Data Dump

11 months, 20 days ago

Mild Sexual Content

Yup, some random lore, data and important stuff about Pupper Punch ^^

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Pupper Punch has no current owner but he is no longer inside his original package so he remains in his plushie form when people are around, he only stays in his anthro form when is surrounded of his friends or other plushies.

He is a soft radical guy since that's his assigned personality, he lives in a cottage with his apple dog and some plants.


  • He smells like a fusion of sour apple and lavender
  • Plays the ukelele once in a while because his hands are too big for it:(
  • Usually he is too big for an individual bed so most of the time he will sleep above you or you above him
  • His saliva taste like apple candy
  • Finds unappealing when people touch a lot his tail
  • He is the go-between in most of the relationships and friendships he has.
  • Pupper punch is more about being a soft top, he likes to mount a lot but he is pretty calm about it

Important stuff:

  • His special characteristics are:
    - He mimics natural breathing when hugged
    - Plays a random catch-frase when his paws are pushedÂ