A Bet

11 months, 21 days ago

Wine is stolen and a bet is made

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Author's Notes

Sixth year

In the dimly lit corner of the castle, Severus and Rowan found themselves huddled together, Rowan's giggles and Severus' insistent shushing echoing through the empty corridor. The stolen cooking wine sloshed in the bottle they passed between them.

Severus, with his sharp features and sarcastic demeanor, watched as Rowan, his boyfriend, took another sip, the liquid leaving a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. Rowan, a Slytherin known for his quiet confidence, was rarely this noisy, but under the influence of the stolen indulgence, he seemed to radiate an inner light.

"Sevvvv," Rowan slurred, a playful smile curling upon his lips. "You know, I bet you can't keep me quiet."

Severus cocked an ammused eyebrow, studying Rowan's flushed face. "Oh, really? And what would be the wager?"

Rowan moved closer, the scent of wine on his breath intoxicating Severus further. "If you can silence me, I'll do whatever you want."

Severus knew it was a dangerous game, being caught here, but the allure of Rowan's challenge proved irresistible. In a moment of recklessness, he grabbed Rowan by the collar, pulling him into a deep and passionate kiss, their lips melding together.

Just as their desires ignited, footsteps echoed down the corridor, forcing them to break apart. Panic gripped Severus's heart as he hastily wiped his mouth, his mind racing to find an excuse.

The approaching figures belonged to Regulus Black and Samantha Rightington, the Slytherin prefects on their nightly rounds. Severus's heart pounded, fearing they would discover their secret rendezvous.

As the figures grew closer, Severus swiftly tucked the bottle behind his back, his eyes pleading with Rowan to keep quiet. His fingers trembled against the cool glass as he hoped for a miracle.

Samantha's sharp gaze briefly flickered towards them, her lips parting as if to form a question. But then, seemingly without reason, Regulus' urged her forward, his voice mingling with the distant sound of their footsteps.

Severus exhaled the breath he had been holding, his eyes wide with relief. Rowan, his face now pale and speechless, stared at Severus, his expression a cocktail of emotions.

The incident had passed, but it lingered within their shared gaze. It spoke of the secret they now held, the forbidden public kiss they had shared, and the uncharted territory that lay ahead.

Rowan started giggling again, "And Lily thinks Regulus is a dick head!" Severus to snorted in amusement and stood up, dragging a wobbly Rowan with him back to their dormitory.

Days turned into weeks, and Severus and Rowan continued to meet at night, though in more secluded hiding spots. They reveled in their stolen moments, tasting the thrill of young romance and the weight of their shared secret.

Author's Notes

Idk if Regulus was ever prefect but it seems like something he would get much to Sirius' annoyance