(SV) Celestia and Savannah - How They Met

1 year, 13 days ago

A cute love story :P

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This is the first time that I have written a story so don't mind if it is bad :')

(Cover image made by Gloria)

It is a beautiful and calm day in Canterlot, the just-risen sun casts a rosy hue, and specks of dust seemed to dance in sunlight that slanted through the stained-glass windows in the throne room. Princess Celestia has a lot of royal duties to attend to. Her difficult mornings always start right after she raises the sun and her sister Luna lowers the moon, with a meeting with her advisors to discuss the condition of the kingdom and other affairs. She would then spend the day attending to an array of tasks such as visiting schools, carrying out tours, opening buildings, or meeting with other international dignitaries. In the afternoons, Celestia would generally spend time with paperwork or studying ancient magic in the royal library.

This time, it was different.

After her full day of duties, Princess Celestia lowers the sun and waits for Luna to raise the moon before deciding and telling her that she is going to stroll through Canterlot. With Luna’s acknowledgment, Celestia leisurely walks through the castle’s hallways through the doors and eventually a large gate at the front of the castle itself. The night sky was clear and illuminated by a breathtaking display of stars, constellations, and celestial phenomena. Each star was a twinkling gem painted across a vast expanse of darkness, it was a marvel of nature, a sight to behold, and a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things, under something that is both familiar and yet so vast and mysterious. 

Princess Celestia continues to wander through the quiet city, gazing at the individual ponies who still work during the night and waving as soon as she goes past. She smiles and waves back, everypony seems to be in a good mood right now. 

After a few minutes of walking and waving, Celestia notices a pony drawing. She has a blue coat with a purple and dark blue mane with a flower in it; she also seems to be wearing shoes and a bracelet. Steadily, Celestia strolls over to the pony with interest and gingerly taps her shoulder with a hoof. 

The pony turns around with her eyes closed and says, “Hello there, I am Savannah. I hope you don’t mind but I am currently drawing...” Savannah slowly opens her eyes, flinches, and quickly bows when she realizes who is before her. “Y-Your Majesty… I didn’t know it was you…” Savannah blushes.

Princess Celestia silently chuckles, “Rise, it’s okay. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Savannah cautiously rises to her original height, clearly nervous and visibly sweating. She tries her best to maintain eye contact with the most gorgeous and celestial (literally) being in Equestria. Celestia notices this and lowers herself to Savannah’s eye level, smiling warmly.

“Look at me, my little pony. I won’t bite you.” She remarks.

“I-It’s not that…” Savannah replies while blushing.

Princess Celestia tilts her head to the side in confusion but also has a look of surprise on her face. ‘This pony isn’t afraid of me in the way most ponies are…’ She thinks.

Savannah sighs a little, she is understandably uneasy and only she knows why. “Princess… Do you want to see my drawing? I-Is that why you’re here…?” She asks.

Celestia thinks for a moment and nods, “Yes, you could say that. I am simply interested in what you were doing”

Savannah’s eyes widen, no pony has ever wanted to see her artwork before, they usually just ignore her. Savannah had never thought that her art was worth seeing but now her mind has changed, her art is unique if the PRINCESS wants to see it. Now excited, Savannah smiles, “You were interested in my art?! You don’t know how much this means to me, Princess!”

Princess Celestia giggles. “Please, just call me Celestia. It’s way better than the formalities.”

Savannah nods frantically, moves next to Celestia, and points her hoof toward her picture on a drawing board. Celestia looks at it and takes it in, her eyes twinkle with awe. It was the best thing she had ever seen. Meanwhile, Savannah waits with anticipation for her response.

Princess Celestia turns her head to Savannah, her eyes still twinkling with awe, and responds, “This is so beautiful. Has anypony ever complimented it before?”

Savannah wanted to jump up and down in excitement but reframes herself from doing that and smiles very widely. “You love it?! Ooh, I am so happy! I have never actually had anypony say anything about its beauty but you’re the first one and you are special!”

Celestia chuckles, “Well, I can say that your work deserves way more appreciation. Say, there is a royal state banquet coming up… Would you like to be the guest of honour?”

Savannah gasps in shock as she comprehends what Celestia had just said. ‘The princess is going to invite me to a state banquet! Omc, I can’t believe that this is real and not a dream at all…’ She thought.

Savannah stays silent as Celestia chuckles again, “Of course, you don’t have to if you don’t want to~” She winks.

Savannah opens her mouth wide in astonishment, “Don’t want to?! Of cour-” She interrupts herself and blushes. “I’m sorry, Pri- Celestia… I didn’t mean to shout…”

Celestia keeps her smile and puts her hoof on Savannah’s shoulder. “Don’t be embarrassed, young pony. You are such a delight and I think you would be the perfect guest to sit next to me at the table.”

Savannah nods and stands up professionally, “Of course, I would love to be your guest at the state banquet and I will make sure that I dress up accordingly.”

Celestia nods back. “I am glad that you have accepted my offer, I am looking forward to it.” She responds. “I hope you have a great day, Savannah.”

“Y-You too,” Savannah says as Celestia slowly walks off into the distance.




‘I swear I just saw Celestia look back at me with the most charismatic face…’

Going back into the castle, Princess Celestia couldn’t stop thinking about Savannah. She was puzzled by her strong feelings for a pony that she had just met, but she knew that there was something special about Savannah. Her beauty and charm immediately struck Celestia, and she felt a strange connection to this pony. Additionally, she was completely exhilarated for the upcoming royal banquet now that Savannah is going to be a part of it and couldn’t help but prance around the hallways of Canterlot.

“I’ve found a marefriend!”

Every royal guard looks at Celestia with surprise and a bit of fear. This was unexpected…

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, Celestia would see Savannah every day since that night and they would always wave to each other and get back to their days, but Celestia could never shake off her actual feelings for Savannah. Thankfully, today was banquet day.

Princess Celestia, in a pink, purple, and gold dress with a big crown on her head, patiently waits for her cue. She is visibly nervous but keeps it together, she is a princess after all, and over 1000 years old, she should know how to behave. Breathing in and out is all Celestia needed to calm down. A few minutes later, Raven Inkwell, who is Celestia’s assistant, comes into the room with a clipboard and quill with a small smile on her face, she instantly bows.

“Hello, Your Majesty. I hope you are well prepared and excited because I certainly am. So many guests tonight.” She speaks.

Celestia nods gently. “Yes, I am. There is a certain pony that I have caught a keen interest in.”

Raven widens her eyes in surprise, they look like they could burst out of her head. “A pony? Are they on this list of guests at all?”

“She should be.” Princess Celestia responds.

“She?” Raven repeats.

Celestia looks down in embarrassment. “Yes, and I know that it might sound strange but, I have feelings for her. I do. I’ve been feeling this for months now, I first met her on a night out and I can’t get enough of her beauty, and her artistic abilities.” She looks up again, and she has some tears in her eyes, “I hope you understand, Raven.”

Raven stares at Celestia with sympathy. “Oh Princess, I understand and I don’t judge you for it. Being in love, especially with the same gender is okay, there is nothing wrong with it and I am sure that if you confess your feelings to this mare, you will finally feel free of the stress.” She sighs. “Trust me, it will be okay.”

Princess Celestia wipes her tears and wraps her forelegs around Raven, hugging her. “Thank you so much, this is why you’re my assistant. I will tell Savannah that I love her once and for all and I have the perfect way on how to do it.” She says, determinately as she unwraps her forelegs and gets to work.

Princess Celestia is at the banquet table, looking as regal as ever, she gazes to her left. The pony on the left is the Duke of Maretonia with his wife, the Duchess of Maretonia, they had been waiting for this state banquet for a long time now and they have been good friends with Celestia ever since they visited the Crystal Empire, it has consistently been such a pleasure for them. To the right of Celestia is Savannah, the one of her dreams, she was wearing a pleasant pastel blue and purple dress with sparkles. Celestia was nervous about later; it would be the time when she confessed. Savannah turns her attention to Celestia and waves with a massive smile on her face. Celestia waves back, her eyes closed, and sighs quietly.

Turning back to the front, Princess Celestia stands up and clinks a glass with a spoon as she begins to talk, “Everypony settle down, please. I have a speech and then I will lend it over to the special guests for tonight.” She sighs, “I think, Duke and Duchess, of the kindness and friendship you have shown everypony in Equestria. I also think fondly of the time when you came over to the Crystal Empire, we had a great conversation with each other. Even though we don’t talk much, over all these years, I have been stuck by the warmth of our bonds and the vitality of our partnership in countless areas. Fillies and Gentlecolts, your affection mean more to me and my family than I can express. I can only assure you that I will do all I can to strengthen the connections between us. As I look around the room, I see many talented individuals who embody what makes Equestria great. And of course, if we stand side-by-side in protecting and advancing our values, we will stand together. Forever.” Celestia stays standing with a smile as everypony in the room claps, even Savannah. “Before I lend it over to our special guests, I would like to say something that I can’t keep inside of me any longer, and don’t worry, I won’t take too long.”

The room is silent as they prepare for what is going to happen next.

Princess Celestia breathes in and out as she turns towards Savannah and starts to speak again, “Savannah London, I am not very good at expressing my feelings since I am a Princess and I need to stand strong. However, this is the time when I need to be honest and I now want to tell you about my feelings.” She pauses. “We have been seeing each other every day for months now and I realise that the more I see you, the more I want to be with you. You are a beautiful beacon of light and I am drawn to you like the stars are drawn to the galaxy. I can’t resist it. When you are not around, I think about you, I find myself looking forward to our next meeting. I realise now that I care for you very much, ever since I saw you with your art, I felt a connection… I’m in love with you and my heart flutters whenever I see you. I just hope that you have the same sensations as I do. I love you so much.” Celestia finishes and sits down, head down.

Everypony in the room has their mouths open. Savannah couldn’t believe what was happening, she never expected Celestia to openly talk about her true feelings. “C-Celestia…” Savannah stutters. “I l-love you too.”

Princess Celestia lifts her head and looks directly into Savannah’s dazzling green eyes; they’re shimmering like the stars on a cloudless night. She means it. Celestia smiles and leans closer to her, they touch muzzles and Celestia slowly connects her lips to Savannah’s. As their lips meet, the release of oxytocin creates a tingling sensation flowing throughout their bodies. Lots of ponies watched with astonishment, but Savannah and Celestia didn’t care, they kept the moment going. The electricity between them and the pure passion of their kiss. This is the moment that they are going to remember forever, long after the kiss has ended. 

After a few minutes, they repel and look into each other's eyes while blushing profusely. Ponies all around the room keep their eyes locked on the two in shock, their princess has never kissed anypony before nor has she ever found love until this moment. They all get out of their trances and start to clap and whistle loudly.

“Congrats Princess Celestia!”, “This is what love is about!”, ”Love at first sight!” shouted various ponies.

Princess Celestia looks over at everypony cheering and feels an instance of pride stream through her veins. The stress is gone, Raven was right.

It takes a few minutes for the ponies to calm down because of the happiness that they all feel for their princess and Celestia stares towards The Duke and Duchess of Maretonia and nods, signalling them to start their speech.

After the banquet, Celestia and Savannah roam Canterlot Castle together. Savannah takes in the sights of it, the regal colours and atmosphere gave her a satisfying feeling inside, and the smell of lavender and rose petals filled the air. The floor was made of hard marble tiles, and a soft, yet thin red carpet ran along the middle with segments branching out to join each door. Towards the left were stairs that lead to two stained-glass windows which represent the sun and the moon with hallways on each side. Celestia leads Savannah to the opposite side of the room, going through the long hallway and past chambers for different purposes, they finally make it into the royal gardens.

The blooming flowers created an aroma in the wind, the sound of birds singing and the chirping of crickets generated a tranquil noise that could be heard throughout the gardens. It is truly a place of serenity and elegance and a wonderful environment to escape from the hustle and bustle of the castle and city. Looking around, the plants and flowers are meticulously tended to, with every flower and bud in perfect alignment.

Princess Celestia smiles as she turns towards Savannah London. “I hope you like it here; the gardeners always do such brilliant work with the scenery. It’s a lovely place to relax.” she says calmly.

Savannah nods and replies, “It is very gorgeous, I love flowers a lot. I even have one in my mane; it was given to me by my sister.”

“You have a sister? Oh, how pleasant!” Celestia responds excitedly.

“Twin sister, I love her very much!” Savannah grins.

Celestia laughs a little. ‘Having a sibling is a special part of life.’ She thinks.

Savannah has a sudden idea and smirks. She flies with her magical blue wings and kisses Celestia suddenly and tenderly, it was a quick peck but still very enjoyable. Celestia kisses back. They appreciate each other’s company and bond like peanut butter and jelly.

“I love you, Savannah. You are very adorable~” Celestia beams.

Savannah blushes, “I love you too, Celie! Your love is appreciated!”

Princess Celestia snickers at the nickname, “Usually only Luna calls me that but I can make an exception, My Little Savy~”

Both Savannah and Celestia laughed together as they continued to chat, they were inseparable. Nothing could break them apart, their love will always be a sweet one, and over time, they will spend their days together, exploring new lands, learning about each other, and growing to love each other even more. Their legendary love story will spread throughout Equestria and inspire many ponies to be who they are with no discomfort. And as they walked through life together, they knew that they had found something truly rare and special, something that they would endure for the rest of their lives. Therefore, Princess Celestia and Savannah London lived happily ever after, always in love and always grateful for the day that they met.