Before Cecily's Blessing

5 years, 1 month ago
5 years, 1 month ago
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Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 1 month ago

Cecily is a proud taunter about being an Annie; previous humans who were blessed by various nature spirits. But no one knows what was of her before she became an Annie. Come now and read through this like an old maiden's tale. Hopefully this shall not leave you shortsighted.

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Author's Notes

To non-Anniverse readers: within the closed species, national names like American eagle miss the first letter on purpose. (ie: Merican eagle)

Chapter 1

The Dearest in a Pen

btbs_animated.gif,,I was so young and so, so small. I was nothing like the blessing I eventually had gotten. I was not strong. I was but a foolish daredevil, ready to take on what she thought was the world.'' Cecily thought with a searching look in her eyes. ''It was an icy afternoon, close to the four hours of light which is when my family would go out to take care of the farms. It was still snowing, but a commotion and a peek from the open door made me hop out of my home and run to save our youngest Cottish Highlander mother and her young who were being growled at by a small dog. Ofcourse, it wasn't a fierce battle; but for my small, young self it was the ultimate testament of redefining bravery. My mother, with her big coat and red curls wrapped around her face, yelled after me to come back as I'd obviously get hurt and sick, but I ran so far I couldn't hear my beloved mum anymore. I scared away the dog, chasing it until it was far out of sight. I looked back, and without a shadow of a doubt a light was glaring back at me. And I a_bb_and_a_cow_animated.gif?width=504&hefelt something switch; something within me changed, and it ticked on, like no ordinary clock. Since that day, I was empowered; I changed. I could only stand still for a moment, as I was overtaken with the gleaming feeling like the sunshine. Silent, and in awe, I stared down as I felt my heart beat with this newfound source of energy and motivation. Something in me reflected my human self in a new, inhuman way.'' Cecily pondered if she could think about anything else to describe how she felt. ''..I feel that is all I could describe it as. It was just like a path leading to something I didn't know, but I would die to find out.'' She smiled to her listeners, patting the head full with lovely white hair with black ears towering on it. ''It's different for everyone, ofcourse..but that's how it went for me, at least. Now, I couldn't quite ask my family if they had such a strange sensation too. I knew it certainly was something beyond human minds, that they could only comprehend once given to them. And so far, it was only given to me.''

Something in me reflected my human self in a new, inhuman way.