Patrol: Peewee Meadow (1)

11 months, 9 days ago

Your Pokemon scour the Peewee Meadow, when they encounter a loner Crustle/Basic trying to push a heavy boulder by themselves. They explain that they are trying to move the rock to access their burrow, since the boulder fell on top of it during a nasty thunderstorm. The loner asks if you can spare some of your strongest warriors to help them move it! What will you do?

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Chirppaw walked along the boarder, smearing berries on the rocks when it notices the Crustle. He walks up to it, tilting his head. “Hey… do you need some help?” The Crustle turns around looking frantic. “Yeah, This boulder just fell onto my burrow last night during the thunderstorm” Chirppaw looked at the boulder, it was huge. He gulped and put his paws against the rock and pushed. The Crustle pushed alongside him but they just weren’t strong enough. Chirppaw looked around for any of his denmates who could help, but his mentor was off marking the territory on the other side and he remembered none of his denmates came wif on the patrol. Suddenly it hit him. He could use Confusion! He wasn’t strong enough to use Psychic yet so it was the next best thing. He tried and the boulder barely lifted off the ground. The Crustle looked on wif hopeful eyes. The boulder fell back down but Chirppaw wasn’t going to give up. He tried again and this time the boulder lifted higher! He focused really hard and slowly but surely moved the boulder to the side, after he felt it had moved enough he let go of it and it slammed onto the ground. The Crustle was ecstatic. It ran into its burrow and quickly reappeared and held out some berries to chirppaw. “Thank you so much! I hope you’ll accept these berries as a gift for helping me!” Chirppaw gladly accepted the berries, these would help feed the clan for sure! He waved to The Crustle and started to head back towards his mentor, he was really excited to tell them about how he moved a boulder all by himself, and to share the berries wif them. He felt amazing for helping out the loner today