In which Flame'Fur walks

11 months, 28 days ago

Ah my child, I love so much. I'm slowly trying to sort out her backstory properly bahahah. Anyway greenleaf means summer, but I'm almost certain i have called it other things in my other oneshots??? Anyway..have some drama!!

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It had been moons since she had arrived at this place, she knew that. How many moons she did not know, but it had felt like hundreds. Forever wandering in that pitch black void, she had grown used to the lack of sight. The only source of stimulation to her brain being the hard ground beneath her paws, giving way as she stepped forward. It felt tough, like rock or the earth after a particularly bad greenleaf. It was queer however, as she couldn't seem to make any impressions in it. She had tried multiple times to scratch a claw into the ground, but her claw never seemed to reach the earth. She could press down as far as she tried, as if reaching into a deep hole, and her claw would never find her target. And if she brushed a paw over the ground to feel her footprints, she found that none was their, as if she had never stepped their in the first place.

And so, she wandered. Where she was going she wasn't sure, but she knew that it would have to end eventually, right? One paw infront of the other, step by step, as she ventured further and further away from her starting point. She could only assume that she was in the dark'forest, but she had pictured it differently than what was before her. Or lack thereof. She had been told by the elders that the dark'forest was that, a forest, filled with the souls of those who disobey the warrior code and displease star'clan. A place where the warrior would forever run from their nightmares as they peeked behind trees and whispered in their ear. And yet, this place that Flame'Fur was walking through was a void of nothingness. No nightmares, no dreams. Just darkness.

She frowned, shaking her head as she walked. Was that what the elders had said? Considering how long she had been here, she wouldn't be surprised if she was remembering things wrong. Perhaps, if she tried really hard, she would remember an elder telling a young Flame'Kit about the many nightmares that awaited her in the Dark'Forest, the spittle that shot out of the old toms maw as he shook his head at the small kitten with hatred and anger, but she didn't. She could barely recall any of her kithood anymore, even her apprenticeship was exceedingly fuzzy, the line between what actually happened and what she thought happened so blurred that she would almost worry if she was losing her mind, if she had cared about that. Instead, she just walked. Her paws following along her invisible trail, her paws the only connection with anything. And she just walked

Behind her, invisible to Flame'Furs eyes, a cat of pure white light had appeared, looking at the warrior with pity and sorrow. If Flame'Fur could see, she would have seen a familiar friend hiding behind a tree, watching her as she walked. Perhaps whispering things to her as she moved forward. But she didn't, and so she kept walking, and the pure white cat was left behind, guilt climbing up her spine and making her question what was truly right and wrong.