Bay‘s Pride Story Telling

Bay Show More
11 months, 24 days ago
11 months, 24 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 11 months, 24 days ago

Purely Bay telling Lost and a few others pride stories He may tell his own story at some point

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ALL names listed are fake names, that or nicknames so ya

IRL pride stories

Blinding sunlight shone down on the sandy beach as the foamy white waves swished this way and that, fish flung themselves over the water every so often just to get a glance at the sun‘s blinding rays. Once in a while a bird would swoop down from overhead as quick as it could and snatch up a fish or two in its beak. Laying, amongst the sand, was a goldfish shaped towel with a little being laying upon it.

“So, you wanna hear all the writers‘ pride stories?“ The yellowish orange Jellocat purred whilst he messed with a little toy fish he’d just spawned out of thin air, „Well, I may as well share my human‘s story as well! It doesn’t really start great, but I can assure you, it does get better in the end!“ Bay grinned as he recalled what his human had told him.

“She never considered themself Hetero, not at any point in his life not even when they were a wee little human kit. Sie always said they’d never have a boyfriend, nor a girlfriend because she just didn’t even ever have any crushes on anyone, it wasn’t until he’d been about done with elementary school that she started to realize she really cared about two people. Those two were his best friends of now three years who meant absolutely everything to them, and they just so happened to be a male and a female.” Apparently tired of playing with the googly eyed blue, white, and green striped fish, Bay smacked its tail hard, so hard that the fish itself went flying into Bay‘s jello and joined the other toy fishies and seashells. Bay shook his head and continued on with a grin, “It truly hurt her when she lost both of those friends not even a few months later, to someone who’d almost begged my human to be his valentine on Valentine’s Day. She didn’t even know what he’d meant until it’d been too late and already lost one of those two loved ones…“ Bay glanced at the sand now blowing onto his paws for a moment before trudging on, “During their middle school years, the horrid thing we all know as Covid-19 had been going on, so by mid middle school, she ended up in online school, suddenly she had more and more time to do her own research and came to realize he was Bi! What a surprise, not really- Along with that, they thought they were demiromantic, as she’d only ever loved his two best friends. My human told hir friends the news and they all accepted her as they were, even her lover who didn’t really seem to care and broke up with my human not long after.” Bay chuckled, “Lost, my human, didn’t even care when he did!”

“Sadly, that same mid middle school year, Lost brought up the courage to come out to her family, and in one of the most creative ways possible. Lost drew a picture. That picture showed her and a canine of sorts sitting on the edge of a cliff with a bisexual colored moon in the background. At the bottom of the paper it read, “I just did this as a form of coming out to all of you, telling you all that I’m Bisexual.“ After about a week of said paper hanging up outside her door, Lost decided to write ‘LOOK AT THIS ->‘ on another paper and taped it right next to the other one on hir door.“ The Jello on Bay’s face slowly started to melt and droop down towards the fishy towel, “Lost had hoped it go at least a tiny bit well, but it didn’t. His mother had found the paper on his door while Lost was currently in an online class, her mother read the paper then turned and asked what Lost had meant on the paper, hoping it didn’t say what she thought it did. When Lost explained what it’d said, their mother got mad and started crying, she just rushed over and closed Lost‘s laptop and started asking why in the world this had to happen to her, Lost‘s younger brother ended up walking in questioning what was going on, then saw the paper his mother was holding in her hands and proceeded to then rip it up. By the time they both left Lost had been crying as well, but then later on in the day when Lost‘s father came back from work, he told Lost that he just wants her to be happy and that he’ll love ‚em no matter what. Her father accepting her was just about the one good thing that happened that day because Lost‘s mother had been pregnant at the time that they’d told her, and a few hours after that she ended up losing the baby-” Bay took a breath in to calm his nerves and his thoughts, then pushed on,

“By the time Lost reached their last year of middle school, they found out about asexuality and aromanticism, and it seemed that everyone in the school thought that Lost was the one that’d broken up with her now ‘ex’. After learning about asexuality and aromanticism, they realized that they were instead Aroflux because by this time, sie ended up falling for another person, and they didn’t even know him that long and thus, Aroflux came around as they realized they’d been reciproromantic when (Lost forgot his name but person 1) asked them to be his valentine. I was ecstatic when Lost came to tell me that they actually liked, and later on, loved, Noki (lover). In this final year of middle school, Lost made many close friends that would soon end up going to the same high school as her next year, also ended up realizing that one of those friends was a little Genderfluid wreck who helped Lost find out that they were Genderfluid as well! Now, let’s continue trudging on towards where Lost‘s pride story currently ends as this is where they currently are in life, of course their pride story never will actually end, and neither will anyone else’s ever end because every day of life just adds onto their pride stories.” Bay curled up on the towel and thought for a moment, “How about we continue Lost‘s story after a break- I need at least a five-minute long nap.” And so here we now wait for Bay to wake himself back up, who knows when he’ll get up, but we’d better hope he gets up within the next hour or so and jumps back into Lost‘s story from where he left us off. The news reporter who’d crept up on Bay earlier purely to ask the question about Lost‘s story, now seemingly bored of staring into Bay‘s jello, got up and ran off, flapping their hands until they reached the ocean where they plopped down and splashed in the water until Bay woke up.

An eternity later, the sun was already dipping low in the sky, the reporter was tired of staring at the sea, and still Bay remained asleep. Having been done with waiting for over five hours, the reporter gazed around the water for a little silver fish, as soon as they found it, they lunged towards it and raced towards Bay with it in hand, “WAKE UPPPP!“ They screeched as they launched the fish into Bay‘s jello, who in turn merely twitched in his sleep. “WHYYYYYYYY??????” The reporter just about had it with the Jellocat and decided to bend down to the side of Bay and start poking him repeatedly in the face. “I don wanna..” Bay murmured in his sleep as the reporter kept poking at him. “Leeettt meeeee sleeeeep..” “Waaaaaaakeeeee uppppp then you can sleep as long as you liiikeeeeee.”

At that, Bay suddenly shot up, wide awake and licked his left paw then started to clean his jello, “Alrighty let’s get back to the story! Where’d we leave off again? End of middle, start of High?“ The reporter nodded their head with a soft smile, “Well, Lost‘s first year in high school was a grand mess, she made many more friends this year, and all of them were amazing. As were the teachers, amazing, funny, and just absolutely chaotic! As time went on and on, Lost joined a pride club in her school, there she found about five of her friends, all of them who came out about as easily as anything, this was where they felt that they belonged. All throughout the school year, Lost‘s friends kept coming out and being accepted by their friends, sometimes their families. One of those friends that came out to her family and was accepted, was Jo, a demigirl and bisexual, her grandmother just said she’d accept her as she was and love them no matter what. There were a whole lot of bisexuals, asexuals, that one gay friend who got his boyfriend kicked out of existence for cheating on him, there was a whole lot going on- Lost‘s entire friend group was an lgbtq+ pile and they were barely just now realizing it. Hah, clearly sometimes lgbt folk are indeed attracted to others, just like magnets. Sort of. But then, one of his friends mentioned Lost being Bi to Noki, there’d been a whole lot of worrying and crying the entire day, but after a long while, Noki came to realize there was no reason to fear, and he accepted Lost as they are.” Bay rolled over on the towel and glanced up at the reporter, “Pet me if you want me to continueeee!” The reporter grumbled something under their breath, but did end up petting the cat who seemed all too happy at the reporters reaction, “Noki’s been there for Lost for about two years now, and Lost‘s been there for him, honestly all that I keep hearing from Lost’s friends are that they’re a great couple and I agree with that statement! They both love each other as they are for who they are. I wish I could meet some jello like that.. And now I’m sounding like the friend who mentioned to Noki that Lost was Bi- AH WELL, I’ll meet someone some day. Oh and right! Lost is all kinds of open about being who they are to their friends and literally anyone who asks, they accept themself and others as they are and loves everyone for it.” Bay let out a sigh of relief, “And that’s the current end of Lost‘s pride journey, along with a few others. Hope you enjoyed listening in on their story, if you want I can literally tell you about Lost‘s cousins!” The reporter just stood there and glanced at the time, “I think we have time for a few more stories?“ “Great!“ Bay rolled back over and tucked his paws under his chest and body, “Well, one of Lost‘s cousins is AroAce, he’s never felt any sort of attraction towards anyone at all in his years of living, like Lost‘s AroAce friend, and Lost‘s cousin never had a problem with it! He just always said he’d do his best in life and get himself an amazing education and just exist happily. Another one of Lost‘s cousins is gaaayyy, like meeeeeee, and when he was still in school, he was literally invited to go meet the president because of how intelligent he was, well that’s what his mother and father told us-“ Bay laughed softly as he kept remembering Lost‘s friends and families lgbt stories, “Here’s a tidbit of another friends pride story! Lost currently has a friend of about four years, that friend has been around since the start of middle school and for the longest time, she’s said that she’d just rather have a happy life surrounded by a billion dogs she calls her kids, she’s had about two people confess their love to her, and not even known what to say in return because I guess she never shared those feelings for either of them. Just how many Aros, Aces, Bi’s, and Gays are in the friend group-” Bay chuckled at the thought as the reporter laid down in the sand next to Bay and looked up to find the moon rising high into the night sky, “We all have our own pride stories, and they’re all amazing in their own little ways. NOW LET ME SLEEP!“ Bay playfully hissed as he batted at the reporter‘s face, “BE GONEE!