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1 year, 7 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 7 days ago

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PROGRESS 1 [Month 3]


> Slight... Well, a big file corruption... I'll get Piettro to restore more later.

[N.STAR 7th facility]

Cell# & Sector: 26B

Subject Information:

Harmless, Human Teen

Description: A young boy in his teens, 17 years old, with brown hair, hazel eyes and in clad red with hints of black. His clothes originates from traditional Japanese wear that had been modified. ███ has been found in ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


███ is a travelling merchant. His wares are always brought with him no matter his location or situation. He would build a small stand to display his wares, always bringing out a limited amount of three items to be sold. Strictly one item per person. His stall being small and portable, was decorated mildly. It had --------------------.


Intern ███ ██ has been assigned the responsibility to interrogate ███ and learn his basic data. Later that year, ███ has broke containment and has yet to be found nor seen. He caused no damages nor injury to the facility and its workers. Before the breach, Intern ███ ██ had interviewed the boy multiple times. Interview follows.

> Retrieved some interview logs! Will look and dig deeper for the remaining files. - P.R

Interview log #3, Date: 10-3-19██


09:57 PM[███] : "Around 53 and uhhh in Yen."
09:58 PM[I6-121] : "53 yen? Do you don't accept gold... Or dabloons orrrr dollars?"
09:58 PM[███] : "Uhmm.. yeaa sure!"
09:59 PM[I6-121] : "Will these suffice?"
09:59 PM[███] : "Uhmmm.." (As I6-121 pulls out his leather wallet, ███ can be seen thinking over the offer.)
10:00 PM[I6-121] : "Ka-ching!" (███ accepts the offer.)
10:00 PM[I6-121] : "Give me some cool amulet or something"
10:01 PM[███] : "Uhhh.., Sure, sure."
10:01 PM[I6-121] : "Nice!" (I6-121 grins and opens the door recklessly to make the exchange.)
10:02 PM: [Various of noises can be heard. ███ opened his dingy stand inside the cell in which I6-121 chooses over the items laid on it.]



> Ah, crap... Let's continue this next week or so. We seem to have hit the stump, Piettro. But at the same time, we also made huge progress over the months. Keep up the good work.