Data Dump

11 months, 18 days ago

Yup, some random lore, data and important stuff about Ikimono

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Ikimono is a Japanese demon, it is an anxious and fast creature that lets out screams only at night, the lights on its back legs are capable of vibrating to the rhythm of the music. It has no ancestry and offspring since it was created from a fire caused by a carnival, it is mainly dedicated to putting out fires and it has only been seen at large parties.


  • Smells like fallen autumn leaves
  • When they scream it sounds like it has autotune their voice
  • Doesn't really need to eat often but his diet consists of fruit and small animals
  • Ze sleeps in a cave most of the year
  • Animals find it terrifying so they don't get very close
  • Ze is able to reproduce but since theres no other similar species where it lives he can't left offspring
Important stuff:

  • He is made out of %60 percent water
  • Ze could die if he drinks alcohol or eat onions since it pollute its body
  • Puppy behavior