
11 months, 19 days ago

Rowan tries to figure Severus out

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Author's Notes

First year - set directly after "A Favor"

Rowan couldn't help but be captivated by Severus. Every time they were in the same space, Rowan found his eyes drawn to him, studying his features with an admiring gaze. It didn't matter if they were in class, in the common room, or even at meals - Severus was like a magnet, pulling Rowan's attention towards him.

Severus, on the other hand, was growing increasingly perplexed by Rowan's incessant staring. He just couldn't understand what Rowan was staring at. Ever since their trip into the Forbidden Forrest, Rowan had been staring at him constantly. Severus upped his snide remarks and gruff demeanor to try and get Rowan to leave him alone, but it never worked. Severus had always kept others at arm's length, but Rowan seemed to simply not care.

One day, as they found themselves alone in the potions classroom packing up, Severus finally confronted Rowan. "What is your problem?" Severus snapped, his black eyes narrowing in annoyance.

Startled, Rowan blurted out, "I... I'm sorry. It's just that... I can't help but be fascinated by you. You're like this enigma, and I can't figure you out."

Severus raised an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and curiosity crossing his face. "You find me fascinating? Why?"

Rowan took a step closer, his voice tinged with sincerity. "There's something about you, Severus. You may try to push people away, but you're actually a good person. I see someone who's misunderstood, someone who's hiding their true self."

Severus leaned against the worktable, studying Rowan intently. Finally he sighed and his defensive walls started to crumble slightly, revealing the vulnerability that lay beneath. "And what if you don't like what you find once you get to know me better?"

Rowan smiled, his eyes twinkling with warmth. "Severus, I'm willing to take that risk. I think there's more to you than meets the eye, and I want to find out."

In that moment, the tension between them dissolved, replaced by a shared understanding. Their connection deepened as they spent more time together, supported by a newfound trust and blossoming affection.

As the school year came to an end, Rowan and Severus found themselves sitting by the Black Lake, under the warm sun, conversation flowing easily.

Rowan turned to Severus, his voice slightly shaky. "Promice you'll write over the summer break?"

Severus smirked, "Sure, though I doubt anything I do in Spinners End will be all that interesting to read about."

Rowan smiled sadly, "I'll be the judge of that. Besides getting any letters from you will definitely be a highlight for my break. We don't tend to do much at home either."

Severus looked back over the lake and scarcasticly joked, "Well then I suppose we shall have to see who can send the most mundane, average letters shant we?"