Scented Growth Points

1 year, 6 days ago
1 year, 6 days ago
1 311

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 6 days ago

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Ch 1 - Growth 1 - 3 Points

With sleek midnight black fur and mesmerizing white eyes, Toxin was a particular goobie. He possessed a mischievous streak and an insatiable curiosity that often led him into adventurous escapades.

Toxin's days were spent exploring the depths of the eccentric’s riverbank, uncovering hidden secrets and treasures. However, his true passion lay in potion-making. Among the toadstools and rare herbs that grew abundantly, Toxin discovered a talent for concocting magical elixirs that brought about remarkable transformations.

At first, Toxin's experiments were rudimentary, with potions that fizzled and smoked. But with each failure, he grew more determined. He studied ancient tomes, consulted in his companions (more like subjects), and honed his skills through countless trials. Eventually, Toxin became a master of his craft, brewing potions that granted incredible abilities and unlocked the secrets of the forest.

As Toxin's reputation spread throughout the eccentric’s riverbank, goobies from far and wide sought his services. Blair would come for potions that enhanced her agility, while Gina sought concoctions that would make her invisible for pranks. Toxin was delighted by their eagerness and used his wit to offer them potions that satisfied their desires, but always with a twist that benefited him, and only him.

For example, Toxin demanded treasures from those of Vagabondia, travellers who would bite your paws off if you come too close, or treasures from The Atlantic, where creatures would await you by the shore and nip at you, turning you into one of them. Fear arose throughout the crowds, but many were up to the challenge, and thus would rush to meet his deeds, following his lies as he said that these were for his potions and they were absolutely required or else his crafts would unfortunately back-fire.

Alas, his schemes worked, for quite some time. With no leader to the riverbank, many were gullible for him and his rules.