An Upheaval of Crops with Gigantism

11 months, 26 days ago

A routine job on the farm, featuring soil on steroids.

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When Team Hierophants was approached for the task of procuring farm crops, there was truly only one thing to do: consult Dionys and Pandora. 

Neverar the Mewtwo had set up Jude's transportation to the team's second base- as they aimed to spread themselves as far as they could, to help as many people as they could. Such a thing had been Mari's idea, when the recruitment of the dinosaur and crab came with the requirement that they didn't have to move to the continent's center. Raphael thought it silly but Jude thought it wise, and since everyone really truly only consulted Jude on the matter of team management, concept became idea became reality.

Jude teleported to that reality in the brisk of the morning, while the sun was still hidden by the immense red cliffs of the Primal Mountains. Pandora's shack still stood as magnificently as it ever had, built from the redwood and reinforced with stone and surrounded by whatever flower he could have ever gotten his claws on- most of them red, tinges brighter than the rock of the ground.

"Hello, Jude!" Greeted that very Pandora, who had been waiting with a nervous shuffle of his legs. "Good morning, Nerevar!"

"Morning, Pandora!" Nerevar responded, floating towards that shack with Jude at her side. "I love the chrysanthemums."

"O-oh, the mums? They grow all the time here. And never the same size!" Pandora pointed out a particular flower that was easily 9 feet tall. It billowed against the hovel like a locust horny for light. "They're only supposed to grow in the fall, but they do it year long here, for some reason. The soil affects the crops in that way, too."

"Are some of the produce massive, too?" Jude asked, alongside Nerevar's 'oh!'.

"Yeah! As big as your leek, sometimes. We had a carrot once that Dionys could use as a sword," Pandora responded.

"Woah. That's large," finished Jude and for whatever reason, Nerevar snorted. "Let's get started, yeah?"


It wasn't until it was firmly afternoon that Dionys joined the three in their harvest. She, fully twerked up on the energy of a teenager who firmly believed that the night shift was the best shift, bursted to life with the energy of a couple million year old boomer. Which made sense. She was a fossil, after all.

Since the soil affected the growth speed of the produce as much as it affected the size and quantity, there were measures in place to ensure a rapid upheaval of vegetables. These measures could only truly be used by Dionys, on account of her girlboss size, and as a result the progress made by the motley crew was nigh to none: Pandora was the size of a puntable rock, Jude was no farmer and Nerevar-

Nerevar did alright. Psychically yoinking things from the pores of the world was a quick and easy thing to do.

Nonetheless, with a branch in mouth and string and rope bound to the harvest, one mighty tug was all it took for Dionys to upheave a row. It was quick and easy and annoyingly flashy, as dirt was sprayed positively everywhere. Not even Nerevar's quick strategy compared and this left the cat flabbergasted.

So much so, that at one point she pulled Pandora aside.

"How'd you come up with that?" She asked, balancing a clipboard and two pens of differing colors in her hands.

"U-Uh, out of necessity," Pandora said, clicking his claws. A bout of whispering evaporated from that possessed shell of his, which he batted away. "Dionys eats like… a lot. A lot, a lot. Before we met, she had to travel a lot, because no place really had that much to eat. I found out that the soil here is extraordinarily special, and helped her build a house and a farm and-"

"Oh! Did all these berries already grow here naturally?" Nerevar asked.

"Some! Like the rawst and mago and figy. Which is weird, because usually they don't grow in mountainous climates like this. They were just here though," Pandora clicked his nails again. "The rest we've found in the dungeons around here. Oh! That's actually why we joined the Hierophants!"

"For the seeds?" Nerevar asked, following the shellfish's gaze towards Jude.

"Yeah! Uh, when we met Jude and Mari-" started Pandora.

"Oh! Mari! I know him!" Nerevar checked something off with a giddy little flair, much to the chagrin of her awkward audience. "He works with me with the team's manager staff."

"W-we have one of those?" To his absolute horror, Pandora's question was postponed by the testosterone-empowered hollar of a certain Jude, who had just taken one of the crop-ropes into his feathery grip and pulled.

Perhaps it was by some miracle, but the row of produce was aptly up-heaved. The fat duck posed for the sun.

"YOOOOOO!" Dionys roared and stomped, an utter opposite adjacent of Pandora's shock.

"I-I didn't know anyone but Dionys could do that!" He squeaked.

"Yeah, Jude's a beefcake," chortled Nerevar. She flipped into the air in a very un-Mewtwo like fashion, hanging upside-down. "Lily, Sam and Mari call him Big Jude. It's a pretty awesome name. Especially for an old guy."

"He's old?" asked Pandora.

"Kinda, I think. He has old vibes," waved off Nerevar. "Yeah, we have a manager group now. It was Mari's idea, and it'll help the parts of the team spread out from one another, like you guys. That's how we got here- with my amazing managing skills."

"Uh? Is that like, something you inherit at birth?" Pandora asked.

"Nah, it's Teleport."

"Oh!" Shuffling a bit, Pandora looked to the ground. "Well, uh. We know Jude because Raphael messed up our farm once. I guess he meant well, but-"

"That was an accident, though?" asked Nerevar.

"Uh, yeah, but-"

"It'll be alright from here on out. I'll make sure of it!" Nerevar finished her little Mew-Roll, plopping back onto her feet with gusto.

"Oh. Uh. Hopefully?" Pandora whispered.


By the time the sun began to set, the four had a categorically fuck ton of crops harvested and ready for the warp back home.

"-And it wasn't a problem," snorted Dionys, whomst was now rooting into the ground via her mushroom tendrils. "I'd like to try watmel next time, though, so you should bring us some."

"Sure," replied Jude. "You've earned it. I'll send some Poké your way, too, since we've taken all of your crop."

"Good! I want to get different woods imported. Pandora said different shrooms like different trees, and I really need a better bed," yawned out the rocky half-dragon as she pulled her roots out of the ground and turned for the door.

"Ah, yeah. Sleep is important," nodded Jude.

"Be seeing you, Pandora! Dionys!" Nerevar hollered and after receiving a returned wave, they were off like a dirty shirt.

In the wake of the sun and the chaos of the farm rush, Pandora heaved. He turned to Dionys and spoke in a little voice.

"Do you think they're right about Raphae-"

"No," the Tyruntlull huffed. "Fuck that guy."