[WoR] World Fair 2023: Biggest Vegetable

11 months, 14 days ago

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Contrary to the name, produce of all types are welcome in this competition to see who can grow the largest! Stands displaying their colossal cabbages and gigantuan eggplants take up a good portion of the fair, and your Reosean is welcome to bring something along! Draw or write about your Reosean and their chosen fruit / vegetable on display.

Individual Submission by Mechanic-Drone


Bellona 15531 | [S-T3] Cereos 7928 | Makroah 16049

Loud and excited voices spread through the crowd of the world fair. The fruit and vegetable contest, though rather dull sounding, seemed to have quite the turnout! Tables on tables were filled with all sorts of exotic, but most importantly, huge fruits and vegetables. Behind each stood a proud owner who had nursed their plant to the giant it had become, all doing so in hopes of winning first place. 

As the tables continued down though, there seemed to be less than ideal specimens to judge. Larger ones with blemishes, smaller ones that made you question why they even entered it in the first place. Near the edge of it all stood three vayrons, each with a pitiful looking fruit from each of their home countries. 

The smallest of the three, Bellona, hailed from the deserts of Thedale, and she presented a small yet well loved cactus with small fruits budding off of it.  Makroah, a dark brown pelted puller hailing from Warrenfell had a more traditional plant, showing off a decent sized pumpkin. The third, Cereos, was also from Warrenfell though he brought along a large watermelon instead. 

The three seemed out of place in the contest. By normal means their entries were larger than average, but surrounded by the gargantuan plants that were entering they looked tiny. However that didn’t stop the three from smiling with pride at their well cared for crops.

“You know, I don’t expect to win, but I would love to at least rank somewhere higher than last place.” Makroah spoke up, his voice breaking through the murmuring of the crowd. 

Bellona nodded her head, ignoring the fellow contestants snickering at their small fruits, “I’m sure we’ll at least be recognized by how well cared for our fruits are. Not a single one has blemishes or bruises, even after traveling all this way to get here!” She spoke with pride, gently patting her cacti just soft enough to not be impaled by it. 

“I don’t know guys, I really think I have a shot!” Cereos boasted. Of the three he definitely had the most impressive fruit, but the question would be if it was enough. 

The other two nodded encouragingly towards their friend. Though their own odds didn’t look good maybe, just maybe, he could place at the very least high. 

The crowd around began to hush as three vayrons approached, each holding a clipboard to take notes: the judges. Makroah gulped as they began with his pumpkin. Their eyes seemed to narrow as they examined every inch and crease it had. They wrapped all sorts of tape measures around it, and without a word they walked off towards Bellona. 

Bellona stressed out a bit but let out a warm smile to the emotionless judges. They looked at the cactus and without even doing any further inspections continued onto Cereos. Their lack in care for Bellona’s cactus told her all she needed to know. 

Cereos stood tall and proud by his melon. The judges seemed most intrigued by his entry and seemed to spend much more time jotting down notes and measuring it repeatedly. After a bit they gave Cereos a nod and continued on to the next entry. 

The trio looked at one another, both Makroah and Cereos proud but poor Bellona looked heart broken that they hadn’t even tried to take notes on her entry. The boys walked over to her and gently patted her shoulders, “Hey it’s ok, there is always next year right?”

Bellona let out a weak sniffle before she walked up to her plant and gently hugged the pot, the only safe spot on it, “It’s ok buddy, I still love you anyways you don’t have to be grand or fancy for me.”

Makroah and Cereos frowned at their distraught friend, it was a shame they hadn’t at least tried to humor her, though with how many entries there were they didn’t necessarily blame the judges either. 

With one last sniff Bellona raised herself to her feet once more, looking back towards her friends with brighter eyes, "Well let's at least go to the board to find out the results once the judges finish. I may not have won but you two still have a chance!" 

With that the group hurried over towards the result board, excitedly waiting for the judges to finish and get the results.

[729 Words]