Uh Oh! (May Event)

11 months, 19 days ago
11 months, 19 days ago
2 10614

Chapter 1
Published 11 months, 19 days ago

Only the first two parts since we did not finish the last two weeks.

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Week 1- Team Blue Moon's a Go!

Having heard potential burried treasures and secrets, the Artist Twins interest was piqued! Arson wouldn't stop them from running off for a long while, and the both of them honestly had nothing better to do...

But Gold and Sidney expressed worry... they were both just kids, both 13! They needed to bring an adult with them.... Arson was more stingy on that front....

But they knew just who to drag along with them....

Cyrus Ravencroft He was anxious, twiddling with his hands as they approach the sign ups. He glanced between the Signs for Solar Flares and Blue Moons.

Graffiti He squinted at the two signs, "...Do either really matter? I mean like.... either way my guy we're going in there."

Vandal "I think it's just down to who you prefer."

Graffiti "...One looks like they'd make me do that fitness gram pacer test and give me an F, the other one looks like they'd put me in a locker and take my lunch money, so honestly I could go either way."

Vandal She squinted at the two, "Yeah you know what, fair.... Cy, what you feeling?"

Cyrus Ravencroft He chirped, observing the two humans anxiously. "...I am unsure myself...."

Koro he stares at the three from a distance, he doesn't seem like he'll blink anytime soon...

Glucose meanwhile he can be smelled from sooooo far away! Like a candy store on steroids! He shmooves around looking at and waving at others nearby

Kuu Ramrest Honestly? Kuu didn't know why he had come here, just that.. Well— It sounded like it would be fun to spectate. It's not like he had anything better to do on his few days off.

Graffiti he was the first to pick up the stench, covering his nose, "eugh- smells like an accident at your moms place." He grinned towards Vandal.

Vandal ".....Dude we have the same mom."

Graffiti "....oh yeah." He looked over to Glucose, "Looks like it's coming from that lump."

Vandal "ewww.... Bro I dare you to eat something off of him-"

Graffiti "Bro do I look like Cy-??" He said in more of a whisper.

Cyrus Ravencroft Not that he was paying much attention, he dismissed the smell as he watched who was signing up for which side.

Glucose he notices them talking and looking his way so he does a small :o and starts moving over to them

Koro his ears twitch noticing Kuu seemingly by himself and he decides to float a bit closer to get a better look at the big guy

Kuu Ramrest His ear flicked, eyes wandering the variety of faces and strangers filtering about the area. After a moment, his eyes caught sight of the little guy floating closer to him. He hesitated, seeming to grow nervous at the approach. "..."

Koro he tilts his head and stops moving noticing his unease..... still hasn't blinked but at least he respects boundaries? (Sorry.... not used to a lot of people?)

Graffiti "Uh oh- it's coming to us-"

Vandal "Uhhh act natural."

Graffiti "How- what- are we avoiding this guy now? You were just telling me to eat something off him!!"

Vandal "Yeah but do you really wanna talk to this guy-??"

Graffiti "I mean we were staring at the dude!!!" He cleared his throat, waving to grimer. "Yo!"

Kuu Ramrest He jolted, lifting his huge hands to cover his chest. (.. Uhm— Not used to being approached.. Most people don't really find me approachable. Are.. You the little pink guy?)

Glucose he smiles and waves back "Hi!" his voice is kind of.... wet, like he's juggling a mouthful of water "How are you two? I'm Glucose" he squishes his face in his hands a little "my ma said the sweetest boy should have the sweetest name.... but that sure was a while ago"

Koro he nods and offers a tiny wave (I understand, I'm not the best with people myself at times. Living on a mostly barren, snow crested mountain tends to alienate you a little)

Kuu Ramrest (I'm just.. A little scary.) He gave a little wave in return, his kinked tail starting to wag gently. (I'm just so tall and.. Well.. Anyway..)

Graffiti "....Yo, Graffiti, this is my sis, Vandal, we named ourselves~"

Vandal "Well I mean technically Arson named us."

Graffiti "Shut." He hushed Vandal, "But... Glucose??? Man I would ahve named you like sugar rush or like... I dunno, insert sugar joke here."

Vandal "...What."

Graffiti "...I'm not good at humor. And I don't wanna make fun of a medical condition"

Vandal "Fair- Anyhow, you here for the tomb raiding too?"

Cyrus Ravencroft He blinked, the sugary stentch getting much too intense for him. He covered his nose now, looking down at the twins before seeing... this moving mush of a creature...?! He let out a sudden screech of terror as he fell back.

Koro (tall and scary ensure survival, I don't mind it, it's normal in the mountains)

Glucose his eyes widen and he moves away almost like a tidal wave in reverse, flattening and raising himself "Sorry! Oh oh ohhh I didn't think I'd scare anyone!"

Kuu Ramrest His head jerked towards the direction of the screech, his mouth setting in a grim line. (Guess so..) He stepped towards the terrified man, leaning down to help him up before freezing in place. "... Sunnie..?"

Koro he follows behind but respectfully keeps his distance

Vandal "Oh, no that's jsut our dad- he's... like that with strangers- You good Cy??"

Cyrus Ravencroft He was pointing his damaged leg at Glucose in confused terror, his leg shaking as he breathed deeply to calm himself. But as someone approached and reached for him, he flinched, covering himself.

Vandal "Aye, AYE, Back off you're scaring the dude." She hit Kuu on the head with her paint brush, "shoo- shoo!"

Kuu Ramrest "Wai-- Ow--" He staggered back, stumbling with his compatirtively short legs. After a moment, the big guy had fallen back on his butt, "Oh no-- I- Uhm-- Rammy..?"

Graffiti He watched the action unfold, before leaning over to Glucose, "Yo you know this guy?...Also if I say, licked you, would that be a good idea or-"

Cyrus Ravencroft He was too busy covering himself in terror... Seemed anything said to him would go in one ear and out the other

Glucose he shakes his.... I guess his head no "Never seen him.... and um... I don't think it's a good idea. I'm kind of a lot for those that don't have a tolerance built up. You're so little you'd probably be in a sugar coma for a month"

Koro he watched the situation silently before moving closer to Cyrus, staying out of kicking range (Hello?)

Graffiti "Fair"

Cyrus Ravencroft (w-what- what?!)

Koro (Please... no one here means harm, it appears to have been a misunderstanding. Take your time to relax but.... you're safe)

Cyrus Ravencroft He looked up at Koro, confused, but taking a deep breath, his posture would relax some, he held himself anxiously.

Graffiti "...aye, pops, think this guy knows you-" His hair would lift up and point to Kuu, "You know the guy?"

Cyrus Ravencroft He blinked owlishly, glancing at Kuu and the absolute monster of a guy he was.

Glucose he scoots a bit closer again "is the stabby man ok now? I'm really sorryyyy"

Cyrus Ravencroft ...Annnd back to pointing his needle leg at Glucose.

Glucose he squeaks and backs up again with big sad eyes

Kuu Ramrest He sheepishly waved. ".. Sunnie? Don't you remember me? ... Man, I guess I really have changed a lot.. Didn't think I'd be unrecognizable.."

Cyrus Ravencroft He'd blink, trying to remember who this could be.... and what he was even, "....K......Kuuuuuu?" He neverously said.

Kuu Ramrest He perked up, "Hey! That's me! It's been so long— I didn't think I'd ever get to see you again- So much has changed!"

Koro he glances between them, glad things seem to be deescalating

Glucose "Friends? You two are friends right?" he smiles "Friends are nice"

Cyrus Ravencroft Slowly he stood himself up, putting a lot of weight on one leg, while the other just barely touched the ground. "...Y...Yeah.... it has been... um... are you here for the.... tomb exploration...?" He glanced at the mew and grimer, "...you as well...?"

Koro he nods (An ally of mine suggested it)

Glucose "Yes yes! I mostly was nearby for the snacks though.... not too much food back home"

Cyrus Ravencroft "....Right.... so... w....who are you two?"

Graffiti "Uhhh... this guy's like Sugarcane-"

Vandal "Glucose- dad- do you really know that grimsnarll-???"

Cyrus Ravencroft "Erm... well... yes, we were friends as kids...." (my only friend actually.)

Koro he pauses for a moment before finally blinking and speaking normally "My name is Koro, now that things have become calm I believe I can speak naturally now yes? I was... worried I'd startle you further by adding another voice to the mix"

Kuu Ramrest "Hey, I'm really sorry I startled you, I just.. Wow. I'm so glad to see you— Been a while since I've seen a friend.." He chuckled, leaning forward on his hands. "I was just here to watch people for a bit— I'm off work today, so.. I guess I could join in if you wanna catch up?"

Cyrus Ravencroft "Oh, it's.... fine. I get startled easily, you remember this." He cleared his throat."

Graffiti "Well if you must know, we're going to steal treasures and such- ya know? gonna become so rich!!"

Vandal "Problem is... we don't know what team we're gonna be on yet... and both leaders look plenty intimidating."

Koro "hm.... From what I've seen the blue one is safer to be with. I feel..... Unsure about the orange one"

Vandal "Yeah she looks like she'd throw me into a trashcan and take my money, not gonna lie.... I think ti's the hair."

Kuu Ramrest "Yeah.. Still.." He murmured, eyeing the kids. Were these kids Cyrus'? Was he married? ... Maybe he was babysitting. ".. I think blue is a prettier color- especially teal or navy.."

Cyrus Ravencroft "Oh, I like blue too... Accents my clothes quite well..." He swayed his tendril like clothing.

Graffiti "On it- cat guy and.... goo man- you going blue?"

Koro "seems so"

Glucose he nods enthusiastically "reminds me of home"

Graffiti "Nice-!" And off he dashed to the woman excitedly.

Vandal "Hey-!" She followed suit! Keeping up close behind as they reached the booth.

Cyrus Ravencroft He reached out for them both, "Hey- don't run off too quickly...!" Before sighing, glancing at Kuu, "...So, how has things been for you?"

Kuu Ramrest He watched quietly, crossing his arms over his chest. His demeanor was a far cry from what it had been when he was a kid-- Rather than the outgoing and outspoken young man, he was now reserved and guarded. ".. Hm..? For me..? Uhm.. It's okay. I work at a coffee place. I moved back here not too long ago.. It's been lonely, I guess.." He really seemed unsure of himself.

Cyrus Ravencroft "I....see.... I imagine you probably expected me to be some... big tv star or whatever... I've just been hiding ever since you vanished, honestly. Been staying in the ol' run down mall...."

Kuu Ramrest "... Yeah? I kinda figured you maybe stood up for yourself-- You never did like all the attention.." He smiled lightly, "I, uhm.. Got into some really bad trouble and.. Basically got grounded until I was-- Until I moved out, I guess. No phones, no friends, just... School and family.."

Cyrus Ravencroft "....Sure." He seemed hesitant to delve deeper about himself, "...I did just happen into company of the kids.... but I help take care of them, they were... quite insistant I go with them on this little venture. Even though I hate going outside..."

Kuu Ramrest "Ah.." He nodded lightly, "Well-- They seem to really love you. I'm glad you have family that treats you right."

Cyrus Ravencroft "....sure you can call it that." He treked after the two kids

Graffiti "And then my name is spelt G-R-A-F-F-I-T-I. And My dad's name is spell S-I-R-I-S." He said to the recruiter.

Vandal "I think ti's actualy... S-I-R-I-U-S?"


Cyrus Ravencroft He anxiously approached behind them, "Oh.....um..." His gaze strayed up to the human, his whole body freezing up.

Kuu Ramrest He stepped up behind Cyrus, placing a soft hand on his back. "It's okay.. Cyrus? Is that what you go by now?"

Cyrus Ravencroft He flinched, shooting a glare back at Kuu before realizing.... oh- it's Kuu-. "...Y...yes... my name is...Cyrus now.... I-It's...s-spelt... like... C-C.....C....-Y....R-U-S....." Grafitti: "wait your name starts with C???"

Kuu Ramrest He blinked, watching Cyrus carefully before nodding. "I love it. It really does fit you, y'know? I would give myself a knew name, but.. I didn't really think about it."

Vandal "Oh- oh- can we give you a new name?" She asked with a grin.

Graffiti "Heheh-! I'd make such a good name for you-! But- right- C-Y-R-U-S."

Kuu Ramrest ".. Sure! If I like it, maybe I'll keep it." He smiled playfully, his crooked tail giving a little wag. When had he broken his tail so severely? How had it even happened?

Vandal "Uhhh, uh- shoot- uh-... what's a cool name."

Graffiti "Johan."

Vandal "Johan! That's a name! .... kind of a dumb name, Graf."

Graffiti "What-?? No it's not!!" He stomped his foot and huffed. "What even is his name right now???"

Cyrus Ravencroft He was.... slowly slipping behind Kuu to hide from the human recruiter's gaze. "...it's... Kuu.... K-U-U."

Graffiti "Kuu.... like.... Cockadoodle cooo????"

Vandal "....You a chicken?"

Kuu Ramrest "Uhh.. No? I'm a Grimmsnarl." He murmured, standing a bit taller to help hide Cyrus.

With how big Kuu already was- he had no problem hiding Cyrus! The human would look up at them impatiently, "...So it's Graffiti, Vandal, Cyrus, and Kuu?"

Vandal "Huh? Oh- yeh- oh do we get to pick which accessory we get? I want the scarf-!"

Graffiti "No way-! I want that too!"

Vandal "Graf with what neck?????? You have no neck!!!!!!!"

Kuu Ramrest "Uhm.. Guess I'd have to take the scarf? I'll tie it somewhere, i guess."

Cyrus Ravencroft "...could I have a scarf too- whatever to get away from here as soon as we can-" He muttered.

Vandal "You heard 'em, 4 scarves please-! of varying sizes!"

The unamused human would write down their names, "And what team name would you all like?" "we need something cool.... Team Eclipse!"

Graffiti "After Deviantart Eclipse? That's the worst name. It ruined my profile and now I hate using the site...."

Vandal "Shoot you're right.... you two did you ever make any teams as kids?" She pointed at Kuu.

Kuu Ramrest "Us? Oh, we made a little team called the Sliders! We ran the playground in Cyrus' backyard! I think I chipped a tooth there once.. Gave little Cyrus a heart-attack."

Cyrus Ravencroft "Oh.... yeah... is it still chipped...? Or did that tooth fall out and regrow...? "

Vandal "Dad you had a playground in your backyard???? You were living in luxury my man!"

Graffiti "Damn... well I mean we kind of have a playground in our backyard-"

Vandal "The public park does not count. ANYHOW- Hiiii! We'll do Team Sliders!

The human wrote it down, before tearing the paper from the clipboard, "Your copy." Before collecting 4 scarves of varying sizes, 2 Mediums, a Large, and an XXLarge.

Graffiti "Thaaaaank you!" He collected them, before handing them out between the four of them.

Kuu Ramrest "Still chipped. It was one of my permanent teeth. It's fine though, it was kinda funny—" He chuckled, turning towards Cyrus to look down at him. "So.. Guess we're going to have more time to chat? "

Cyrus Ravencroft "I....suppose so...!" He collected the two largest scarves, unfolding the largest one, "..." He looked up at Kuu's neck, "...I remember when that was pencil thin... Didn't your sister always call you a bobble head?" He asked with a small smirk.

Kuu Ramrest He blushed, glancing away. "M.. Maybe.. But, uhm.. She doen't anymore.." Kuu leaned down, holding his hand out for his scarf.

Cyrus Ravencroft He looked at his offered hand, before.... tying the scarf around his wrist. "Well... the rest of your body finally grew in with your head, I'd hope not." He paused as he looked over Kuu fully, before limping a step closer to him and.... hugging him tight. '...I've missed you, Kuu..."

Kuu Ramrest He let out a short laugh, looking down at his wrist before wrapping his arms around Cyrus and just.. Holding him. "I missed you so much— I couldn't stand not being able to see you anymore and.. I thought I'd..Never see you again.." His voice started to grow strained, then.. Kuu started to quietly cry against Cyrus' shoulder.

Cyrus Ravencroft He peeped, looking up at Kuu confused, "...." But patted his back, "...It's alright... I... We both sort of vanished in our own ways... I don't know if I want to even drag you into what I'm stuck in... But hey... a little adventure, just like old times?"

Graffiti "Where we fine money!"

Vandal "And Treassure!"

Graffiti "And! .... uh..... capitalism!"

Vandal "....yo you think dead people were capitalist"

Graffiti ".....Good point."

Kuu Ramrest "... Right.. Just like old times." He sniffled, pulling back enough to look at Cyrus. ".. If its something bad, maybe you can... Well.. Let's talk about it later."

Cyrus Ravencroft He nods, "We just.... need to get ready... where would you like to meet? Once we've gathered up our supplies? ...You can't follow us, where we live um.... strict rules."

Vandal "It'll have to be somewhere I know- Cy never leaves the Mall, like? Ever. You could tell him to go to starbucks and he wouldn't even know what that is.

Cyrus Ravencroft ".......is there actually a place called starbucks-"

Vandal "There is actually a place called starbucks yes. See???? Clueless man."

Kuu Ramrest "Oh! I actually work at starbucks. We could meet there after I tell my boss I'll be gone for a few days."

Vandal "Sounds like a plan to me! ....Aye while you there do you think you could uhhhh.... sneak a few drinks to us? Ya know.... as a lil treat."

Kuu Ramrest "Uhh.. Sure? What do you all like?"

Vandal "...Just get me a regular caramel frappe- Get Graf the pink drink looking one and Cyrus? Whatever you think he'll like- just know he'll eat the cup afterwards."

Kuu Ramrest "...Probably tea. He never liked coffee. You like it hot or could Cy?"

Cyrus Ravencroft "Whuh....? Um.....cold, I prefer cold things frankly."

Vandal "Yeah he's weird- anyways- We'll be meeting you.... I think- tommorrow! At starbucks! ....which location- like the one down the road by the mall or is it the one closest to the beach by the lighthouse-"

Kuu Ramrest "It's the one closer to the mall. It's a bit of a sketchy walk, but it's close to home. Just stay close to Cyrus and he'll keep you safe. He's the best doctor, you know that? He bandaged me up and kissed my boo-boos more often than I could count as kids."

Vandal "Oh yeah I bet he kissed your boo-boos, probably kissed your lips too."

Cyrus Ravencroft He reached down, grabbing Vandal and lifting her up, "S-Shush you-" Before turning his attention to Kuu, "Well, I'll.... see you tommorrow..."

Graffiti "And you better have the driiiiiiinks!"

Kuu Ramrest "Huh..? I didn't have lips- not really. I kinda still don't.. I'm not good at that kinda stuff. Oh—! I'll have them!*

Vandal "Good, means both you and Cyrus don't got 'em! ....well he doesn't have his lower lip BUT-"

Cyrus Ravencroft "Enough-" He muttered more shamefully... turning away and leaving quickly without another word to Kuu.....

Kuu Ramrest "Don't say things like that about Cyrus.." He hesitated, watching Cyrus leave with remorse that he hadn't been able to spend more time with him. The giant almost looked like a lost puppy standing on his own like that.