Interview Time: Margie

11 months, 30 days ago

Interviewing The "Traveling Salesman"

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We're So Glad You Could Make It, Sorry For The Last Minute Invitation..

Margie: It's quite alright, I have enough time to spend on other activities

Starting Off Fairly Simple: What's Your Name?

Margie: Margie, no further introduction is required

So Confident.. What If Nobody Knows Of You?

Margie: Then they should know that I'm a traveling salesman of sorts, and I have yet to lose a customer

What Exactly Are You?

Margie: Not mortal, that's for sure

Do You Want To Elaborate?

Margie: No

What's Your Favorite Animal?

Margie: Dogs, Pitbull's are my favorite breed but I love every breed equally!

So The Age Old Question: Cats Or Dogs, You're For Team Dogs?

Margie: Obviously, nothing against cats or anything.. but I'm just naturally a dog person

So We Heard You Have Your Own World Outside The Astral Plane, How Did You Get It?

Margie: I actually made it myself! It was quite easy.. just some stardust, and some heat.. give it a minute and two.. and boom, an empty void that you can do anything with! .. I don't know why gods don't make their own worlds..

We Also Heard You Used To Be Human, How Did You Get So Much Power?

Margie: I sold my soul to a deity and they just gave me all this power, it's a rip-off if you ask me, I mean, my soul wasn't that useful to me.. I don't know what they saw in me..

What Do You Use Such Power For?

Margie: I use it to bring people to a better place where their every need is tended to and they're loved, you wouldn't believe how much the average mortal suffers, I just wish to take care of them, to make them smile

That's.. Really Nice. But How Exactly Do You Do That?

Margie: I make them a personalized home in my world, give them anything they could possibly want, and shower them with love, like a dog!

And You Do This For Nothing In Return?

Margie: No, they give me something in return.. their obedience, and their attention..

You Like Attention?

Margie: Can't get enough of it

What If They Don't Want To Give You Anything?

Margie: Then they learn real quickly that I don't take well to scammers..

.. You Won't Elaborate, Will You?

Margie: No

.. With Such Power, Do You Ever Wish You Had More Power?

Margie: Not really, but I do wish I could heal my pets when I.. they accidently get hurt..

Healing Powers?

Margie: I thought I had them before, but it turns out I was just taking that pain and numbing it, not healing a wound.. just taking away the pain, which isn't very effective against the squeamish..

Do You Have A Favorite "Pet"?

Margie: How rude! That's like asking a mother if she has a favorite twin! .. why would I favor one pet over the others? That's.. that's just horrible..


Margie: Hmph..

.. What Type Of Conditioner Do You Use?

Margie: I don't need to moisturize my hair, it's naturally silky and soft

What About Makeup?

Margie: Some mascara can make your eyelashes look fabulous, in my opinion..

Are You Currently Looking To Get Into A Relationship?

Margie: .. no.

Will You Be In A Relationship Soon?-

Margie: Ask Another One Of Those Question And I'll Rip Out Your Jugular Vein And Shove It Up Your Ass.


Margie: Hmph.

Do You Usually Have A Type Of "Pet" You Go For?

Margie: Not usually, there are loose connections between the pets I pick, but most of them are picked because I find them interesting

Aren't You Going Against Universal Laws?

Margie: Yes.

How Do You Go About Getting Your "Pet"?

Margie: It varies, if they're easily persuaded by greed, I have them name something they want and spawn it into existence. They're impressed so I tell them about a chance to have anything they want and, boom, I have another pet. If they've been through more trauma then I can imagine, I just lightly poke at their weak points till they break into my arms. But if they're more.. difficult, I just take them with me and break them through punishment
The same outcome comes out either way

Do You Miss Being Mortal?

Margie: Not really

Do You Usually Go For Cute Or Beautiful?

Margie: Cute, but someone's beauty never goes unnoticed by me

Will You Create Another World One Day?

Margie: Probably not, but who knows?

Do You Talk To Anyone Similar To You?

Margie: I haven't met anyone who fits under the same description as me, but they probably exist somewhere

What Do You Do When One Of Your "Pets" Gets Sick Or Dies?

Margie: Not possible.

Margie: Next question please

What Do You Do When Someone Interrupts You When You're Trying To Get Another "Pet"?

Margie: I haven't figured it out yet.. I usually just wait for another time when someone else gets involved

That Is All For This Interview, Thank You Very Much!

Margie: The pleasure is all mine, dear