gay ass snow

11 months, 25 days ago
1243 2

this was written back in like,,, 2022 or smth im uploading it for archive purposes only. Ryn and Vipx enjoy the snow; oneshot, 1.2k words.

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Ryn gazed out the window, his dark eyes catching onto the falling snow before drifting back to the winter wonderland that was the forest. The white sheet sparkling among the hazy sky, a lick of sunlight shining down onto the breathtaking view. Truth be told, he hadn't seen it come down this hard since he was a kid.

His attention was soon interrupted by a familiar yet irritating voice over his shoulder.

"Yooooo frozen waters back and at it again."

"Hello to you too Vipx." Ryn grumbled, faking annoyance.

Turning around to meet Vipx, he found the surprising company of Snap as well. the cat purred in greeting, Ryn giving it an, albeit awkward, wave. 

"How did you even get in man..." Ryn started, before shaking his head "Nevermind that, why are you here? thought you had some game to catch or something."

Vipx laughed, the sound being a lot more pleasant than it should.

"Bro it's a snow day, did you expect me to just leave ya hanging here by yourself?? Nah man fuck that."

The shorter man then grinned mischievously

"...Do you wanna build a sno-"

Ryn interrupted him with a quick shove.

"Don't you fucking dare, that movie's too old to be funny."

Sparing one lingering look back to the window as Vipx cackled, he sighed. Yes. He would like to go out in the snow and play with Vipx as if they were kids, but hell if he would tell him that. He decided on grabbing Vipx's hand and just dragging him outside instead, muttering some grievances along the way as Snap lingered behind; seemingly not too fond of the icy weather.

The moment Ryn stepped outside it felt like something within him snapped. God, how long has it been since he'd seen the snow? The sudden wave of nostalgia left him starstruck, standing outside the doorway in awe as Vipx continued forward.

For the second time that day, he was quickly snapped out of his thoughts; this time by the cold bundle of snow that just collided with his jacket.

"w- HEY!" Vipx snickered, facing an aggravated Ryn while tossing another shittily made snowball in the air.

"Ohhhhh it's ON!" Ryn challenged, diving down to make some snowballs of his own while dodging the few vipx was throwing. The two went back and forth for a bit, throwing then dodging and diving down for more. One hit vipx square in the face, another making contact with Ryn's neck. 

The game only escalated after Ryn had thrown a snowball with a rock in it by accident, and vipx started using his newly found wings to blow the snow off the ground and straight into Ryn's direction. Ryn sputtered,

"Two can play at that game." he muttered playfully, grabbing a bucket of ice collie seemed to have left out beforehand. 

Something about the forest animals going thirsty? Ryn wasn't listening too much when she explained it. Didn't matter anyways, as he tossed the bucket's contents at Vipx and rewinded the time just enough to leave the other completely drenched. 

Luckily before things could get out of hand, Vipx slipped while trying to stuff a snowball down Ryn's jacket, knocking the both of them over and onto the soft sheet of snow that layered the ground. Ryn gasped at the surprised impact, only to begin to laugh with Vipx at the surprising turn of events. The two lay there for a while before the laughter finally subsided, and the forest was filled with a peaceful silence. 

Ryn made no attempt to move, and looking down at the warm body that lay atop his it seemed vipx didn't plan on it either. Ryn was oddly fine with that, choosing to study his friend instead. The ever falling snow had started to gather on his hair, leaving it speckled with white dots, the grey streaks standing out even more among the lighter colors. The matching feathers from his wings draped over the both of them, tickling Ryns' arm as they created a blanket of blinding contrast to the white sky, the feathers ruffled and covered in snowflakes of their own.

Had vipx always been this warm? Ryn couldn't remember. He could have sworn he felt the beating of vipx's heart through his entire being, drowning out the sounds of nature that surrounded them; or was that his own? 

Ryn was warm. Really warm. Which was strange, considering the freezing air around him and the icy snow that lay beneath him. Not to mention the fact that vipx was still dripping from the water earlier. He felt his face heat up as vipx practically nuzzled into his chest.

He was talking.

Oh shit vipx was talking.

Something about hot chocolate? that sounded pretty good actually. Ryn should really listen to him now, but suddenly it felt as if everything finally caught up to him. He felt awkward, as if he should be doing something right now. His hands felt stiff at his sides, he wanted to move them but he wasn't sure where he'd put them. Vipxs chatter died down, Ryn meeting his eyes. The inhuman mix of green and purple seemed to practically glitter in the white terrain, his pupils practically dilating. 

"Uh- yeah i didn't catch any of that man." he admitted, as Vipx huffed.

"Bro I just asked if you wanted to go in and get some hot chocolate. 

Like, dont get me wrong cuddling fuckin slaps and all just might not be all that great once your dumbass catches the big freeze."

His brows furrowed as Ryn tried to make sense of the usual ramble.

"D. Did you just call hypothermia 'the big freeze?!?'" 

Vipx grinned in response, before finally getting up and offering a hand down at Ryn in invitation. He found himself almost missing the contact before shaking it off.

Ryn waved off vipx and helped himself up, as the two made their way back inside. Ryn wasn't sure how long they spent out there, but by the way he found himself shivering it was definitely too long. He sat down at a nearby bench, taking off his shoes and somehow soggy socks. He looked down at his shirt, somewhat wet from where vipx was laying on him, and decided he'd change it later.

 His gaze snapped over to the other side of the room where a small bundle of fur snoozed, the speckled pelt moving up and down with the cat's breath as it drifted off. He smiled softly at the wholesome sight. He always liked Snap, and hoped to spend more time with the young cat in the future.

Looking back up he was met with vipx extending a warm cup, holding an identical one in his other hand. He was wearing new clothes too, bundled up in a tan hoodie along with some grey sweatpants. Ryn wonders when he had the time to change, or even where he got the clothes. He took the cup gratefully, as Vipx sat down next to him. They stayed like that for a peaceful moment, drinking their hot chocolate and just taking in the others presence. An odd occurrence considering their usual interactions, but one that would only become more frequent. 

"That was pretty gay though, you have to admit."

Vipx had a shit eating grin on his face as Ryn shoved him off, their usual banter resuming as the sun started to set and the snowfall stalled.