leader or not, Foxstar wasn't as cool as his dad, at least in his young apprentice mind. "I don't hear much about your father, but then again, we don't share a border with your Clan. The only cat who talks about WindClan is, well, my father." The young tom ducks his head bashfully as a sudden wave of embarrassment comes over him, the sensation burning hotter than flames underneath his pelt. "Y-You can guess the kind of stuff he must say, huh?"

Emberpaw shrugged a bit but she thought about it over" I think so, but my father tries to keep those things away from me and my siblings" she answered as she flickered her tail a little bit from these thinking it over a bit.

Hollowpaw huffs. "Pfft, I wish that were me. My father tells me everything he thinks, but it's just 'cause he wants me to be a good warrior. I mean, he's deputy for StarClan's sake! I should be listening to him more." His tone falters as if he only half-believes what he's saying. "But I'm sure Foxstar is just as great. WindClan seems to be doing well for itself under his lead, after all." 

Emberpaw eyed over that before she could say something. She decided not to say what she wanted to say at first but shrugged it off" My father was already a leader when I was born. My mother is amazing  to me and siblings to tell you that" 

Emberpaw opened her mouth before she noticed silentshade coming over. She dipped her head down towards her adopted mother and said in greeting "hi mother" she moved her tail a little bit. She didn't want to disrespect her mother one bit, because of her fathers really tough training with her and with the strictness he has.

Hollowpaw purrs and flicks his tail, unsure of how to respond to her bragging. His family was alright... So why was he feeling so jealous? The young tom is quick to dismiss his negative feelings, though-- holding grudges wasn't really a concept in his fresh-into-the-world mind. 

"I'm glad you have a good family-" The arrival of a WindClan she-cat coming up to Emberpaw's side makes him cut himself off and bow in respect to the cat senior to him. "H-Hello," he stammers as he fidgets with his paws nervously. "I'm Hollowpaw of SkyClan. I was just, um, talking to Emberpaw about our families. She says you're pretty good." The tom looks up and beams a smile at the brown she-cat whom he still did not have a name for. He remarks that she doesn't particularly look very similar to her daughter, but he doesn't mention it. It wasn't like he really looked like his mother or father either.

Silentshade pureed quietly at that as she smiled a little before noting "I am happy that emberpaw is making friends, I wanted to make sure she was doing well, I am silentshade" Silentshade said as she lowered her head towards them"It isn't easy for emberpaw here." 

Emberpaw made an embarrassed expression before saying"mom! I am able to make friends, Ik wisppaw and lilypaw are huge bully's i still have my 2 brothers and wildpaw" she said from these

Hollowpaw laughs along awkwardly, still finding himself not entirely sure of how to address the serious sounding topic. "Well, making new friends is never an issue with me. I'm glad to be your friend if you want to be mine, too." He purrs, praying that she didn't respond poorly to his advances. Having a friend in another Clan could be interesting despite his father's reservations...

Silentshade smiled a little before waving a goodbye with her tail so she wouldn't make it more awkward as it is. As the queen went to where cloudpaw and breezepaw was at.

Emberpaw lighten up when she heard that "that would be amazing I'll be your friend"