
11 months, 18 days ago

Rowan voulenteers as guinea pig

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Author's Notes

Sixth year

Severus stared anxiously at the sleeping form of his friend, Rowan, who lay on the bed in their Slytherin dormitory. It had been over three days since he had taken Severus' latest creation, a potent sleeping draught. The potion had been meant to put the body into a temporary stasis, allowing for deep rest and rejuvenation. But this... this was not what Severus had intended.

He paced back and forth, his mind swirling with worry. Had he miscalculated the dosage? Had something gone wrong during the brewing process? A knot of guilt formed in his stomach. Rowan had volunteered to be the test subject, his trust in Severus's potion-making skills unwavering.

The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by Severus's muttered ramblings as he examined the potion's notes scattered on the desk. He glanced towards Rowan, his face etched with panic and regret. His sarcastic and defensive demeanor had melted away, replaced by genuine concern.

"I can't believe I did this," Severus whispered, his voice laced with self-blame. "Rowan, wake up. Please, wake up."

Severus had barely slept the last few days, consumed by his guilt and growing desperation. He watched as Rowan lay motionless, his chest rising and falling in a calming rhythm. But it wasn't enough. Severus needed to see his friend awake, to know that he was alright.

And then, almost as if a cruel joke had been played, Rowan's eyes fluttered open. His gaze met Severus, who rushed to his side, his emotions overwhelming him. Relief washed over his features, mingled with traces of lingering fear and worry.

"Rowan," Severus choked out, his voice thick with unshed tears. "You're awake. Thank Merlin."

A faint smile tugged at Rowan's lips. He struggled to sit up, still groggy from the prolonged sleep. "What's the big fuss about?" he asked, his voice heavy with sleepiness.

Severus couldn't help but laugh, a mixture of joy and exasperation. "You slept for over three days. I thought I had messed up the potion. I thought you were never going to wake up."

Rowan's eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of concern crossing his face. "You were worried about me?"

Severus nodded, his voice softening. "Of course, I was."

Rowan chuckled, "Yeah okay, more like worried someone would come asking questions if I slept through to the start of term."

Severus scowled at Rowan's dismissive attitude to everything, the seriousness of what had happened, Severus' distress, Merlin even his own safety. "You don't honestly think that lowly of me do you?" Severus spat.

Startled, Rowan sat up straighter and met Severus' eyes, "Of course not Sev, I'm just trying to find the lighter side of the situation. Sorry."

Severus sighed and lay down on Rowan's bed next to him, suddenly feeling exhausted. "I'm going to pass out now I think," he mummbled.

Rowan couldn't resist one last joke as he lay back down, happy to cuddle and go back to sleep, "so... would you like a potion to help you sleep?"

Severus slapped him in the arm before finally getting some rest.