
11 months, 22 days ago

Severus and Lily have a big fight and Rowan cops the aftermath

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Author's Notes

Sixth year

Severus trudged back to the Slytherin dormitory, his heart heavy with frustration and grief. His fight with Lily had been brutal, filled with harsh words and accusations that cut deep. The weight of his own thoughtless words hung heavily upon him as he replayed the argument in his mind.

As he entered his dormitory, his eyes fell upon Rowan, lounging on his bed engrossed in some novel. With a sudden surge of anger, Severus stormed towards him.

"Oh hello! What's, uh, what's up Sev?" Rowan asked, taken aback by the intensity radiating from his friend.

Severus clenched his fists, his voice seething with sarcasm. "Oh, nothing much. Just wondering if you could pry yourself from your daydreams to lend a listening ear for my pathetic grievances, I suppose."

Rowan's gaze softened, concern etching lines on his face. "Sit down Sev," he said gently while sitting up himself and patting the covers next to him.

Severus stood still for a moment, having an internal battle to either sit down with Rowan or to hex him out of frustration and storm out. Finally he decided on the former, he'd already lost one friendship today, best not risk another.

When Severus was fully settled next to Rowan, back against the headboard, Rowan asked in almost a whisper, "What happened?"

A wave of bitterness washed over Severus, his voice laced with pain. "It's Lily, she called me out for my interest with the Dark Arts and questioned my choice in friends, and I... I retaliated. Called her a mudblood. And now she refuses to ever speak to me again."

Rowan's eyes widened with disbelief. "Merlin's beard, Severus! Lily means the world to you, you've been friends for years."

Severus tipped his head back and looked up, trying to will away the tears threatening to start. "I know, Rowan. I've made the biggest mistake of my life. I wish I could take back that cursed word, but the damage is done."

Rowan's voice softened with understanding. "Surely she will come around if you apologise?"

Severus barked out a laugh, his sorrowful eyes meeting Rowan's gaze. "You didn't see her face. I fear nothing I say could undo the damage I've done."