A Safe Space

11 months, 7 days ago

Rowan shares his favourite part of the castle with Severus

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Author's Notes

End of fifth year

Rowan couldn't contain his excitement as he led Severus up the winding staircase to the seventh floor of Hogwarts. He had a secret spot to share with Severus, a place where they could escape the chaos of the castle and indulge in their shared love for magic and potion brewing.

With a mischievous grin, Rowan stopped in front of a seemingly ordinary stretch of wall. He swept his arms out grandly, "Here we are, Sev," he whispered, excitement bubbling in his voice. "Prepare to be amazed."

Curiosity flickered in Severus' dark eyes as he surveyed the bare wall. "What exactly is supposed to be amazing me, Rowan? It looks like any other corridor in the castle."

Rowan chuckled, reveling in the anticipation. "Just watch," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He paced back and forth in front of the wall, his mind focused on one specific image— an enchanted room, custom-made to be perfect for the both of them.

As he neared the spot for the third time, a door materialized before them, ornate and grand, as if plucked from the pages of an ancient storybook. Rowan beamed with pride, eagerly gesturing for Severus to enter.

Severus took a hesitant step forward, eyeing the door warily. "What did you do, Rowan?" he asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice.

Rowan's grin widened. "You'll see!" he replied barely holding back bouncing in excitement. "Just go in!"

Pushing the door open, Severus stumbled back in awe. To one side sat a number of large cauldrons, with potions ingredients and ancient tomes adorning the shelves behind them. It was a dream come true for any budding potion master. The opposite side was Rowans usual study, filled with shelves of books and a pair of comfortable armchairs by a crackling fire. Finally in the centre of the room was a large open space with practice dummies lined up like toy soldiers.

Severus turned to Rowan, a mixture of surprise and delight on his face. "Is this- is this the Room of Requirement? I've heard of it, but I've never been able to find it, assumed it was just another rumor." he confessed. "You're a genius! How did you find it? It's spectacular."

Rowan's heart swelled with happiness. "I knew you'd love it," he said, wrapping an arm around Severus. "I found it when I was trying to find somewhere quiet to study a couple of days ago. Now we can study and practice in peace."

Severus gave him a mock glare at Rowan's arm over his shoulder, his trademark scowl softening. "Just remember, Rowan," he said, a hint of playfulness in his voice, "we'll have to keep this a secret from everyone else. Especially that insufferable Potter and his mutt Black."

Rowan laughed, pulling Severus further into the room. "Don't worry," he said. "I wasn't going to tell anyone other than you."

And so, within the hidden depths of the Room of Requirement, the two budding wizards embarked on a journey of potion making, spell casting, and secret adventures. Their laughter and camaraderie echoed through the enchanted walls, a reminder that even in the darkest corners of Hogwarts, friendship could thrive.