
11 months, 25 days ago
11 months, 23 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 11 months, 25 days ago

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Autumn Breeze

The scent of autumn perpetually hangs off of Momiji’s form as though he is the embodiment of the season itself ; of cinnamon, pumpkins, and freshly fallen leaves.

Spanning across his side, rich crimson leaves dance as though carried on the wind, matching the hue of his eyes. He is soft-spoken and kindhearted, and he is most often seen with a warm smile gracing his features.

His abode of choice is a maple grove, and it is these trees from which he received his name- more specifically, the turn of seasons, in which the leaves change to a brilliant shade of crimson.

The voice of the very earth itself seems to speak to him, and he can often be found lost in thought as he meanders through the wilderness, listening to the breeze rustle through the grass and the trees.

A drifter by nature, he is loath to remain in one place for too long.

Of course, while wandering the world, one comes across many different obstacles- be it nature itself through rain and storm, or something as simple as finding a place to stop and rest to escape the weather- be it an inn, or the shade and protection of a sturdy tree.

Momiji’s favorite food is the fish he catches himself, whenever he arrives at a coastal town. Hours are spent resting on the beach, his eyes focused on the bobber as it sways on the water ; and when he catches enough, he roasts them over an open flame and seasons them with spices purchased from the town.

While some would take issue with such an existence, moving from place to place so often without a building to take shelter in, Momiji takes great joy in just being able to enjoy nature and the freedom that being a wanderer brings him.