True meets the new river'clan leader

11 months, 22 days ago

teehee, this is supposed to be set a few moons after the culling and a moon after the plague, but i sort of wrote it as if the culling and the plague had just happened so oops

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True'Star cantered through the forest with a troubled gait. His own thoughts were so terribly loud in his mind, and despite it being multiple days since Star'Clan had left him he was still not used to just how quiet his brain felt, and how loud his own thoughts were. He found that he was having trouble thinking clearly, and any decisions that he needed to make he kept putting off as the idea of making a wrong choice terrified him more than making no choice. He had still been having his dreams, it seemed that despite Star'Clan no longer physically being with him they were still very active in his subconscious. Soon, as he was thinking, he had arrived at his destination. With a flick of his tail he silently alerted the others behind him to slow and stop short of the lip of the clearing. Down below he could see the familiar site of four trees, a plethora of cats sitting in and around the large mangled old oak that sat in the middle of the area. He could spot from his seat the leaders of Wind'Clan and Thunder'Clan chatting happily along with eachother, both looking cheerful and pleasant despite the exhausted story that their eyes told. To the left, True'Star could see another feline, which was confusing. The only cats who sat in the Old Tree were the leaders, so to have any other cats sitting there was very rare indeed. This cat was pure white, save for the places where it looked almost pink and hairless. On his head he had a large bandage of leaves covering With a quick flick of a paw, True'Star and the rest of Shadow'Clan made their way down into the clearing, filling one of the two spaces that had been left. Behind him he could hear the delighted chatter that his clan had with their friends from the other clans, but his mind was set on climbing the Old Tree and sitting in his place beside the other leaders, and random cat. The two leaders grew quiet as he leapt onto the branch, their eyes showing confusion at the absence of the previous leader. True'Star simply nodded respectfully, opening his mouth to speak when he was cut off by a voice behind him. He turned in confusion as the tom that he had seen sitting on the branch beside him had stood up, and was talking to the cats in the gathering. He was even more surprised when he said what his name was. Torn'Star? Star?! He was the river'clan leader? True shook his head, trying to suppress his shock-stricken face. He almost felt relieved. The idea of having culled ALL of river'clan was not what he had truly wanted, so to know that some had survived the plague was a true blessing from Star'Clan. Evidently some of river'clan was still worthy of saving. But just how many? He looked down into the crowd of cats as the river'clan leader talked, his eyes scanning their exhausted and terrified faces below. He couldn't see any other river'clan cats. Perhaps this leader was the last of the clan. Kept alive by Star'Clan simply to tell their tale and give the clans a warning of what will happen to them if they become like river'clan. He looked back toward the river'clan leader as he sat down, half of his face hidden behind a thick mask of leaves and webs. Perhaps he wasn't so lucky afterall. Regardless, river'clan had survived, despite everything that they did, which truly shows just how merciful the Old'Ones are. If they can spare a cat from a clan which had turned its back on Them, then they can spare any clan. True'Star sat straighter, nodding toward Willow'Star as she finished her speech, it was time to announce his new leadership, and the great culling that had occurred in his clan.