Moon's Spring Adventure

11 months, 26 days ago

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One fine spring morning Moon was waking up from their deep slumber to the sound of birds chirping and bugs trilling. The sweet smell of the flowers outside and the cool spring air tickled their fur as then walked out of their living space into the peaceful lush garden. There were rows of fruits, Strawberries, Apples, Raspberries and Blue Berries. Some rows of lush vegetables not quite ripe; Carrots, Beets, Potatoes and Peas. The last few rows were exotic flowers of all kinds, Birds of Paradise, Hibiscus, Night Sky Petunia, and Sunflowers. As they were watering each plant, they noticed a row was unplanted! They forgot the last flower row but had no more seeds looks like they need to go visit the market. Collecting their things they hurry off to the market along the way they could not help but admire this pretty spring day; the vibrant blue sky not a cloud in sight the golden glow of the bright sun beating down on the lush vibrant green grass littered with all kinds of shades, the tall strong trees holding berries of all colors the birds singing the sounds of the busy animals trilling of the bugs who wouldn’t stop to admire this lovely sight.

After arriving Moon went to go see Darling asking about some Daisy seeds darling sadly proclaimed that the seeds were out of stock. Moon asked where in the world can they find such seeds and to Moon’s relief darling pointed them in the direction of a bright forest full of vibrant flowers, They thanked darling and hurriedly headed off to collect the seeds.

Upon arriving this task seemed harder then Moon had thought… There were way to many flowers of all kinds how in the world will Moon find their daisy’s now? There were colorful flowers whites mixed in with blues and reds, reds mixed in with yellows and oranges.. it was such a lovely sight to behold but Moon was here on a mission to find their daisy and claim the seeds for their garden and with that they took our their flower guide and started reading through the different types of flower species. From sunflowers to roses they had a book that held all UpToDate knowledge of any flower species to exist they wondered around the forest reading and pondering, searching and searching till finally! They found the page on daisy flowers they started reading “ah! White flowers with many long petals and a golden yellow core” Then the search was on they did spy many different white flowers with yellow cores but none matched the petal description.

It would have seemed like forever before they finally found the daisy flowers hidden within the red roses they went over and started scraping some seeds into a small bag finally after a good few hours of searching they can now return home to plant those seeds. But Moon decided to instead admire forest all the vibrant colors the calm relaxing feelings they gave all the butterflies and bees gathering nectar it was surely peaceful. Satisfied now Moon headed home back down that same path wanting to admire all the vibrant lushes scenery all the sweet smells the cool breeze the sounds of the streams all lovely they waved and greeted other pacapillars who were also out enjoying this wonderful spring day finally arriving back home they got their gear on and went to work planting all the seeds in the deep rich brown soil watering them so they can grow big and strong like all of the other vibrant plants in their garden.